What have single-molecule studies taught us about gene expression? Huimin Chen and Daniel R. Larson Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA

The production of a single mRNA is the result of many sequential steps, from docking of transcription factors to polymerase initiation, elongation, splicing, and, finally, termination. Much of our knowledge about the fundamentals of RNA synthesis and processing come from ensemble in vitro biochemical measurements. Single-molecule approaches are very much in this same reductionist tradition but offer exquisite sensitivity in space and time along with the ability to observe heterogeneous behavior and actually manipulate macromolecules. These techniques can also be applied in vivo, allowing one to address questions in living cells that were previously restricted to reconstituted systems. In this review, we examine the unique insights that single-molecule techniques have yielded on the mechanisms of gene expression.

Single-molecule experiments are now pervasive in biology. What started out as an experimental approach for characterizing ion channels in the 1970s (Neher and Sakmann 1976) has now become a fixture in hundreds of laboratories addressing fundamental questions in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and development. The methodology is nearly as diverse as the problems that are addressed and encompasses imaging, optical tweezers, atomic force microscopy, electrophysiology, and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), to list a few. The unifying principle behind these approaches is straightforward: the ability to observe the heterogeneous, rare, or fleeting behavior of macromolecules that is normally masked by ensemble techniques. In this review, we focus on the role that single-molecule approaches have played in advancing our understanding of the early steps in gene expression. In general, transcription by RNA polymerase (RNAP) in bacteria or RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in eukaryotes begins when transcription factors (TFs) are recruited to the promoter. This leads to the assembly of the preinitiation complex (PIC) that contains a semicompetent polymerase. The PIC is necessary for unwinding duplex DNA and setting the stage for processive elongation by the polymerase. After conformational changes in the PIC, the [Keywords: fluorescence; single molecule; splicing; transcription] Corresponding author: [email protected] Article is online at 116.


polymerase escapes the promoter region and enters into productive elongation. In eukaryotes, the nascent RNA undergoes further modifications such as addition of a 5′ cap, synthesis of a poly-A tail, and splicing before the mature mRNA is formed. These early steps of gene expression are uniquely suited to elucidation through singlemolecule methods. For example, single-molecule experimental approaches allow one to visualize the order of assembly for molecular complexes (i.e., the PIC) and observe the variety of pathways that can result in initiation of RNAP. The ability to observe kinetics in unperturbed systems can provide clues to the mechanisms of transcription. RNAPs can also be manipulated by singlemolecule optical trapping to reveal the inner workings of force generation by this enzyme. Furthermore, singlemolecule imaging has also revealed the heterogeneity of gene expression that exists among cells in a population, the understanding of which has broad implications for emerging single-cell genomic techniques. Finally, singlemolecule approaches seem to be one emerging route for connecting precise in vivo measurements with in vitro experiments of increasing complexity. Advances in single-molecule biology have been spurred by technological innovations in the physical sciences occurring over decades. As there have been many excellent studies that review the diverse single-molecule techniques like optical tweezers (Greenleaf et al. 2007), fluorescence (Piston and Kremers 2007; Joo et al. 2008; Li and Xie 2011; Liu et al. 2015), and superresolution imaging (Huang et al. 2010; Schermelleh et al. 2010), we refer the reader to these references for technical details. Instead, we chose to focus on the observations that could have been made only with single-molecule techniques and the insights on gene expression that we have gained from them.

TF search dynamics The first step of transcription occurs when TFs are recruited to the promoter and begin the assembly of the PIC. The This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months after the full-issue publication date (see After six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), as described at licenses/by-nc/4.0/.

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 30:1796–1810 Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; ISSN 0890-9369/16;

Single-molecule studies of gene expression

classical biochemical model posits a stepwise assembly aided by cooperative interactions, with different subunits associating in ordered sequence (Orphanides and Weinberg 2002). Such a model carries an implicit notion of energy consumption and directionality (Coulon et al. 2013) and opens up many avenues where regulation of initiation can take place. There has been intense interest in understanding how TFs find their way to their targets, particularly because some factors exist in limiting quantities in the nucleus. Early biochemical studies measured an in vitro association rate of 1010 M−1 sec−1 for the Lac repressor on its target DNA (Riggs et al. 1970). This rate was 100 times faster than the collision rate predicted based on simple three-dimensional (3D) diffusion and 1000 times faster than any known protein–protein interactions. To explain the unexpectedly fast search times, theoretical models loosely termed “facilitated diffusion” were proposed, the most popular of which describes proteins colliding with DNA during 3D diffusion in the nucleus, binding nonspecifically, and then “rolling” or “hopping” along the DNA strand until they find their correct promoter targets (Richter and Eigen 1974; Berg and Blomeerg 1976; Berg et al. 1981). Single-molecule studies, with the unique capability to track individual TF molecules in space and time, have provided most of the evidence for or against facilitated diffusion. Wang et al. (2006) imaged GFP-labeled LacI repressor proteins and found that they bound nonspecifically to tethered DNA templates. The bound LacI molecules were observed to slide along the DNA in a random walk fashion for distances of up to ∼3 µm. Based on measurements of the one-dimensional (1D) diffusion coefficient, the investigators estimated that the LacI repressor could find its target sequence 90 times faster if it used the “bind-and-slide” mechanism in addition to 3D diffusion. Similarly, p53, a protein known to interact with DNA nonspecifically, was also shown to slide on tethered naked λ-phage DNA (Tafvizi et al. 2008), with a velocity that indicated minimal protein–DNA friction or few energetic barriers to sliding. A direct observation of EcoRV interacting nonspecifically with linear DNA showed that, in addition to sliding, EcoRV could hop or jump between sliding events (Bonnet et al. 2008). If TFs do indeed use a bind-and-slide mechanism to aid in their target search, then we would predict that the length of contiguous DNA available for sliding on should affect the kinetics of target search. In fact, Riggs et al. (1970) had originally discounted the bind-and-slide mechanism because they observed that shearing of DNA by sonication did not affect the rate of Lac finding its target sequence. Other in vitro single-molecule studies have also found that binding of bacteriophage λ repressor CI to its operator DNA (Wang et al. 2009) and Escherichia coli RNAP binding to a promoter sequence (Friedman et al. 2013) both occur with kinetics that are independent of the length of flanking DNA sequence, thus arguing against the model of facilitated diffusion. In contrast, it was also observed that binding times of Sox2 to nonspecific DNA templates increased with the length of the template (Chen et al. 2014).

Another prediction of the bind-and-slide mechanism is that once a TF is bound to DNA, the time it that takes to find its correct target by sliding will not depend on its concentration in the nucleus. In contrast, a search mechanism based only on free 3D diffusion will always be dependent on concentration. Thus, in the limit of high concentrations, the probability of finding the correct target by free 3D diffusion increases, eventually dominating over sliding because proteins will simply arrive at the target first through 3D diffusion. To distinguish between these two mechanisms, Wang et al. (2013) measured the association rates of E. coli RNAP to promoter sequences on λ-phage DNA curtains as a function of RNAP concentration. They observed that at 50 pM RNAP, facilitated diffusion did indeed accelerate promoter search by a factor of 3. Since this concentration amounts to 0.05 molecules of RNAP per bacterium, it cannot be physiologically relevant. They also calculated that 0.5 molecules of RNAP per bacterium was the concentration limit above which facilitated diffusion is expected to be ineffective. Furthermore, the investigators saw no instance of RNAP sliding on DNA in any of their time-lapse images. Thus, it appears that facilitated diffusion was not likely to be a mechanism used by RNAP in E. coli. Ultimately, the specific mechanism of target search may depend on the TF, its concentration in cells, and its binding properties on DNA (Fig. 1). Moving beyond in vitro measurements, an important biological question is whether facilitated diffusion takes place in the crowded milieu of a living cell. Sophisticated imaging systems now allow us to track the motions of single molecules of fluorescently labeled TFs over time. Elf et al. (2007) followed single YFP-labeled LacI proteins in living E. coli. cells. The investigators measured an apparent diffusion rate that is slower than simple 3D diffusion but faster than 1D sliding on DNA. Thus, the investigators inferred that LacI spends ∼87% of its time nonspecifically bound and sliding along DNA and undergoing 3D diffusion in between these binding events. This partition between 3D and 1D diffusion would enable LacI to find its target on the genome in no more than ∼270 sec even though there are only ∼20 copies of the protein in a cell. In an innovative follow-up study, the Elf laboratory was able to confirm the existence of facilitated diffusion by observing the effect of DNA “roadblocks” on gene activation kinetics (Hammar et al. 2012). In eukaryotes, facilitated diffusion has been observed by single-particle tracking of Tet repressors in human U2OS cells (Normanno et al. 2015), with a broad distribution of nonspecific binding times. Although there are not many data points, it is interesting to note the striking difference in nonspecific binding times measured in prokaryotes (a few milliseconds) and eukaryotes (∼1 sec). Single-molecule tracking of TFs have allowed the measurement of Kon and Koff of binding to DNA, but these measurements have often been confounded by technical challenges due to fluorophore photobleaching and photophysics (Elf et al. 2007). However, with the advent of improved fluorophores (Grimm et al. 2015) and new imaging and computational methods (Mazza et al. 2012; Gebhardt et al. 2013),



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Figure 1. TF target search in an increasingly complex in vivo environment. To reconcile unexpectedly fast TF search times, facilitated diffusion was proposed. In this model, TFs bind unspecifically when they collide with DNA while diffusing within the nucleus and then slide along the DNA until they arrive at the correct site or fall off. At low protein concentrations, sliding is expected to speed up the search times, but at high protein concentrations, this is not expected to be the case. Furthermore, the crowded environment within the nucleus, where DNA-bound obstacles or higher-order chromatin architecture exist, is expected to complicate TF search modes. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (Wang et al. 2013) # 2013.

one will soon be able to measure TF kinetics with greater accuracy. In eukaryotic cells, the presence of higher-order chromatin architecture and packaging by nucleosomes is expected to complicate target search and may engender a larger diversity of search mechanisms. For example, the proto-oncogenic c-Myc and the positive transcription elongation factor complex (P-TEFb) display different modes of motion (Izeddin et al. 2014). While c-Myc moved by free 3D diffusion, P-TEFb appeared to undergo anomalous subdiffusion, thought to be due to spatial or temporal obstructions. An analysis of single-molecule tracks showed that while c-Myc was equally likely to move in any direction at each step regardless of the direction of the previous step, P-TEFb was more likely to move in the opposite direction from the previous step. This finding was consistent with P-TEFb diffusing in a space where it



often encounters obstructions and has to return back to previously visited locations. Thus, it appears that even within the same nuclear compartment, different TFs experience different local environments, which give rise to vastly different outcomes in target search: c-Myc would take ∼70 times longer than P-TEFb to find a target located at a distance of 250 nm away, while that difference would be reduced to only eightfold longer if the target was located 5 µm away. Finally, alternating between sliding (1D) and jumping (3D) would also allow TFs to bypass obstacles like protein factors or nucleosomes that pose a barrier to sliding (Bonnet et al. 2008). The mobility and binding kinetics of TFs can have profound implications on the regulation of transcription and development. For example, it has been observed that even before distinct lineages have been determined, Sox2 binding dynamics differ between four-cell blastocytes, and those cells with more long-lived Sox2 binding contribute more pluripotent progeny downstream (White et al. 2016). Single-molecule tracking of fluorescently tagged p53 and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) show that, at transcriptionally active domains, TFs bind transiently (85% of the molecules exist in singular form, unassociated with other like molecules, thus arguing against the transcription factories model. Recent advances in imaging techniques use single-plane illumination (Gebhardt et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2014) and better fluorophores (Grimm et al. 2015) to improve signal to noise ratios significantly and will enable better measurements of transcription dynamics. Recently, multiple genome-wide studies have proposed the existence of topologically associated domains (TADs) on the order of 1 Mb as one of the fundamental building blocks of nuclear architecture (Dixon et al. 2012; Nora et al. 2012). Within TADs, gene regulatory clusters are kilobase-size nuclear domains created by functional interactions between promoters and enhancers (Li et al. 2012; Kieffer-Kwon et al. 2013). This spatial architecture also varies from cell to cell (Nagano et al. 2013) and changes in response to gene activation (Therizols et al. 2014), spurring a wave of imaging studies seeking to better understand the nature of these compartments (Chen et al. 2013; Williamson et al. 2014; Beliveau et al. 2015; Shachar et al. 2015; Boettiger et al. 2016). In one study, the “first passage time” (FPT) was determined for two regions of genomic DNA in the context of V(D)J recombination at the mouse IgH locus (Lucas et al. 2014). The FPT is the time it would take for these two regions of the chromosome to come into contact and is analogous to the time it would take a single TF to find its target. The FPT for the VH region to encounter the DHJH elements (spanning ∼1–2 Mb and located within a 1-µm confinement radius) is ∼30 min. For c-Myc, the FPT over this same distance is 8 min, and for P-TEFb, it is ∼10 sec (Izeddin et al. 2014). The previously described hindered diffusion that P-TEFb undergoes, possibly due to nuclear compartmentaliza-

tion, may prevent it from straying too far away from its target. Importantly, these time scales all scale nonlinearly with the spatial dimension (Izeddin et al. 2014; Lucas et al. 2014). For example, by decreasing the confinement radius twofold, the FPT for the IgH locus decreases 16-fold, but a twofold increase in diffusion gives only a fourfold decrease in FPT. Thus, the compartment size—by whatever means it is established—is a highly effective means of increasing on rates.

Polymerase initiation After the transcription machinery assembles at the promoter, polymerase goes through several conformational steps during initiation, before becoming elongation-competent. In prokaryotes, RNAP forms the closed complex (RPc) upon initial recruitment to the promoter. It then transitions to the RNAP–promoter open complex (RPo) and begins to unwind ∼14 base pairs (bp) around the transcription start site. In the next step, the RNAP–promoter initial transcribing complex (RPitc) undergoes repeated cycles of abortive synthesis, transcribing and releasing short RNA products before returning and restarting again. Finally, RNAP breaks out of abortive synthesis only when it manages to synthesize ∼9–11 nucleotides (nt), allowing it to escape the promoter and enter into productive synthesis as a processive RNAP–DNA elongation complex (Lee et al. 2012). X-ray crystallography has provided a wealth of information about the structures and mechanisms of each intermediate (Sainsbury et al. 2015), but single-molecule techniques have been particularly useful for elucidating the kinetics of each step in vitro. It is now possible to reconstitute RNAPs in vitro and characterize all of the major steps in initiation at the single-molecule level. In one such method, DNA templates are labeled with Alexa488 (donor) and tethered onto a coverglass. These molecules appear as diffraction-limited spots when imaged on a wide-field microscope. When Cy3-labeled (acceptor) RNAP is added, it assembles on the template to form the closed complex. Close proximity of the two fluorophores results in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and produces emission in both donor and acceptor channels when only the donor fluorophore is excited. With this method, formation of the closed and open complexes can be visualized by the colocalization of spots from different fluorescent channels. In addition, short oligos labeled with Cy5 can also be included that will hybridize to nascent RNA, adding yet another colocalized spot in a third channel to track elongation. This technique, termed colocalization single-molecule spectroscopy (CoSMoS), can be used to observe all of the major steps of transcription initiation at the single-molecule level. With this method, Friedman and Gelles (2012) were able to measure the kinetics of RNAP closed complex formation on σ54-dependent promoters. They observed two distinct closed complex intermediates: an unstable form that quickly dissociates and a stable longlived form that is a required precursor for formation of the open complex. Successful progression into the open



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complex was relatively infrequent, occurring, on average, only once every 30 times RNAP binds the template, again highlighting the stochastic and rate-limiting nature of the transition from closed complex to productive elongation. Once in the open complex form, synthesis of nascent RNA begins, and σ54 dissociates shortly after. Other single-molecule studies have provided even more detailed mechanistic understanding of transcription initiation. Despite clear evidence that RPitc was engaged in synthesis of short RNA products, DNA footprinting data showed that the 5′ boundary of DNA occupied by RPitc remained unchanged from the previous RPo state, as if it was stationary. Thus, three different models were put forward to explain this inconsistency. In the “transient excursions” model, it was thought that RNAP translocates forward and springs back when synthesis is aborted and the RNA product is released (Carpousis and Gralla 1985). This excursion happens so quickly that the motion is not detected by a time-averaged bulk measurement such as DNA footprinting, and hence it appears to be stationary. In the “inchworming” model, RNAP was proposed to be composed of two modules connected by a flexible element (Straney and Crothers 1987; Krummel and Chamberlin 1989). While the upstream module remains stationary at its promoter position, the downstream module containing the catalytic active center detaches, translocates downstream, and returns when synthesis is aborted. Finally, in the “scrunching” model, it was proposed that RNAP remains at its promoter position and instead unwinds and pulls downstream DNA into the catalytic center for RNA synthesis (Brieba and Sousa 2001; Pal et al. 2005). In this scenario, RNAP has to accommodate up to ∼9–11 bp of unwound DNA within itself, which it eventually extrudes when synthesis is aborted. Two different single-molecule studies were able to show clear evidence for the “scrunching” model. FRET measurements from fluorophores labeled at different sites on RNAP and the promoter DNA showed that both ends of RNAP remained stationary relative to promoter DNA, whereas downstream DNA appeared to translocate toward RNAP, consistent with the “scrunching” model (Kapanidis et al. 2006). A different study that measured changes in positive or negative supercoiling induced by RPitc was able to show that RPitc unwinds and pulls in a length of template DNA that is dependent on the RNA synthesis (Revyakin et al. 2006). Scrunching was observed in ∼80% of transcription cycles regardless of whether they were productive or abortive, leading the investigators to propose that the scrunched state is an obligatory intermediate and that the energy accumulated during scrunching is used to drive full promoter escape into productive elongation. It has also been shown that scrunching in RNAP helps to determine the exact DNA base from which to begin transcription (Robb et al. 2013; Winkelman et al. 2016). Recent cryo-EM structures of human PICs show breaks in electron density on the nontemplate DNA strand in the RPitc, and this was proposed to be disordered due to possible scrunching within RPitc (He et al. 2016). Thus, it appears that scrunching could be a universal scanning mechanism in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes that



helps position the correct starting base in the catalytic center of polymerase. For a while, single-molecule studies had not been able to provide the same level of mechanistic detail for eukaryotic transcription initiation because of the difficulty in assembling the full transcription machinery in vitro. Revyakin et al. (2012) were able to reconstitute human Pol II on a DNA template tethered to a glass slide and observe transcription using a technique similar to CoSMoS. Eukaryotic in vitro transcription reactions were known to produce 30 min), and the other ∼95% were short, ubiquitous (approximately one per 100 bp), and dependent on DNA template sequence. During the long pauses, RNAP appears to stop abruptly and then slowly backtrack ∼5 bp before stopping again completely (Shaevitz et al. 2003). The duration and frequency of these long pauses could also be reduced by the addition of GreA and GreB TFs that are known to stimulate cleavage of nascent RNA. These observations suggested that long pauses are involved in transcription proofreading, where RNAP

backtracks to allow the wrongly added base to be cleaved off before elongation can be restarted again. On the other hand, for short pauses, RNAP did not appear to backtrack (Neuman et al. 2003). The duration or frequency of the short pauses was not affected by an assisting or resisting force on RNAP. Thus, a model was proposed in which the paused RNAP state is an off-pathway intermediate that competes kinetically with forward translocation. From this intermediate, it can transition to other paused states, such as backtracking or termination, or return to the on-pathway translocating state. While the early single-molecule studies of elongation and pausing have been performed on prokaryotic RNAP, more recent studies have observed the same pausing behaviors in eukaryotes, which can be accounted for by backtracking and/or nucleosomes. Galburt et al. (2007) observed that backtrack pause durations of Pol II from S. cerevisiae followed a power law behavior, which can be explained by a model in which, during a pause, Pol II diffuses along the template in discrete base-pair steps and recovers from the pause only when the 3′ end of the nascent chain is aligned once more with the active site. Two general TFs, TFIIS or TFIIF, were independently able to rescue Pol II from paused states and could also work synergistically to rescue Pol II that had undergone large backtracking (Ishibashi et al. 2014; Schweikhard et al. 2014). The causes of pausing or backtracking are unclear, but supercoiling has been shown to be involved. During transcription, as polymerase unwinds DNA, it generates positive supercoiling ahead (downstream) and negative supercoiling behind (upstream). While torsional stress is relieved in vivo by DNA rotation or topoisomerases, polymerase is still predicted to experience fluctuating torsional stress. Using magnetic tweezers to wind up the DNA template along the cylindrical axis and observing the elongation speed of RNAP on it, Ma et al. (2013) showed that resistive torque can induce pausing and increase both the duration and frequency of pause. As resistive torque builds up, RNAP will eventually stall and even backtrack (Ma et al. 2013). The velocity of RNAP between pauses depended on the amount of positive or negative torque, providing direct evidence that supercoiling can regulate the kinetics of transcription elongation. In a similar vein, in both in vitro and live-cell experiments, Chong et al. (2014) showed that buildup of unrelieved positive supercoiling could slow down and eventually halt transcription initiation or elongation. This stall could be rescued by the addition of gyrase, which works by relieving positive supercoiling. Furthermore, the investigators showed that mRNA copy number distribution of a highly transcribed gene in E. coli was directly affected by gyrase concentration in vivo, suggesting that fluctuations in supercoiling are responsible for transcriptional bursting of induced genes in prokaryotes. In eukaryotes, another cause of pausing or backtracking might be the encounter between the polymerase and a barrier such as a nucleosome. Hodges et al. (2009) used optical tweezers to measure Pol II elongation rates on DNA templates with preloaded nucleosomes and showed that Pol II was more likely to pause. The investigators



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concluded that, during forward translocation and backtracking, Pol II does not actively unwrap DNA. Instead, Pol II advances opportunistically when local fluctuations unwrap DNA from the nucleosome, likely through a ratcheting mechanism. These results provided a mechanistic explanation for previous bulk biochemical studies that showed that histones do not fall off the template when Pol II transcribes through. Instead, histones are transferred around the passing Pol II molecule through a mechanism hypothesized to involve looping of the DNA template (Studitsky et al. 1994, 1997). This model was further supported by single-molecule atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of Pol II transcribing on a DNA template that contained a nucleosome bound at a specific position (Bintu et al. 2011). From the images, one could infer the existence of loops (thought to be ∼90 bp) forming in the vicinity of Pol II, which had been hypothesized to aid in the transfer of histones around to the upstream side of Pol II. In a different study, it was shown that the DNA sequence, specific histone–DNA contacts, and even modifications in the histone tails could alter the mechanical barrier that nucleosomes posed to a transcribing Pol II (Bintu et al. 2012). These results highlight a mechanism by which transcription elongation rates could be regulated in vivo. The biological consequences of pausing are still an active area of research. In bacteria, RNAP pausing is a ubiquitous mechanism of gene regulation, with well-studied cases such as the trp operon being a paradigmatic example (Landick et al. 1987). A recent study identified thousands of new pause sites in E. coli and Bacillus subtilis (Larson et al. 2014), suggesting that our understanding is far from complete. In eukaryotes, pauses and/or changes in elongation have also been associated with alternative splicing (de la Mata et al. 2003; Fong et al. 2014) and changes in start site selection (Braberg et al. 2013), both of which will affect downstream expression. However, just because there exists an optimum rate at which these processes occur, it does not necessarily mean that the cell uses this regulatory “knob” to change gene expression (Palangat and Larson 2012). Single-molecule assays might be capable of distinguishing changes in speed in unperturbed systems and correlating such changes to expression outcomes.

Splicing RNAP was an early showcase for the power of single-molecule biophysical approaches such as imaging and optical trapping. It can be attached to large latex beads on which transcription can be reconstituted from purified components in a highly stable and processive manner (Palangat et al. 2012). The spliceosome shares none of these characteristics. It is a dynamic single-turnover enzyme that assembles on each intron, carries out one splicing reaction, and then disassembles. The canonical pathway for spliceosome assembly and activation is the binding of U1-snRNPs and U2-snRNPs to the 5′ splice site (5′ -ss) and the branch point, respectively. Next comes the re-



cruitment of the tri-snRNP (U4/5/6) and the multiprotein Prp19 complex known as the nineteen complex (NTC). “Activation” of the spliceosome is followed by RNA splicing, both of which require disassembly of components of the spliceosome. Splicing itself proceeds through a two-step chemical transesterification process. This reaction can be reconstituted from cell extracts but not from purified RNA and protein (Hoskins and Moore 2012). Moreover, only recently have high-resolution cryo-EM structures emerged for this ribonuclear protein complex, which contains >200 macromolecules (Yan et al. 2015; Agafonov et al. 2016; Wan et al. 2016). These same characteristics that have made splicing refractory to other biochemical approaches provide a unique opportunity for single-molecule approaches. In fact, splicing was originally discovered through single-molecule imaging (Berget et al. 1977). In pioneering work from Hoskins and coworkers (Crawford et al. 2008; Hoskins et al. 2011), this process of splicing was reconstituted from yeast whole-cell extracts and visualized with single-molecule microscopy in vitro. The kinetic picture that emerged revealed a number of important features. First, spliceosome assembly is highly ordered, indicating that, although factors such as the U1snRNPs and U2-snRNPs bind and unbind on the time scale of seconds to minutes, there is a directionality to the process that is reinforced by the consumption of ATP (Hoskins et al. 2011). Second, commitment to splicing does not occur through a single irreversible step but rather is the cumulative outcome of many coupled reactions. As a consequence, no single kinetic step dominates the reaction, and the net rate of splicing is due to many sequential kinetic steps. For these in vitro studies, the time from U1-snRNP binding to intron removal was measured to be ∼12 min (Fig. 4). One of the primary conclusions of this single-molecule analysis is that spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing are reversible at almost every step, which opens up the possibility of regulation at multiple points. Subsequent work using this same approach indicates that the order of assembly of the spliceosome can follow slightly different routes and still result in the same pre-mRNA splicing outcome. Thus, there is a considerable plasticity to the spliceosome (Shcherbakova et al. 2013). One way of observing this plasticity at the molecular level is with single-molecule FRET (smFRET), which has been used by several laboratories to examine the first chemical step of splicing. This first chemical step occurs when the adenosine branch point residue carries out a nucleophilic attack on the first nucleotide of the intron at the 5′ -ss, which requires bringing the branch site and the 5′ -ss into molecular contact. The tri-snRNP complex (U2, U5, and U6) aids in positioning these substrates and is capable of adopting multiple configurations (Guo et al. 2009; Abelson et al. 2010). After binding of the NTC complex, the pre-mRNA adopts a high FRET configuration, indicating that the branch site and the 5′ -ss are in proximity (Crawford et al. 2013; Krishnan et al. 2013). In fact, helicases such as Prp16 can remodel the complex to select for certain branch points in the first step of splicing,

Single-molecule studies of gene expression

Figure 4. Spliceosome assembly follows a highly ordered, reversible pathway. The individual rate constants as determined from single-molecule fluorescence time-lapse recordings of dwell time are indicated. Note the absence of a single rate-limiting step that dominates the kinetics. From Hoskins et al. (2011). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.

which ensures fidelity of splicing (Semlow et al. 2016). However, until the formation of the catalytic complex, the pre-mRNA is configured such that the 5′ -ss and the branch point are spatially separated, which is likely to prevent premature catalysis. After the 5′ -ss and branch site come into proximity, there is a loss of the intron and NTC fluorescence, indicating that the splicing reaction eventually goes to completion. Krishnan et al. (2013) further proposed, based on the dynamics observed in smFRET studies, that the pre-mRNA samples multiple conformations during the first catalytic step, again suggesting the possibility of regulation at multiple intermediate steps. However, it is the ATPase activity of proteins such as Prp2 that provides directionality to the reaction (Krishnan et al. 2013). Thus, just as in the case of RNA synthesis by RNAP, the spliceosome operates according to a thermal ratchet principle. How does this model inform our understanding of splicing in vivo? In recent years, a number of studies have measured the kinetics of splicing using single-molecule livecell imaging approaches. One of the primary benefits of such an approach is that one is able to directly visualize the coupling between synthesis and RNA processing for single RNAs made from single genes. Furthermore, these kinetic studies have elucidated the variability in timing of splicing, which provides insight into which steps might be rate-limiting and/or subject to regulation. Using the MS2 RNA-imaging approach, Schmidt et al. (2011) measured a

splicing time of ∼3 min. Importantly, they determined that splicing kinetics were not determined by a single rate-limiting step but followed a sequential path that results in a kinetic process that is less noisy and more deterministic (Schmidt et al. 2011). It is tempting to assign these sequential steps to the serial transesterification reactions described above. Work from the Shav-Tal laboratory (Brody et al. 2011) measured the accumulation of snRNPs during splicing and demonstrated that the elongation machinery does not “wait” for each splicing event to go to completion but rather moves ahead so that more introns accumulate. Likewise, adding more introns did not measurably change the rate of transcript synthesis, indicating that elongation proceeds independently of splicing (Brody et al. 2011). Further evidence of the relationship between elongation and splicing rates was obtained by Coulon et al. (2014). Using dual labeling of intronic and exonic RNA, one is able to separate the kinetics of elongation, splicing, and cleavage. For the β-globin reporter gene in that study, splicing of the terminal intron proceeded with a splicing time of ∼4 min. This rate was determined by a sequential kinetic process, similar to what was shown in previous in vitro (Hoskins et al. 2011) and in vivo (Schmidt et al. 2011) assays. Notably, the single-molecule approach revealed that transcripts exhibit stochastic processing, with some transcripts being spliced cotranscriptionally and others spliced post-transcriptionally. Another single-molecule study of β-globin transcription and splicing revealed a much faster splicing rate of ∼30 sec (Martin et al. 2013). The investigators also showed how splice site strength can change the kinetics of intron removal. Similarly, Tyagi and coworkers (Vargas et al. 2011) demonstrated that constitutive and alternative splicing can proceed with different kinetics, with the former occurring predominantly cotranscriptionally and the latter occurring predominantly post-transcriptionally. These data point the way toward a more refined model of splice site selection that is biophysically motivated: Direct measures of splicing kinetics might be a better way of developing sequence-based rules for splice site selection than mRNA isoform abundance. Overall, the enduring interest in splicing kinetics that has persisted over several decades reflects a broader agenda of understanding the remarkable dynamics of the spliceosome in relation to the enzymatic result. Although it is early days for single-molecule studies of splicing, future studies that rely on simultaneous observation of splicing factors and pre-mRNA in living cells carry much promise for understanding both the mechanism and regulation of splicing in vivo.

Conclusion and outlook Single-molecule approaches are now being used to study processes of increasing complexity. Nowhere is this complexity more evident than the transcribing gene: Megadalton complexes involved in elongation, splicing, termination, and cleavage simultaneously interact on nascent



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RNA to control RNA synthesis and processing. Some of these processes have been examined in great depth, while others have not. For example, there are only a few studies of transcription termination in prokaryotes (Yin et al. 1999; Larson et al. 2008) and virtually none in eukaryotes. While it is still a work in progress, single-molecule biophysical methods promise us a future with the ability to observe the totality of events on a single RNA; that is, one can observe the order of events, the sequential assembly of complexes, and the time-resolved behavior of enzymes in a perturbation-free manner. By including techniques such as smFRET, which provides dynamic structural information, and optical trapping and AFM, which allow one to manipulate macromolecules, it is possible to probe the inner workings of an enzyme. One exciting prospect in the field is the convergence of increasingly complex in vitro assays and decreasingly complex in vivo assays. The fact that spliceosome assembly (Hoskins et al. 2011), PIC assembly (Revyakin et al. 2012), and transcription initiation (Fazal et al. 2015) can now be reconstituted and observed at the single-molecule level is inspiring. Single-molecule in vivo imaging is also advancing on parallel fronts and allowing researchers to see these same kinetic processes in the living nucleus (Larson et al. 2011; Chen et al. 2014). Acknowledgments We acknowledge Maxime Dahan, Timothée Lionnet, Aaron Hoskins, Tineke Lenstra, and Murali Palangat for critical comments on the manuscript. In addition, both anonymous referees provided advice that greatly improved the final review. This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Cancer Institute.

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What have single-molecule studies taught us about gene expression?

The production of a single mRNA is the result of many sequential steps, from docking of transcription factors to polymerase initiation, elongation, sp...
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