Intervent Neurol 2012;1:1–2 DOI: 10.1159/000338469 Published online: April 23, 2012

© 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel 1664–9737/12/0011–0001$38.00/0



Welcome to Interventional Neurology

X. Liu

Interventional neurology is a subspecialty of neurology in which minimally invasive procedures are performed under radiologic or ultrasonographic guidance. Some of these procedures are for diagnostic purposes, and others are for therapeutic purposes. Endovascular procedures are evolving as an important strategy for diagnosing and treating many neurological diseases, especially cerebrovascular diseases such as atherosclerotic occlusive carotid disease, intracranial aneurysm, and cranial arteriovenous malformations. In recent years, catheter-based intra-artery thrombolysis to facilitate recanalization of proximal cerebral artery occlusion has increasingly been used. Furthermore mechanical embolectomy with rapidly developing different devices has been attempted in treating ischemic stroke patients within or outside the time windows of IV thrombolysis after stroke onset. Despite encouraging reports as well as disappointing outcome data, we still lack evidence-based data as to whether this invasive procedure alone or following frustrane IV thrombolysis (‘bridging concept’) offers a good benefit/risk ratio in selected patients. In contrast, endovascular coil embolization has become a treatment of choice for unruptured intracranial aneurysm along with standard neurosurgical procedures. Endovascular embolization can decrease the size of the arteriovenous malformation, reducing intraoperative blood loss, and target blood vessels that might not be surgically accessible. Along with world-wide developing strategies published in disseminated journals depending on the medical background of their authors (radiology, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neurology, etc.) a specific journal for review, update, and discussion is lacking. For renovating and generalizing the knowledge in interventional neurology, this new journal might be useful. On the occasion of the 21st European Stroke Conference we launch Interventional Neurology, the first international peer-reviewed journal of its kind to focus exclusively on interventional procedures in managing neurological diseases. Interventional Neurology will start to publish invited and submitted reviews, hypotheses, meta-analyses, and controversies along with commentaries and letters to the editor quarterly. This will be followed by original articles addressing new issues of this topic. New developments in methodology and techniques will be important resources for information exchange in this academic platform. You are welcome to contribute to Interventional Neurology. X. Liu, Nanjing M.G. Hennerici, Mannheim

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M.G. Hennerici

Intervent Neurol 2012;1:1–2 DOI: 10.1159/000338469

© 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel




ӻ‫⾎ޕ‬㓿⯵ᆖᱟ⾎㓿⯵ᆖⲴањ䟽㾱࠶ᆖ、DŽ䘉㊫ӻ‫ޕ‬ᢰᵟᱟԕ᭮ሴ㓯ǃ䎵༠ ᡆަԆᖡ‫ۿ‬ᢰᵟѪᕅሬˈᇎ⧠⯮⯵Ⲵ䇺ᯝᡆ㘵⋫⯇DŽ 㹰㇑޵ӻ‫ޕ‬ᢰᵟ↓൘ᡀѪ䇺ᯝǃ⋫⯇वᤜ㝁㹰㇑⯵˄ྲࣘ㜹㋕ṧ⺜ॆᙗ亸ࣘ㜹 䰝ຎᙗ⯵ਈǃ亵޵ࣘ㜹ⱔǃ亵޵ࣘ䶉㜹⮨ᖒㅹ˅൘޵Ⲵཊ⿽⾎㓿㌫㔏⯮⯵Ⲵ䟽㾱᡻ ⇥DŽ䘁ӋᒤˈสҾሬ㇑Ⲵࣘ㜹޵ⓦṃ⋫⯇ᐢ㻛ᒯ⌋ᓄ⭘Ҿ㝁ࣘ㜹䘁ㄟ䰝ຎᙗ⯵ਈⲴ ޽䙊DŽ䲿⵰਴⿽䇮༷ಘᶀⲴ伎䙏ਁኅˈᵪỠਆṃ㻛ቍ䈅⭘Ҿ⋫⯇н䘲ᇌ䶉㜹ⓦṃⲴ 㕪㹰ᙗংѝDŽⴞࡽ㹰㇑޵ӻ‫Ⲵ⯇⋫ޕ‬Ѥᒺ䈅傼㔃᷌ௌᘗ৲ॺˈⴞࡽቊ㕪ѿᗚ䇱५ᆖ Ⲵ䇱ᦞ᭟ᤱࣘ㜹޵ӻ‫⯇⋫ޕ‬㜭ሩ⢩ᇊ⯮⯵Ӫ㗔ᑖᶕ⳺༴DŽሩҾᵚ⹤㻲Ⲵ亵޵ࣘ㜹ⱔˈ 㹰㇑޵ᕩ㉗സṃຎᐢᡀѪਟо⾎㓿ཆ、㹰㇑ཀྵ䰝ᵟ⯇᭸⴨ᖃⲴ᡻ᵟㆆ⮕DŽཆ㹰㇑޵ ṃຎਟ㕙߿ࣘ䶉㜹⮨ᖒ㹰㇑ഒփ〟ˈ߿ቁᵟѝࠪ㹰䟿ˈᒦф㜭ཏ䗮ࡠཆ、᡻ᵟᰐ⌅ 䗮ࡠⲴ㹰㇑䜘սDŽ ⭡Ҿⴞࡽቊ㕪ѿаᵜ㹰㇑ӻ‫ޕ‬亶ฏⲴу䰘ᵲᘇˈ、⹄ᐕ֌㘵ṩᦞަ५ᆖ㛼Ჟ˄᭮ ሴᆖǃ⾎㓿᭮ሴᆖǃ⾎㓿ཆ、ǃ⾎㓿⯵ᆖㅹ˅Ⲵн਼ˈሶ⾎㓿㹰㇑ӻ‫⹄Ⲵޕ‬ウᡀ᷌ 䴦ᮓൠਁ㺘൘‫ޘ‬ц⭼਴⿽、ᆖᵏ࠺кDŽѪ‫׳‬䘋ӻ‫⾎ޕ‬㓿⯵ᆖ亶ฏⲴ⸕䇶ᴤᯠǃ䳶ᡀ ઼᧘ᒯˈᡁԜࡋ・Ҷljӻ‫⾎ޕ‬㓿⯵ᆖNJDŽ ljӻ‫⾎ޕ‬㓿⯵ᆖNJᵲᘇሶ൘ㅜ 21 ቺ⅗⍢㝁ংѝՊ䇞к↓ᔿ੟ࣘDŽ䘉ሶᱟഭ䱵к ㅜаᵜ䪸ሩӻ‫ޕ‬ᢰᵟᓄ⭘Ҿ⾎㓿㌫㔏⯮⯵䇺⋫Ⲵ਼㹼䇴䇞ᵲᘇDŽ൘ᵲᘇࡋ࠺ࡍᵏˈ ljӻ‫⾎ޕ‬㓿⯵ᆖNJሶѪᆓ࠺ˈ䳶ѝਁ㺘䚰は৺ᣅはⲴ㔬䘠ǃҹ呓ǃ㦏㨳࠶᷀ǃ䇴䇪 ઼䈫㘵ᶕؑDŽਾᵏᵲᘇሶ䱶㔝ਁ㺘䪸ሩ䈕亶ฏ✝⛩䰞仈Ⲵ䇪㪇᮷ㄐDŽ㹰㇑޵ӻ‫ޕ‬ᯩ ⌅ᆖ઼ᢰᵟᆖⲴᯠ䘋ኅሶᡀѪ䇘䇪Ⲵ䟽⛩DŽ ⅒䗾ᒯབྷ਼ӱ〟ᶱᣅはʽ

MG Hennerici 䟼ᯟᵜˈ2012 ᒤ 5 ᴸ

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