
Understanding the Highly Varying pKa of Arylamines. A Perspective from the Average Local Ionization Condensed-to-Atom Framework Eduardo Chamorro* and Mario Duque-Noreña Departamento de Ciencias Quimicas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Nucleus Millennium of Chemical Processes and Catalysis, Universidad Andres Bello, Avenida República 275, 8370146 Santiago, Chile S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The highly varying experimental pKa values for 36 arylamines spanning 7 orders of magnitude is carefully examined. Within this framework, a valence condensed-to-atom model for the average ionization energy is introduced and tested. The theoretical approach is connected to orbital Fukui functions directly mapped into semilocal or regional site-specific responses. It is revealed that the average local ionization energies associated with the amino nitrogen atom is linearly correlated to the basicity of the substituted arylamines, properly reproducing the experimental ordering of basicity. The condensed-toatom descriptor exhibits a high predictive power, providing a new direct reactivity evaluation of significant value.

the Fukui function,10,13,19 the key descriptor of local reactivity in DFT, is also known.20 Recently, the idea of the average local ionization energy2,7 has been reinterpreted and generalized to correlated wave functions.21 In studying reactivity trends, I(̅ r) is usually computed on a chosen surface (S) defined to be the 0.001−0.002 au (electrons per bohr) contour of ρ(r), that is, IS̅ (r).2,6 However, though the analysis of local properties on molecular surfaces is appealing,6 it loses a direct connection with typical concepts associated with the analysis/rationalizing of chemistry in terms of bonding and nonbonding regions.22−24 Recently, we presented an extension of the applicability of such ideas within the context of the division of molecular regions in basins of attractors provided by the topological analysis of the electron localization function (ELF).22−26 Such a condensedto-basin model approximation probed to be useful in the examination of vertical ionization potentials associated with lone pairs and bonding regions.26 Following ongoing interests in the development and application of condensed or regional reactivity descriptors within an energetical framework,26−34 we herein introduce and computationally test a model for condensed-to-atom k valence average vertical ionization energy, Ival k̅ . Our aim is to provide an alternative simplified and direct method to the evaluation of local ionization energies, of complementary value to the traditional mapping2,6,7 of the local pattern on a molecular surface6 or even the recently proposed topological-based 3D-grid representations.26−28,35,36

INTRODUCTION A formal approximation to an average per-electron local ionization energy I(̅ r) at molecular spatial point r was introduced by Politzer and co-workers1,2 in terms of the single-particle energy density of orbital i, εiρi(r), and the total electron density ρ(r), eq 1, occ

I ̅(r) =

∑ i

|εi|ρi (r ) ρ (r )


For a given representation of the electronic molecular structure in terms of Hartree−Fock (HF) or Kohn−Sham (KS) molecular orbitals (MOs) ψi(r) with occupation numbers ni, the electron density ρ(r) is evaluated as a superposition of state occ 2 densities, namely, ρ(r) = Σocc i ρi(r) = Σi ni|ψi(r)| . Within such a framework of validity/suitability of using orbital energies3−5 for describing ionization energies in a molecular system (i.e., Ii ≈ |εi|), I(̅ r) emerges as a useful energetical index of local chemical reactivity2,6−9 revealing the most labile or reactive electronic sites (i.e., those with the lowest values of ionization energy) to participate in processes involving interactions with electrophile or radical species.1,2 The outcomes of using orbital energies (both HF and KS) as approximate vertical ionization potentials is well-known1−5 Certainly, ionization energy is a ubiquitous key quantity entering and driving the behavior of several global (i.e., thermodynamic) and local (i.e., selectivity) density functional theory (DFT)-based chemical reactivity descriptors.10−14 The average local ionization energy I(̅ r) is related to concepts such as local electronic temperatures (i.e., kinetic energy densities), atomic shell structures, electronegativity, local polarizability, hardness, and electrostatic potential.7,15−18 A proper connection of the I(̅ r) index and © 2015 American Chemical Society

Received: April 3, 2015 Revised: June 24, 2015 Published: June 24, 2015 8156

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b03252 J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 8156−8162


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Table 1. Theoretical Average Ionization Energies Ival and k̅ IS̅ ,min(r) and Experimental pKa Values for Aniline (01) and Some Substituted Derivatives (02−36)

THEORETICAL MODEL Although the definition of I(̅ r) given by eq 1 is not amenable to being directly reduced to a condensed-to-atom resolution, we will take an alternative route by considering only valence MOs. In such a context, it is possible to assume that the key averaging kernel χi(r) ≡ (ρi(r)/ρ(r)) can be approximated as χk ≅ (Ni,k/ Nk), where Ni,k ≡ ∫ kρi(r)dr, and N̅ k = Σocc i ∈ valN̅ i,k. Several schemes of “condensation” (i.e., integration of the local rdependent response to a given atomic center) will be thereafter feasible,37−41,27,28 and for the sake of simplicity we will keep the discussion on the simplest approaches.42−47,29,28 Within these considerations, a condensed-to-atom k valence average vertical ionization energy Ival can be drawn from valence MOs ψi(r) k̅ expressed in terms of a linear combination of Nb basis functions {χμ(r)}: occ

I k̅ val ≡

substituent 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

|εi|Ni̅ , k

i ∈ val



where Ni̅ , k = ni





∑ ∑ cμi cνi Sμν (3)

The coefficients ciμ correspond to the eigenvectors of MO ψi(r), and Sμv represents the overall overlap matrix elements, that is, Sμv ≡ ∫ χμ(r)χv(r)dr. Note immediately from eq 3 that the MO contribution population to atom k, N̅ i,k, reduces in this simple case to the condensed-to-atom Fukui shape function46,47 scaled by the occupation of the ith valence MO, namely, N̅ i,k = ni f (i) k Nb Nb i i with f (i) k ≡ Σμ∈kΣv cμcvSμv. It is important to remark that, as it is also the case for the integral of I(̅ r) over all space,2,6,7,15,48 the approximated condensed-to-atom descriptors in eq 2 obeys no normalization condition when summing on all atoms. Inspired in ref 49, the classical problem of correlating the highly varying pKa values of a set of 36 substituted anilines offers an example of wide chemical interest for which several experimental50−52 and theoretically related53−57 evidence is available. Gross and co-workers49 have emphasized that the prediction of experimental pKa51,52 values of this particular set of anilines can be achieved by using parameters derived from quantum mechanical calculations, including natural charges, relative proton transfer enthalpies, and the minimum values on the molecular surface of both electrostatic potentials V̅ (r) and average local ionization energies I(̅ r). It was shown that these quantities perform as well as the traditional (but empirical) use of Hammett substituent parameters. It was also remarked that IS̅ ,min(r) correlated better than the other theoretical descriptors.49

H (aniline) m-NH2 m-Br m-Cl m-CN m-F m-OH m-OCH3 m-CH3 m-NO2 p-NH2 p-Br p-Cl p-CN p-F p-OH p-OCH3 p-CH3 p-NO2 3-CH3, 4-CH3 3-NH2, 4-OH 3-Br, 4-OCH3 3-Br, 4-CH3 3-Cl, 4-CH3 3-CH3, 4-NO2 4-Cl, 3-NO2 4-CH3, 3-NO2 3-Br, 5-Br 3-OCH3, 5-OCH3 3-CH3, 5-CH3 3-Cl, 5-OCH3 3-OCH3, 5-NO2 3-Br, 5-Br, 4-OH 3-Br, 5-Br, 4-OCH3 3-Br, 5-Br, 4-CH3 3-CH3, 5-CH3, 4-NO2

a I̅val k̅

̅ (r)b I̅S,min

pKa c

14.717 14.636 14.949 14.952 15.052 14.906 14.760 14.726 14.684 15.098 14.436 14.899 14.887 15.320 14.733 14.666 14.682 14.635 15.605 14.604 14.521 14.879 14.855 14.856 15.559 15.250 15.011 15.167 14.761 14.650 14.943 15.084 15.057 15.072 15.058 15.361

13.33 13.32 13.71 13.71 13.91 13.67 13.52 13.41 13.31 14.01 12.96 13.69 13.66 14.26 13.35 13.08 13.06 13.22 14.53 13.17 13.27 13.33 13.55 13.54 14.49 14.28 13.84 14.03 13.42 13.24 13.73 14.03 13.64 13.85 13.87 14.23

4.58 4.88 3.51 3.34 2.76 3.59 4.17 4.20 4.69 2.50 6.08 3.91 3.98 1.74 4.65 5.50 5.29 5.12 1.02 5.17 5.70 4.08 3.98 4.05 1.50 1.90 2.96 2.34 3.82 4.91 3.10 2.11 3.20 2.98 2.87 2.59


This work. bTaken from ref 49 evaluated at the HF/STO-5G(d)// HF/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. Minimum value is reported to be associated with the amino nitrogen in all cases along the series. c Experimental data51 and 52 in water at 298.15 K. Ionization energies in electronvolts.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is well-known that amines are weak bases, and the relative basicity is commonly discussed in terms of the pKa of its conjugate acid (i.e., the more basic the amine, the higher the pKa of its conjugate acid). Arylamines are weaker bases than the corresponding nonaromatic analogues. The nitrogen lone pair is less available for protonation given its delocalization to the ortho and para positions of the ring. Therefore, higher values of ionization energy will be associated with the amino nitrogen center in the case of weaker bases. For each aniline derivative, Table 1 reports the experimental pKa values in water at 298 K51,52 and the theoretical average ionization energies Ival k̅ (from eqs 2 and 3) as well as IS̅ ,min(r)49 evaluated at the nitrogen atom of the basic amino group. To explore the validity of the proposed condensed-to-atom model on both large and restricted sets, analysis was also performed on chemically

COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS Optimized structures for the set of substituted anilines included in Table 1 were calculated using the Gaussian 09 (G09)58 package of programs at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. Characterization as a minimum on the potential energy surfaces was verified by analytical frequency calculations. Water solvent effects were incorporated using the simplest polarizable continuum model (PCM). Simple computational routines for the evaluation of Ival k̅ were implemented for processing results from single-point G09 calculations. These routines are available from the authors upon request. 8157

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val 2 Figure 1. Linear correlation plots for (a) IS̅ ,min(r) vs Ival k̅ and (b−f) experimental pKa values vs Ik̅ . R , SD, F1,n−2, and p are the correlation coefficient, standard deviation, ANOVA F-test, and p-value statistics, respectively, for n compounds. The reported linear relationship is valid for arylamines as follows: (a, b): 01−36; (c): 01−19; (d): 01, 11−19; (e): 01−10; and (f): 01, 20−36. Symbols ●, ▲, and ◆ represent the anilines with meta-, para-, and polysubstitution patterns, respectively.

correlation. Note immediately from the R2 values that the level of confidence for the model correlations ranges from 88.5 to 97.9% with p-values (associated with the F1,n−2 statistics) much less than 0.05 in all cases. This implies that there is a significant val linear correlation between Ival k̅ and IS̅ ,min(r) and between Ik̅ and pKa. Low values of the local ionization energy associated with the amino nitrogen atom in the aniline derivative become properly and significantly associated with less basic arylamines.

significant groups of these systems, including subsets integrated by only mono-, para-, meta-, and polysubstituted anilines. Figure 1a−f shows plot results for linear correlation analysis of (a) IS̅ ,min(r) versus Ival k̅ and (b−f) experimental pKa values versus Ival ̅k , including main statistics parameters, that is, R2, SD, F1,n−2, and p, which are the correlation coefficient, standard deviation, ANOVA F-test statistic, and the corresponding p-value, respectively. n is the number of compounds in the set of 8158

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simplified orbital-based but chemically significant condensedto-atom framework. Cross-Validation. We must note that the R-squared value measures the goodness of fit on existing data. However, to measure if the linear regression models can be confidently applied to predict future values in each case, cross-validation (CV) techniques are needed.59−67 Such techniques provide a measure of the prediction power of the fitted models. Within this context, we evaluated the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistic associated with the leave-one-out CV method. In that case, for a given fitted model, each of the predictors {xi}i=1...n is removed (i.e., testing set), and the model is refitted to the n − 1 remaining points (i.e., the training set), allowing the prediction of the excluded points ŷ[i,−i]. This is performed iteratively until all points have served as the test case. The PRESS statistic simply corresponds to PRESS = (1/n)∑i n= 1[yi − ŷ[i,−i]]2. For samples of small size (as our present case), this index constitutes indeed a measure of internal validity. Small values of PRESS indicate that the model is not overly sensitive to any single data point and, hence, provides a higher predictive power. Complementarily, we also performed k-fold CV on the different models. In that case the CV procedure randomly divides the data into k partitions or folds for the testing set, modeling all the remaining (training) data. Hence, the mean squared error (MSE), based on the testing-set sum of errors (i.e., residuals) for all folds provides a measure of the prediction power for the fitted model.61,65−69 The CV analyses were performed using the R software environment for statistical computing and graphics.68,69 Main results are reported in Table 2. Relevant information can be highlighted from Table 2. Note for instance that, given the RMSE has the same units of the predicted quantity (i.e., the quantity plotted on the vertical axis), it can be observed that the proposed condensed-to-atom model Ival k̅ and the IS̅ ,min(r) shares vis-à-vis essentially a higher predictive power in all cases. Certainly, the IS̅ ,min(r) exhibits a

Results reveal that the simple energetical reactivity descriptor correctly reproduces the experimental ordering of basicity Ival k̅ along this series spanning 7 orders of magnitude in reactivity, bounded by p-NO2-Ar (19, pKa = 1.02) and p-NH2-Ar (11, pKa = 6.08). The predicted Ival k̅ values reveals also proper reactivity relationships both on the side of less basic aniline derivatives (i.e., ΔpKa < 0, ΔIval k̅ > 0) as well as on the side of more basic < 0) with respect to the compounds (i.e., ΔpKa > 0, ΔIval k̅ aniline (01) system, taken as a reference for comparison. For instance, note that decreased basicity introduced by p-Br= +0.36 eV) or p-Cl- (ΔpKa = −0.60, (ΔpKa = −0.67, ΔIval k̅ ΔIval k̅ = +0.33 eV) substituents is appropriately predicted to be lower than those associated with p-CN- (ΔpKa = −2.84, ΔIval k̅ = +0.93 eV) or p-NO2- (ΔpKa = −3.56, ΔIval k̅ = +1.20 eV). Note also that cooperative electronic effects of substituents can be properly assessed by our simple model as revealed for instance in the cases of decreasing basicity in polysubstituted derivatives (25), (32), or (33) for which ΔpKa = −3.08, −2.47, and −1.38, respectively, with ΔIval = +1.16 eV, +0.70, and +0.31 eV, k̅ respectively. Correspondingly, in the case of increasing basicity, the pattern of substituent is again suitably incorporated by the simple model given in eq 2. Note for instance that the observed experimental ordering of basicity in monosubstituted systems, namely, m-CH3 < p-CH3 < p-OCH3 < p-NH2, is correctly predicted, that is, (ΔpKa = +0.11, ΔIval k̅ = −0.02 eV), (ΔpKa = val +0.54, ΔIval k̅ = −0.11 eV), (ΔpKa = +0.70, ΔIk̅ = −0.27 eV), (ΔpKa = +1.50, ΔIval ̅k = −0.37 eV), respectively. As before, the cooperative effects of multiple substituents can be also properly incorporated and properly assessed in the global electronic response. Compare for instance the cases of systems (30) and (20) for which (ΔpKa = +0.33, ΔIval k̅ = −0.09 eV) and (ΔpKa = +0.59, ΔIval k̅ = −0.16 eV), respectively. It can therefore be concluded that the simple Ival k̅ descriptor features in good order the wellknown inductive and resonance effects of common chemical substituents along this series spanning a so long-range of order of magnitude in pKa. Naturally, and as exemplified in Figure 1c−e, these effects become better represented when shorter series including only monosubstituted derivatives are correlated. In these cases, the variation of pKa can be confidently represented by Ival k̅ in a 97.7% and 97.9% SD for meta- and parasubstituted series, respectively. However, and as it was also the case for IS̅ ,min(r),49 Figure 1f reveals that the significance of such a representation is less satisfactory (ca. 88.5%) for a series of polysubstituted derivatives. These results contribute to validate as a useful tool correlating the condensed-to-atom model Ival k̅ the aqueous acidity trends of substituted anilines with essentially the same predictive power of the traditional approach via IS̅ ,min(r).49 Note that within an orbital-based framework, the partition presented in eq 3 represents the simplest way to interpret and computationally implement electronic population analysis.42−47,29,28 Equations eqs 2 and 3 constitute a simple representation of the average ionization energy within a valence condensed-toatom resolution (i.e., semilocal or regional site-specific) providing a tool of high predictive power. For the selected 36 substituted aniline derivatives, such an approach for Ival k̅ , as it is for IS̅ ,min(r), linearly correlates with the experimental pKa values (water, 298 K) associated with the conjugated acids of this series of anilines. These results further extend and broaden the relevance of the regional average ionization potential as a useful index for chemical reactivity, providing a direct computational tool of complementary value to IS̅ ,min(r),2,6,7,15,27,48 within a

Table 2. Predicted Residual Sum of Squares (PRESS)a and Overall Mean Squared Error (MSE)b for Linear Models Correlating the Experimental pKa Values of Arylamines to Theoretical Models of the Average Ionization Energy (Ival k̅ and IS̅ ,min(r)) pKa vs I̅val k c

pKa vs I̅S,min(r)

I̅S,min(r) vs I̅val k

data set

















0.0974 0.2843 0.0324 0.1530 0.0450 0.1694 0.0172 0.0931 0.1880 0.4051



0.1470 0.3340 0.1400 0.2862 0.1150 0.2675 0.0181 0.1071 0.2010 0.4141

0.0116 0.0839 0.0131 0.0538 0.0172 0.1038 0.0025 0.0300 0.0148 0.0848

0.605 0.450 0.172 3.250

0.229 0.172 0.025 0.262


Associated to leave-one-out cross validation statistics. bAssociated to the k-fold cross validation statistics. The commonly accepted k = 10 value has been applied.67 The root mean squared error (RMSE) is reported as second entry in the MSE column. cI: the entire set of studied anilines (n = 36); II: the subset of monosubstituted anilines (n = 19), III: the subset of para-substituted anilines (n = 10), IV: the subset of meta-substituted anilines (n = 10), and V: the subset of polysubstituted anilines. 8159

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slightly higher predictive power than the condensed-to-atom proposal Ival k̅ , but differences in prediction will be always within the same order of magnitude in all cases. This is clear by comparing the low values of PRESS or equivalently the MSE, or the very low standard deviations for the model prediction error (RMSE) values for pKa versus Ival k̅ and pKa versus IS̅ ,min(r) along the different family of series. Indeed it can be learned that the predictive power for each index is the same in regard to the type of substitution pattern being examined, namely, meta- < para- < mono- < poly- substituted anilines. The analysis of the variation of CV results along the series emphasizes that both Ival k̅ and the IS̅ ,min(r) are particularly valuable in predicting pKa on meta-substituted anilines in all cases (RMSE ≈ 0.1). Note that in the case of examination of meta- and para-substituted series of anilines, the k-fold CV corresponds in fact to a leave-one-out CV procedure.67−69 Clearly, both Ival k̅ and the IS̅ ,min(r) properly assess better the inductive effects of substituents on the reactive basic center. Finally, note that a direct comparison of the excellent performance of Ival k̅ in predicting the IS̅ ,min values (see last two columns in Table 2) provides certainly confidence in the use of the approximated condensed-to-atom model of eqs 2 and 3 in proper estimation of local ionization energies within a chemical reactivity framework.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +56 2 661 82 29. Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to FONDECYT (Chile) Grant Nos. 1140343 (E.C.) and 11130589 (M.D.-N.), and the Millennium Science Initiative (Chile) Nucleus No. 120082 for continuous financial and academic support of this research. We also acknowledge UNAB for support through Grants DI-219-12/N (Núcleo CIMFQ), and DI-806-15/R. We thank the anonymous reviewer for the suggestion of incorporate cross validation in the discussion to assess the predictive performance of the investigated models.

CONCLUSION We would like finally to comment that the applicability of a general condensed-to-atom resolution is certainly not free of additional scrutiny.37−41 Different approaches are certainly feasible, including Hirshfeld,70,38,71−73 Löwdin,74 and NPA73,75 partitions, for instance. Hence, despite gross approximations behind eqs 2 and 3, the predictive value of Ival for the k̅ experimental values pKa along this series is certainly remarkable! The performance of the predictive models in each case has been properly characterized to be associated with small using both exhaustive leave-one-out CV method as well as the nonexhaustive k-fold CV statistic (k = 10). These findings are relevant because the condensed-to-atom model represents a simplification in the evaluation/interpretation of the chemical response as compared to more complex tasks associated with the evaluation of IS̅ ,min(r),2,6,7,15,27 that is, mapping and minimum search for the local pattern on a given surface of electron density. Certainly, it is expected that the applicability of the proposed model Ival as a reactivity tool be readily k̅ extendable to other problems of general interest in chemistry. An example of current interest in such a context is provided by the definition and application of nucleophilicity descriptors where ionization energy, both global and local, plays a relevant role.32,34,76−83



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* Supporting Information S

Plots for each fold’s predictor values (x axis) against the actual response variable (y axis). Each fold is represented in a different color, for the k-fold CV statistics for linear regression model of val pKa versus Ival k̅ , pKa versus IS̅ ,min(r), and IS̅ ,min(r) versus Ik̅ , for the studied series of substituted anilines. Cartesian coordinates (ready for Gaussian 09 input) for aniline (01) and substituted derivatives (02−36) characterized in this work at the B3LYP/6311G(d,p) level of theory in water solvent using PC. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/ acs.jpca.5b03252. 8160

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Understanding the Highly Varying pKa of Arylamines. A Perspective from the Average Local Ionization Condensed-to-Atom Framework.

The highly varying experimental pKa values for 36 arylamines spanning 7 orders of magnitude is carefully examined. Within this framework, a valence co...
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