PHYSICAL REVIEW E 91, 033013 (2015)

Two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic fluid turbulence with polymer additives Anupam Gupta,'’2' Prasad Perlekar,3’* and Rahul Pandit1,4’* 'Centre fo r Condensed Matter Theory, Department o f Physics, Indian Institute o f Science, Bangalore 560012, India 1Department o f Physics, University o f Rome “Tor Vergata,” Via della Ricerca Scientifica I, 00133 Roma, Italy }TIFR Centre fo r Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500075, India 4Jawaharlal Nehru Centre fo r Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore, India (Received 3 August 2012; revised manuscript received 27 October 2014; published 24 March 2015) We carry out an extensive and high-resolution direct numerical simulation of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in two-dimensional fluid films with air-drag-induced friction and with polymer additives. Our study reveals that the polymers (a) reduce the total fluid energy, enstrophy, and palinstrophy; (b) modify the fluid energy spectrum in both inverse- and forward-cascade regimes; (c) reduce small-scale intermittency; (d) suppress regions of high vorticity and strain rate; and (e) stretch in strain-dominated regions. We compare our results with earlier experimental studies and propose new experiments. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.033013

PACS number(s): 47.27.Gs, 47.27. Ak

I. INTRODUCTION Polymer additives have remarkable effects on turbulent flows: in wall-bounded flows they lead to drag reduction [1,2]; in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence they give rise to dissi­ pation reduction, a modification of the energy spectrum, and a suppression of small-scale structures [3-13]. These effects have been studied principally in three-dimensional (3D) flows; their two-dimensional (2D) analogs have been studied only over the past decade in experiments [14-16] on and direct numerical simulations (DNSs) [17-20] of fluid films with polymer additives. It is important to investigate the differences between 2D and 3D fluid turbulence with polymers because the statistical properties of fluid turbulence in 2D and 3D are qualitatively different [21]: the inviscid, unforced 2D NavierStokes (NS) equation admits more conserved quantities than its 3D counterpart; one consequence of this is that, from the forcing scales, there is a flow of energy towards large length scales (an inverse cascade) and of enstrophy towards small scales (a forward cascade). We have, therefore, carried out an extensive and high-resolution DNS study of homo­ geneous, isotropic turbulence in the incompressible, 2D NS equation with air-drag-induced friction and polymer additives, described by the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic Peterlin (FENE-P) model for the polymer-conformation tensor. We find that the inverse-cascade part of the energy spectrum in 2D fluid turbulence is suppressed by the addition of polymers. We show, for the first time, that the effect of polymers on the forward-cascade part of the fluid energy spectrum in 2D is (a) a slight reduction at intermediate wave numbers and (b) a significant enhancement in the large-wave-number range, as in three dimensions; the high resolution of our simulation is es­ sential for resolving these spectral features unambiguously. In addition, we find dissipation-reduction-type phenomena [7,8]: polymers reduce the total fluid energy and energy- and mean square vorticity- orenstrophy-dissipation rates, suppress small-scale intermittency, and decrease high-intensity vortical

' [email protected] [email protected] h'[email protected]. 1539-3755/2015/91 (3)/033013(7)

and strain-dominated regimes. Our probability distribution functions (PDFs) for a 2 and co2, the squares of the strain rate, and the vorticity, respectively, agree qualitatively with those in experiments [16]. We also present PDFs of the OkuboWeiss parameter A = (&)2 —ct2)/8, whose sign determines whether the flow in a given region is vortical or strain dominated [22,23], and PDFs of the polymer extension; and we show explicitly that polymers stretch preferentially in strain-dominated regions. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we define the equations we use for polymer additives in a fluid and we describe the numerical methods we use to study these equations. Section III is devoted to the results of our study and Sec. IV contains a discussion of our principal results. II. MODEL AND NUMERICAL METHODS The 2D incompressible NS and FENE-P equations can be written in terms of the stream function tfi and the vorticity oo = V x u(x.t), where u = (—3vi/r,3vi/f) is the fluid velocity at point x and time f, as follows: D,co = uV2ft) + — V x V • [ f ( r P)C] - aa> + Fm\


V2i/r = or,



D,C = C ■(Vu) + (Vu)r • C —




Flere D, = 3, + u • V, the uniform solvent density p = 1, a is the coefficient of friction, v the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, p. the viscosity parameter for the solute (FENE-P), and xP the polymer relaxation time. To mimic experiments [16], we use a Kolmogorov-type forcing, Fa = kmjF0 cos(kmiy), with amplitude Fo; the energy-injection wave vector is kmj (the length scale lmj = 2 n /k mi)\ the superscript T denotes a transpose, Cpy = {RpRy) are the elements of the polymerconformation tensor (angular brackets indicate the average over polymer configurations), I is the identity tensor, f ( r P) = (L2 —2)/(L 2 —r2p ) is the FENE-P potential, and rP = \/T r(C) and L are, respectively, the length and the maximal


©2015 American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 91, 033013 (2015)


TABLE I. Parameters for our DNS runs R1-R10 with the friction coefficient a = 0.01. N 2 is the number of collocation points; 5?, the time step; £)nj, the energy-injection rate; v, the kinematic viscosity; and c, the concentration parameter. The Taylor-microscale Reynolds number is ReA = WrmsX/v, where A. = ( / E( k) dk/ f k2E(k)dk)i/2 and the Weissenberg number is Wi = rPy/ e f / v , where ef is the energy dissipation rate per unit mass for the fluid. The dissipation scale is r)j = (v3/e ) 1/4 and kmm = N / 3.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10




St x 104


v x 104





512 1024 2048 2048 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 16384

6 100 100 100 100 100 10 100 10 100

2 1 ,2 ,4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

0.008 0.005 0.003 0.0015 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.005 0.002

10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0

4.71 2.26,4.52,9.04 1.81 1.35 2.21 1.53 1.53 2.91 2.91 1.56

0.1 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2, 0.4 0.4 0.1,0.4 0.1 0.2

107, 85 221,121,53,38 147,60 86,54 233,91 108, 62,45 108, 90 1451,1367,1311 1451,1407 106,61

3.4, 3.6 5 .1 ,5.3,5.4,5.5 14.1, 14.8 13.2,13.6 20.2, 20.9 24.8,25.8,26.1 24.8, 26.2 8.0, 8.3, 8.5 8.0, 8.2 96.4, 102.7

possible extension o f the polym ers; and c = p./(v + p ) is a dim ensionless m easure o f the polym er concentration [24]. We use periodic boundary conditions, a square sim ulation dom ain w ith side L = 2 jt and N 2 collocation points, a fourth-order Runge-K utta schem e, w ith tim e step St, for tim e m arching, an explicit, fourth-order, central-finite-difference schem e in space, and the Kurganov-Tadm or shock-capturing schem e [25] for the advection term in Eq. (3); the KurganovTadm or schem e (Eq. (7) in Ref. [8]) resolves sharp gradients in CpY and thus m inim izes dispersion errors, w hich increase w ith L and rP. We solve Eq. (2) in Fourier space by using the FFTW library [26]. We choose St ~ 10-3 to 5 x 10-5 so that rP does not becom e larger than L (Table I). We preserve the sym m etric-positive-definite (SPD) nature o f C by adapting to two dim ensions the Cholesky-decom position schem e from Refs. [7,8,24]: We define J = f ( r P)C, so Eq. (3) becom es

We have tested explicitly that the statistical properties we m easure do not depend on the resolutions we use for our DNS. We check this by both increasing and decreasing this resolution. Indeed, our DNS uses the highest resolution that has been attem pted so far for this problem (it uses 256 tim es as many collocation points as in Ref. [18]). Furtherm ore, the Kurganov-Tadm or shock-capturing schem e that w e use controls any dispersive errors, because o f sharp gradients in the polym er-conform ation tensor, as in sim ilar 3D studies [7,24]. We m aintain a constant energy-injection rate £ jnj = (Fu • u) w ith Fw = V x F u; the system attains a nonequilibrium , statistically steady state after ~ 2 r e — 3re, w here the box-size eddy-turnover tim e xe = L / n rms and urm% is the root-m eansquare velocity. In addition to w (x,r), i/r(x,f), and C(x,t) we obtain u (x ,f), the fluid-energy spectrum E(k) =

Hk-\/' 2 0 for k < 30, where E p(k) < E f (k), whereas, for large values of k, A v(k) < 0, where E p(k) > E f (k ), the superscripts f and p stand, respectively, for the fluid without and with polymers. To understand this dependence on L we plot, in Fig. 4(b), the scale-dependent viscosity Av for these two representative values, namely, L = 100 [(red) triangles, run R8] and L = 10 [(green) asterisks and run R9]. We find that Av is positive and higher for L — 100, at small values of/:, than its counterpart for L = 10; this explains why E p(k) is smaller for L — 100 than for L = 10 at small k. For large values of k, Av is more negative for L = 100 than for L = 10, so E p(k) is larger for L — 100 than for L — 10. Note that A v{k) changes its sign, from positive to negative, at a smaller value of k for L — 100 than for L = 10; therefore, the large-/: tail of E p(k) rises above that of E ? (k ) at a smaller value of k for L = 100 than for L = 10. By using ve{k), which we obtain from our NS + FENE-P run R7, we carry out a DNS of the NS equation, with v replaced by ve(k). In Fig. 5 we present plots of the energy [Fig. 5(a)], energy spectra [Fig. 5(b)], and PDFs of A [Figs. 5(c) and 8], to compare the results of this DNS with those of run R7 (NS + FENE-P); the good agreement of these results shows that the NS equation with the scale-dependent viscosity ve{k) captures the essential effects of polymer additives on fluid turbulence in run R7 (NS + FENE-P). The form of our effective viscosity indicates that, at large length scales, in addition to the friction, polymers also provide a dissipative mechanism. By contrast, at small length scales, polymers inject energy back into the fluid. Figure 1(d) shows the suppression, by polymer additives, of n(jfe) = / “ T(k')dk', where T(k) = f Uj ( - k)P,j(k)(u x (i))j(k)d£2 and P,; (k) = S,y — The suppression of the spectrum in the small-/: regime, which has also been seen in experiments [14] and low-resolution DNS (Fig. 4.12 in Ref. [17]), signifies a reduction of the inverse cascade. The enhancement of the spectrum in the

large-/: regime leads to the reduction in £2 and V shown in Fig. 1(a); to identify this enhancement unambiguously requires run R10, which is by far the highest-resolution DNS of Eqs. (l)-(3) (with 256 times more collocation points than in, say, Ref. [18]). We now plot the PDF P{rP/ L) versus rP/ L in Fig. 6 for c = 0.1 and L = 100 [(red) triangles, run R8], c = 0.4 and L = 100 (black squares, run R8), and c = 0.1 and L = 10 [(green) asterisks, run R9]. The extension of the polymers is bounded between s/2 < rP < L. The lower bound, rP = corresponds to polymers in a coiled state; near the upper bound, with rP ~ L, the polymers are in a stretched state. In Fig. 6, we show that P(rP/ L) shows a distinct, power-law regime, with exponents that depend on c,L, and W i. As W i increases, this exponent can go from a negative value to a positive value, thus signaling a coil-stretch transition. In Figs. 7(a)-7(c) we present PDFs of A, a 2, and tv2, respectively, for c = 0 [(blue) circles, run R7] and c — 0.2 [(red) triangles, run R7], to show that the addition of polymers

FIG. 6. (Color online) PDFs of the scaled polymer extensions P(rP/ L ) versus rP/ L for c = 0 .1 and L = 100 [(red) triangles, run R8], c = 0.4 (black squares, run R8), c = 0.1 and L = 10 [(green) asterisks, run R9], and c = 0.1 and L = 6 [(brown) circles, run Rl],


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 91, 033013 (2015)


FIG. 7. (Color online) Probability distribution functions (PDFs) of (a) the Okubo-Weiss parameter A for run R7, (b) a 2 for run R7, and (c) in1. Inset: PDF of the velocity component ux for c = 0 [(blue) circles, run R7] with a fit (1/2) exp(—mJ / 12.5) [solid (blue) line] and for c = 0.2 [(green) asterisks run R7] with a fit (1/2.65) ex p (-« J/2 0 ) [solid (green) line]; note that the addition of polymers reduces the rms value of ux. suppresses large values o f A, a 2, and co2. If we m ake scaled plots o f PDFs such as P ( A / A rms), they fall on top o f each other for different values o f c; this also holds for P (o 2/err2ms) and P(ft>2/® 2ms). The inset in Fig. 7(c) shows that the PD F of any Cartesian com ponent o f u is very close to a Gaussian. Figure 8(a) shows a conditional PDF o f (rP/ L ) conditioned on A for run R9; this illustrates that polym ers stretch predom inantly in strain-dom inated regions; this is evident very strikingly in Fig. 8(b), w hich contains a superim position of contours o f r2 p on a pseudocolor plot o f A (for a video sequence o f such plots, see [28]).

IV. CONCLUSIONS We have carried out an extensive and high-resolution DNS o f 2D, hom ogeneous, isotropic fluid turbulence with polym er additives. We have used the incom pressible, 2D NS equation w ith air-drag-induced friction and polym er additives; the latter have been m odeled by using the FEN E -P model for the polym er-conform ation tensor. We find that the inverse-cascade part o f the energy spectrum in 2D fluid turbulence is suppressed by the addition o f polym ers. We dem onstrate, for the first tim e, that the effect o f polym ers on the forw ard-cascade part o f the fluid energy spectrum in two dim ensions is

(a) a slight reduction at interm ediate wave num bers and (b) a significant enhancem ent in the large-w ave-num ber range, as in three dim ensions; these features are resolved unam biguously by our high-resolution DNS. In addition, we find dissipation-reduction-type phenom ena [7,8]; polym ers reduce the total fluid energy and energy- and m ean-squarevorticity- or enstrophy-dissipation rates. Flowever, as w e have em phasized above, dissipation reduction is not the only notable effect o f polym er additives; our extensive, high-resolution DNS o f 2D fluid turbulence w ith polym er additives yields a good qualitative agreem ent, in the low-£ regim e, w ith the fluid-energy spectra in Ref. [14] and the S2 (r) in Ref. [16]. In addition, our study obtains new results and insights that will, we hope, stim ulate new experim ents, w hich should be able to m easure (a) the reduction o f (£(t)) ,, (ft(O )r, and f p ( t )), [Fig. 1(a)]; (b) the m odification o f E p(k) at large k [Fig. 1(b)]; (c) the c, rP, and L dependences o f E p(k) [Figs. 3(a), 3(b), and 4(a)]; (d) the PD Fs o f (rP/L), A , a 2, and co2\ (e) the stretching o f polym ers in strain-dom inated regions [Fig. 8(b)]; and (f) the suppression o f Fb{r) at small r (Fig. 2). Tw o-dim ensional fluid turbulence w ith polym er additives has been studied in channel flows, both in experim ents [15] and via DNS [20]; this DNS study uses the O ldroyd-B model,

FIG. 8. (Color online) (a) Conditional PDF of (rP/ L ) conditioned on A for run R9; (b) pseudocolor plot of A superimposed on a contour plot of r2 p for run R10. 033013-6


which does not have a maximal polymer extension length and is, therefore, less realistic than the FENE-P model we use. These studies obtain energy spectra and second-order structure functions that are qualitatively similar to those we obtain, except at small length scales, which are not resolved in these channel-flow studies. This shows, therefore, that energy spectra and structure functions, obtained far away from walls, are not affected significantly by the walls. Thus, our studies are relevant to the bulk parts of wall-bounded flows too.

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Two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic fluid turbulence with polymer additives.

We carry out an extensive and high-resolution direct numerical simulation of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in two-dimensional fluid films with air...
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