The Indian Peninsula is notorious for many poisonous species of snake, and I am inclined to think that this alarming high death-rate may be materially decreased if the people will take the trouble to protect their feet by shoe-leather. But under present circumstances, I am afraid, statistics will go on year after year to exhibit a very large percentage of deaths under this head. Case I.?Cobra-bite (Naja Tripudians); death. was a case of cobra-bite treated at the Dispensary at Darwah by the Hospital Assistant who is in medical charge of it. This

Abdul Razack, a snake-charmer brought to the Dispensary on by profession, the 21st August 1894?, suffering from the bite of He was bitten while in the act of a cobra. catching the snake at 1 p.m. and was admitted The patient, on at 4-o0 p.m. for treatment. States that





drowsy, pupils dilated, gait stag-

dimness of vision ; while large quantities of froth were found to escape from the mouth. The right thumb was the part bitten, and here two punctures were visible,?one on each side of the thumb. The punctures were at once enlarged and potassse permang. rubbed in, while 40 ms. of liquor strychnse were injected a little below the wrist joint.


4-35 p.m.?31 ? of arrack given. P.M. vomited once. 4-50 p.m.?Complained of severe burning pain in affected thumb. 4-55 p.m.?Ptosis present; at this period 20 ms. of liquor strychnse were injected at the upper part of the right shoulder. At 4-45


P.M.?Body covered with profuse perspiration; speech indistinct. 5-5 P.M.?Insensibility complete. Respiration

laboured ; 14 per minute. Pulse 50. At this crisis was deemed prudent to inject sss. of liquor strychnse in the region of the heart, while two it

of arrack were administered bj? mouth, 5-10 P.M.?The patient became collapsed when 3ss. of liquor strychnos was injected and artificial respiration enforced. ounces

5-15 P.M.?The patient was beyond all hopes of recovery, and, as a last resource, the Assistant

% JKifloii of Hospital fpcticii. TWO CASES OF SNAKE-BITE. By O. W. Jokes, m.d., ch.D., l.s.a., Civil Surgeon, Wun District.

for forwarding the following two cases ot snake-bite for publication in 37our valuable Journal; more so as the ratio of deaths from snake-bite yearly is very large. I need make



injected hypodermically? Tincture Digitalis iEther

Liquor Strychnse







3SS. xv.

patient died. 1L?Viper-bite (Ceruleus Batigaras);

At 5-16 Case





The bite of a venomous snake is distinguished by the punctures. The cobra inflicts two small punctured wounds; vipers, usually four small wounds, arranged in two rows. The amount of danger from the bite of a snake depends on the





The poison acts on debris of wood. Its poison is, however, less the blood and thus active than that of the cobra. The therapeutic action of strychnine as an antidote to the poison was very marked in Case No. 2; and if a similar Details of Case.?Radhi, aged 13 years, a Gond case presented itself for treatment, I should cerby caste, left her home in company with her tainly prefer using it to any other remedial agent. mother and sister at 10 a.m. of the 5th instant, and while gathering bits of dry wood in the adjoining scrub jungle, the girl put her foot between some loose stones and felt that she was stung. Her mother, who was behind her, saw that it was a snake that bit her child, the snake being about 24 inches long with a circumference of inches, dark or black in colour and marked by white cross streaks. The snake escaped. Fifteen minutes after being bitten, the girl had amount


poison injected. the nervous system through produces death.

a slight convulsive fit, followed by dizziness, vomiting and dimness of sight; the body, at this period, being covered by profuse perspiration.

The vomited matter contained blood. She partly walked and was partly carried by her people to the Hospital. When en route she complained of dryness of her throat, dimness of vision, while a small quantity of blood escaped from the mucus membrane lining her mouth, a stain of blood being seen on her sari. The girl was bitten about 2 P.M. and was admitted at 3-30 p.m. On admission, 10 ms. of liquor strychnse were at once injected under the skin just above the bite which was on her right little toe; on examining the part bitten, four minute indistinct punctured wounds were seen. The foot was swollen and the part bitten discoloured and was 120 and her highly congested; her pulse was also puffiness of the there respiration 24; face and congestion of both eyes, while the right lower extremity felt paralysed. At 4 p.m. 5 ms. of liquor strychnas and 5 ms. of rain-water were injected on the dorsum of the affected foot. At 4-30 P.M. the respiration was 20 and her 100.


At 5 p.m. she felt better and took a good drink of wheat flour congee. At 5-30 P.M. the congested state of the eyes and the giil stated that she felt



anxious to get home. she was allowed to go home with that she would show herself at the

well and

At 6 p.m. the promise Hospital next



that she is quite 6th 8 A.M. The girl states still is swollen; diswell The affected part Pulse and respiraless. toe little coloration in tion normal. gr. 40 P. Jalapi Co. st. '




7th, 8 A.M.? Discharged Remarks.?The krait, next

to the cobra, is is common most destructive all over India, and is found in fields and among to human life-



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