Bums (1992) 18,Supplement 2, S15-,518


Printed in Great Britain

Treatment of burns with occlusive dressings: some pathophysiological and quality of life aspects M. H. E. Hermans ConvaTec


Skillman, New Jersey, USA

Introduction The earliest indications of mankind’s interest in the treatment of wounds goes back to the EgyptiansThe Papyrus Ebers Papers (Anonymous, 1700 BC) indicate that wounds were treated with frogskin or greased bandages. More recently other materials have been used, including tinctures and extracts, dressings soaked in vinegar, pressure dressings, boric lint, and carbolic dressings (Wong, 1980). The concept of the greased bandage is, to a large extent, similar to the bandage that is still most commonly used, the tulle gras (cotton impregnated with paraffin) which was first described by Lumiere during the Second World War. Also during this war the principles of tanning were described (Wallace, 1941) for larger bums. The first synthetic material, methylcellulose, became available in 1942 (Pickwell, 1942), followed by hydroxyethyl methacrylate in 1960 (Wichterie and Lim, 1962), and polyvinyl alcohols in 1962 (Chardack et al., 1962). The use of all these materials was based on the feeling that a wound had to be physically protected from the influences of external forces or agents (Bishop, 1960). Winter (1963) took the first steps to an explanation of why protection is so important for wound healing. Recent advances in understanding the dynamics of the wound-healing process have lead to the development of many new materials for the treatment of wounds; most of them are based on the principles of occlusion. This article describes some of the pathophysiological and quality of life advantages of occlusive dressings.


of desiccation

of the wound bed

The importance of desiccation, which, in a wound, leads to scab formation, was demonstrated in animal experiments in which wounds were occluded or left exposed to the air. The scab that formed in the open wounds decreased the migration possibilities of keratinocytes, resulting in impaired wound healing (Winter, 1963). This general phenomenon turns out to be particularly important in partial skin thickness burns, If the zone of delayed stasis, which, in a burn wound, surrounds the central necrotic zone, is protected from desiccation, hair follicles and other remnants of the skin remain viable and form a focus from which wounds heal (Zawacki, 1974a,b). Wounds which are occluded with a material with a sufficiently low moisture vapour transmis10 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann 0305-4179/92/S2OS15-04


sion rate (MVTR) do not dry out and this allows the tissue to retain its viability. It has been shown that conventional materials like tulle gauze have an MVTR which is too high (Jo&man, 1989). The ideal MVTR for a dressing is still an open question. Semipermeable materials (such as films) and impermeable materials (such as some hydrocolloids) all prevent desiccation of the wound (Hinman and Maibach, 1963; Alper et al. 1983; May, 1983; Hermans and Hermans, 1986), in spite of the differences in their MVTR.

Mechanical effects of a dressing wound bed

on the

Some dressings adhere to the wound bed so firmly that removing them leads to destruction of vital tissues or removal of newly grown epithelium. This impairs the wound healing process. Mechanical disturbance can regularly be observed when gauze-type materials are used. Bleeding of the wound bed and the pain during removal are both signs of mechanical damage (Winter, 1970). Sometimes tissue can even be found in the tulle (Gillman, 1970). Occlusive materials usually do not damage the wound bed upon removal because the moisture film between the dressing and the wound bed prevents firm adhesion to tissues.

(Bio)chemical wound bed

effects of a dressing

on the

Cotton-based materials can induce ‘biochemical disturbance’ to the wound: they may induce foreign-body reactions with giant cells and hyperinflammation (Gillman, ‘1970) or granulomas (Woods, 1976). Antiseptics are also known to disturb the wound healing process. Although some of these materials are only mildly cytotoxic (Ray et al., 1988), all of them do impair the tissue repair process, which results in a decrease in the rate of epithelialization (Monafo and Ayvazian, 1978; Bolton et al., 1985; Warden, 1987). Careful attention must be paid to indications for these agents; if they are not indicated they should not be used ‘as a precaution’ because they may have detrimental effects on cell growth (Cooper et al., 1991) or even cause severe systemic effects (Rath and Meissl, 1988).

Burns (1992) Supplement 2


Occlusive materials usually are made out of synthetic constituents. with minor or non-existent side-effects; some of them produce a wound environment that, in itself, allows for optimal antimicrobial activity of the host defense cells (May, 1984; Varghese et al., 1988); hence, the use of local antimicrobials is quite often not necessary. pH and temperature The pH that exists in and above a wound has been shown to have an influence on tissue repair. A slightly acidic pH, as is provided by some of the occlusive materials, has mild antibacterial effects (Mertz et al., 1985; Katz et al., 1986; Mulder et al., 1989). Moreover, wounds that are exposed to air rapidly lose CO, and develop a local respiratory alkalosis which may lead to healing failure (Leveen et al., 1973). In an occlusive environment the pH can be controlled in a more secure way than in a non-occlusive environment in which exchange of gases and fluids between the wound surface and the atmosphere is possible (Leveen et al., 1973). The local temperature is somewhat higher in an occlusive environment which speeds up the healing rate of wounds (Gimbel and Farris, 1966; Leveen et al., 1973). In larger wound surfaces, occlusion may help in reducing the respiratory and metabolic effects of hypothermia (Dill and Forbes, 1941; Hemdon et al., 1987).

Infection and wound healing A literature survey has shown that the overall infection rate under occlusive dressings is lower than under conventional dressings (Hutchinson, 1989). In other studies it has been shown that Psetld. aentginasa disappears in a moist wound environment (Gillchrist and Reed, 1989) as provided by some dressings, and that wounds do heal in spite of their heavy and unchanging bacterial contamination (Gillchrist and Reed, 1988). A possible explanation for these phenomena may be found in the availability of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN): in wounds covered with an occlusive material the number of these cells is very high (Buchan et al., 1981), whereas, in the presence of a scab, the number of PMNs is decreased (Falanga, 1988). PMNs are likely to be the most important defence against infection and the ability of these cells to enter the wound site is therefore crucial. It has been shown that the activity of PMNs in fluid collected from skin lesions, treated with occlusive materials, is at least as high as that in autologous blood (Katz et al., 1986). Studies on PMNs, obtained from occluded wounds, have demonstrated the presence of stainable bacterial inclusions (May, 1983; Varghese et al., 1986): this suggests previous ingestion of bacteria. Dressings also can provide a barrier for microorganisms. A physical barrier against bacterial invasion exists in some of the occlusive dressings (Lawrence and Lilly, 1988). This helps to diminish the overall bacterial load with which the host defense mechanisms have to deal. One of the ‘side-effects’ of the viability of the PMNs and the macrophages is the autolytic debridement that occurs in an occlusive environment: this speeds up ‘preparation of the wound bed for re-epithelialization.

Quality of life Bumwounds are extremely painful and so are donor sites. When choosing treatment may sufficiently.

local wound treatments, the pain such a cause is not always taken into account

An occlusive wound environment offers excellent pain relief in many types of wounds (Donati and Vigano, 1988; Fechner and Kon, 1988; Hedman, 1988; Sayers and Porter, 1988; Waffle et al., 1988) possibly because the nerve endings are prevented from desiccation. Patient comfort is also enhanced when personal hygiene (showering, bathing) and other activities of daily living are not hampered. Some these benefits (Hermans and van dressings provide Wingerden, 1990). The long-term results of bum wound healing are very important: cosmetically unacceptable scars are still a major problem in bum care and may have a severe impact on the quality of life. Hypertrophic scarring is probably the single most important long-term cosmetic problem. Many hypotheses have been developed on the actual cause of hypertrophic scarring. Collagen deposition (Efting Dykstra, 1977) and myofibroblasts (Baur et al., 1975) are important, but to date a completely satisfactory explanation has not been found. Treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars is even more controversial (Peacock, 1983) although the use of pressure garments or silastic sheets (Afin et al., 1989) is accepted as ways to reduce the scars. This type of therapy, which is expensive and uncomfortable for the patient, will not result in a complete disappearance of the scars. Reducing the chances of hypertrophic scar development is extremely important. One probable way of reducing the incidence of these scars is by the use of occlusive materials (Leveen et al., 1973; Tjong Wai et al., 1983; May et al., 1984; Eisenberg, 1986; Hermans and Hermans, 1986; Hoekstra, 1990).

Cost-effectiveness Many clinicians consider modem occlusive materials to be too expensive. The price per unit of occlusive dressings may be higher than those of conventional dressings, but the overall costs of treatment are not determined by the primary dressing alone. Additional costs may include fixation bandages and other miscellaneous materials such as gloves. The wearing time of a dressing influences the number of dressing changes and the nursing time involved. Healing time of a wound has a serious effect on the hospitalization time, and therefore on the overall cost of a particular treatment. For chronic lesions (leg ulcers; Harkiss, 1985) and for bums (Hermans, 1990) it has been shown that occlusive materials can be more cost effective than conventional materials. As the healing time of a wound usually is much shorter when occlusive therapy is used (Winter, 1963; May, 1984; Hermans, 1987; Donati and Vigano, 1988), cost differences probably would have been even more dramatic had hospital costs been calculated in these studies.

Indications There are many excellent classifications available for wound dressings (Guldalian et al., 1973; Queen et al., 1987) and this article is not meant to make another one. Therefore, only some indications and contraindications for occlusive materials are given below. Full skin-thickness burns A. In relatively large full skin thickness bums hardly any indication exists for the current synthetic materials. Only when excision is performed without grafting of all the excised areas, some occlusive materials may be used. These should be synthetic or biological materials that (firmly) adhere to the wound bed to provide protection

Hermans: Treatment of burns with occlusive dressings

against desiccation and contamination. All these materials are known to block re-epithelialization, however. In the sandwich (Alexander et al., 1981) or intermingled (Yang et al., 1980) techniques allografts play a crucial role; they provide coverage of the interstices and serve as a scaffold for migration of the keratinocytes from the autografts. B. Only very small full skin thickness bums (maximum 3-5 cm in diameter) may be treated without excision and grafting. Even then, healing will be slow but, often, satisfactory (Hermans and Hermans, 1988). Partial skin thickness


A. Most of these bums are not life threatening because they are fairly small. The primary aim in the treatment of these bums is to restore cosmetically good skin. It is here that the use of occlusive dressings, whether biological or (semi) synthetic, is most indicated. 1. Biological materials, such as allografts, amnion, and, to a lesser extent, xenografts, have the advantage of adhering to the wound bed and, in most cases, they remain adherent until the wound underneath is healed. They block the formation of exudate. The materials may transfer diseases from the donor to the acceptor. In particular the allografts are capable of transferring viral diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS, although some preservation methods seem to be able to inactivate viruses and kill bacteria (Hoekstra et al., 1990). Rejection of biological dressings may be a problem and storage and availability is relatively complicated. Cosmetically, excellent results have been described (Tjong Wai et al., 1983; Eisenberg, 1986). Less common biological materials for the treatment of partial skin thickness bums are hen-egg membranes, banana leaves, potato peels, and multiple collagen films. With all of them good results have been described. Z. (Semi)synthetic materials. The number of (semi)synthetic

dressings has grown extensively during recent years. Theoretically, most materials offer a wound environment which is beneficial to the local wound healing process. Clinically there are major differences in performance of the materials, even within subgroups that are claimed to have similar properties. For many occlusive dressings pain relief is claimed to be good (Donati and Vigano, 1988; Fechner and Kon, 1988; Hedman, 1988; Sayers and Porter, 1988; Waffle et al., 1988), as are the speed of re-epithelialization and patient comfort. They

are readily


and easy to store.

The main advantage of synthetic over biological dressings is their ease of use: not much specific knowledge is required. Donor


Most donor sites are very painful, but they do not cause healing problems. For most occlusive dressings clinical trials have been done with donor sites, and most of them with excellent results (Madden et al., 1985; Donati and Vigano, 1988; Fechner and Kon, 1988). Practical problems may occur for donor sites that are surrounded by grafted or burned areas; those occlusive dressings that require normal skin around the wound to adhere to cannot be used. Donor site treatment may then interfere with the other local treatment regimens.


Conclusion In recent years, evidence that managing wounds with occlusive dressings offers many advantages has grown substantially. Although the treatment of full skin thickness bums has not yet acquired much from this evidence, it has been shown that partial skin thickness bums, which form the majority of all bum cases, really can gain from the use of occlusive dressings, because these materials provide fast re-epithelialization with low incidence of infection and good cosmetic results. In addition to the medical benefits observed, patient quality of life is increased and treatment costs reduced. It should be realized, however, that not all occlusive materials, not even all materials in one subgroup, share the same properties; this may result in clinically different properties (Lawrence and Lilly, 1988). It is therefore very important to only use materials that have been clinically tested for a particular indication (Bolton and Rijswijk, 1991).

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Treatment of burns with occlusive dressings: some pathophysiological and quality of life aspects.

Bums (1992) 18,Supplement 2, S15-,518 SlS Printed in Great Britain Treatment of burns with occlusive dressings: some pathophysiological and quality...
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