Current Eye Research

Volume 4 number 10 1990 ~~~

Transforming growth factor-@in human aqueous humor ~


Henry D.Jarnpel, Nan Roche', Walter J.Stark2 and Anita B.Roberts'

Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by University of Melbourne on 09/15/14 For personal use only.

Glaucoma and Tornea Services, Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD and 'Laboratory of Chernoprevention, National Cancer Institute, National lnstitutcs of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

ABSTRACT The transforming growth factor-8s are peptide growth factors known to play a central role in wound healing. Using a specific, in vitro assay of cell growth inhibition, we have detected transforming growth factor-a (TGF-8) in 24/24 aqueous humor specimens from eyes undergoing cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. The amount of TGF-a ranged from 2.3 to 8.1 ng/ml (mean r SD = 4.5 f 1.7 ng/ml), with 61% present in the active form. Subtyping of TGF-8 was performed by addition of antibodies specific for the 81 and 132 isoforms to the growth inhibition assay, and confirmed with a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. None of the TGF-13 detected was of the 81 isoform; in contrast, the a2 isoform was present in every sample, implying that it might have originated from ocular tissues. The presence of this potent modulator of tissue repair in aqueous humor suggests a role in the healing processes following intraocular surgery, including glaucoma filtration surgery.

aqueous humor, does not inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. TGF-a is another peptide growth factor thought to play an important role in wound healing. It is found in high concentrations in the a granules of platelets (6), and is secreted by activated T lymphocytes (7), macrophages (8),and many types of cultured cells. TGF-8 is present in vitreous aspirates from eyes with retinal detachments, and is found in particularly high concentrations in eyes with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (9). TGF-I3 shares several of the activities of aqueous humor, including being chemotactic for monocytes (10) and fibroblasts (1l ) , and inhibiting the proliferation of T (7) and B (12) lymphocytes. When injected subcutaneously in mice, it causes rapid fibrosis and angiogenesis (13), and increases the breaking

INTRODUCTION The degree and nature of the wound healing response following glaucoma filtration surgery in large

strength of surgical wounds (14). TGF-8 exists in at least 5 genetically distinct

part determines its success or failure. Because the

isoforms, although only 3 isoforms, 61, 82, and 133, have been found in humans and other mammalian

aqueous humor bathes the surgical wound after

species (15). The isoform of TGF-a found in

filtration surgery, its composition may influence

mammalian platelets and serum is predominantly R1.

wound healing after surgery.

Many tissues express all 3 isoforms of TGF-A; an

Aqueous humor exerts effects in vitrQthat suggest a potential role in wound healing in vivq. Dilute

exception is neural tissue where the principal isoforms expressed are 82 and I33 (K. Flanders and K.

aqueous humor stimulates the proliferation of cultured

Unsicker, personal communication). The TGF-0 in the

fibroblasts (l), but inhibits lymphocyte proliferation

vitreous is predominantly of the 62 subtype (9).

(2,3). It is chemodttractive for conjunctival fibroblasts (4). Although aqueous humor has been shown to

Because aqueous humor appears to play a role in ocular wound healing, and because TGF-B and aqueous humor share some biological activities, we

contain basic fibroblast growth factor (3,to the best of our knowledge, this peptide growth factor, unlike

have investigated whether human aqueous humor


Receivcd on June 1 , 1990; accepted on September 26, 1990


Current Eye Research normally contains TGF-a. If so, it might have an

for hemostasis; and the limbus was cleared of all

important effect on wound healing following glaucoma

visible blood and dried with a Weck Cel.

filtration surgery and other ocular surgery. We now report the identification, quantification, and subtyping

Aqueous humor sampling Because the technique used for aqueous humor

of TGF-A in human aqueous humor.

collection can affect its composition (16), all sampling was performed by one surgeon (WJS) using a


standardized technique. The globe was stabilized with


a forceps near the sampling site. A 5/8 inch long, 27

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Twenty-four consecutive patients undergoing

gauge needle was placed through the superior limbus,

cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation

bevel up, and parallel to the plane of the iris. When

were studied. Informed written consent for aqueous

the entire bevel was within the anterior chamber, 50-

humor sampling was obtained in all cases. Patients

150 uls of aqueous humor, depending upon the size

were excluded if they were taking topical medications,

of the anterior chamber, were aspirated. Extreme care

or had ocular conditions, such as glaucoma, that were

was taken not to touch the iris or lens with the needle.

ever treated with topical or systemic medications.

Aspiration of aqueous humor was halted before the

Patients were taking a variety of systemic medications. The characteristics of the patients are presented in the

anterior chamber became so shallow that the needle tip might contact the corneal endothelium. After the


needle was removed from the anterior chamber, a

Interventions precedina aqueous humor samDlinq

sharp blade was used to enlarge the entrance site,

All eyes had received the following topical

sodium hyaluronate was placed in the anterior

medications preoperatively: Gentamycin sulfate

chamber, and the operation continued in routine

solution, twice on the day preceding surgery, and 2 to


4 times on the day of surgery; flurbiprofen sodium

All specimens were rapidly transferred to 500

0.03% solution and prednisolone acetate 1%, both 4

microliter Eppendorf centrifuge tubes and immediately

times in tho 2 hours before surgery; and

placed on dry ice for transport to a -70 O Cfreezer for

phenylephrine hydrochloride 2.5% and cyclopentolate


hydrochloride 1% solutions, both 6 times in the 2

Heat activation of the aaueous humor samoles

hours before surgery. All surgery was performed under local anesthesia

Because most of the TGF-a activity found in wound fluid and in vitreous aspirates is latent (9,17),

with intravenous sedation. Medications used for

most samples were assayed both with and without

sedation included fentanyl citrate, midazolam

prior heat activation to determine the relative

hydrochloride, and thiamylal sodium. Local anesthesia

proportion of active and latent forms. Briefly, 20 ul of

consisted of 1% lidocaine hydrochloride and 0.375%

a 50 ug/ml solution of bovine serum albumin was

bupivicaine hydrochloride administered by retrobulbar

added to 10 ul of human aqueous humor in a

and facial injection. A Honan balloon was employed

siliconized tube, and the sample was either left

to lower the intraocular pressure after the retrobulbar injection.

untreated or heated at 80 OCfor 8 minutes, a

The following ocular manipulations occurred prior to obtaining the aqueous humor sample: A superior rectus stay suture was placed; a fornix based conjunctival flap was made; wetfield cautery was used


procedure known to activate irreversibly latent TGF-13 (18).

Detection and auantification of TGF-13 The amount of TGF-a activity present in the

aqueous humor samples was determined in an assay

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Current Eye Research based on inhibition of the growth of CCL-64 mink lung

activity of purified porcine TGF-I31 (R & D Systems,

epithelial cells (19). The sensitivity of the assay is 10-

Minneapolis, MN). Duplicate or triplicate

20 pg/mL TGF-13, ED.,

measurements of most samples were made. TGFs 13's

These cells have been shown

to be sensitive to inhibition by TGF-13 (20). Briefly,

1, 2, and 3 have equivalent activity in this assay.

serially diluted samples of aqueous humor were treated as described above and added to the cells;

Determination of the relative amounts of TGF-Bl and


was determined incorporation of ['2sl]iodode~xyuridine

The relative amounts of TGF-I31 and 02 were

as a measure of cell proliferation. The concentration of TGF-A in the aqueous humor samples was

determined by 2 methods. First, heat-activated aqueous humor specimens were preincubated with

determined by comparison with a standard curve of

either turkey anti-TGF-81 (19) or rabbit anti-TGF-I32















6.6 t 3.7











* 1.4





3.6 t 1.0



5.8 (5.0, 6.61 (2)



5.1 (4.6, 5.61 (2)











48 100


4.1 t 0.9






3.6 i2.3






2.8 [2.3, 3.31 (2)












2.4 (2.3, 2.51 (2)






1 2


% PlPE 1



















95 64

0 0





*Mean * SD of 3 separate determinations, except where number Is indicated in parentheses. Where only two determinations were made, the actual values are given within brackets.

'Single determination of the % of the total assayable TGF-beta that Is actlve. *Values represent a single determination (see Figure 2). -


Current Eye Research (21) before addition to the CCL-64 growth inhibition

The ability of aqueous humor samples to inhibit the

assay. These polyclonal antibodies, whose specificlty

CCL-64 growth assay was unaltered by preincubation

has been rigorously tested (20), specifically block the

with anti-TGF-A1 (n= 8 ) , nor was any TGF-I31 detected in the sandwich ELISA assay (n = 10). In contrast,

activity of TGF-A1 and 02, respectively. Secondly, the relative amounts of these 2 isoforms of TGF-A were determined in a sandwich ELSA assay (21).

between 64 and 95% (mean ? SD = 80 t 13%) of the ability of the aqueous humor samples (n=8) to inhibit CCL-64 growth was blocked by preincubation with


antibodies against TGF-fi2 (Figure 2). Furthermore,

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The patients ranged in age from 45 to 87 years

TGF 02 was detected in 10/10 samples tested in the

(mean t SD; 67 t 14). There were 12 men and 12

sandwich ELlSA assay (data not shown); TGF-A1 was

women. 23 patients were white, one was black

not detected in any of these samples.

(Table). Each aqueous humor sample contained

Comparison of the activity of the aqueous humor

detectable levels of TGF-B ranging from 2.3 to 8.1

samples in the CCL-64 growth inhibition assay before

ng/ml (mean ? S.D. = 4.5 t 1.7 ng/ml; Table). The

and after heat activation (n =20) revealed that between

dose-response curves for inhibition of the CCL-64

15 and 100% (mean ? SD= 61 k 27%) of the TGF-13

growth assay by aqueous humor were similar in shape

was present in active form in aqueous humor.

to the curve generated by the addition of purified porcine TGF-A1 (Figure 1).


! Human Aqueous (pl/mL)

TGF-I31 (pglmL) or Aqueous (pllmL)

Figure 1. Growth inhibitory activrty of human aqueous humor for mink lung epithelial CCL-64 cells. Serial dilutions of heat-activated human aqueous humor (patients 1,4; 4p; and 5,o)were tested for their ability to inhibit uptake of '251-iodo-deoxyuridine. Concentrations of transforming growth factor-8 in the aqueous humor were estimated by comparison with a standard curve of porcine transforming growth factor4 ( 0 ) . Shown is a representative experiment of 3 such assays for each sample. Maximum incorporation of untreated cells (control) was 2670 cpm.


Figure 2. Anti-transforming growth factor-oZ antibodies, but not anti-transforming growth factor-81 antibodies, block the growth inhibitory activity of human aqueous humor. To aliquots of human aqueous humor (patient #4) were added either turkey control serum (1 pl/mL;o); turkey anti-transforming growth factor-A1 #366 (1 pl/mL;m); rabbit IgG (45 pg/mL;o), or rabbit anti-transforming growth factor-02 SAM (50pg/mL;o). Samples were then assayed for their growth inhibitory activity. The proportion of transforming growth factor42 was calculated by comparing the level of assayable transforming growth factor4 in the presence and absence of the antibodies. Only anti-transforminggrowth factor-I32 antibodies reduced the activity. Maximum incorporation was 7840 cpm.

Current Eye Research No correlation was detected between the age (r=

is unknown at the present time. source of the TGF-A~

0.08, p= 0.72, linear regression analysis) or gender

However, retinal pigment epithelial cells in culture have

(males, 4.3 5 1.5; females 4.8 5 1.9; p =0.49, unpaired

been shown to secrete predominantly TGF-132 (26).

t test) of the patient and the concentration of TGF-8.

Moreover, the neural tissue of the eye including the photoreceptor cells, ganglion cells, and bipolar cells all


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The TGF-As are a set of multifunctional proteins

stain intensely for TGF-13’s 2 and 3; no staining for TGF-A1 is detected in these cells (K. Flanders and K.

with a variety of effects (15). A growing body of

Unsicker, personal communication).

evidence suggests that they play a pivotal role in the process of wound repair (22). For this reason they

The significance of this preponderance of the 82 isoform in aqueous humor is unclear. In most

may also be important in wound healing processes

bioassays, including the CCL-64 growth inhibition

within the eye and on the ocular surface.

assay that we employed, the isoforms of TGF-A are

TGF-D has been detected in the rat cornea after

functionally indistinguishable. One notable exception

epithelial wounding (23), in the retina and choroid of

is the almost 100-fold greater ability of TGF-A1 to

monkeys following argon laser photocoagulation (24),

inhibit growth of endothelial cells in culture (27). This

in the embryonic mouse eye (25), and in the vitreous

suggests differential activities of these 2 isoforms in

of eyes with retinal detachments (9). Granstein et al.

control of angiogenesis which could result in an

(2) have reported the presence of TGF-A in murine

altered healing response pattern. In some aqueous humor samples, a portion of the

and human aqueous humor at levels of 200 to lo00 pg/ml after acid activation. We now report the

TGF-A activity was not neutralized by antisera against

presence of significantly higher concentrations of TGF-

either the a1 or 132 isoforms. Two possible

D in a series of carefully obtained aqueous humor

explanations are that some of the inhibitory activity in

specimens from human eyes with well-defined clinical characteristics. Furthermore, we have characterized it

the assay was not due to TGF-A or that a portion of the TGF-A in the aqueous humor represents another

as the 82 isoform and have demonstrated that the

isoform, ~3 (15). The latter possibility is supported by

majority is present in the activated form. The composition of our aqueous humor samples

the observation that both messenger RNA for A3 (by

may have been influenced by the presence of cataract

imrnunohistochemistry) are detectable in the mouse

or by the pharmacologic and mechanical interventions

retina and many other tissues of neural origin (B.

that preceded the sampling. These samples,

Marascalco and K. Unsicker, personal

however, represent the closest to unaltered aqueous

communication). Therefore, it is possible that TGF-83

humor that we could obtain. The presence of TGF-13

may be present in aqueous humor. Unfortunately, no

in the samples is unlikely to be due solely to

antibodies are currently available for selective detection of this isoform.

preoperative interventions because we and others have detected TGF-A in other species that have

in situ hybridization) and the peptide itself (by

In most biological fluids, including vitreous (9),

undergone only minimal manipulation before sampling

most of the TGF-A is present in a biologically inactive


form (28), and requires either heat or acid treatment to We detected only the A2 isoform of TGF-R. Since

express its activity (18). Therefore, the large

TGF-A2 is not found in human serum or platelets, the

proportion of TGF-A present in active form in the

TGF-8 detected in the aqueous humor does not reflect

aqueous humor (15 to loo%,with an mean value of 61 27%), is striking. Although the significance of

contamination from the serum during sampling, The


Current Eye Research this observation is not clear, the presence of so much active form of TGF-I3 in aqueous humor suggests a possible role in normal ocular physiology. Joseph et al. (4) have determined that aqueous

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Henry D. Jampel, M.D., Maumenee 8-110, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 600 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21205.

humor is chemotactic for ocular surface fibroblasts and have reported that this activity resides in substances with molecular weights greater than 30 kD and is deactivated by low pH (29). TGF-I3 has been shown to have potent chemotactic activity for human Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by University of Melbourne on 09/15/14 For personal use only.

fibroblasts (11); however, it has a molecular weight of 25 kD and is activated by acid treatment (15). These

data suggest that the chemoattractant activity of aqueous humor might be due to factors other than TGF-A. Our identification of TGF-13 in aqueous humor and the availability of specific blocking antibodies to TGF-B’s 1 and 2 now permit direct testing of a possible role for this peptide in chemotaxis of ocular fibroblasts. The detection of TGF-A in the aqueous humor raises the question of its origin. Preliminary results suggest that cells fcom either the iris and/or ciliary body may secrete TGF-13 in vitro (30). Immunohistochemical techniques and in situ hybridization should permit localization of the protein in tissues of the anterior segment, and the determination of which cells are actually synthesizing TGF-8. Glaucoma filtration surgery generally fails due to scarring in the subconjunctival space (31). The TGF-s present in the aqueous humor may play a role in the wound healing process following filtration surgery.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported in part by a grant from National Glaucoma Research, American Health Assistance Foundation, Rockville, MD (Dr. Jampel).

The authors would like to thank David Danielpour, PhD. for his help with the immunoassays and with the sandwich ELISA.

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Transforming growth factor-beta in human aqueous humor.

The transforming growth factor-beta s are peptide growth factors known to play a central role in wound healing. Using a specific, in vitro assay of ce...
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