163: 11 1-1 16 (1991)


*ICRF Molecular Oncology Group, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 OHS, U.K.; tDepartment of Clinical Oncology, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12OHS, U.K.; f ICRF Histopathology Unit, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WCZA 3 P N , U.K. Received I 7 August I990 Accepted 16 October 1990

SUMMARY Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been reported as an important molecular abnormality in human pancreatic cancer. There is in vitro evidence that simultaneous overproduction of one of its ligands, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha),might result in an autocrine loop with an increased proliferation signal. We analysed by immunocytochemicalstaining a retrospective series of human pancreatic cancers, chronic pancreatitis, and normal fetal and adult pancreatic tissues for the presence of TGF-alpha and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Ductal epithelial cells showed TGF-alpha immunoreactivity in both normal tissue and chronic pancreatitis, and 95 per cent of tumours showed strong immunoreactivity. In contrast, EGF immunoreactivity was not found in normal pancreas, but was expressed in 12 per cent of pancreatic carcinomas. Well-defined areas of EGF immunoreactivity in exocrineducts showing reactive changes in pancreatitis might represent a benign response to tissue damage similar to that previously described in the gastric mucosa. KEY

woms-Pancreatic cancer, transforming growth factor alpha, epidermal growth factor, epidermal growth factor receptor. INTRODUCTION

Several molecular abnormalities have been described in human pancreatic cancer. Mutation of the Kirsten ras gene at codon 12 is a frequent event, occurring in up to 90 per cent of cases' and the c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene is overexpressed in at least 20 per cent of cases.= The gene encoding the epidermal growth factor receptor is closely related to the c-erbB-2 proto oncogene3 and several lines of evidence suggest that the EGFiEGFR cell regulatory system may also be involved in the pathogenesis of pancreatic carcinomas. The EGFR is expressed in normal pancreatic cells4and is overexpressed in over 30-50 per cent of cases of pancreatic ~ a n c e r .This ~ overexpression correlates with alterations in chromosome 7.6 It is Addressee for correspondence: Dr N. R. Lemoine, ICRF Molecular Oncology Group, MRC Cyclotron Building, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 OHS, U.K.

0022-3417/91/020111-06 $05.00 0 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

recognized that EGF may have a role in carcinogenesis' and it has been identified in the medium of human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines.' Moreover, the incidence of pancreatic ductal carcinoma induced by N-nitrobis(2-oxopropy1)aminein Syrian hamsters is increased by EGF.9 TGF-alpha is structurally related to E G F and can bind to and stimulate the EGFR." TGF-alpha immunoreactivity is detectable in many normal human tissues (W. J. Gullick and P. Quirke, personal communication) and in the pancreas it is restricted to ductal epithelial cells (demonstrated in our present study). Like EGF, high level expression of TGF-alpha is mitogenic in cell lines possessing E G F receptors." In experiments with transgenic mice, overexpression of TGF-alpha under the influence of a metallothionein promoter induced proliferation of pancreatic acinar and fibroblast cells and caused acino-ductular metap1a~ ia. I~These " ~ effects may be accounted for by TGF-alpha acting at a local level (in an autocrine







little known about the expression of E G F and TGFalpha in surgical specimens. In one study, relatively high levels of EGF were found in extracts of some human pancreatic tumours' but the cells responsible for its production were not determined. Consequently, we analysed a retrospective series of human pancreatic cancers for evidence of EGF and TGFalpha expression. Examples of normal fetal and adult pancreas and of chronic pancreatitis were also included in the study. MATERIALS AND METHODS





Fig. I-Immunoblotting of recombinant TGF-alpha using TGFalpha polyclonal antibody 26T. Lane A: 160 ng TGF-alpha; lane B: 0 ng. Molecular weight markers: lysozyme 14.3 kD, aprotinin 6.5 kD, insulin B chain 3.4 kD

or paracrine fashion), since they occurred even when TGF-alpha expression was driven by an elastase promoter expressed only in pancreatic acinar cells. Although the changes resemble more those seen in chronic pancreatitis rather than pancreatic malignancy, it is possible that they might predispose towards neoplastic change. It is noteworthy that TGF-alpha may also act as a morphogen, stimulating tubular differentiation in vitro.14 It has been postulated that secreted EGF or TGFalpha may interact with EGFR on the surface of cells producing it, in an autocrine loop, to cause hyperstimulation of growth. Simultaneous overexpression of E G F and EGFR, and of TGF-alpha and EGFR, has been detected in pancreatic cancer cell lines, supporting this hyp~thesis,'~'~ Moreover, growth could be at least partly suppressed by phorbol ester, a protein kinase C activator, which decreases the binding of TGF-alpha to its receptor, interrupting the autocrine cycle.16It is not clear how these in vitro observations relate to spontaneous human pancreatic tumours, however, for there is

Case material Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of pancreatic adenocarcinoma (n= 84), chronic pancreatitis (n= 14), normal adult (n = lo), and fetal (n = 2) pancreas were obtained from the archives of Hammersmith Hospital. In ten cases, material was available from both primary and metastatic tumour. The fetal gestational ages were 12 and 20 weeks. Sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin were examined, and cases of pancreatic cancer classified according to standard criteria.17 Immunohistochemistry Immunostaining was performed on 3 ,um thick sections dewaxed in xylene and passed through absolute alcohol. Endogenous peroxide activity was blocked with 0.3 per cent hydrogen peroxide in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 30 min and then sections were incubated in 1:5 normal swine serum for 15 min. Sections intended for E G F immunostaining were trypsinized with 0.1 per cent trypsin in PBS for 15 min prior to incubation with normal serum. The affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antiserum 26T, raised against the 17 C-terminal amino acids of rat TGF-alpha (sequence CHSGYVGVRCEHADLLA), was used to detect TGF-alpha using the indirect immunoperoxidase method. The full characterization of this antibody will be described elsewhere (W. J. Gullick et al., in preparation). The synthetic peptide was coupled to keyhole limpet haemocyanin as a carrier using glutaraldehyde. Two rabbits were immunized at multiple sites subcutaneously with the conjugate. The serum titre developed against the peptide was determined by ELISA. Anti-peptide antibodies were purified from immune serum by absorption to and elution from a column of immobilized peptide. The antibody reacts with recombinant TGF-alpha in Western


1 I3

Fig. 2+A) TGF-alpha immunoreactivity in a pancreatic exocrine adenocarcinoma of intermediate grade. The tumour cells are strongly immunoreactive for TGF-alpha, and there is obvious membrane accentuation. (B) TGF-alpha immunoreactivity in normal pancreas. The section shows moderately intense immunoreactivity confined to the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of branching ducts and ductules

blots (Fig. I) and is capable of immunoprecipitating iodinated TGF-alpha from solution. The purified antibodies react equally well with the equivalent sequence from the human gene (CHSGYVGARCEHADLLA) and with the processed 50 amino acid form of human TGF-alpha. Similar antibodies have been described previously by several groups, and monoclonal antibodies to the same sequence have been used for immunocytochemical stainingI8,l9and Western blotting2' with similar results to those reported here. Slides were incubated with 26T antibody at 36 g/ml for 1 h and primary antibody was detected with peroxidase-conjugated swine anti-rabbit antiserum at a dilution of 1:50 (Dakopatts, U.K.), applied for 1 h. Visualization was achieved with diaminobenzidine and a light haematoxylin counterstain. Immunostaining for EGF was carried out using a polyclonal rabbit serum raised against recombinant EGF/urogastrone (a generous gift of Dr H. Gregory).21Sections were incubated in anti-EGF/ URO (1 :500)for 1 h followed by biotinylated swine

anti-rabbit immunoglobulins (1 :500)for 1 h. After washing in PBS, streptavidin complex was added for 30 min before visualization as above. Sections of normal small intestine were used as positive controls for TGF-alpha and EGF immunoreactivity. TGF-alpha shows a gradient of increasing positivity from crypts towards the villus tips both by immunohistochemistry and by mRNA quantification,22while only Brunner's glands are strongly immunoreactive for EGF. Negative controls included adjacent sections stained with the omission of the primary antibody, and specificity of staining for TGF-alpha was verified by preincubation of the primary antibody with its cognate peptide, and for EGFjURO by pre-incubation with recombinant EGF. RESULTS Exocrine pancreatic cancer Eighty of the 84 cases (95 per cent) of pancreatic cancer showed tumour cell immunoreactivity for



Fig. 3-(A) Invasive pancreatic exocrine adenocarcinoma of intermediate grade in which many tumour cells are immunoreactive for EGF. The intensity of immunostaining is variable, with most cells showing moderate levels of staining but a proportion showing very dense staining. Note also the accentuation of immunoreactivity at the luminal surface of those tumour cells forming glandular structures. (B) Adjacent section stained with antibody preincubated with recombinant EGF/urogastrone. No immunoreactivity is seen. (C) High power view of EGF immunoreactivity in exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma, showing accentuation of reactivity on the luminal surface of tumour cells forming glandular structures

TGF-alpha. The immunoreactivity was strong throughout the cytoplasm of the tumour cells with striking membrane accentuation, and was homogeneous with all tumour cells positive in all parts of individual tumours including metastases. Of the six cases in which there was no apparent staining, one was the only case of clear cell carcinoma examined and one was a post-mortem specimen with evidence of autolysis. Figure 2a shows the characteristic features of pancreatic carcinoma immunostained for TGF-alpha. In contrast, fewer tumours showed EGF immunostaining. Immunoreactivity was detectable in 10 of the 84 cases (12 per cent), and in these, staining was often patchy with some parts of the tumour



atic tissue surrounding tumours and also in some sections of chronic pancreatitis. The majority of ductal epithelium was entirely free of immunostaining but occasional isolated areas of well-defined intense cytoplasmic staining were visible. In these areas, the pancreatic ducts could be seen to form one or more budding tubular outgrowths and the epithelial cells lining the outgrowths, or immediately adjacent to them, were stained. Inspection of the surrounding tissue invariably revealed some evidence of chronic inflammation, although the converse did not apply. These changes are illustrated in Fig. 4. Fetal pancreas was completely negative for E G F expression at both 12 and 20 weeks’ gestation. DISCUSSION

Fig. &Chronic pancreatitis showing regenerative epithelium in a small duct. There is a well-defined group of epithelial cells showing EGF immunoreactivity

strongly positive and others completely negative. The immunoperoxidase staining was mainly cytoplasmic, but there was often accentuation at the luminal surface of tumour cells forming welldifferentiated glandular structures (Fig. 3). All the EGF-positive cases were positive also for TGFalpha immunoreactivity. Normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis Most sections of normal pancreas showed some cytoplasmic staining of ductal cells for TGF-alpha (Fig. 2b). Uniform immunoreactivity could be seen throughout the duct system including the very smallest tributaries and, in continuity, the centroacinar cells. Relatively weak staining of islet cells was seen but the acinar cells and interstitium showed no immunoreactivity. Cases of chronic pancreatitis showed a similar pattern of staining and the ducts of the fetal pancreas showed TGF-alpha immunoreactivity. An interesting pattern of EGF immunoreactivity was sometimes seen in the non-neoplastic pancre-

This study shows that normal fetal and adult pancreatic ducts, and ducts in pancreatic tissue with chronic inflammatory changes, uniformly express TGF-alpha. In addition, we have demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of pancreatic tumours express TGF-alpha, which is consistent with their ductal origin. These observations provide supportive evidence for the autocrine stimulation hypothesis in pancreatic carcinogenesis, whereby production of TGF-alpha might provide a growth advantage to cells which simultaneously overexpress EGFR (a frequent event in pancreatic cancer The pattern of E GF immunoreactivity in the normal adult pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, and tissue surrounding tumours strongly resembles the in the appearances described by Wright et gastrointestinal mucosa in regions of mucosal ulceration. New glands are formed initially as buds from the base of the crypts, which become tubules and secrete EGF. As the new glands approach the gut lumen, the leading cells migrate onto the surface and repopulate the ulcerated area. It has been suggested that the principal role of E GF is to stimulate ulcer healing in the gut. In the light of its known protective and reparative effects on other epithelia, the histological appearances that we observed suggest that EGF may mediate duct regeneration and repair in the pancreas in a similar way. These observations support the notion that this lineage is a general wound-healing response in tissues of endodermal origin.24The relative infrequency of E G F immunoreactivity in pancreatic carcinomas suggests that TGF-alpha (which is ubiquitously expressed in these tumours) is the major player in the potential autocrine loop for stimulation of the EGFR in



pancreatic cancer. The curious cell-to-cell heterogeneity in EGF immunoreactivity is reminiscent of that seen for another growth factor implicated in tissue repair, TGF-beta in another tumour of endodermal origin, thyroid carcinoma.25 We have convincingly shown the presence of immunoreactive EGF and TGF-alpha in these tissues, but it remains possible that these growth factors are not being actively produced by the cells in which the protein product is seen. Therefore we are now examining these tissues by in situ hybridization with nucleic acid probes to detect mRNA specific for these growth factors, which would be indirect evidence of active synthesis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

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Transforming growth factor alpha and epidermal growth factor in human pancreatic cancer.

Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been reported as an important molecular abnormality in human pancreatic cancer. Ther...
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