
Quick links to online content Annu. Rev. Public Health. 1990. 11:29-37 Copyright © 1990 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved


Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.

Norton Nelson** New York University Medical Center, Institute York, New York 10016


Environmental Medicine, New

"Toxics" has come to be used as a general term to cover noxious chemicals, particularly those arising in industrialized societies (or those heavily using chemicals, e.g. pesticides). Public health, as a field, has increasingly become aware of and is now actively involved in the role of"toxics" in health injury and the quality of life. The aim of toxicology has always been the prevention of injury; this remains the guiding principle. The emphasis on prevention and finding means of choosing less hazardous ways of working with chemicals (including the development of appropriate regulations and controls) should receive even more emphasis in the next decade. Indeed, the report of the Research Strat­ egies for the 1990's Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board (22) uses the theme of prevention as a major thread throughout its proposals for research strategies within EPA. Toxicolo­ gy will often need the assistance of epidemiology, especially to test the reliability of its "preventive" advice. Toxicology is much changed from what it was several decades ago, when it was primarily a rather routine testing enterprise. Toxicologists now are aware of the immense advances of the past several decades in molecular and cell biology. Toxicologists have developed sufficient sophistication so that the feedback between fundamental scientists and toxicologists serves to advance both fields. Two recent journals, Journal of Biochemical Toxicology and Chemical Research in Toxicology, reflect this interaction. Among the issues that have received a great deal of attention in the last few years are those growing out of the Superfund legislation relating to health and environmental hazards. When the first Superfund legislation was passed, it **Dr. Nelson died 2/4/90, after a fall, two days short of his 80th birthday. To the final hours he was a remarkably active and insightful leader of the field of environmental health, to which he has made so many contributions.



Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.



was assumed that all was known that needed to be known about the disposal of toxic wastes; namely, that all that was really required was to gather the materials with reasonable regard for their presumed (but often unknown) hazards, bury them in some place, preferably remote, and walk away and hope that all would be well. It has turned out that we did not know many of the things that we needed to know about the safe disposal and secure disposition of chemical wastes. In the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, much more attention was given to improving means for safe disposal. Unfortunately, the techniques for determining the presence of toxic wastes and their risk assessment for health and ecological effects are still inadequate to distinguish reliably the extent of hazard. An important improvement in the legislation reauthorizing the Act was to direct much more attention and resources to research in these fields. This has led to increased activity and funding within EPA for study and improvements of methods for detection and risk assessment as well as for improved means for disposal of waste. A landmark part of the reauthorization was the enactment of the Superfund health-related program under the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; this program calls for university research to improve means for disposal, detection, and risk assessment (The Hatch-Wyden Amendment) (9). This program, now in its third year, provides funding through competitive grants to universities for the development of improved means for detecting and evaluating toxic wastes and for collaborative studies with engineers on means for reducing the amount and toxicity of qazardous wastes. It also provides for ecological studies to improve our understanding of the environ­ mental effects of hazardous wastes. Although this program is still too young to evaluate its progress, it has been received warmly, and funds have been awarded to nine universities throughout the country, all on a competitive basis. Each such award is linked with collaborative programs with engineer­ ing and ecological studies as well as studies on hydrogeology relating to possible movement through soils and aquifers. These awards went to universities with some of the most advanced toxico­ logical programs in the country. As a minimum, it can be predicted that techniques for the detection and evaluation of hazardous materials and their movement in the environment will be improved substantially. As noted, this program includes a novel feature that provides for collaborative work between toxicologists and engineers, particularly chemical engineers, on means for reducing the amount and toxicity of hazardous wastes. Toxicologists and engineers are seeking general processes to minimize the total waste requiring disposal and look for ways to recycle more of the total, ending up with much less toxic material to dispose of with, it is hoped, much less intrinsic toxicity.

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For now, however, this program can only make a modest dent in the total problem, considering the enormous bulk of waste presently requiring disposal and the extreme variety of wastes that are being d ispos ed , esp ec iall y since many of the wastes will be highly specialized according to the processes and agents i nv olv ed . One of the tools that will contribute in an important way to improving the ability to detect health injury is the advancing technique for detecting even more subtle biochemical changes that can be related to early patterns of injury. These support tools include a number of techniques for detection of early changes that have received the term biomarkers. These biomarkers can include the actual reaction of toxic chemicals or their metabolites with tissue biochemicals. An example of this is the reaction of toxic chemicals with DNA to produce adducts (15), which can be the first stage in the development of malignancy or can, in other instances, simply indicate exposure to a foreign chemical. In other cases, they may represent an altered response of limited duration that, if detected early, serves as an indication of exposure or of the initial stages of disease. Table 1 (6) indicates a spectrum of "indicators" or "markers" of biological response, which could range from the earliest indica­ tion of exposure of biochemical units, whether intracellular or extracellular, to disease or death. "Biomarkers" for the detection of real or potential injury provide important new tools for the earlier detection of potential injury. Susceptibility often varies widely within human populations. Techniques are emerging that detect individual susceptibility to foreign chemicals (6). The identification and classification of individual susceptibilities, whether from genetic endowment or disease, brings with it some awkward problems in the social use of such p roce dures , not all of which have been resolved at this stage, and means for the safe and fair application of these procedures may be required to guide their application (19). Toxicology, in the sense used here, comprises all of the procedures accessi­ ble for developing information on the possible or probable hazard of exposure to toxic agents. There are several reasons for linking epidemiological studies with toxicology in the objective of preventing injury. Obviously, the hop e of careful, p re dic tive tox ico lo gica l studies based primarily on laboratory or experimental procedures is to learn of the dangers of possible exposure, the limits of injury, and procedures for avoiding injury or for the development of substitute chemicals before chemicals are put into widespread use. There is always a risk of failing to develop adequate protective approaches, however, and for this reason, epidemiologic follow-ups are of the utmost importance to be sure that the predictions of safety are in fact valid and effective. In addition, epidemiology in some cases may be the only approach for which laboratory studies have not been possible or are suspected of being ineffective. In such cases, the linkage of toxicology through laboratory


NELSON Table 1

Continuum from exposure to endpoint. Markers of exposure and/or effects





Exposure dose

Internal dose

Preclinical response



Biological dose

Clinical effects

effective dose

Surrogate biological dose

Molecular dose

Biological marker

Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.

Exposure indicator The preferred but not unanimous version of our schematic is as follows:

/' Biological markers � � � Exposure dose � Molecular dose

'" Disease



Surrogate biological markers -> M

























Adapted from Ref. (6).

evaluations with epidemiology can be very important. Toxicology studies in the laboratory can avoid many of the pitfalls of epidemiology in better control of possible confounding factors; however, the techniques suffer from the lack of sensitivity, since the size of the study groups are likely to be small compared to that of possibly exposed groups of humans. Such studies can have a higher specificity than epidemiological studies, in which the exposure of humans under study may not be as well defined as in controlled laboratory studies. Of course, epidemiological studies are optimal in terms of their relevance to humans and do not involve species extrapolations. Table 2 (14) illustrates comparison of the contrasting powers of epidemiol­ ogy and toxicology. Linkage of the two, wherever applicable, is desirable. Such linkage is now underway in use of some of the more refined "biomarker" endpoints as mentioned above. The promises of these approaches of "molecu­ lar epidemiology" are still to be fully assessed, but the prospect is very hopeful (15). Occupational diseases are very much still with us. Unfortunately, their extent and prevalence remain inadequately measured. The US continues to need a country-wide system of occupational disease reporting, preferably linked with recording of "sentinel" diseases (Sentinel Health Events, Occupa-



Toxicology/epidemiology: contrasts




Control of variables



Identifying causal factors



Size of population


Can be very large




Genetic diversity

Normally deliberately narrow


Intercurrent disease

Controllab le

Not controllable

Study of mechanisms

Easily accessible

Ethical hindrances

Uncertain relevancy

Directly relevant

Unrestricted (except interview)

Severely restricted

Exposure Environment

Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.

Confounding factors

Diagno stic tests

Nelson (14)

tionally Related)

(18). Part of the problem is the inadequate recognition of

occupational etiologies on the part of the majority of physicians. A number of efforts are underway (including a recent one within the National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine) to encourage wider awareness of occupational diseases by physicians. These are not the first attempts to urge physicians to identify occupational etiologies reliably; however, until there is a nationwide system of mandatory disease reporting, progress seems unlikely. New York State recently developed a statewide system of occupational disease clinics that could substantially improve the situation. A review associ­ ated with this development places work-related exposures at

3-4% of all

deaths, or between 5000 and 7000 annually in New York State (12). Useful though this statewide study is, a nationwide system for the detection and reporting of occupational disease is the surest way of understanding the substantial extent of impact of occupational disease. As pointed out elsewhere, conceptually occupational disease is almost totally preventable

(13). The techniques that could achieve this would involve

the total enclosure of dangerous processes so the workers would not be exposed. The problem of maintenance of equipment remains a possible source of exposure; here the use of robots under remote control could contribute significantly in filling this gap in the protective pattern. Although there appears not to have been any economic survey made relevant to the issue, it seems quite probable in my opinion that the costs of the "protective boxes" might be substantially less than the costs involved in medical services, medical care, loss of productivity and life, and litigation. In my judgment, the Toxic Substance Control Act, which is intended to control the safety of products, is not as stringent as it should be. Nonetheless,

Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.



it is a significant advance over the earlier, near total absence of control. The information required from industry is very sparse indeed, so much so that the final judgment often has to be made on the basis of structure-activity rela­ tionships alone rather than on the basis of actual toxicological study. The information required under the Toxic Substance Control Act is substantially less complete than guidelines now being developed within the "Common Market" in Europe (5). Improved "structure-activity techniques," especially quantitative structure­ activity relationships, are needed urgently. The pursuit of reliability in such predictive examinations should be encouraged (10, 11, 17). Such techniques might be especially useful as an aid in the assessment of the hazards of mixtures of chemicals for which current procedures leave much to be desired. Actual exposures of humans normally occur to a mixture of chemicals. Exposure rarely occurs through a single chemical. Another development receiving more attention has to do with the attempt to find test systems that minimize or do not involve the use of vertebrate animals. This is desirable from many standpoints, especially by animal rights advocates. Unquestionably, techniques that use either inanimate or isolated cell systems could replace some, perhaps many, tests on higher animals. One such system is the" Ames" test, which is a bacterial system for the detection of mutations by a relatively simple technique (2). This test has shown reasonably high correlation with the likelihood of the carcinogenicity of genotoxic chemicals, with, however, poor correlation to non-genotoxic che­ micals (20). Test systems for overall organ response for non-genotoxic endpoints have shown little promise (SGOMSEC) (3). Nevertheless, specific and limited patterns of organ injury can be detected in simplified tests; such approaches show some promise of reducing the need for use of living animals in many test systems. There is a danger that in our concentration on the studies at the molecular and cellular level, we may forget that the human organism is an organized and carefully tuned system of interacting organ functions and overall interaction with homeostatic mechanisms for mutual support and control. Complex organisms such as the human sometimes have to be examined as a complete organism (e.g. in laboratory animals) if important toxic responses are to be identified and their mechanism of action is to be understood. As suggested above, many new tools for toxicological studies are now emerging that can refine our understanding of the mode of injury and the stages through which injury proceeds. These include the increasing knowl­ edge of the role of receptor systems in toxic responses. An outstanding example of this is the importance of the p450 mixed-function oxidase enzyme system in the detoxification and toxification of foreign chemicals (16).



An example of the attention that the p450 enzyme system is receiving has to do with the very toxic chemical tetrachlorodibenzo dioxin (TCDD), an ex­ tremely toxic chemical that is a by-product of a number of chemical pro­ cesses. It was first brought to public and scientific attention during the Vietnam war, when it was identified as a contaminant of 2,4,5T a herbicide then used militarily. TCDD has received extensive study. It is a potent carcinogen in ex­ perimental animals; and since it is widespread in the human environment, its

Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.

possible human carcinogenicity is of concern. Although presently there is only limited evidence of human cancer arising from exposure to TCDD, it is the object of extensive study and considerable concern (7). TCDD has the very interesting property that although not proven to be an "initiating" agent through DNA injury, it has been suggested that it produces cancer in experimental animals through what is known as a "promoting" activity; that is, it accelerates the development of cancer by "promoting" the progression of cells, some of which have already been "initiated" to cancer. The mechanisms whereby this "promotion" occurs have excited much interest as both a scientific challenge and a reliable means of carrying out "risk assessment"

(21) for estimating the likelihood of human cancer from exposure

to TCDD. Thus, it has been proposed that the p450s clearly play an important role in this "promotion" of "initiated" cells by dioxin

(16). On the other hand,

there are some who regard TCDD as a complete carcinogen (1). Thus, there is a parallel intensive search for

(a) the means whereby the

enzymes (p450) induced by TCDD aid in conferring its promoting activity, and

(b) how to use its biological and chemical characteristics reliably to

estimate its quantitative cancer risk. Analytical tools for TCDD have been so refined that normal levels of several picogram per gram can now be detected reliably, as can elevated levels found 15 years after exposure in Air Force crewmen who were previously involved in spraying Agent Orange (contain­ ing 2,4,5T). The same procedures have made it possible to analyze blood from the children with chloracne exposed in the 2,4,5T explosion in Seveso, Italy. The blood samples were carefully preserved from the time of the explosion (1976), when analytical techniques were quite primitive; the high­ est levels yet seen in humans (up to 30,000 picograms per gram) were found in recent analysis of these preserved samples (4). Research tools used in these studies and others in this newer era of toxicology and public health are of a very sophisticated nature. The study of oncogenes is still far from mature enough to be used routinely in toxicological studies, but that day may be quite close at hand. It appears, for example, that there is some chemical or agent specificity in the kind of oncogene that is activated, which suggests that such studies of the oncogene system can provide additional information perhaps not easily obtainable otherwise




In summary, toxicology is steadily maturing as a science and has reached the stage at which it can now make major contributions to fundamental studies of biological patterns of injury. There is widespread and growing interest in toxicology among basic scientists. This pattern can be expected to continue to the advantage both of toxicology and of basic sciences. We are only beginning to apply the new tools and understanding. Major social issues remain to which this improving science and art need to be

Annu. Rev. Public Health 1990.11:29-37. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California - Davis on 02/04/15. For personal use only.

applied. Legislative and regulatory changes are needed to facilitate the use of these new tools and improved resources to reduce injury and disease. This progress is needed if we are to continue to enjoy the technology to which we owe so many conveniences and pleasures of life. We have not adequately employed these protective and preventive resources to remove these in­ adequacies, which remain real and dangerous to mankind if uncontrolled.

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Toxics and public health in the 1990s.

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