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The Quality of Meat of Lambs Fed with Feeds Containing Lasalocid Maria Krelowska-Kulas , W. Kedzior & M. Roborzynski To cite this article: Maria Krelowska-Kulas , W. Kedzior & M. Roborzynski (1992) The Quality of Meat of Lambs Fed with Feeds Containing Lasalocid, Archiv für Tierernaehrung, 42:2, 171-177, DOI: 10.1080/17450399209432987 To link to this article:

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Date: 04 June 2016, At: 19:57

Arch. Anim. Nutr., 1992, VoL 42 pp. l71-177 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only

© 1992 Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH

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Akademia Ekollomiczna lV Krakowie Instytltt Towarozllawstwa Krakow, Poland

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(Receil'ed 19 October 1990) The aim of the research was to determine the quality of meat of lambs fed with feeds containing lasalocid. It was ascertained that lasalocid added in the quantity of 50 mg per animal and day to the feed during the whole period of fattening considerably increased the protein content in the longest back muscle in lambs. The addition of 50 mg lasalocid to the feed considerably lowered the fat content in the muscle. The muscle oflambs receiving 50 mg oflasalocid had the best water binding capacity and thus was most suitable for the production purposes. Lasalocid influenced significantly and advantageously the intensity of colour of the muscle. KEY WORDS: Quality: Meat: Lambs: Lasalocid

FLEISCHQUALITAT VON LAMMERN NACH LASALOCIDZUGABE ZUM FUTTER Als Ziel der Untersuchung was der Einflu13 von Lasalocid auf die F1eischqualitiit von Liimmem in der Wirtschaftsmast. Es wurde festgesteIlt, daB Lasalocid in einer Menge von 50 mg pro Tier und Tag als Futterungszusatz einen positiven EinfluB auf den Eiweil3gehaIt im muse. long. dorsi hat. Ocr Zusatz von 50 mg Lasalocid hatte cinen wesentlichen Einflu13 auf die Verringerung des intramuskuliiren FettgehaItes. Das F1eisch dieser Liimmer hatte das beste SafthaIteverm6gen. Lasalocid in einer Menge von 50 mglLamm und Tag hatte auch einen positiven EinfluB auf die Intensitiit der Farbe des F1eisches.

1. INTRODUCTION An intensive fattening of lambs requires securing of suitable amounts of feeds easily digestible (Dowiercial et ai. 1976; Nawara et aI., 1967). Recently, to increase the digestibility of the components of the applied feeding stuffs, substances stimulating the growth have been suggested to be used (Juhasz, 1981; Komiewicz et aI., 1983). It follows from the so far researches that the feed

Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie Instytut Towaroznawstwa, 30-033 Krakow uL Sienkiewicza 4, Poland 171

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antibiotics may stimulate the growth of the ruminants (Peterson et aI., 1983; Pisulewski, 1986). Among the production feed antibiotics are mainly compound called ionophores (ione carriers), being products of the strain of Streptomyces genus. Ionophores form fat soluble complexes with metal ions (Na, K, Ca, Mg). They have the ability to transport these ions through the cellular membranes. Lasalocid (BOyATEC) belongs to this type of antibiotics. Coccidiosis appears in many Polish flocks of sheep, therefore it is purposeful to use such stimulators in sheep-breeding which would be also coccidiastatics. Lasalocid is one of them (Horton and Stockdale, 1979; Horton and Stockdale, 1981; Schwulst and Simms, 1984). In the so far estimation of ionophores efficiency little attention was paid to their impact on the quality of the obtained meat. In his experiments on fattened cattle (Chalupa, 1984) did not find a negative influence of monensin and lasalocid on the quality of cattle carcasses. It follows from the studies of the influence of rumensin and salinomycyn on the results of Iamb fattening carried out by Korniewicz et aI. (1984) that neither rumensin nor salinomycyn had an impact on the dry mass overall protein and ash content in meat. Yet, salinomycyn considerably lowered the fat content in meat. There were observed trends to lower the water absorption of meat in both groups. The applied stimulants considerably influenced the intensity of colour of meat which found its expression in growing of the overall colours and myoglobin. In their later experiments the authors (Korniewicz et aI., 1985) noted that both salinomycyn and flavomycyn did not have any significant influence on the dry matter, protein and fat content in lamb meat. The ash content increased (P < 0.01) in the meat of lambs fed with addition of the analysed stimulators. Both salinomycyn and flavomycyn had a considerable impact on the intensity of overall colours and myoglobin. A similar influence on the colour of meat also had monensin (Korniewicz et aI., 1983, 1984). It follows from the further studies of Korniewicz et aI. (1986) that the addition of rumensin and AVATEC (sodium lasalocide) lowered the amount of meat and simultaneously increased the fat content in the carcass. In their studies of lambs fed with feed containing lasalocid (BOYATEC) Krelowska-Kulas et aI. (1987, 1988) noticed that lasalocid given in the amount 50 mg/day and lamb considerably influenced the protein content in the longest back muscle of the lambs and significantly lowered the fat content in this muscle. It follows from the so far experiments (Donoho, 1984) that antibiotics or" the ionophore type applied in accordance with recommendations do not create any endangerment for the animal organism or for human beings. In the available literature there were not found any studies on the influence of lambs feeding with feeds containing lasalocid (BOYATEC) on the quality of meat. The aim of the researches was to determine the quality of meat of lambs fed with feeds containing lasalocid. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS In 1988 there was conducted an experiment with lambs of the Polish lowland

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sheep in the Department of Sheep Breeding of the Institute of Zootechnics. The samples of the longest back muscle were taken from 120 lambs. The lambs were divided into 4 groups. Each group consisted of 15 rams and 15 ewes. Lambs of group I were fed with hay, maize silage, ground oats, pasturable yellow lupine green forage, green lucerne, ground barley and wheat bran without lasalocid. Lambs of group II received the same feed with addition of 25 mg/day and lamb of lasalocid (in wheat bran); lambs of group III got an addition of 50 mg of lasalocid whereas group IV - 100 mg of lasalocid in the form of a mineral mixture. Lasalocid was first applied on the 90th day from the birth and then has been given by 60 days. Chemical composition of feeds and daily feed intake is presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Lambs of all groups were fed ad libitum. Feeds were mixed and calculated for groups. Lambs had permanent approach to water. The body weight and live weight gain of the Iambs are given in Table 3. After reaching the weight of 35 kg, 120 lambs were slaughtered (Le. 30 lambs in each group). The samples were taken from 30 lambs in each group. The longest back muscle (m. longissimus dorsi) made up the experimental material. The material was sampled after 24 hrs of cooling the carcasses in the Meat Plants in Sedzisz6w. In the meat the following parameters were determined: basic chemical composition, Le. water, protein and fat content using the conventional methods, pH measured in water homogenates according to the Polish Standards, constituents of the reflecting colour: saturation, tone and lightness using the Kortz et al. (1968) method, total content of colour by the Homsey (1958) method, water binding Table 1 Chemical composition of feeds intake

Chemical composition offeeds (%) Feed Dry matter Crude protein Ether extrat Cn/de fibre N-free extractives Ash Yellow pasture lupin Ground oat Ground barley Wheat bran Hay Maize silage Lucerne green

87.9 88.6 87.0 88.3 91.7 22.4 19.0

5.9 5.4 2.7 4.4 3.0 2.6 0.6

37.6 12.2 14.0 16.3 11.8 2.8 4.2

13.0 10.0 4.4 6.5 33.1 5.5 5.3

4.6 4.5 4.7 3.2 8.0 1.8 2.0

26.8 56.4 61.2 57.1 35.9 9.7 6.9

Table 2 Daily feed intake

Days feeding


Feed (kg) Ground Wheat Yellow Maize Lucerne Mineral Dry Oat Ml Oat Barley bran pasture silage green }'itamin matter units grane mixture "Polfmix

Crude protein g


91-100 0.4 101-125 0.4 126-150 0.3

0.3 0.1

0.2 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.3

0.1 0.15 0.1

0.4 0.4 0.3

• - Composition ace. to manufacured dale: ZPD Bacutil, Warszawa 1984.

0.005 0.010 0.010

0.937 0.971 5.743 1.321 1.061 6.276 1.021 1.197 7.078

140 160 188

174 Table 3

MARIA KRELOWSKA-KULAS W. KI;DZI0R AND M. ROBORZYNSKI Body weight, live weight gain, gain pcr animal and day, and intkc pcr 1 kg wcight gain

I Feed withollt Lasalocid

Groups II III IV Feed with 25 mg Feed wilh 50 mg .MineraI mixture Lasaslocid/animal.el Lasalocidlanimal.eI with LasaIocid

25.12 8

27.96 A

27.92 A

27.10 A

28.87 B

33.46 A

34.32 A

32.70 A

3.75 B 75 A

5.50 A 110 B

6.40 A 128 BC

5.60 A 1128





0.889 6.066 35.90

0.757 5.165 30.56

0.728 4.966 29.39

0.746 5.088 30.11

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80dy weight at the beginning of the fattcning (kg) Body weight at the end of the fattening (kg) Live weight gain (kg) Gain pcr animal and day (g) Intake per kg weight gain: Dry mattcr (kg) Crude protein (kg) Oats feed units Metabolizable cncrgc (My)

A. B. C - differences significant • P < 0.0 I

capacity by the Grau and Hamm (1953) method and the thermal drip by the Walczak (1959) method. The sensory properties of the meat were estimated after the thermal processing of the meat (meat was boiled to obtain an inner temperature of the samples of 75 a C in 5 grade scale according to the methodics by Barylko-Pikiellla, 1975). The obtained results were statistically calculated by the one-factor analysis of variance method (RllSZCZyC, 1978). The significance of differences between the groups of animals was determined with the use of the multiple Duncan range test. 3. RESULTS As far as the water content in the lamb muscles is concerned no differences were observed (Table 4). The highest level of protein content in the muscle was noticed in the group of lambs fed with the feed containing 50 mg of lasalocid. Lambs in group III had a smaller amount of the intramuscular fat than lambs in group I, II and IV. No significant difference in pH of the muscle was observed among the groups. Water absorption in the muscle of lambs of group III was lower than in the muscle of group I, II and IV. Lambs which received the addition of 50 mg of lasalocid had the smallest losses connected with the ability to retain water (bound and fixed) in the muscle and leaking of melted fat during the thermal processing. As far as the colour content goes, a highly significant difference was traced between group I and the one which received 50 mg of lasalocid and a salt-lick containing lasalocid; the difference was significant between the group receiving 25 mg of lasalocid and 50 mg of lasalocid and the one using a salt-lick


Chemical composition of meat

Item I Feed without Lasalocid

Water (0/0)

x x


Protein (o/Q)


Fat (0/0)



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Groups II III Feed with 50 mg Feed with 25 mg Lasaslocid/animal.ol Lasalocid/animal.ol

76,6 0,28 19,1la 0,17 2,68a 0,09

76,4 0,21 19,64a 0,20 2,44a 0,16

75,8 0,19 21,25b 0,14 1,76b 0,12


A/ineral mixture with Lasalocid

76,0 0,15 20,57b 0,22 2,00b 0,10

a.b - differences significant - P < 0.05

(Tab. 5). From among three features of the colour of the muscle, no significant differences in the tone of colour and intensity of colour were observed. The lightness of the muscle in the lambs fed with feeds containing 50 mg of lasalocid was the lowest as compared with lightness of colour of meat in the remaining groups. From among the parameters determining the consumption utility of the boiled meat, i.e. its aroma, succulence, consistency and palatability no differences among groups were observed (Table 6). 4. DISCUSSION Physicochemical analyses of the muscle prove that the addition oflasalocid to the feed did not have influence on the water content in the muscle. Yet 50 mg of Table 5 Physico-chemical properties of meat Item

pH 24 Water binding capacity (0/0) Thermal drip (%) Total colour content (ppm) Tone of colour (nm) Lightness of colour (nm) Saturation of colour (%)

Groups I III IV II Feed without Feed with 25 mg Feed with 50 mg A/ineral mixture Lasalocid Lasaslocid/animal.ol Lasalocid/animal.ol with Lasalocid

x s xs x

s x s x s x s x s

5,74 0,03 24,46A 0,70 34,08a 2,35 103,64A 4,55 597,14 2,02 12,58a 1,29 24,14 2,03

A, B - differences significant • P < 0,01

5,72 0,03 24,52A 0,61 34,12a 2,50 105,80a 4,50 597,52 1,83 12,44a 1,36 24,50 1,92

5,70 0,02 21,72B 0,49 31,30b 2,69 117,13Bb 3,91 597,49 1,90 1O,08b 2,02 24,60 2,00

5,71 0,03 22,068 0,52 32,36b 2,70 IIO,OOBb 4,22 597,55 1,82 1O,95b 1,78 24,69 1,93

176 Table 6




I II III IV lIfineral mixture Feed without Feed with 25 mg Feed with 50 mg Lasafocid Lasasfocid/animaf.ol Lasalocid/animal.ol with Lasalocid

Aroma (Points) Succulence (Points) Consistency (Points)

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Palatability (Points)

:x s :x s :x s :x s

Total qualitat index :x (Points) s

4,45 0,24 4,43 0,20 4,40 0,17 4,42 0,20 4,40 0,21

4,42 0,22 4,35 0,11 4,42 0,18 4,44 0,13 4,41 0,22

4,48 0,25 4,40 0,16 4,46 0,21 4,46 0,18 4,47 0,16

4,51 0,20 4,46 0,18 4,47 0,22 4,45 0,16 4,46 0,19

lasalocid and lasalocid in the salt-lick had a significant impact on the increase in the protein content and decrease of the fat content in the longest back muscles of the lambs. Komiewicz et al. (1982) obtained similar results. They did not find any influence of Rumensin on the dry matter content in the adductor muscle of the thigh in lambs. Salinomycyn, however, significantly lowered the fat content in the muscle. In their further studies Komiewicz et al. (1985) noticed that salinomycyn and flavomycyn did not have a significant influence on the dry matter, protein and fat content in the adductor muscle of the thigh in lambs. In the lambs which received 50 mg/lamb oflasalocid in their feed, Krelowska-Kulas et aI. (1987, 1988) observed an increase in protein content and lowering offat in the longest back muscle. As compared with the remaining groups, the muscle of lambs fed with feeds containing 50 mg oflasalocid (BOYATEC) had a low value of pH index, greater ability to retain own water. Thus this group is most suitable for the production purposes. Such an influence of the stimulators on the level of pH and water absorption in th~ muscle of lambs was confirmed in other studies (Komiewicz et al., 1983, 1984). The colour of the muscle in lambs fed with feeds containing 50 mg of lasalocid is typical of young animals; most probably it is connected with a higher total content of colour and a lower fat content in the muscle of this group as compared with the other ones. A similar impact of salinomycyn and flavomycyn lasalocid on the intensity of colour of the muscle was experimentally stated by Komiewicz et al. (1985). Higher quality indexes of the longest back muscle, Le. water absorption, thermal leak and colour of lambs receiving the addition of 50 mg of lasalocid per day are assumed to result from a better use of the feeds they were given. It follows from the so far studies (Badley et aL, 1979; Horton, 1984; Joyner et aL 1979) that through the change in fermentation in the rumen the indexes of the feed use favourably increase. Application of this ionophore to sheep results in the decrease of acetic and butyric acids content at a simultaneous increase of the propione acids content in the total of the volative fatty acids (Ricke et aL, 1984; Shelling, 1984). An analysis of the sensory properties of the boiled muscle oflambs in all the analysed



groups shows to its good quality. To sum up, the addition of 50 mg of lasalocid to the feeds of lambs advantageously influenced certain indexes of quality of the longest back muscle in lambs.

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The quality of meat of lambs fed with feeds containing lasalocid.

The aim of the research was to determine the quality of meat of lambs fed with feeds containing lasalocid. It was ascertained that lasalocid added in ...
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