Indian swfsrr nmrns -of

Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Jurisprudence, and the Collateral Sciences; %\xij jof (Sciural IJIcbixal JnMIijgcitte, Jhibiaix uiitr Europenn. [Edited by

VolnKoTim' I

C. Macnamara and K.







to the Native

Hospital, and to Hospital, Calcutta.



then the resulting cicatricial tissue, especially penis, frequently takes on an unhealthy action ; form, which worry the patient for months, and it may

and tho



be all his life. that I




led some

from considerations such


testes, after the removal of


these the

attempt covering scrotal tumour, with healthy

ago a


wards more

step is to cut down on the testicles, which are to bo dissected out, and reflected back with the penis over the abdomen ; the mass

tedious; it often takes four or five months before the wound left after the removal of one of these scrotal tumours thoroughly


perinseum; this incision is carried first along the right, along the left side of the tumour, and the flaps, three fingers broad on either side, are dissected backtowards the thighs. It may be necessary to tie one or vessels during this stage of the operation. The next

of the abnormal


is then to be removed

by cutting

the neck of the tumour, the flaps of skin on either side of its base being kept out of the way of the knife. The vessels having been tied with catgut ligatures, the testicles


The operation for tho removal of a scrotal tumour is simple enough, but, as every surgeon who has had much practice in Bengal knows, the subsequent treatment of these cases is most


{SXs'sfe"ly' ^ 18

and then




skin ; and naturally attempted in the first instance to dissect off flaps of integuments from the inner and upper parts of the patient's thighs, and, turning those flaps backwards over the testes, to unite them by means of sutures, in a line corresponding to the raphe of the scrotum. After a little practice,

however, I found that, in some instances, a more simple proceeding than that a'oovo described might bo resorted to in cases of elephantiasis scroti; for, as a general rule, the iutegument corresponding to tho neck of tho tumour is healthy, and may be mado to form a very good covering for tho testicles. Having now operated on twelve patients witli favourable results, it seems desirable to bring the subject to tho notico of the profession, in order that we may determine if the operation proposed will stand tho test of a more extensive trial; and if so, to what class of cases it is applicable. My object is much the samo, in tho operation for tho removal of a scrotal tumour, as it would be in an amputation of the breast for malignant disease, simply taking away so much of the skin is involved in the disease, together with tho abnormal as growth, and then, if practicable, bringing the edges of the incisions together so as to get tho flaps to unite as speedily as possible, in placo of leaving a large open wound to heal by granulation. Supposing the penis is involved in the scrotal tumour, it is to be dissected out in tho first instance, and carefully held back against the Avails of the abdomen by an assistant. I then divide tho integument, in a line parallel to, and from three to four inches from the baso of tho tumour, tho incision extending from tho root of the penii to tho mesial lino


to be

of skin


to the surface of the wound, and the


then carefully brought together over them, and united iu the mesial line by moans of silver wire sutures. The penis is enveloped in a fold of oiled lint, and a pad of cotton wool is firmly secured over the newly formed covering for the are

testicles. In some cases, the catgut ligatures having been employed to secure the vessels, I have known the flaps of skin to unite in the mesinl line within fifteen days of the operation ; the cicatrix over the a


penis of

takes time to form?probably period several of my patients hospital with a pendulous, healthydartos, and with a very serviceable


at the end of which

been discharged from looking scrotum, minils its penis. Of course, a more extended trial alone can determine the point as to whether hypertrophy of the integument left after this operation will, in well selected cases, recur; there must evidently be instances of the disease in which the proceeding I advocate cannot be applied, in consequence of the skin being involved to such an extent as to prevent our forming the requisite flaps; but so far as my present experience goes, the parts operated on have gradually improved, and in some instances have come to resemble very closely the normal condition of the genital organs. In instances of elephantiasis scroti in which the skin of the penis is not much involved, I am in the habit of preserving as much of tho healthy integument as possible; it is naturally a far better covering of the organ than cicatricial tissue would be, and the more skin we can keep, the sooner and more perfect will the recovery of the patient be. have

The Operation for the Removal of Scrotal Tumours (Elephantiasis Scroti).

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