Comparative Study of Pure-Tone, Impedance, and Otoscopic Hearing Screening Methods A

Survey of Native



Indian Children in British Columbia

Roberts, MSc

\s-b\A survey of 1,109 native Indian children in five communities in British Columbia was conducted to determine incidence of middle ear pathologic features and to compare impedance and

pure-tone audiometry as hearing screening methods. Survey teams included a public health nurse, two otologists, and two audiologists. On ear, nose, and throat (ENT) otoscopic examination, the incidence of middle ear disease requiring treatment was 12%. Disease was most prevalent in the preschool- and primary school-aged children. Pure-tone audiometry yielded 62% normal and 19% abnormal results. Nineteen

of methods has received much attention, and empha¬ sis has been placed on finding proce¬ dures that will identify both hearing loss and middle ear pathologic fea¬ tures. The opinions have been numer¬ ous and diverse.'"' Based on a study of a large population of school-aged chil¬ dren, Eagles' emphasized that pres¬ ent methods of pure-tone screening are not sensitive enough to identify the child with fluctuating mild con¬ ductive losses. In a long-range investi¬ gation of children, Brooks- showed that impedance audiometry, when used as an "identification procedure," provides a sensitive index of middle ear pathologic features and has rec¬ ommended further study of its use for this purpose. Harker and Van Wa¬ goner,' in their study of 710 southeast Alaskan children of preschool and elementary school age, showed that the

five years,

past comparison In hearing screening

Accepted for publication June 22, 1976. From the Hearing Branch, Workers' Compen-

sation Board of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada.


Reprint requests to Hearing Branch, Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, 1055 Shellbridge Way, Richmond, British Columbia, V6X 2X1, Canada (Ms Roberts).

percent of the children could not be tested by this method. Impedance audiometry yielded 54% normal and 38% abnormal results on the stringent criteria used to define the parameters of normality. Eight percent of the children could not be tested. Since there was a high incidence of middle ear pathologic features in the preschool group of children who could not be successfully evaluated by pure\x=req-\ tone audiometry, it is suggested that further investigation of impedance audiometry be undertaken in order to define parameters that will provide the most reliable referral criteria.

(Arch Otolaryngol 102:690-694, 1976)

impedance audiometry is a successful method of assessing middle ear dis¬ ease, particularly in the preschool group of children, who cannot be tested by traditional pure-tone, dis¬ crete

frequency testing. They


mended that impedance be used "in addition to" pure-tone screening. On the other hand, in a survey of a limited number of 71 children, Lewis et al· found impedance audiometry to be "feasible but not significantly more reliable in predicting middle ear disease than pure tone audiometry or


In the fall of

1974, the Canadian

Department of National Health and Welfare sponsored an Ear Disease and Hearing Survey of five Indian

reservations on the Pacific coast of British Columbia. The aims of the survey were: (1) to determine the inci¬ dence of ear disease in children of various age groups; (2) to compare the incidence of active disease vs old disease; and (3) to determine the inci¬ dence of hearing disability. In addi¬ tion to these aims, this survey provided the opportunity to compare

pure-tone audiometry, impedance


diometry, and otoscopie examination

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hearing screening methods. The results of that comparative survey are reported herein. as

METHODS Each of the survey teams included


locally based public health nurse, two audiologists, and two otologists. Every

was interviewed by the nurse for a history and then underwent pure-tone audiometry, impedance audiometry, and


ear, nose, and throat (ENT) examination, in that order. The following procedures were used.

Pure-Tone Audiometry Pure-tone audiometry was conducted in a small office. Only the audiologist and subject were present. The child was condi¬ tioned to respond using a 1,000-Hz 45-dB tone. His response was then tested at 25 dB for the pure tones 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz. If he failed to respond to 25 dB, the frequencies missed were tested at a 35-dB level. If a positive response was elicited, that frequency was retested at 25 dB. A test result was considered abnormal if no response was obtained at one or more frequencies in either ear at 25 dB.

Impedance Audiometry were brought one at a time



the testing room and instructed to sit very still and make no response. The probe tip was inserted into the external ear canal and adjusted until an air-tight seal was obtained. Pressure in the outer canal was then increased to positive 200 mm H.,0 and the deflection of the balance needle observed as the pressure was gradually decreased. From this observation, the examiner noted middle ear pressure and tympanogram type. Middle ear pressure was recorded at the point of minimum needle deflection. Tympanograms were typed according to the classification of Jerger et al.:' Type A shows a high, welldefined peak of maximum balance needle deflection between +100 and —100 mm H,0 pressure; type shows limited balance needle deflection and no well-defined peak; type C shows a well-defined peak at près-


less than -200 mm , . The stapedius reflex contraction was then tested at 95 dB at 1,000 and 2,000 Hz using a contralateral signal. Deflection of the balance needle with simultaneous presentation of the stimulus indicated a


and Sex Distribution of 1,109 Children Tested in Five Communities




positive reflex.

The entire procedure was carried out first with the probe in the left ear and then in the right. A normal test was one in which a type A tympanogram and stape¬ dius reflexes at both test frequencies were elicited from both ears. Any other result was considered abnormal. Since the described impedance screening procedure might not discover a highfrequency sensorineural loss, one further measurement was added by asking the child to respond to a pure tone of 4,000 Hz at 25 dB. This high-frequency sensori¬ neural test at 4,000 Hz was analyzed sepa¬ rately and compared with the pure-tone results. ENT Examination A was

complete ENT evaluation of each child made by the otolaryngologist and

included examination of the nose, tonsils, and adenoids as well as otoscopie observa¬ tion of the ears. The examiner was required to note whether the tympanic membrane was normal and whether any of the following were present: cerumen impaction, serous otitis, adhesive otitis, tympanic perforation (dry or wet), and cholesteatoma. The Weber and Rinné tuning fork tests were attempted on all children of suitable age. If cerumen was present, it was removed before proceeding with otoscopie and tuning fork tests. At the conclusion of the survey, it was realized that the conditions "cerumen impaction" and "adhesive otitis" had not been clearly defined and thus had not been uniformly recorded. These two diagnoses are, there¬ fore, omitted from the results reported.

RESULTS A total of 1,109 children were tested. The age and sex distribution in the five communities is shown in Table 1. In each age group, there were a number of children that could not be tested by one or more of the screening procedures due to inattention or lack of cooperation. Table 2 indicates the number of children who could not be tested in each one of the three screen¬ ing procedures. Not included in the Table as "could not test" by imped¬ ance are 46 children in whom either a seal could not be maintained (perfora-

Age Group, yr 2-4

5-8 9-13






Subtotal M 49

M 12

25 31


66 19

40 8



18 11 17 12

Undeter¬ mined Subtotal Total

Bella Coola


12 14 11

23 41 13


19 29

13 13 36



19 31



34 19





23 1


122 226




62 47 109


17 27

F 40 74

86 148

231 82

127 197 72





167 132 299


Total 89 160 275 428 154



1,109 1,109

Table 2—Number of Children Who Could Not Be Tested* ENT

Age Group, yr 2

2-4 5-8 9-13 14 + Total %of Total Tested

No. Tested

89 160

Serous Otitis

Distribution of Children With Disease Who


Perforation and Cholesteatoma

Perforation and Serous Otitis




% of Total in

Serous Otitis, and Cholesteatoma


Age Group


~~20~ 23






ranged from 7% (Haida Village) 18% (Skidegate).


17.5 15.3 7.0 7.8





275 428 154










The age distribution of children found to have pathologic features is shown in Table 7. Serous otitis was the most prevalent condition. It was found in 73 children, or 7% of the total population. In 35 cases, the condition was bilateral. It was more prevalent among preschool and primary school children than among secondary school-aged children. Perforated tympanic membranes were found in 58 children (5%). In ten of these children, the condition was bilateral. This pathologic feature was most prevalent in the 5- to 8-year-old age bracket; only six such cases were found in the preschool age group. Four cholesteatomas were found. In one case, a perforation was also found in the same ear. In three cases, active disease was found in the opposite ear: one had a perforation in the opposite ear; one had a perforation in the same ear and serous otitis in the opposite ear; and one had serous otitis in the same ear and a perforation in the

opposite one.

Pure-tone and impedance results for the ears diagnosed to have patho¬ logic features by ENT otoscopie exam¬ ination are summarized in Table 8. Of 185 diseased ears, 24 (13%) had normal pure-tone results and 14 (8%) had normal impedance results. Seventyeight (42%) of the 185 ears could not be tested by pure-tone audiometry and 26 (14%) could not be tested by imped¬ ance.


The results of the present survey among Indian children of different ages emphasizes the need for contin¬ ued study of hearing screening pro¬ grams aimed at detecting both senso-



Table 8.—Results of Pure-Tone and Impedance on Ears With Pathologic Features

Audiometry Combined

Screening Test Total pathologic features by otoscopy Left

Serous Otitis





Total children

Total ears Pure-tone audiometry Normal Abnormal CNT

Tympanometry Type A Type Type C


17 24



Pathology Perforation

36 73 109

26 53




132 185





30 61



82 78 24

33 42


72 52 11

No Seal CNT



25 reflex 14

Present Absent

78 20

CÑT rineural and tive losses.

fluctuating mild conduc¬

Ninety-nine percent of the children otoscopie examination. ear pathologic features were diagnosed in 12% of 1,109 chil¬ underwent Mild middle

dren. This incidence of disease is slightly higher than that reported for urban community children (5% to 8%), but lower than that reported for native and other low socioeconomic populations (16% to 18%).J The age distribution of the children requiring treatment is of particular importance: 15% were under 2 years old; 21% were 2 to 4 years old; and 32% were of primary school age. These data em¬ phasize the point that a screening program for detection of middle ear pathologic features must include this very young population. results Pure-tone audiometrie showed that 19% of the children did



145 26

not pass this

screening test. Although possible that some diseased ears may have been missed at otoscopie inspection, the 19% pure-tone failure rate quite likely indicates a high overreferral rate when compared with the 12% incidence of pathologic features found by otoscopy. Of greater impor¬ tance, however, is the fact that 19% of the total population could not be tested by pure-tone audiometry and, it is

of these, 96% were under 4 years of age. That is, 100% of the under 2-year and 68% of the 2- to 4-year-old chil¬ dren could not be evaluated by this method (Table 2). These figures dem¬ onstrate that a substantial proportion of children in the apparent high-risk age groups cannot be tested by pure-

audiometry. Impedance audiometrie


results showed that 8% of the children could not be tested, as compared with 19%

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by pure-tone audiometry. Sixty-six

percent of those who could not be tested were under 2 years of age. Nineteen percent of the children from 2 to 4 years of age could not be evaluated by this method, as com¬ pared with 68% by pure-tone audiome¬


Impedance results were normal in 54% of the children and abnormal in 38%. The large number of children failing the impedance audiometrie test indicates that this screening procedure is not as selective as puretone audiometry, even though it can be successfully applied to the very young populations. Closer examina¬ tion of the impedance results, how¬ ever, suggests that the concept of "abnormality" may have been too stringent. The 302 cases judged nor¬ mal by otoscopy but abnormal by impedance can be divided into distinct groups when viewed according to degree of impedance abnormality and when compared with otoscopie obser¬ vations other than those diagnosed as "requiring treatment." For example, 135 (45%) had type A tympanograms with one or more absent stapedius reflexes. Since the lack of reflexes with type A tympanograms most likely reflects old rather than current pathologic features, this result could be considered normal in the planning of a more selective screening pro¬ gram. Furthermore, 28 (9%) of the 302 children labelled abnormal by imped¬ ance had normal tympanic mem¬ branes by otoscopy, once impacted wax was

removed. Since impedance

done before the ENT examina¬ tion, the and C tympanograms and lack of stapedius reflexes accurately reflect the condition of these chilwas

dren's ears. In 27 (9%) additional cases or C tympanograms in which type and no reflexes were found, the otologist indicated "abnormal" tym¬ panic membranes. In these cases, the impedance results also correlate with otoscopie observations. There were 12 (4%) further cases judged abnormal by impedance that had or C tympano¬ grams with reflexes present. When reflexes occur with either type or C tympanograms (although very rare in type C), early serous otitis or abnor¬ mal Eustachian tube function can be suspected and these cases should, perhaps, be referred to the otologist as

preventive measure. Thirty-eight (13%) additional children had type C


tympanograms and


that these


reflexes. It is



results by otoscopy, since some chil¬ dren with mild middle ear conditions may not have been correctly diag¬ nosed by this method. If the impedance criteria for "ab¬ normal" were revised to exclude the children with absent reflexes with type A tympanograms, the break¬ down of normal and abnormal results on the present survey would be 66% and 26%, respectively. FINAL REMARKS The incidence of middle ear disease in the Indian population studied was lower than has been reported for other native and low socioeconomic groups. A high incidence of middle ear disease was found in the preschool age group. Thirty-seven percent of the children found to have pathologic features were 4 years old or younger. Results of the ENT otoscopie exam¬ ination showed that 88% of the chil¬ dren were normal and 12% were




yielded 62% normal and 19% abnormal

was not successful in the evaluating very young group: 100% of the children under 2 years old and 68% of the 2- to 4-year-olds could not be tested. Using stringent criteria for abnor¬ mality, impedance was normal in 54% of the population tested and was abnormal in 38%. Impedance was used successfully to evaluate a number of the young children: 69% of the chil¬ dren under 2 years old and 19% of the 2- to 4-year-olds could not be tested. The design of an adequate hearing screening program should include con¬ sideration of the age group of children who are to be examined. When chil¬ dren are able to perform the task required for pure-tone audiometry in a screening environment, this method has a good correlation with ENT oto¬ scopie results. However, for the pre¬ school and primary school group, in which behavioral responses are unre¬ liable and the incidence of fluctuating mild conductive losses is high, imped¬ ance audiometry accurately reflects the condition of the middle ear. Further investigation of impedance is required in order to define parame¬ ters that will provide the most reliable referral rate. The parameters used in this study may have been too strin¬ gent, and it is suggested that on a screening program the absence of reflexes in the presence of a type A tympanogram not be included in the criteria of abnormality.



This study was supported by the Pacific Region Medical Services Branch, Department of

National Health and Welfare, Canada. R. Patrick

Gannon, MB, CHB, provided support anc guidance. Hernando Tutassaura, MD, FRCS(C) provided editorial assistance.


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laryngol 78:98-102,

The nasal bony dorsum and cartilaginous vault. Pitfalls in management.

Comparative Study of Pure-Tone, Impedance, and Otoscopic Hearing Screening Methods A Survey of Native Margaret E. Indian Children in British Colum...
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