Theoretical and Applied Genetics 42, 25-- 31 (1972) 9 by Springer-Verlag 1972

The Multiple-Cluster Mutation Complex in Mutagenesis with Higher Plants B. SHARMA and H. C. BANSAL Division of Genetics I n d i a n Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (India) Summary. After treatment of dry and pre-soaked seeds of barley with gamma-rays, EMS, N E U and EI, the frequency of multiple mutations (multimutations) was higher with EMS and N E U treatment, while cluster mutations appeared in greater numbers following treatment with gamma rays and NEU. Pre-soaking the seeds led to a reduction in the frequency of total mutations, cluster mutations and multimutations. This has been explained as a result of the application of lower doses and the induction of mutations at a relatively later stage in ontogenetic development in the case of pre-soaked seeds. Some new mutation types in barley have been described and some of the old types have been given names representing the mutation characters more precisely. 9The compound mutation frequency of different seedling mutation types, when taken separately, was found to be independent of the mutagen employed and the stage of treatment. The size of mutated chimeras in M 1 plants, as indicated by the segregation ratio of mutants in Ms, was largest in albina, xantha, chlorina, albina-tigrina, chl-terminalis and eceriferum, and lowest in viridis, viridoalbina etc. This could be expected if the unstable premutations induced by mutagenic treatment are resolved into mutations at different intervals after their initiation, or it can be explained by the induction of dominant mutations, or lethal changes together with visible mutations.

Introduction The p r i m a r y aim in m u t a t i o n research with agricultural plants is to increase the m u t a t i o n rate, acc o m p a n i e d b y a b r o a d e r spectrum. Chlorophyll m u t a t i o n s in barley, as classified b y Gustafsson (t940), h a v e been widely used for studies on the m u t a t i o n process in higher plants (Nybom, 1954; Gaul, t964; Holm, 1954; N a t a r a j a n a n d Shivasankar, 1965). Using chlorophyll mutations, significant progress has been m a d e in u n d e r s t a n d i n g the complexities of the m u t a t i o n process, including the induction of multiple m u t a t i o n s (or multimutations), cluster m u t a tions (Sharma and Orav, t965; Sharma, 1965), the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the ontogenetic relationship of different spikes (Jacobsen, t966), and the chimeral constitution of the spikes in the M 1 generation (Gaul, t959, 1964, t965; Eriksson, 1965; F r y d e n b e r g and Jacobsen, t966; F r y d e n b e r g et al., t964). V e r y often a n u m b e r of different m u t a t i o n s are o b t a i n e d in a single plant or spike p r o g e n y (multimutations). On the o t h e r hand, more t h a n one spike p r o g e n y m a y share one and the same m u t a t i o n a l event, as a result of which a single m u t a t i o n appears as a cluster of segregating spike progenies (cluster mutations). Because a large n u m b e r of genes, when m u t a t e d , give rise to p h e n o t y p i c a l l y similar m u t a t i o n s , it is often difficult to distinguish between different, a l t h o u g h p h e n o t y p i c a l l y similar, m u l t i m u t a t i o n s . Similarly, in a p l a n t p r o g e n y c a r r y i n g a cluster m u t a t i o n the different m u t a t e d spike progenies tend to be considered as h a v i n g different m u t a t i o n a l events. These p h e n o m e n a can therefore contribute significantly to

the error in the determination of m u t a t i o n frequency. However, b y careful observation of the m o d e of appearance of m u t a t i o n s (colour of plants, lethality, change in colour, segregation ratio etc.) it is possible to m a k e a fairly good categorization of different cases of m u l t i m u t a t i o n s and cluster mutations. These phen o m e n a should be t a k e n into a c c o u n t w h e n determining the significance of the factors affecting m u t a genic efficacy. I t m a y be seen t h a t m u l t i m u t a t i o n s and cluster m u t a t i o n s are antagonistic to each other in their mode of appearance, and it is essential to know the factors leading to their occurrence. Material and M e t h o d s All treatments were carried out with the barley (Hordeum vulgare, 2n ~ 14) variety N. P. t04. Treatment with varying doses of gamma-rays ( 1 0 - 5 0 hR), N-nitrosoethyl urea (NEU: 0.01 to 0.03%, 2--6 hr), and ethyl methane-sulphonate (EMS: 0.05 to 0.4%, 6--24 hr) was given to air dried and to pre-soaked (8--t2 hr) seeds. The results of one experiment with ethylene-imine (El: dry seeds, 0.025 and 0.0125~o -- 4 hr) are also included in the present study for comparison. Application of a large range of dosages to dry and pre-soaked seeds resulted in complete mortality of pre-soaked seeds when treated with higher doses. Therefore, only sub-lethal doses were selected for a comparative study in the two lots of dry and pre-soaked seeds. The data presented here concern two sets of experiments -- in 1968 and 1969. Since no marked difference was noted between the results of the two years' experiments, the data were pooled from the two experiments and doses for the different categories of seeds, i. e. dry and pre-soaked. The data on dry and pre-soaked seeds was statistically evaluated using the d test, d being the normal variable having zero mean and unit standard deviation.


B. Sharma and It. C. Bansal:

The experiments were carried out in field conditions. All the spikes of M 1 plants were harvested and sown separately. The mutations were scored at weekly intervals, starting at germination and continuing until the seedlings were one month old. This allowed a careful comparison of the behaviour of various chlorophyll mutants, and made possible distinction between different phenotypically similar (or almost similar) mutations. In this way, some new types of mutations not specified earlier in the literature were discovered.

Mutation Types If it is intended to find whether the mutations appearing in different spike progenies of the same plant, or even all the m u t a n t s within the same spike progeny, belong to one and the same m u t a t i o n or owe their origin to different mutational events, it is essential to distinguish different types according to the mode of manifestation of the m u t a n t character. I t was observed t h a t there were three maior colour changes according to Gustafsson's system of classification: (i) pure white (albina); (ii) yellow-bright and lethal (xantha) or dull and sometimes viable (chlorina) ; (iii) light green, viable (viridis). The complex "bicolour" mutations are well known: xanthalbina, xanthoviridis, alboxantha, alboviridis, viridoalbina and viridoxantha. The two striped m u t a t i o n types (transverse -- tigrina and longitudinal -- striata) have been sub-divided according to the three m a j o r colour changes, viz. al -- white, xa -- yellow, and vir -- light green stripes (see Table 3). A new group of chlorophyll mutations was recognized in barley. In repeated observations of growing seedlings it was noticed t h a t in some cases the seedlings were normally green at the time of germination, b u t after about 15--20 days their newly appearing leaves were yellow or white. The change in leafcolour usually started in the third to fifth leaf and, although the lower leaves remained green, the change of colour in the growing point could be lethal and such m u t a n t s did not survive if the new colour was

Theoret. A ppl. Genetics

white or deep yellow. The stage of colour-change was uniform in all the m u t a n t s of one segregating spike progeny, although it could be different in other spike or plant progenies. Analogous mutations are known in P i s u m sativum, and therefore the names albinaterminalis, xantha-terminalis and chlorina-terminalis (cf. Blixt, t961) have been used for these mutations in barley, and abbreviated to al, xa and chl-terminalis, respectively. The mutations with spotting on the leaves (group maculata) can be further sub-divided into al-maculata (white), xa-maculata (yellow) and chl-maculata (dull yellow) etc. according to the colonr of spotting (Table 3). As the seedlings were observed until the age of one month, three types of morphological mutations were also noticed: onion leaf (very narrow tubular), eceri/erum (waxless) and dwarf (probably compactum etc.).

Results Mutation rate: The m u t a t i o n frequency calculated b y all five known methods is presented in Table t. I t can be seen t h a t the t r e a t m e n t of d r y seeds of barley with EMS and N E U produced more t h a n twice (5.7 and 6.7% mutants) the mutations produced b y g a m m a - r a y doses up to 5 0 k R (2.5% mutants). The t r e a t m e n t of pre-soaked seeds with all three mutagens (gamma rays, EMS and NEU) resulted in a reduction in m u t a t i o n rate. In the t r e a t m e n t using E I, the rate of m u t a t i o n induction was almost equal (3.3%) to t h a t in the g a m m a - r a y t r e a t m e n t of dry seeds. These conclusions hold true, in general, for all the methods of estimating m u t a t i o n frequency, although there were some variations in the magnitude of difference depending upon the method of calculation used. The percentage of mutational events showed a greater increase in m u t a t i o n rate with more effective t r e a t m e n t (EMS -- d r y seeds) than did the

Table 1. Mutation frequency in M 2 generation Treatment Control Gamma-rays (dry-seed) Gamma-rays (pre-soaked) EMS (dry-seed) EMS (pre-soaked) NEU (dry-seed) NEU (we-soaked) EI (dry-seed)

% No. of No. of No. of M 2 mutated plant spike plant progenies progenies plants progenies

% mutated % spike mutants progenies

t03 274

469 1334

10558 36063

0.9 54.05

0.2 18.5



41 731





5 583











% mutations mut. events per M 1 plant

% d value for compamutations ring % mutants (dry rout. events per M 1 spike vs pre-soaked)

o.01 2.5 1.6

0.9 77.4 76.0

0.2 16.9 12.3

i ~

9.00 (P ~ 0.01)


5.7 2.2

193.1 82.2

54.t 24.3

I j

9.97 (P > o.01)










(P < 0.05)















Vol. 42, No. 1

The Multiple-Cluster Mutation Complex


Table 2. Frequency of multiple and cluster mutations and segregation ratio of M 2 mutants Treatment Dry seed = (d--s) pre-soaked = (p--s)

Compound segregation ratio of muAverage No. of mutants (% mutants tational events per in mutated spike mutated spike progenies)

Multiple mutatio- Cluster mutations nal plant progenies (% of mutated % of mutated % of mutated plants progenies) plant progenies spike progenies

Gamma-rays Gamma-rays EMS EMS NEU NEU EI

12.3 9.0 14.7 t0.8 tt.0 9.t 8.8

32.4 28.2 67.2 41.8 59.6 57.8 40.0

(d--s) (p--s) (d--s) (p--s) (d--s) (p--s) (d--s)

1.0 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.9

percentage of m u t a t e d M 1 plants and spikes as well as M s mutants. Frequency o/multiple and cluster mutations: As is evident from the data in Table 1, the increase in m u t a t i o n frequency after the more effective EMS and N E U t r e a t m e n t s was not only the result of m u t a tion-induction in a higher n u m b e r of treated seeds (percent m u t a t e d plant progenies). A p a r t of this increase was caused b y the induction of more than one m u t a t i o n within the embryonic tissue of each seed. This is supported b y the data in Table 2, which show t h a t the average n u m b e r of m u t a t i o n s per m u t a t e d spike was always lower in pre-soaked treatments .(gamma-rays -- 0.9, EMS -- t . t , N E U -- t.0) than t r e a t m e n t of d r y seeds (gamma-rays -- 1.0, EMS t.3, N E U -- t.2). The d a t a of Table 2 also show t h a t EMS and N E U t r e a t m e n t s induced a higher n u m b e r of m u l t i m u t a tions per m u t a t e d M 1 plant t h a n did gamma-rays. An interesting feature of these findings is t h a t if the frequency of multimutational plant progenies is determined b y a relatively crude method which overlooks phenotypically similar multimutations and cluster mutations, EMS (pre-soaked) t r e a t m e n t s could appear to be inferior to gamma-irradiation; after making adjustments for these phenomena, it turned out t h a t the two t r e a t m e n t s had equal effectiveness in this respect also (4t .2 and 4t .8% respectively). Further, the adjustment for phenotypically similar multimutations and cluster mutations resulted in an increased rate of multimutations for EMS, while lowering the previously calculated frequency for g a m m a - r a y t r e a t m e n t from 47.1 to 4t .2% multimutations. Therefore, o n l y corrected values have been shown in Table 2. The overall segregation of m u t a n t s in M s was higher in dry seed t r e a t m e n t s (gamma-rays -- t 2.3 %, EMS -- t4.7% , N E U - - 11.0%). T r e a t m e n t of presoaked seeds gave a lower n u m b e r of m u t a n t s for all the three mutagens studied (gamma-rays -- 9.0%, EMS -- t0.8%, N E U -- 9.1%). The occurrence of m u t a t e d sectors covering more t h a n one spike in M 1 plants (cluster mutations) showed a definite trend: their frequency was higher with g a m m a - r a y t r e a t m e n t (19.t & 20A% plants and -


20.1 19.1 19.1 11.1 33.1

27.7 39.t

39.3 29.6 23.t 20.4 43.2 38.1 54.6

29.6 & 39.3% spikes) than with EMS; and with all the mutagens a higher number of m u t a t e d M 1 plants or spikes showed cluster mutations when the dry seeds were treated compared with the t r e a t m e n t of pre-soaked seeds. A larger frequency of cluster m u t a tions was obtained with N E U and E I t h a n with EMS (Table 2). Mutation spectrum: In these studies it was possible to score almost all the expected types of chlorophyll abnormalities, and also three morphological m u t a tions were noticed, viz. onion leaf, eceriferum and dwarf (probably compactum, compactoid etc.). Out of the twenty-two m u t a t i o n types listed in Table 3, one did not appear in these experiments, i.e. alboxantha. The other m u t a t i o n types were induced with varying frequency. In a total of t683 m u t a t i o n a l events analyzed, the most common type was viridis (31.0%), followed b y albina (21.8%), chlorina (9.0%); xantha (7.1%), al-tigrina and eceri/erum (4.8% each) and ehl-terminalis (4.6%) constituted the next group of mutations induced with more or less similar frequency, while xanthalbina, alboviridis, viridoalbina, al-terminalis, al-striata, and xa-tigrina belong to the third major group appearing with a low frequency (t.1 to 3.2%). The remaining mutations appeared only as individual cases. The data in Table 3 also include the segregation ratio of m u t a n t s belonging to various m u t a t i o n types (expressed as percentage of segregants in m u t a t e d spike progenies). I t was observed t h a t certain m u t a tion types showed, on average, a higher ratio of mutant-segregation t h a n others. Considering only the cases with a larger n u m b e r of mutational events, it m a y be seen t h a t one group of mutations, i.e. albina, xantha, chlorina, al-tigrina, chl-terminalis and eceri/erum segregated about half (11.5 to t5,9%), and viridis, viridoalbina, al-striata and xa-tigrina, only one fourth, the m u t a n t s expected on the basis of a 3:1 segregation ratio (or 25% of the spike progeny). I t should be mentioned here t h a t in m a n y cases the spike progenies produced a m a r k e d l y higher number of m u t a n t s t h a n 25%. In this experiment one progeny of the rare examples had 11 m u t a n t s and only one normal plant in the spike progeny to which it belonged.

]3. Sharma and H. C. Bansal:


Theoret. A ppl. Genetics

Table 3. Spectrum of mutations appearing in M 2 Mutation type

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 t.

12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22.

Albina Xantha Chlorina Viridis Alboxantha Alboviridis Xanthalbina Xanthaviridis Viridoalbina Viridoxantha Al-striata Xa-striata Al-tigrina Xa-tigrina Al-maculata Xa-maculata Al-terminalis Xa-terminalis Chl-terminalis Eceriferum Onion leaf Dwarf


Total number of mutation events

Segregation ratio, Relation frequency of appearance, % % mutants in the mutated spike pro- Total of the Gamma EMS NEU genies experiments rays

367 119 t 51 521 0 24 26 5 42 15 53 9 81 54 4 t5 19 13 78 81 5 1

11.5 12.0 14.3 8.9 . t0.8 t 2.3 22.6 9.5 6.8 6.8 12.9 12.0 9.6 9.1 11 .t 8.9 10.0 13.8 15.9 28.8 40.0


21.8 7.1 9.0 31.0 .


Discussion M a x i m i z a t i o n o[ mutation [requency: The detailed study of the mode of appearance of seedling mutations, most of which were lethal, provides an opportunity to understand the process which influences the ultimate production of mutations. The significance of methods of calculating mutation frequency has been stressed by several workers (Frydenberg, 1963; Gaul, 1960, t961; Sharma, t966). To increase the total mutation rate is perhaps the most important obiect of mutation research in higher plants. Usually the frequency of M s seedling mutants after EMS treatments has been below t 50/0 in barley (Eriksson, 1965 ; Froese-Gertzen et al. ; 1963 ; Konzak et al., 1965 ; Frydenberg and Jacobsen, 1966; Rao and Natarajan, t965; Savin et al., t968), although Gaul (t962, t964) succeeded in raising it above 30% by using very high doses of EMS combined with diplontic selection through close planting. The m u t a n t frequency induced b y EMS in the present experiment was not very high (highest 5.7%). This low frequency m a y be partly attributed to the dilution effect caused by inclusion of all the spikes of M 1 plants, as shown by Bekendam (t961), Gaul (t960, t961), Frydenberg et al. (1964) and Osone (1963). As expected, N E U gave the highest rate of mutations (6.7% mutants in dry seed treatments). For a long time pre-soaking of seeds has been recommended as one of the techniques to increase mutation rate. But the findings of this experiment have shown that mutation induction is lowered by presoaking. These findings concur with the results obtained in the pea (Sharma, t966). The low mutation



1.4 1.6 0.3 2.5 0.9 3.1 0.5 4.8 3.2 0.2 0.9 1.1 0.8 4.6 4.8 0.3 0.1 100

25.2 8.1 10.7 30.4 . 1.2 1.4 0.4 I. 8 1.2 1.6 0.4 3.4 3.8 0.0 t .4 0.4 0.2 3.4 4.4 0.4 0.0 100

21.0 7.5 5.4 27.4 . 1.6 2.7 0.0 1.6 1.1 6.5 0.6 15.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.7 1.1 4.8 0.5 0.0 0.5 t00


20.0 6.6 3.8 32.0

22.t 5.9 9.t 31.2

1.0 1.5 0.4 3.0 0.8 3.5 0.8 3.5 3.7 0.4 0.6 t .2 0.9 5.5 5.4 0.4 0.0

3.9 0.7 0.0 3.2 0.0 1.9 0.0 3.2 2.6 0.7 t.9 t .3 1.3 3.2 7.8 0.0 0.0



frequency in pre-soaked seed treatments m a y be caused b y a marked reduction in the mutagenic dosage. Thus, in the present case dry seeds could resist up to a dose of 50 k R gamma-rays, while for the seeds presoaked for t2 hours even a dose of t0 k R proved to be completely lethal. A dosage below 10 kR has been shown to yield a mutation rate as low as 0.6% (Frydenberg et al., 1964). I t is possible that presoaked seeds might give a higher mutation rate if equal doses were applied to both types of seed. However, these doses have to be very low and this m a y not be a rational approach to the maximization of mutation frequency. Determination o[ mutagenic eHiciency: The mutation frequency has been calculated b y five different methods reported in the literature. Due to the various types of 'errors' discussed by Gaul (196t), conflicting results can be obtained depending upon the method of calculation. As can be seen from Table t, the mutation rate with EMS treatment of pre-soaked seeds was higher than with gamma-rays when calculated on the basis of M 1 spike progenies, while the position was reversed if the comparison was made on the M 1 or M s plant basis. One way of avoiding this difficulty is to estimate the mutation rate on the basis of independently induced mutational events in the treated embryo. Such an evaluation is, however, complicated by the fact that, in m a n y cases, more than one mutation in the same plant gives rise to similar phenotypic changes (multimutations), or one and the same mutation spreads over several spike progenies (cluster mutation). The situation has been somewhat simplified from the finding that those

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The Multiple-Cluster Mutation Complex

spikes whose primordia are differentiated before the time of the mutation induction do not share a cluster mutation (Jacobsen, 1966), and it will be further simplified by makifig precise distinctions between various mutational phenotypes. The segregation ratio in Mz and the behaviour of m u t a t e d plants are other criteria for finding affinity between similar mutations recorded in different spike progenies of the same plant. If there are several, independently induced, phenotypically similar, mutations in a genome (giving rise to a spike) the ratio of mutants m a y rise above 25% due to an "overlapping effect" in the case of recessive mutations. The overall segregation ratios of mutants obtained in this experiment were the highest with EMS -dry seeds (14.7%). This could be due to the larger size of mutated-tissue chimeras in M 1 and induction of multimutations. An increase in the size of M s chimeras should also be represented by a greater number of cluster mutations. This was found to be so in treatments with all the mutagens, i.e. the Irequency of cluster mutations was always higher in those treatments which gave a higher segregation ratio of mutants in M 2 (Table 2). Similar results were obtained in rice (Sharma, t968). The frequency of multimutations was higher in EMS (dry seed) and NEU (dry and pre-soaked) treatments. The average size of M s chimera per mutational event could be smaller as a result of less killing of initial cells by low doses of the mutagens or slow penetration and late mutation induction b y chemical mutagens. In accordance with the results obtained in rice (Sharma, 1968), presoaking of barley seeds also resulted in a lower number of cluster mutations. Since the penetration of mutagen should be easier in pre-soaked seeds, this reduction can be attributed to the onset of ontogenetic development due to pre-soaking before the mutations were induced. Considering that EMS induced a lower number of cluster mutations than did gammarays even when dry seeds were treated, it seems plausible to assume that this agent induced relatively more mutations as "late effects" than did the ionizing radiation. Probably, a prolonged mutagenic effect of EMS continuing over several cycles of cell division adds to the number of mutations initially induced, thereby increasing the number of multimurations. The other two chemical mutagens, NEU and EI, induced more multiple as well as cluster mutations than did gamma-irradiation (Table 2). This suggests that these agents have either quicker penetration than EMS or induce mutations relatively quicker after coming into contact with the genetic material. Mutagenie speci/icity towards mutation spectrum: Several authors (Arnason et al., 1962; Ehrenberg et al., 1961; Gustafsson, 1938; Konzak et al., 1965; Ramanna and Natara~an, 1965; Swaminathan, Chopra and Bhaskaran, t962) have reported differences in the mutation spectra induced by chemical and


irradiation treatments. The results of the present investigation, however, do not indicate any remarkable differences in the rate with which the different mutation types were induced by EMS and gammarays (Table 3). This confirms the results previously obtained in the garden pea (Sharma, t965). The mutations albina, xantha, viridis, chlorina, al-tigrina, chl-terminalis and eceri]erum appeared more frequently than others, both in the gamma-ray and chemical mutagenic treatments. It has been reported by Heslot et al. (1961), Ehrenberg et al. (1961), Favret (1964), Nilan et al. (1964), and Gaul (1964), that the proportion of albina mutations is higher after gamma-irradiation than with EMStreatments. Apparently, the differences in genotypic constitution of the treated varieties play an important role in such cases, as demonstrated by Swaminathan (1961) for wheat. Nataraian and Shivasankar (1965) obtained a higher ratio of albina mutations after EMS treatment in another Indian barley variety, N.P. 13, while, in the variety N. P. 104 Sharma (1968) reported albina mutations induced with a relatively lower frequency, similar to the findings of the present experiment. The mutation types are named here according to the similarity in their phenotypic expression. However, it is now established that phenotypically similar mutations in barley may, in some cases, owe their origin to a few dozen loci (Gustafsson, 1960; Hagberg and Persson, 1964), which individually may have a different mutability and specific reaction to different mutagens and modifying factors (Auerbach, 1966). In the experiments where such mutations are pooled on the basis of phenotypic similarity, the mutagenic specificity cannot be established with the same precision as is possible in lower organisms (Demerec and Cahn, 1953; Kolmark, 1953; Loveless and Howarth, t959). According to Eriksson (1965), the compound mutability of multigenic mutations, like those affecting plastid development, was almost the same as in the case of a mutation determined by one locus. Contrary to this, the present investigations have shown that different mutation types v a r y from 3.t % (al-striata) to 3t.0% (viridis). Some of the recorded mutation types were represented only by single examples (Table 3). The pre-soaking of seeds prior to mutagenic treatment was not found to influence the mutation induction of different types markedly. Gaul (t958) has shown that mutation spectrum was independent of factors such as the sterility of M s plants. Segregation ratio and mutation-fixation: As discussed above, the ratio of segregating mutants in M 2 is affected by various factors influencing intrasomatic selection and ontogenetic development in the M s generation. The results obtained in these investigations show that different mutation types give varying ratios of mutants in M S (Table 3). Gustafsson (1938) found that albina mutants appeared in a greater


13. Sharma and H. C. Bansal:

n u m b e r of i n d i v i d u a l s t h a n did other types. Swamin a t h a n et al. (t968) r e p o r t e d the segregation ratio of albina m u t a n t s to v a r y from 6.28% to 22.45% in rice. I n the p r e s e n t e x p e r i m e n t , the average m u t a n t segregation in albina was t l . 6 % , which was a l m o s t equal to xantha a n d al-trigina. I t was also observed t h a t several lethal m u t a t i o n s h a d a higher segregation r a t i o (e.g. chlorina, chl-terminalis etc.) while viable m u t a t i o n s like viridis gave a lower segregation ratio. Gustafsson (t938) i n t e r p r e t e d the high segregation ratio of albina as a result of m i n o r changes in the g e n o t y p e l e a d i n g to this m u t a t i o n . Gaul (t957), on the other h a n d , believes albina m u t a t i o n s to be caused b y greater damage. However, with the discovery of m o l e c u l a r m e c h a n i s m s of m u t a t i o n i n d u c t i o n at tt~e level of DNA, it should be expected t h a t the basic changes caused at genic level will be the same, irrespective of the v i a b i l i t y of the r e s u l t i n g m u t a t i o n . Nevertheless, a difference in segregation ratio m a y be due to the differential a b i l i t y of c o m p e t i t i o n in o n t o genetic d e v e l o p m e n t or the v i a b i l i t y of g a m e t e s a n d zygote (Gustafsson a n d N y b o m , 1950; G u s t a f s s o n et al., 1950; Blixt, t968). Besides, a smaller size of c h i m e r a in M 1 p l a n t s for c e r t a i n m u t a t i o n a l types, r e s u l t i n g in low segregation ratios, m a y be expected if there exists a differential p a t t e r n in t i m e for resolving p r e m u t a t i o n a l i n s t a b i l i t i e s i n t o m u t a t i o n s , for m u t a t i o n s b e l o n g i n g to different p h e n o t y p i c groups, as proposed b y Demerec a n d Cahn (t953) for gene m u t a t i o n s . T h e progenies giving a m u t a n t r a t i o above 25% are specially i n t e r e s t i n g . The d a t a in T a b l e 3 show t h a t the segregation ratio was 28.8% i n o n i o n leaf a n d 40% in dwarf. I n one p r o g e n y of o n i o n leaf, out of 12 p l a n t s in the spike progeny, t t were m u t a n t s . Such d e v i a t i o n s which m a y be caused p a r t l y b y small p r o g e n y size, h a v e also b e e n observed b y previous a u t h o r s (Moh a n d Smith, t 9 5 2 ; Gaul t965). Other reasons for high segregation ratios could be t h e i n d u c t i o n of similar m u l t i m u t a t i o n s in the same genome with a n o v e r l a p p i n g effect of recessive m u t a tions, i n d u c t i o n of d o m i n a n t m u t a t i o n s , or simult a n e o u s i n d u c t i o n of visible a n d l e t h a l m u t a t i o n s where the l a t t e r causes d e a t h of i n d i v i d u a l s n o t affected b y t h e former. References 1. Arnason, T. J., Mohammed, L., Koehler, D., Renneberg, F . M . : Mutation frequencies in barley after treatment with 7-radiation, ethylene imine, ethyl methanesulfonate and maleic hydrazide. Candian J. Genet. Cytol. 4, 172--178 (1962). -- 2. Auerbach, C.: The role of mutagen specificity in mutation breeding. I n Mechanism of Mutation and Inducing Factors, pp. 243 -- 250. Prague : Academia 1966. -- 3. Bekendam, J.: X-ray induced mutations in rice. I n : Effects of Ionizing Radiations on Seeds, pp. 609--629. Vienna: IAEA 1961. -- 4. Bekendam, J.: Induction of mutations in rice b y means of X-irradiation. Medd. Landbouwhogeschool, Wageningen, No. 6, t - - 6 8 (1961). -- 5. Blixt, S. : Q u a n t i t a t i v e studies of induced mutations in peas, V. Chlorophyll mutations.,

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B. S h a r m a H. C. Bansal Division of Genetics I n d i a n Agricultural R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e New Delhi -- 12 (India)

The multiple-cluster mutation complex in mutagenesis with higher plants.

After treatment of dry and pre-soaked seeds of barley with gamma-rays, EMS, NEU and EI, the frequency of multiple mutations (multimutations) was highe...
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