Clinical Endocrinology (1992) 37, 360-384

The late growth hormone rise induced by oral glucose is enhanced by cholinergic stimulation with pyridostigmine in normal subjects Roberto Valcavi, Michele Zlnl, Slmona Davoll and ltalo Portloll 2a Divisione di Medicina lnterna, Sezione Endocrino Metabolica Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy (Received 4 February 1992; returned for revision 17 March 1992; finally revised 31 March 1992; accepted 22 April 1992)

Summary OBJECTIVE We have investlgatedthe late OH rlse occur-

ring 3-5 hours after oral glucose administration. We have assessed the effect of endogenous chollnerglc enhancement with pyrldostlgmlneon the delayedGH rlse following oral glucose loadlng In normal subjects. DESIGN Placebo or 75 g oral glucose was glven to the normal subjects 3 hours before 120 mg oral pyrldostlgmine or placebo. Four tests were carried out at random. Test 1:placebo (0 mln) placebo (180mln); test 2: glucose (0 mln) +placebo (180rnln); test 3: placebo (0 min) pyrldostlgmine (180mln); test 4 glucose (0 mln) + pyrldostigmine (180rnln). SUBJECTS We studied eight normal subjects (four male and four female), ages 19-29 years, body mass lndlces 1822 kg/m2. MEASUREMENTS Plasma glucose and serum GH concentratlons were measured for 8 hours after oral glucose or placebo admlnlstratlon. RESULTS Pyrldostlgmlne treatment significantly enhanced the GH releaslng effect of prior (3 h) oral glucose. Late OH peak obtained by oral glucose loading rose from (mean f SEM) 17.4f4-6to 37.2f 9.0mull (P< 0.05) after pyrldostlgmlne, while GH peak following placebo plus pyrldostlgmlne was 12.4f2.0 mU/I (P < 0.05 vs glucose plus pyrldostlgmlne). The analysis of OH area under curves (AUCs) In the second phase of the tests (180-360 mln) conflrmedthat glucose plus pyrldortlgmlne released a greater amount of GH (4128f764 mU/I/Jh) than glucose (1694f494 mU/1/3h, P

The late growth hormone rise induced by oral glucose is enhanced by cholinergic stimulation with pyridostigmine in normal subjects.

We have investigated the late GH rise occurring 3-5 hours after oral glucose administration. We have assessed the effect of endogenous cholinergic enh...
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