The Influence of Dietary Nitrate on Nitrate Concentration in Egg Yolk and Albumenl H . W . L E E , A. W . ADAMS AND F . E . CUNNINGHAM

Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 (Received for publication July 3, 1974)

ABSTRACT Sodium nitrate (from 0 to 2,000 p.p.m.) was added to the drinking water of 32-week old S.C. White Leghorn pullets. Eggs collected once a week for 8 weeks were analyzed for nitrate content. Increasing levels of nitrate in the drinking water resulted in increasing levels of nitrate in albumen and yolk. Higher levels of nitrate were found in the yolk than in the albumen. When birds were started on the experiment, nitrate in the drinking water was reflected by immediate increases in nitrate content of the eggs. The nitrate content of eggs from birds receiving 1,000 p.p.m. NaN0 3 (728 p.p.m. N O , ) exceeded the 45 p.p.m. permissible level of nitrate in drinking water for human beings. POULTRY SCIENCE 54: 475-478, 1975

INTRODUCTION LOCAL egg processor recently discovered nitrates in his dried egg albumen. Ingestion of foodstuffs with a high level of nitrate could cause methemoglobinemia, particularly in children (Rosenfield and Huston, 1950), and in certain circumstances nitrites react with amines to form the carcinogenic compound, nitrosamine, in test animals. A government select panel is now investigating alleged health hazards related to use of nitrate preservatives in processed meats. Numerous studies have dealt with the influence of dietary nitrate. Those studies primarily investigated the relationship of dietary nitrate to growth responses in such animals as swine (Tollett et al., 1960), rats (Smith etal., 1961), cattle (Weichenthal et al., 1963), sheep (Seerley et al., 1965). Interference with thyroid function in rats was reported by Bloomfield et al. (1961). Nitrate in forage was studied by Wiseman and Jacobson (1965) and by Smith and Sund (1965). Effects of nitrate on growth rate of birds have been reported by Sell and Roberts


1. Contribution No. 894, Dairy and Poultry Science Department, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506.

(1963), Sunde (1964), Adams et al. (1966, 1969), Arends et al. (1967), and Marrett and Sunde (1968). Effects on liver vitamin A and beta-carotene were reported by Emerick and Olson (1962), Sell and Roberts (1963), Adams et al. (1966). Susceptibility of birds to nitrite toxicity was reported by Adams et al. (1966, 1969) and Marrett and Sunde (1968). Adams et al. (1969) found in their study with turkeys that nitrate ion rather than sodium was responsible for the adverse effects. Methods for determining nitrates in milk and milk products have been reported by Hami (1951) and Manning et al. (1968), in meat and meat products by Landmann et al. (1960) and Follett and Ratcliff (1963), in baby foods by Kamm et al. (1965), in spinach by Phillips (1968), and in potatoes by Heisler et al. (1974). The method of choice seems to by the one involving reduction of nitrate and then determination of nitrite by measuring the red color formed by diazotization with sulfanilic acid and coupling with 1-naphthylamine. Nitrate content can be obtained by recalculating to nitrate equivalent. Direct determination of nitrate by colorimetric method employs phenolsulfonic acid which develops a yellow color upon nitration forming nitrophenoldi-sulfonic acid. That method seems to have some disadvantage due to the inter-




ference of chloride and nitrite (Holden, 1970). A.O.A.C. xylenol method is time consuming. Precipitating agents for protein and fat in the samples seem to depend on the nature of the sample. Diven et al. (1962) found mercuric chloride satisfactory for serum samples, Manning et al. (1968) reported zinc hydroxide best for milk, Follett and Ratcliff (1963) reported aluminum potassium sulfate best for meat, and Kamm etal. (1965) reported aluminum potassium sulfate satisfactory for baby foods. For the reduction of nitrate, zinc dust was used in the study of Diven etal. (1962). Follett and Ratcliff (1963) reported zinc dust was not accurate as a reducing agent for nitrate and employed a cadmium column. Kamm et al. (1965) and Manning et al. (1968) successfully used the cadmium column with modification. The efficiency of cadmium column was about 5 to 6 times that of the zinc dust. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of nitrate, administered at various levels to laying hens in the drinking water, on nitrate composition of eggs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Six birds were randomly assigned to each of six blocks. Each block had three cages. Birds in each block were fed sodium nitrate (added to the drinking water) at different rates. Once a week the water bottle was refilled. Levels of sodium nitrate were: 0 p.p.m., 125 p.p.m., 250 p.p.m., 500 p.p.m., 1000 p.p.m., and 2000 p.p.m. Stock solution of 90,000 p.p.m. sodium nitrate was prepared in the laboratory and diluted on the poultry farm of Kansas State University. Egg samples from each block of birds were collected once a week for 8 weeks and kept in the cooler at 4.5-5.5° C. (40-42° F.) until analyzed for nitrate. The feed was also analyzed for nitrate content. Reduction of nitrate in a cadmium column and subsequent analysis of nitrite by azo dye formation in acidic media by diazotization

and coupling with l-naphthylamine was used in this study as follows: Nitrate Determination. Reagents: saturated mercuric chloride solution. Sulfanilamide solution . . . 0.2% sulfanilamide in 20% HC1, l-naphthylamine . . . 0.02% 1naphthylamine solution, prepared fresh every week. Nitrite Standard Solution. N a N 0 2 (99.7% Baker's analyzed reagent) 0.4298 gm. was dissolved in one liter and, by serial dilution, solutions of 0.001 mg. nitrogen/1 ml. were prepared. Reduction Column. A modification of the technique of Follett and Ratcliff (1963) as modified by Kamm et al. (1965) was used. A funnel stem of inside diameter 2.5 mm. and 5 cm. high was adapted to serve as the cadmium reduction column. Metallic cadmium was prepared by the method described by Kamm et al. (1965). Extraction of Egg Sample. Four eggs from each block of birds receiving different nitrate levels were broken and their whites separated from yolks. Yolk and albumen samples were mixed separately and 5 gm. of each was used for extraction. 80 ml. of 80° C. water was added, mixed thoroughly, then transferred to 100 ml. volumetric flask. The beaker was rinsed with additional hot water, which was added to the 100 ml. volumetric flask. The samples were kept at room temperature for 1 hour and were shaken occasionally. Then saturated mercuric chloride (0.5 ml.) was added. After filtering through No. 42 Whatman filter paper, a 5 ml. aliquot was passed through a cadmium funnel. The aliquot was collected in a 50 ml. volumetric flask, and nitrate-free H 2 0 was added. Then 1 ml. of each reagent, sulfanilamide solution and l-naphthylamine solution was



added, made up to volume, mixed again, and allowed to stand in the dark until the pink color developed. Absorbance was determined at 520 nm. with a Bausch & Lomb Spectronic 20. Nitrite contents were determined by comparisons with a standard curve. The efficiency of the cadmium column was checked by passing a known concentration of nitrite solution through the column. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Absorbance was converted into mg. N/gm. of sample, and then to p.p.m. N a N 0 3 . The basis of conversion was: 1. mg. N / 5 ml. x 100/5 gm. x 100 = mg. N/100 gm. sample. 2. N a N 0 3 ... (23 + 14 + 48) = 85 N / N a N O j = 14/85 = 1/6.07 3. p.p.m. = mg. N x 20 x 20 x 10 = mg. N/lOOOgm. p.p.m. N a N 0 3 = mg. N x 24000.

For statistical analysis mg. N / 5 gm. sample was used. The feed contained no nitrate as ascertained by qualitative test with N, N ' -diphenyl benzidine. Significantly more (P < .01) nitrates were concentrated in yolks rather than in whites (Table 1). The different levels of nitrate in the drinking water resulted in different levels of nitrate in egg whites and yolks in the order of linear increase from 125 to 2000 p.p.m. Interaction between level of nitrate in the water and duration of treatment was not significant (Table 2). Standard deviation was highest with the highest level of nitrate. Control treatment (0 p.p.m.) had least standard deviation. Efficiency of the reduction column might partially explain this result. Data in Table 1 show nitrate content of albumen and yolk from hens fed 1,000 p.p.m. N a N 0 3 (728 p.p.m. N 0 3 ) exceeded 45 p.p.m. of nitrate permissible in drinking water for human beings (Anonymous, 1962). However, reports suggest levels of nitrate comparable

TABLE 1.—Mean values' and standard deviation for nitrate concentration in eggs produced by hens receiving various levels of nitrate in the drinking water Level of NaNOj (p.p.m.) Control 125 (91)2 250 (182) 500 (364) 1000 (728) 2000(1456)

Albumen Mean 0.15 (6.7) 0.26(11.5) 0.50(21.8) 0.70(30.8) 1.02(45.8) 1.49(65.3)

Yolk St. dev.


St. dev.

0.06 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.31 0.43

0.20 (8.7) 0.35 (15.5) 0.55 (24.3) 0.98 (42.7) 1.47 (64.5) 2.37(103.5)

0.10 0.10 0.07 0.17 0.37 0.57

'Mean values for the 8 week period expressed as mg. N/5 gm. sample. Values in parenthesis indicate levels of NOj in p.p.m.


TABLE 2.—Analysis of variance





F (calculated)

Sig. diff.

Treatment Week Treat, x week

5 6 30

30.39 1.42 1.41

6.08 0.24 0.05

86.85 3.42 0.71

.01 .01 None

White x yolk Treat, x WXY* Error

1 5 36

1.89 1.82 2.54

1.89 0.36 0.07

27.00 5.14

.01 .01




*WXY . . . Intraction of egg white and yolk.



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The influence of dietary nitrate on nitrate concentration in egg yolk and albumen.

Sodium nitrate (from 0 to 2,000 p.p.m.) was added to the drinking water of 32-week old S.C. White Leghorn pullets. Eggs collected once a week for 8 we...
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