Zbl. Vet. Med. A, 24, 597-600 (1977) @ 1977 Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg ISSN 0300-871 l/ASTM-Coden: ZVRAAX

Kurze Mitteilungen/Short Communications Pahlavi University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Departments of Animal Biology and Clinical Studies, Shiraz, Iran

The Electrocardiogram of the Buzzard (Buteo buteo) BY M. EDJTEHADI, D. V. M., Ph. D., A. REZAKHANI, D. V. M., Ph. D. and M. SZABUNIEWICZ, D. V. M., D. V. Sc. With one figure and 2 tables

(Received for publication November 10, 1976)

The electrocardiograms of the chicken and Japanese quail (laboratory animal) were recently well documented (SZABUNIEWICZ and MCCRADY,1967 and SZABUNIEWICZ and MCCRADY,1974). Electrocardiographic data on birds are rare. This report concerns the Buzzard (Buteo buteo) electrocardiogram.

Material and Methods Five Buzzards were the source of material in this study and were captured in the area of Shiraz (Fars Province of Iran). Each bird was kept in a cage for three weeks to get accustomed to new food (principally sausages and water ad libitum) and the new environment. They were also trained to accept electrodes and to stay on the table for recording ECG (Fig. I). Electrocardiograms were recorded in the unanaesthetized bird and from the bird tranquilized with Acepromazine maleate (Acetylpromazine, C-Vet Limited, England) and Fentanyl-Droperidol (Innovar-Vet’Pittman-Moore,N. J). Sequential recordings of standard and augmented unipolar limb leads were made. Recordings were made on five consecutive days on a direct writing electrocardiograph, calibrated at Imv = lcm deflection and the traces were recorded at a paper speed of 50 mm/sec. Four eletroencephalogram-types silver-platinum needle electrodes were applied as described for recording the chicken ECG (SZABUNIEWICZ and MCCRADY,1967). The ECG were analyzed under a three times magnification for determination of durations, intervals and amplitudes of component deflections. Results and Discussion An example of the standard bipolar limb leads and augmented unipolar limb leads ECG taken sequentially is shown in Fig. 1. As far as the rate,



Fig. 1. Sequential electrocardiographic tracings obtained using standard bipolar (I, 11, 111) and augmented unipolar limb (aVR, aVL, aVF) leads in Buzzard. One of the five buzzards is shown above

rhythm and durations are concerned the adult Buzzard had a normal sinus rhythm with a mean heart rate of 356 (k 38) beats per minute and a range of 318 to 394. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and sinus arrhythmia p e r S E were only slightly recognised in the anaesthetized bird. Acepromazine maleate and Fentanyl-Droperiol, administered at three times a dog's dose, produced some tranquilization effect but no changes in heart rate. Durations and intervals were found to have the following mean values (in milliseconds): P wave 36.3 ( IZ 12), P-R interval 59.2 (r)l 8.6), QRS duration 49.9 (k 4.3), Q-T interval (uncorrected) 105 ( & 5.7) and RR interval 169 ( _t 13) as in Table I . Table 1 Heart r.xte (beats/min.) and duration (millisecond) of P, P-R, of Buzzard''


:'. A

QRS and Q-T

in E C G










? 8.6

z 4.3

169 :13


* 5.7

total of 5 ECG tracings was taken and mean values were calculated f r o m serial tracings


The Electrocardiogram of the Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

Mean amplitudes of the various electrocardiographic waves in standard bipolar limb leads and augmented unipolar limb leads were positive but aVR was negative. QRS complex forms related to the ventricular activation process were designated according to the nomenclature previously described (SZABUNIEWICZ and MCCRADY,1967). The dominant pattern was of Q S type in lead I, 11, I11 and aVF, indicating a right-ward directed mean vector force (from algebraic sum) along the X axis (lead I) and a craniad directed mean vector force along the Y axis (lead aVF). In leads aVR and aVL, the QRS complex has an R type. The S-T was usuallv isoelectric or had a maximum deflection of 1 mm.



I1 111

aV R aVL aVF






+ 0.85

t 0.22

t 0.18


10.30 t 0.66

? 0.32

12.16 1.71

t 0.40



- 1.51

? 0.29

? 0.39

f 0.32

2.25 t 0.48

2.6L t 0.55


1.L2 *2.24



- 0.52

f 0.06

2 0.20

t 0.20



+ 2.37

2 0.46

? 0.75

? 0.34

This recording of ECG in the Buzzard indicates a considerable uniformity in normal elctrocardiogram. Only two patterns of QRS complex were present: Q S in leads I, 11, 111, and aVF and R types in leads aVR and aVL. The eletrocardiograms recorded in the Buzzard are similar to those in the chicken and Japanese quail. Summary Using the methods previously employed for chickens and quail, electrocardiograms were recorded in five wild buzzards (Buteo buteo), after capture and confinement to a cage for three weeks. The ECG pattern showed considerable uniformity, with only two patterns of QRS complex - QS in leads I, 11, I11 and aVF and R types in leads aVR and aVL. The ECG was very similar to those in the chicken and quail. Zusammenfassung Das EKG des Bussards Bei 5 wilden Bussarden, welche wahrend 3 Wochen nach der Gefangennahme einzeln in Kafigen gehalten wurden, um sie an die neue Umgebung und das neue Futter zu gewohnen, wurden EKG registriert. Die EKG zeigten eine relativ geringe Variabilitat und nur zwei QRS-Typen. Die Kammer-




anfangsschwankungen der Ableitungen I, 11, I11 und aVF wiesen einen QSTyp, diejenigen der Ableitungen aVR und aVL einen R-Typ auf. Die EKG zeigten eine grol3e Ahnlichkeit mit denen des Huhnes und der Wachtel.

Resume L’ECG de la buse variable (Butec buteo) On a enregistrk 1’ECG chez 5 busses variables sauvages qui avaient ktk mises en cage isolkment durant 3 semaines pour les habituer A leur nouvel environnement et A une nouvelle alimentation. Les ECG prCsendrent une variabilitk relativement faible et seulement deux types QRS. O n a obtenu un type QS dans les derivations I, 11, I11 et a VF et une type R avec les dkrivations aVR et AVL. Les ECG prbenthrent une grande analogie avec ceux de la poule et de la cailfe. Resumen El ECG de la arpella (Buteo buteo) En 5 busardos salvajes, 10s cuales se tuvieron durante 3 semanas en jaulas individuales, contando desde su captura, para que se adaptasen a su medio ambiente nuevo y a1 pienso desacostumbrado, se registraron ECG. Los modelos de ECG mostraron una uniformidad considerable y solo dos tipos QRS. Las oscilaciones iniciales del ventriculo de las derivaciones I, 11, I11 y aVF seiialaban hacia un tip0 QS, mientras que las de las derivaciones aVR y aVL hacia un tiplo R. L.os ECG presentaban una semejanza grande con 10s de 10s pollitos y de la codorniz. References SZABUNIEWICZ, M., and J. D. MCCRADY,1967: The electrocardiogram of the chidten. Southwest. Vet. 22, 287. S ~ A E ~ N I E WM., I C and ~ , J. D. MCCRADY,1974: The electrocardiogram of the Japanese (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) quail. Zbl. Vet. Med. A , 21, 198-207. Author’s address: Drs. EDjTEHADI, REZAKHANI and SZABUNIEWICZ, school of Veterinary Medicine, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran.

The electrocardiogram of the buzzard (Buteo buteo).

Zbl. Vet. Med. A, 24, 597-600 (1977) @ 1977 Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg ISSN 0300-871 l/ASTM-Coden: ZVRAAX Kurze Mitteilungen/Short Communi...
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