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The effect of oxpentifylline (Trental') on fibrinolytic activity and plasma fibrinogen levels Paul E. M. Jarrett, Marian Moreland & Norman L. Browse To cite this article: Paul E. M. Jarrett, Marian Moreland & Norman L. Browse (1977) The effect of oxpentifylline (Trental') on fibrinolytic activity and plasma fibrinogen levels, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 4:7, 492-495, DOI: 10.1185/03007997709109338 To link to this article:

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Date: 05 November 2015, At: 14:06

Current Medical Research and Opinion

Vol. 4, No. 7, 1977

The effect of oxpentifylline (‘Trental’) on fibrinolytic activity and plasma fibrinogen levels

Paul E. M. Jarrett, M.A.,F.R.C.S,. Marian Moreland, B.Sc., and

Norman L. Browse, M.D., F.R.C.S.

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Department of Surgery, St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London,England

Curr. Med. Res. Opin., (1977), 4,492.

Received: 10th November 1976

Summary Twenty healthy volunteers were treated for 3 months with oxpentifylline (200 mg 3-times a day) or a placebo in a controlled double-blind randomized trial. The volunteers taking the oxpentifylline showed a signijicant increase in their jibrinolytic activity, as assessed by the dilute blood clot lysis time andfibrin plate lysis area, and a significant reduction in their plasma fibrinogen levels. No change was found in the control group. Thesejindings suggest that oxpentifyfline may be valuable in the treatment of small vessel occlusive disease associated with loweredfibrinolytic activity and raisedfibrinogen levels. Key words: Pentoxifylline -3brinogen -fibrinolytic agents -fibrinolysis

Introduction Oxpentifylline* (‘Trental’ t) is the recently introduced xanthine derivative 3,7 dimethyl-1-(5-oxohexyl) xanthine. Clinical studies suggest that oxpentifylline has a beneficial therapeutic effect on peripheral vascular disease, relieving intermittent claudication and increasing walking distance, as well as promoting the healing of ischaemic ulcers.3,11-17 The use of oxpentifylline in cerebrovascular disease1,13,1 6*1*,21,22 and circulatory diseases involving the eye*slo and ear14 has also been reported. Attempts have been made to define the mode of action of this drug. Based upon work by S t e f a n o v i ~ h , ~Ehrly5s6 3 , ~ ~ has claimed that the drug reduces red cell rigidity thereby improving microcirculatory flow. Others have shown that oxpentifylline causes a reduction in blood viscosity.9,12Whole blood viscosity is one factor which affects the flow properties of blood in peripheral vascular d i ~ e a s e . 4 , ~ ~ Changes in plasma fibrinogen concentration are known to affect whole blood vis~osity.~,~9,25,26 Microthrombi and the resulting obstructions of the microcirculation are known to further complicate peripheral vascular disease. This study was designed to ascertain whether plasma fibrinogen levels and the fibrinolytic activity of the blood are affected by the administration of oxpentifylline in normal healthy volunteers. ~~



*Oxpentifyllineis the generic name in the U.K. for pentoxifylline. 492


ttrade mark,Hoechst

Paul E. M. Jarrett, M. Moreland and Norman L. Browse

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Methods and materials Twenty healthy volunteers, 10 men and 10 women, with a mean age of 28.1 years (range 20 to 38 years) were paired for age and sex. No volunteer was taking any other medication. Normal fibrinolytic activity and normal fibrinogen levels were confirmed in all subjects before inclusion into the study. One volunteer in each pair received oxpentifylline in a dosage of 200 mg (2 tablets) 3-times a day, and the other, placebo tablets of identical appearance in the same dosage schedule. The study was double-blind ;treatment being aIlocated by means of a random code, and continued for 3 months. Fibrinolytic activity was measured by the dilute blood clot lysis time (DBCLT)’ and the fibrin plate lysis area (FPLA).2 The FPLA test was modified by using human instead of bovine fibrinogen. Plasma fibrinogen levels were assessed by the clot weight method of Ingram.15 Packed cell volume (PCV) was measured using a Coulter S machine. The above measurements were performed on 7.5 ml of blood, withdrawn without venous stasis, from fasting volunteers between 09.30 and 10.30 hours, 8 days and 1 day before treatment was started and after 3 months of treatment. Another blood sample was taken from those who had been receiving oxpentifylline 4 weeks after the trial period.

Results Four of the 10 volunteers taking oxpentifylline (1 male and 3 females) withdrew from the study because of nausea and vomiting. Prior to commencing therapy there was no significant difference in fibrinolytic activity, fibrinogen levels and packed cell volume between those who received active or placebo treatment. However, after 3 months of treatment the volunteers who had taken oxpentifylline showed a statistically significant decrease in DBCLT (p < 0.05), increase in FPLA (p < 0.05),and decrease in fibrinogen levels (p < 0.05) as shown in Table I. The levels in those taking placebo therapy did not change (Table I). At the end of the treatment period, the DBCLT, FPLA and fibrinogen levels of the two Table I. Results in healthy volunteers after 3-months’ treatment with placebo or oxpentifylline Group

Placebo (n = 10) Pre-treatment Post-treatment Oxpentifylline (n =6) Pre-treatment Post-treatment 4 weeks after end of treatment

DBCLT (min)

( m 2 )


Plasma PCV fibrinogen (%I (mg/100 ml plasma)

284 245

3 58 390

310 323

40 40

256 163* 243

319 413* 376

319 262* 195

42 42 41

‘denotes a significant change from previous value in table (p 0.05) or in those taking the placebo (p > 0.05). After oxpentifylline had been discontinued for 4 weeks the fibrinogen levels continued to fall, although the change from the level after 3-months’ treatment was not significant. The fibrinolytic activity had, however, by this time, reverted to the pre-treatment level.

Discussion Four volunteers on active therapy withdrew from the study at an early stage because of side-effects. This was possibly because they failed to observe the instructions to take the tablets with food. Under clinical conditions we have observed that this precaution coupled with a gradual increase in dosage to therapeutic levels prevents vomiting in all patients, and nausea, if it does occur, is only transient. The improved fibrinolytic activity and lowered fibrinogen levels in the volunteers taking oxpentifylline, without a change in packed cell volume, suggests a possible mechanism for the reduction in blood viscosity which has been noted in other studies with this drug.9.12 A reduction in fibrinogen levels has been associated with a reduction in red cell aggregation and red cell flexibility.20 Depending upon the fall in fibrinogen levels, the beneficial reduction in red cell aggregation in the peripheral circulation is, to a greater or lesser extent, offset by the reduced red cell flexibility. However, other pharmacological studies with oxpentifylline have suggested that this drug, unlike others that lower fibrinogen levels, increases red cell flexibility.5-6 If in vivo studies with oxpentifylline confirm the in vitro hdings of increased red cell flexibility then the drug would have a valuable place in the treatment of small vessel occlusive disease associated with raised fibrinogen levels and lowered fibrinolytic activity.

Acknowledgement We thank Hoechst Pharmaceuticals for supplying the oxpentifylline (‘Trental’) and identical placebo tablets.

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Paul E. M. Jarrett, M. Moreland and Norman L. Browse

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The effect of oxpentifylline ('Trental') on fibrinolytic activity and plasma fibrinogen levels.

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