European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive

Biology, 38 (1990) 145-150


Elsevier EUROBS 01046

The effect of chronic oral methadone treatment on monkey chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, progesterone, prolactin and cortisol levels during pregnancy in the cynomoigus monkey ( Macaca fascicularis) P.R. Hein, J.S.J.O. SchatorjC, H.J.A.A.M. Frencken, M.F.G. Segers and C.M.G. Thomas Department

of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Nijmegen, Nijmegen,

The Netherlands

Accepted for publication 13 March 1990

The effect of chronic methadone treatment upon the serum levels of Estradiol (E,), Progesterone (P), Prolactin (Prl), monkey chorionic gonadotropin (mCG), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and Cortisol (C) in pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys (Macuca fuscicularis) is described in comparison with the hormone levels in a control group. Only DHEAS was significantly decreased in late pregnancy in the methadone group. From these data it can not be concluded that methadone treatment compromises (feto)placental function. The observed intra-uterine growth retardation in the methadone treated group might be a result of a direct influence of methadone upon growth. Serum level; Methadone; Estradiol; Dehydroepiandrosterone dotropin; Pregnancy; Cynomolgus monkey

A generally accepted way to manage drug addiction during pregnancy in the human is the methadone maintenance treatment program. The opinion of several investigators is that there are no more complications of pregnancy than in an average obstetric population [l]. This agree-

Correspondence: P.R. Hein, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Radboud Hospital, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.


sulfate; Progesterone:

Prolactin; Cortisol; Monkey chorionic gona-

ment, however, does not exist for the incidence of low birthweight babies in methadone users. Some investigators report normal birthweight [2,3] whereas others report an impaired growth [1,4-121. An explanation for these different data could be that in drug addicts other factors than methadone alone may be responsible, such as, for example, inadequate prenatal care, smoking, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency or the use of other drugs. In order to exclude these possibilities we decided to investigate the influence of methadone treatment under standardized conditions upon

0 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)


several aspects of pregnancy. This was done in a prospective study, supported by the Dutch ‘Praeventiefonds’ in Cynomolgus monkeys (Macucu fusciculuris), nonhuman primates with reproductive characteristics which are similar to those of the human [13-151. In a previous article we described the influence of methadone upon the birthweight in the Cynomolgus monkey (Mucucu fmciculuris) [16]. Although the duration of pregnancy did not differ between a control- and a methadone-treatment group, the birthweight was significantly lower in methadone-treated monkeys.. To investigate whether this was a result of impaired placental- or fetoplacental function, we compared in the present study the monkey chorionic gonadotropin (mCG), Estradiol (E2), and Progesterone (P) levels in peripheral serum throughout pregnancy in methadone-treated monkeys and in a control group. Since estrogen precursors originate from both fetal and maternal adrenals, we also measured serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and Cortisol (C). Moreover, the serum levels of prolactin (Prl) were determined. Materials and Methods The study was conducted in 16 pregnancies in 6 Cynomolgus monkeys ( Mucucu fusciculuris ) : 3 monkeys (10 pregnancies) were on methadone medication (40 mg/day) and 3 monkeys (6 pregnancies) served as controls. Methadone treatment, housing, feeding, breeding and diagnosing of pregnancy have been described previously [16]. Blood samples (3-4 ml) were drawn twice a week between 8 and 10 a.m. from the bra&al or cubital vein without anaesthesia, since our monkeys are trained to present their arms through the bars of the cage to the technician who then draws blood from a vein without difficulty. Blood sampling was initiated prior to conception. Per pregnancy we obtained 48 samples. The blood samples were left to clot overnight at 4’C. Then they were centrifuged at 1200 X g for 20 min. The serum was separated and stored at -20°C until mCG, E,, DHEAS, P, Prl and C concentrations

were measured in all samples by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The RIA systems used for the determination of E, and P and for DHEAS and C have been published previously [17,18] as well as those for Prl and mCG [19]. Statistical methods used for comparison of control and methadone pregnancies were the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. Per monkey we calculated per hormone the mean values in three periods: Period I: blood samples 1-16. Period II: blood samples 17-32. Period III: blood samples 33-48. This was done for E,, DHEAS, P, Prl, C. For mCG we only investigated whether during the mCG peak there was a significant difference between the control and methadone value of samples 5, 6 and 7. Results Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 illustrate the mean serum levels (f SEM) of circulating mCG, estradiol, DHEAS and progesterone, respectively, from the beginning of pregnancy until delivery in 6 control pregnancies and 10 methadone pregnancies. Patems of serum mCG, E,, DHEAS, P, Prl and C in normal pregnancy have been described before


Fig. 1. Concentrations of mCG (mean* SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the meanf SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling twice a week).






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Fig. 2. Concentrations of estradiol (mean f SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the mean+ SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling twice a week).

twice a week).

In both groups serum mCG levels followed the same patem (Fig. 1). The mCG peak in the methadone group was higher than in the control group, although not significantly. Serum estradiol levels. In both groups the serum estradiol followed the same patem (Fig. 2). Except in the beginning of pregnancy, the levels in the methadone group were lower than in the control group, although not significantly so. Serum DHEAS levels. Serum DHEAS levels in the control group and in the methadone group showed the same pattern (Fig. 3). Serum


Fig. 4. Concentrations of progesterone (mean f SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the mean+ SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling


In early and midpregnancy the differences between the control group and methadone group were not statistically significant. In late pregnancy, however, there was a statistically significant difference. (P = 0.02). Serum progesterone levels. Fig. 4 illustrates the progesterone levels in early, mid and late gestation. Serum progesterone levels followed the same pattern for both groups. In the methadone group the progesterone levels were higher than in the control group. However, the values in the control group and in the methadone group were not statistically significantly different.







Fig. 3. Concentrations of DHEAS (mean f SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the mean+ SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling twice a week).

Fig. 5. Concentrations of cortisol (mean+SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the meanf SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling twice a week).






Fig. 6. Concentrations of prolactin (mean* SE) in peripheral serum of 10 pregnant Cynomolgus monkeys on methadone medication (40 mg/day) from beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The shaded area and the dotted line represent the meanf SE in 6 pregnant control monkeys (blood sampling twice a week).

Serum cortisol levels. The patem and levels of serum cortisol were not different in both groups (Fig. 5). Serum prolactin levels. In early and midpregnancy prolactin was higher in the methadone group than in the control group, although not significantly, whereas in late pregnancy prolactin was higher in the control group, although not significantly so (Fig. 6).

Discussion In a previous article [16] we described decreased birthweights in methadone-treated monkeys. If the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) of the monkeys on methadone maintenance was only a result of impaired placental function, one might perhaps expect the mCG, E, and P levels to be decreased as compared to those of the control group. However, this was not the case. Of course one could wonder whether the here described hormones reflect placental or fetoplacental function. In humans (without methadone use) test properties of urinary estriol and total estrogen measurements for prediction of low birthweight are as follows: sensitivity varies between 14 and 868, specificity ranges from 63 to 94%. The test properties of the plasma and serum assays are comparable to those of urinary assays [20]. For


Cynomolgus monkeys these data are not available. For human chorionic gonadotrophin, DHEAS, progesterone and cortisol to our knowledge no 2 x 2 tables are available with regard to their clinical value as predictor of intrauterine growth retardation and again to our knowledge these data are not available for Cynomolgus monkeys either. Considering DHEAS and C levels, we found (exactly as Facchinetti et al. [21] did in pregnant women) a discrepancy between the levels of both adrenal hormones: cortisol did not change whereas DHEAS significantly decreased under methadone treatment. We have no explanation for this discrepancy. We do not agree with the conclusion of Facchinetti et al. that this points to an isolated effect of methadone upon the fetal adrenal (and not the maternal adrenal), since DHEAS in the maternal circulation originates almost entirely from the maternal adrenal, whereas only negligible amounts of DHEAS can be transferred from the fetal to the maternal circulation [22]. From our data it can not be concluded that the fetal adrenal is influenced in a negative way. This is also unlikely since the E, levels are not decreased in the methadone treated group. Steroids of fetal adrenal origin (mainly DHEAS), are considered to provide approx. 50% of the precursors for E, production, whereas approx. 40% is provided by maternal DHEAS [22]. Since maternal DHEAS is significantly decreased, whereas E, is not decreased, it is probable that the fetal adrenal functions very well, so that it may even compensate for the decreased supply of maternal DHEAS, so that E, levels do not fall. With regard to prolactin, the following can be said: prolactin is considered by some as a stress hormone [23]. In our study there was no difference in prolactin levels between the two groups of monkeys. From our data one could conclude that the lower birthweights in the methadone group [16] can not be attributed to impaired placental function and/or maternal stress. Since there were no differences in food or vitamin intake between the two groups nor differences in other variables, the explanation for the IUGR in the methadone group might perhaps be that methadone itself has a direct influence upon


birthweight, as has been suggested for small laboratory animals such as rats [24,25]. How this influence is exerted is a matter of speculation. As we have described in a previous article [16], methadone 40 mg/day is a very high dose, corresponding with lo-13 mg/kg per day, leading to plasma levels exceeding those attained in patients in human maintenance programs. To our knowledge no evaluations have been made to determine the direct effects of methadone levels of this magnitude on fetal growth using in vitro systems or during the early postnatal interval. Anyway, intra-uterine growth retqrdation is not a result of a negative influence upon release of growth hormone, since morphinomimetics increase this release in mammalian species [26]. Acknowledgements

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The effect of chronic oral methadone treatment on monkey chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, progesterone, prolactin and cortisol levels during pregnancy in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis).

The effect of chronic methadone treatment upon the serum levels of Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (P), Prolactin (Prl), monkey chorionic gonadotropin (m...
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