Environmental Letters

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The Dynamics of Diquat in a Model Eco-System Brenda Shaw & Philip K. Hopke To cite this article: Brenda Shaw & Philip K. Hopke (1975) The Dynamics of Diquat in a Model Eco-System, Environmental Letters, 8:4, 325-335, DOI: 10.1080/00139307509437442 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00139307509437442

Published online: 02 Sep 2009.

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Date: 06 November 2015, At: 09:00

ENVIRONMENTAL LETTERS, 8(4), 325-335 (1975)


Brenda Shaw

* and


K. Hopke


Lake E r i e Environmental Studies Program and Department o f - C h e m i s t r y S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y College Fredonia, New York 14063

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ABSTRACT Muskelunge

(Esox-masquinonqy c h i e n s i s ) f r y were used i n a 96

hour t o x i c i t y study w i t h d i q u a t and simazine.

Although t h e death o f

s u f f i c i e n t c o n t r o l f i s h i n v a l i d a t e d t h e t e s t a5 a whole, some i n t e r e s t i n g o b s e r v a t i o n s were made.

A t t h e end o f 48 hours 4 o u t o f 10

f i s h had d i e d i n the c o n t r o l t a n k and 8 had d i e d i n t h e simazine tank w h i l e a l l 10 d i q u a t - t r e a t e d f i s h appeared h e a l t h y . Two model eco-systems w i t h canponents from Chautauqua Lake, N. Y. were c o n s t r u c t e d i n 20 g a l l o n g l a s s a q u a r i a t o t r a c e t h e movement o f


labeled diquat.

A f t e r a c t i v i t y had reached near background l e v e l s

i n t h e water from t h e t e s t tank, f i s h , p l a n t s , sediments and s n a i l s

were counted i n a l i q u i d s c i n t i l l a t i o n counter t o d i s c o v e r t h e f a t e o f d i q u a t wlthin t h e system.

The c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f d i q u a t was found t o be

h i g h e s t i n sediments, f o l l o w e d by f i s h t i s s u e , s n a i l p a r t s , w i t h p l a n t s having t h e lowest measured c o n c e n t r a t i o n .

* Present Address:


Present Address:

Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana


School o f Chemical Sciences, U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s , Urbana, I1 1 i n o i s 61801

325 Copyright 0 1915 by hlarcel Dekker, Inc. 1\11 Rights Reserved. h'either this work nor any part m3y he reproduced 31 transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or rnrchanic~l,including photocopying. microfilming, and recording.01 by any information storage and retrieval system. without permission in %riling from the publisher.

SHAW AND HOPKE INTRODUCTION Diquat and simazine have been used as aquatic herbicides in recreation lakes in Chautauqua County, New York (diquat in Chautauqua Lake and simazine in Findley Lake).

Little is known about the effects

of these herbicides on aquatic herbicides.

G1 iderhus' has reported

toxicity results for diquat on several species of fish including several game fish.

Walker* has reported toxicity data for the effects of

simazine on fish.

No results were reported for muskelunge

masquinongy chiensis) with either simazine or diquat.


Because of the

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economic importance of muskies a s game fish in the Chautauqua Lake area, acute toxicity studies .were undertaken on this species.


of the continuing use of diquat as an aquatic herbicide to control macrophyte growth, its fate in the aquatic ecosystem should be better understood.

Thus a model eco-system was established t o indicate rela-

tive absorption of the herbicidal material by various elements in the full ecosystem. METHODS In order to measure the possible interaction of the herbicides with the containers, a test was performed to determine whether simazine and diquat concentrations change appreciably over time in the allglass aquaria. gallon tanks.

Demineralized tap water was added to each o f three 20 The tanks contajned 60.5 liters of water.

Because water

hardness may be a factor in the action of herbicides such as diquat,' the components of hardness were determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. and Ca 0.0 ppm.

The results were:

M g < 1.0 ppm, K < 1.0 ppm,Na < 0.8 ppm

The water was allowed to stabilize at about 19' C

while being aerated.



One tank was treated with 300 ul of 44.78, diquat (Orthodiquat manufactured by Chevron), the other with .1162 g of 80% simazine (Princep 80W manufactured by Ciba-Geigy).

This gave approximate con-

centrations of 1.4 ppm diquat in one tank and 1.4 ppm simazine in A thermometer was attached to the third tank, which con-

the other.

tained aerated demineralized water, to monitor water temperature during the experiment. and 19.4'


The water temperature remained between 18.9

The tanks were covered with a thin mylar covering and

exposed to constant fluorescent room light.



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samples were removed about once a day for a week from each herbicidecontaining tank for analysis.

Samples were stored in plastic bottles

and kept in the dark to inhibit possible decomposition. Diquat samples were analyzed by U.V.

spectrophotometry utilizing

a Cary 14 spectrophotmeter with an absorption scale expansion slidewire.

Absorbances were measured at the peak maxima at approximately

310 run.

to 2000

A similar method was used for simazine with a scan from 2500


As a measure o f Comparison, standard solutions of simazine

were run at 1.0 ppm and 1.5 ppm. 0.105 and 0.157 absorbance units.

Table 1.

The absorbance in each case was Absorbance values are recorded in

Because diquat and simazine data obtained f r m the Cary 14

has questionable accuracy at this time, results are reported only as absorbance to show a comparison of relative concentrations over time rather than the actual concentration of each sample.

Both the con-

centration of simazine and that of diquat seem t o have remained reasonably constant under the conditions that existed during this experiment.

Therefore, the potential problems of herbicide absorp-

tion on the glass aquaria was eliminated.

Similarly, the photo de-

composition due to room light was eliminated as a possible variable.


SHAW AND HOPKE TABLE 1 Herbicide Concentrations Over Time

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Hours from start

Diquat in absorbance units

Simazine in absorbance units Run 1 Run 2


























Toxicity Studies This test was carried our according to Doudoroff4 except where stated otherwise.

Each tank was filled to a depth of 10 cm with creek

water from Canadaway Creek near Laona, New York. of about 18.7 liters in each tank. average length

- 4 cm) were

Thirty-five muskie fry (approximate

divided between three tanks of water five

days before the addition of herbicide. died.

This gave a volume

One day later five fish had

60 ul of c m e r c i a l grade Orthodiquat (44.7$)

to achieve a concentration of approximately 1.4 ppn.

was added to one A concentration

of about 1.5 p p o f simazine was obtained by adding 0.0350 grams of Princep BOW (80$ simazine) to the second tank.

In order to help check

pathogens which may have been killing the fish, the staff of the Chautauqua Fish Hatchery suggested adding formaldehyde to the water. part of formaldehyde to 3000 parts water was r e c m e n d e d . 2 m l formaldehyde was added to each tank.



Air temperature, water tem-

perature and water chemistry are reported in Table 2.

Water hardness


TABLE 2 Water Conditions

Tempe r a t u r e A i r temperature

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Water temperature i n c o n t r o l tank

2 4 hours





48 hours





96 hours





Dissolved Oxyqen Time -

Diquat tank

Simazine tank

Control tank

24 hours

10.0 ppm

10.0 ppm

9.9 Ppm

48 hours

11.0 ppm

11.1 ppm

10.8 ppm

96 hours

11.3 ppm

11.3 ppm

11.0 ppm

Water Chemistry

30.14 ppm

A l k a l i n i t y as CaCo3

PH diquat tank


simazine t a n k


contro l tank




7.6 Ppm


2 . 2 Ppm


3. 0 Ppm


4 4 . 5 ppm


SHAW AND HOPKE was determined by a t m i c adsorption spectroscopy, alkalinity by H2S04 titration and pH with a pH probe. The toxicity study was carried out for 96 hours.

The fish were

fed minnows for the first 3 days. Water samples were taken 24, 48, and 96 hours after the start.

Table 3 shows the survival rate of the

fish. Because more than 10% of the control fish died, the results are far from concl~sive.~Sane interesting observations were made, however.

The water in the simazine tank was very cloudy.


appeared in all the tanks about 48 hours into the experiment. The

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simazine tank showed a high death rate

- 80$ in two days.

Thus the

use of simazine as an aquatic herbicide may result in undesirable

effects on the fish populations. Further study in this area is required. Model Eco-System Two 20 gallon tanks were filled with sediments, plants, animals and water from Chautauqua Lake.

Sediments were taken directly from

the lake bottom in about 1 meter o f water. A study done near the area where these sediments were taken showed the following canponents: sand 14.76$, silt 58.24% and clay 27$.5

Approximately one gallon of

sediment was placed in each tank along with the animals which were living in it

-- snails, worms, etc.

About 43 liters of lake water

(see Table 4 for water chemistry) were added to the tanks followed TABLE 3

Fish Living (out of ten) Time




24 hours




48 hours




96 hours





DIQUAT IN MODEL ECO-SYSTEM TABLE 4 Model Eco-System Water Chemistry


approximate average Alkalinity 50 ppn as CaCo3 ( d a t a f o r s i t e 9 was n o t a v a i l a b l e )

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As Cd Ca Ch1o r ide Cr cu Fe Hg Mn Nitrate

9.4 ppb PPb 24.2 ppn 5.9 P p n

The dynamics of diquat in a model eco-system.

Muskelung (Esox-masquinongy chiensis) fry were used in a 96 hour toxicity study with diquat and simazine. Although the death of sufficient control fis...
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