Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 104: 73-79, 1991. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

The adenylyl cyclase family J. Krupinski

Weis Center for Research, Geisinger Clinic, Danville, PA 17822-2610, USA

Key words: signal transduction, membrane proteins, cAMP, G proteins Abstract

Hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase is a model system for the study of receptor-mediated signal transduction. It is comprised of three types of components: 1) receptors for hormones that regulate cyclic AMP (cAMP) synthesis, 2) regulatory GTP binding proteins (G proteins), and 3) the family of enzymes, the adenylyl cyclases. Concentrations of cAMP are altered by at least 35 different stimulatory or inhibitory hormones and neurotransmitters. Other signalling pathways may also influence cAMP production through regulation of particular adenylyl cyclase subtypes. The second messenger, cAMP propagates the hormone signal through the effects of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. While structural information on the adenylyl cyclases is limited, a cDNA clone for a calmodulin-sensitive form of bovine brain adenylyl cyclase has been isolated. The amino acid sequence encoded by the Type I cDNA is approximately 40% identical to those specified by three other adenylyl cyclase cDNAs that have been cloned subsequently. This degree of structural variation implies that there must be functional differences between the adenylyl cyclases.

It has been estimated that 'about 80% of all known hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as neuromodulators and autocrine and paracrine factors, elicit their cellular responses by combining with receptors which are coupled to effector functions through G proteins [1]'. These three component systems (receptor, G protein, effector) were originally defined by investigations into the hormonal regulation of adenylyl cyclase [2]. While the list of relevant effector enzymes is still growing, the paradigm for the G-protein-linked-effector system remains adenylyl cyclase. About three dozen different hormones modulate cyclic AMP concentrations through regulation of this enzyme's activity [1]. The ~3-receptor, G~, adenylyl cyclase system is one of only two examples in which highly-purified protein preparations have been combined in phospholipid vesicles to reconstitute the complete three-component signal transduction chain [3, 4]. This serves as the most rigorous proof that no addi-

tional protein components are required for the generation of a signal in this system. Adenylyl cyclase activity is both stimulated and inhibited in a hormone-dependent manner. These effects are mediated by distinct, heterotrimeric G proteins: Gs (for stimulatory) and Gi (for inhibitory). A number of observations are summarized in the following description of the mechanism by which adenylyl cyclase is regulated [5]. The binding of hormone to its receptor enhances the exchange of bound GDP for GTP at the nucleotide binding site on the G protein. This promotes subunit dissociation of the heterotrimeric G protein into separate G~. GTP and [3T complexes. The G~. GTP complexes are capable of binding to adenylyl cyclase and exerting direct effects on its catalytic activity, although for Gi~" GTP inhibition is weak. Inhibition is predominantly mediated by the [3T pool that is generated upon activation of Gi by nucleotide binding. The activity of cyclase remains

74 altered as long as GTP is intact. Hydrolysis to GDP at the G~ nucleotide binding site returns cyclase to its basal state and results in the release of G~. GDP. Free 137may then serve as a sink to complex the free G~. GDP and regenerate the initial state. While this scheme has not been proven rigorously, it is a testable working model consistent with the available data. The ubiquitous occurrence of adenylyl cyclase activity is consistent with its involvement in a variety of important physiological processes. Adenylyl cyclase activity was originally discovered by investigations of the mechanism by which sympathomimetic amines and glucagon regulate glycogen metabolism in liver [6]. Cyclic AMP synthesized by adenylyl cyclase activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The latter enzyme then initiates a cascade of phosphorylation reactions that results in glycogen degradation. This is only one example of the general mechanism in which the activation of adenylyl cyclase results in changes in cellular biochemistry mediated through the phosphorylation of key proteins by cAMP-dependent protein kinase [7]. Multiple proteins may be phosphorylated by this kinase in a given cell type and the particular substrates for phosphorylation can differ depending on the tissue. In adipocytes the hormone-dependent stimulation of adenylyl cyclase eventually results in the release of free fatty acids by the pathway involving cAMP-dependent protein kinase [8]. Activation of adenylyl cyclase by [3-adrenergic agents in heart leads to the phosphorylation of phospholamban [9] and voltage-dependent Ca 2+ channels [10]. The subsequent effects on Ca > influx have been proposed, at least in part, to account for correlations between [3-adrenergic-stimulated cAMP accumulation, increased rate of relaxation, and increased force of contraction in heart. Even adenylyl cyclase itself may be regulated by the kinase. Direct phosphorylation of adenylyl cyclase by cAMP-dependent protein kinase may be partially responsible for the heterologous desensitization of glucagon-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in hepatocytes [11]. This type of feedback mechanism is appealing as a means of regulating adenylyl cyclase activity in the presence of a persistent stimulus. Numerous other examples could be given

illustrating the physiological effects of the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase through the stimulation of adenylyl cyclase. However, not all hormones capable of stimulating adenylyl cyclase in a given cell type will have the same effects on cAMP-dependent protein kinase. A compartmentalization of cAMP within cardiac myocytes has been postulated from the differential ability of certain hormones to activate cAMP-dependent kinase. Brunton and coworkers have found that both isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1 enhance cAMP accumulation in cardiac myocytes, but only the former agonist stimulates the breakdown of glycogen [12]. Only the activation of the particulate cAMP-dependent protein kinase can mediate activation of phosphorylase [13]. This effect has been correlated with the selective phosphorylation of proteins that occurs in response to isoproterenol, but not the prostaglandin [14]. Cross-talk with other signalling pathways can also modulate the effects of adenylyl cyclase. A 130 kDa species that co-purified with adenylyl cyclase activity was phosphorylated when frog erythrocytes were treated with the protein kinase C activator, 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate [15]. A sensitization of the enzyme activity accompanies the phosphorylation [15]. In vivo this effect could be mediated by hormones capable of activating protein kinase C through the generation of diacyl-glycerol from the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol [4, 5]-bisphosphate. However, the latter reaction will also generate inositol trisphosphate which will cause the release of calcium from internal stores. Calcium may also influence adenylyl cyclase activity by complexing with calmodulin and activating other pathways which can modulate adenylyl cyclase activity [16], or adenylyl cyclase may be stimulated directly by Ca2+/calmodulin in some tissues [17]. The activity of adenylyl cyclase purified from liver is insensitive to Ca>/calmodulin [11], while that from brain is stimulated 8-10 fold by Ca2+/calmodulin relative to the activity observed in the presence of Mg2+ alone [18]. The precise role of calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase in mammalian brain has not been defined. However, in Drosophila, a series of learning mutants have been discovered that exhibit defects in responses

75 involving cyclic nucleotides [19]. In particular the mutant, rutabaga, fails a negatively reinforced test of associative learning [20]. Enzyme activity assays performed on body parts from this mutant fly indicate a loss of Ca2+/calmodulin responsive adenylyl cyclase [20]. The site of the rutabaga mutation has been mapped to a specific locus on the X chromosome in the Drosophila genome [21]. A cDNA for a calmodulin-sensitive form of bovine brain adenylyl cyclase cross-hybridizes to the rutabaga locus in preparations of Drosophila polytene chromosomes (Randall R. Reed, unpublished observation). The mechanism by which adenylyl cyclase activity may be translated into associative learning remains obscure. Although essential for the complete characterization of the physiological role of adenylyl cyclase, information on the detailed structure of the enzyme is limited. This reflects the relatively low abundance (0.001-0.01% of membrane protein) as well as the instability of the enzyme. Monoclonal antibodies raised against purified adenylyl cyclase from bovine brain indicate that more than one member of this enzyme family may be expressed in a given tissue [22]. Immunoblots of solubilized membranes from bovine cerebral cortex indicate that three distinct species of 115,150, and 160 kDa react with the antibody [22]. In immunoblots of either heart or lung only the 150 kDa form is detected [22]. Olfactory cilia possess a 180 kDa form of adenylyl cyclase that cross-reacts weakly with the antibody raised to the brain preparation [23]. At least a portion of the molecular weight heterogeneity may be explained by differential posttranslational modifications of particular adenylyl cyclase subtypes. A cDNA clone encoding a calmodulin-sensitive form of bovine brain adenylyl cyclase specifies a protein of 1134 amino acids with one potential N-linked glycosylation site that is exposed to the extracellular milieu [24]. Based on protein biochemistry this corresponds to the form with an apparent molecular weight of 115,000 that is detected with the monoclonal antibody [22, 24]. A cDNA clone encoding the prominent olfactory adenylyl cyclase specifies a protein of 1144 amino acids with three potential N-linked glycosylation sites [25]. Treatment of olfactory cilia with a glyco-

sidase reduces the apparent molecular weight of this adenylyl cyclase from approximately 200,000 to 129,000, in agreement with the molecular weight determined from the cDNA [25]. Biochemical studies have revealed that adenylyl cyclase activities can be divided into different classes depending on subcellular localization (membrane-bound vs. soluble activity), and their responses to a variety of regulators. For example, spermatozoa possess a soluble, calmodulin-sensitive activity that is not stimulated by activated G s [26]. They also possess a membrane-bound activity insensitive to Gs [27]. Brain has both a calmodulinsensitive and a calmodulin-insensitive adenylyl cyclase activity, each of which can be stimulated by manganese, activated G~, and forskolin [22, 28]. Some forms of adenylyl cyclase are sensitive to mechanical forces [29]. The complete range of sensitivities that may be exhibited by distinct adenylyl cyclases is not yet clear. One way to examine this would be to purify different adenylyl cyclases and characterize their activities in isolation. The diterpene, forskolin, directly activates adenylyl cyclase in the absence of Gs [30]. Pfeuffer's laboratory demonstrated that myocardial adenylyl cyclase activity could be purified over 2000-fold in a single step by chromatography on an affinity resin synthesized by coupling forskolin to Sepharose [31]. Forskolin-Sepharose chromatography has been combined with chromatography on ion exchange resins [11, 31], wheat germ agglutinin agarose [32, 28, 11], or calmodulin-Sepharose [28], to obtain highly-purified preparations of adenylyl cyclase. The characteristics of the final forskolin-eluate differ depending on the source of the starting material. This is illustrated by comparing forskolin eluate obtained from heart and brain, the sources of the two best characterized preparations of highly purified enzyme. 1) Myocardial adenylyl cyclase can only be obtained in significant yield by forskolin-Sepharose chromatography if the enzyme is first preactivated with G~ prior to adsorption to the resin [33]. A preparation of adenylyl cyclase not preactivated by G~, is readily purified from brain. This has been interpreted as a reflection of increased stability of the brain enzyme [34] and a

76 synergistic activation of myocardial cyclase by the combination of forskolin and Gs [31]. This synergism has also been observed and analyzed in platelet membranes [35]. 2) The myocardial enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 150,000 while that from brain appears to be about 115,000 [31, 34]. Thus one of the species observed in immunoblots of membranes from bovine cerebral cortex is selectively enriched by forskolin-Sepharose chromatography of brain membrane extracts [31, 34, 22]. The 150 kDa form from brain may be purified by chromatography on forskolin-Sepharose if the membranes are pre-activated with guanine nucleotide prior to detergent extraction of the protein [22]. 3) Forskolin eluate from brain is calmodulinsensitive while that purified from heart is not [33], despite evidence for a calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase activity in myocardial membranes [36]. However, more than one calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase exists. The olfactory adenylyl cyclase can be stimulated by Ca2+/calmodulin albeit with a much lower affinity than the calmodulin-sensitive form from brain [37]. It is possible that a distinct calmodulin-sensitive subtype may be found in heart. A cDNA for a calmodulin-sensitive form of adenylyl cyclase has been isolated by starting with an oligonucleotide probe based on a peptide sequence obtained from the purified protein [24]. This form of the enzyme was named Type I adenylyl cyclase when it became clear that a cDNA for another form was present in the same brain library [24]. The structure predicted for the Type I enzyme based on the amino acid sequence is surprising considering that the only known function of adenylyl cyclase is to synthesize cAMP from ATPat the intracellular face of the membrane. The protein is predicted to have a short amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail followed by two large alternating sets of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains. Each hydrophobic domain is divisible into six transmembrane spans. The two large hydrophilic regions are 30% identical (55% similar) to one another over a 200 amino acid region, and approximately 55% similar to the catalytic domains of the family of guanylyl cyclases [24, 38]. Based on this similarity, each of the two large hydrophilic regions within adenylyl cyclase has

been proposed to encode a nucleotide binding domain. This general structure is strikingly reminiscent of that proposed for the product of the multidrug resistance gene [39], the product of the cystic fibrosis gene [40], and the product of the yeast ste 6 gene [41]. Interestingly, each of these proteins has been implicated in a transport process. The voltage-sensitive channels, another class of G-proteinregulated entities, are also organized in sets of six transmembrane spans [42], though they lack putative nucleotide binding domains. How this channel- or transporter-like structure contributes to adenylyl cyclase function is not clear. The unanticipated protein structure of Type I adenylyl cyclase is not unique to this particular form of the enzyme. Thus far four adenylyl cyclases have been cloned from higher eukaryotes, and all are predicted to have the same general topography [24; 25; Randall R. Reed et al. ; Boning Gao and Alfred G. Gilman, unpublished observations). However, their primary sequences vary significantly. This is best illustrated by a more detailed comparison of the amino acid sequences of two adenylyl cyclases, Type I and the prominent olfactory form, Type III. The Type III cDNA was isolated from a rat olfactory library utilizing probes derived from both Type I and II cDNAs [25]. Figure 1 shows the percentage of amino acid identity calculated for the different domains within the common overall structure. The observed sequence diversity most likely is not the result of species differences since clones for both bovine and rat Type II have been isolated, and they show over 90% amino acid identity (Randall R. Reed et al., unpublished observations). No significant amino acid similarity is found in a comparison of the short amino-terminal tails. The regions of highest overall identity between the cyclasp es are contained within the large cytoplasmic domains (Fig. 1). These correspond to the regions of over 200 amino acids which show a significant similarity to each other and to the catalytic domain of the guanylyl cyclases [24, 38]. However, the similarity between the same structural domain in two different cyclases is much greater than the similarity between the distinct cytoplasmic domains of a single cyclase. For example the central domain of

77 Type I more closely resembles the central domain of Type III, (53% identical) while the central domain of Type I is more distantly related to its own carboxy terminal domain (about 30% identical). This suggests that each of these domains may have its own unique nucleotide binding properties. Studies on the kinetics of inhibition of adenylyl cyclase by adenosine also are consistent with the existence of distinct nucleotide binding sites with only one catalytic domain [43]. Thus one large cytoplasmic domain may be the catalytic site while the other may be a regulatory domain. Alternatively each nucleotide binding site might be shared between the two large cytoplasmic domains. If the putative nucleotide binding regions are excluded, the remainder of the molecules show only a limited degree of amino acid identity. A region extending over three hundred amino acids is only approximately 19% identical in the two forms. This includes over one hundred amino acids of hydrophilic sequence beginning from the end of the first putative nucleotide binding domain and continuing through more than two hundred amino acids of the second large hydrophobic domain (Fig. 1). Following the second putative nucleotide binding domain there is another region exhibiting minimal amino acid identity. When the complete amino acid sequences of Types I and III are aligned, they are found to be only 38% identical overall. Type I exhibits approximately 40% amino acid identity to any of the three other cloned subtypes. Only twelve stretches of five or more identical amino acids are observed in the overall sequence alignment of Types I and III. The longest of these is only 14 amino acids. To put this into perspective consider the sequence variation among other components of G-protein linked systems. M1 muscarinic receptors are linked to the release of calcium through the generation of inositol phosphates. M2 receptors are coupled to the hormone-dependent inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity. M1 receptors are 43% identical to M2 receptors [44]. Gs~, which mediates the hormone-dependent stimulation of adenylyl cyclase is about 40% identical to the members of the Gi~ family, which mediate inhibition of adenylyl cyclase [45]. The three Gi~ proteins are at least 85% identical to each other [45]. The olfactory

Type I vs. Type III

Adenylyl Cyclase 27%


Extracellular Intracellular +H3N,,j




CO z-

Fig. 1. A general comparison of the amino acid sequences of Types I and III adenylyl cyclase. Analysis of the amino acid sequences encoded by the cDNAs of both Types I and III adenylylcyclaseindicatesthat they share the indicatedcommon topography [24, 25]. The location of the putative nucleotide binding domains has been highlighted with bold lines. Putative transmembrane spans are indicated as cylinders within the membrane. Only the one glycosylationsite that is located in the same extracellularloop of both Types I and III adenylylcyclase has been indicated. Type III has two additional glycosylation sites [25]. Individualdomains within the common overall structure were aligned at the amino acid level with the program Gap using the default parameters [47]. The percentage of amino acid identity calculated from the alignments is indicated adjacent to the correspondingdomain. specific G~ protein, Golf, which is believed to mediate stimulation of the olfactory adenylyl cyclase, is 88% identical to the more widely distributed G~ [46]. Considering that adenylyl cyclases are all assumed to have the same function, it was not anticipated that their sequences would vary as widely as proteins with distinct, or even antagonistic functions. The complete extent of the amino acid variation among the adenylyl cyclases requires an expla-

78 nation in terms of distinct molecular structures and their associated functions.


Acknowledgements 15,

I would like to thank Alfred G. Gilman, Randall R. Reed and all of the members of their laboratories for communicating results prior to publication.

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Address for offprints: J. Krupinski, Weis Center for Research, Geisinger Clinic, Danville, PA 17822-2610, USA

The adenylyl cyclase family.

Hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase is a model system for the study of receptor-mediated signal transduction. It is comprised of three types of compone...
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