Biol Neonate 1990;58:145-151

© 1990 S. Karger AG, Basel 0006-3126/90/0583-0145S2.75/0

The Ability of Granulocytes to Generatè Superoxide Anions and Hypochlorite during Phagocytosis: Comparison of Neonatal Granulocytes with Adult Granulocytes Akira Nishidaa, Hirokazu Kimuraa, Katsuaki Sugiokab, Minoru Nakanob a Department o f Neonatology and Laboratory, Gunma Children’s Medical Center, Hokkitsu; bCollege o f Medical Care and Technology, Gunma University, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan

Key Words. Granulocytes • Superoxide anions • Hypochlorite • Cypiridina luciferin analog • Luminol • Chemiluminescence

Introduction Many investigators have employed lu­ minol (5-amino-2,3-dihydro- 1,4-phtalazinedione) (L) as an agent to amplify the lumi­ nescence response of activated macrophages and leukocytes [1-4]. L-dependent chemilu­ minescence (L-CL) by phagocytizing leuko­ cytes had been reported to be highly depen­ dent upon a myeloperoxidase (MPO)-mediated reaction that probably involves the generation of hypochlorite (OCL) [3]. The

luminescence is believed to be in good agree­ ment with bactericidal activity of leukocytes [4], Individuals with MPO deficiency, how­ ever, are usually healthy, whereas those with chronic granulomatous disease, who are characterized by failure to generate Superox­ ide anions (O 2), suffer from recurrent severe infections. Accordingly, it is of clinical im­ portance to check leukocytes for their ability to generate O 2 during phagocytosis. Recently, it was found that a chemilumi­ nescence probe with cypiridina luciferin

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Abstract. The ability of granulocytes to generate superoxide anions (O 2 ) and hypochlorite (OCL) during phagocytosis was investigated using peripheral blood samples from adults and cord blood samples from neonates, using the chemiluminescence probe cypiridina luciferin analog (CLA) for O 2 generation and luminol (L) for OCL generation. OCL generation by granulocytges was also monitored by taurine chloramine formation. The chemiluminescence probe based upon CLA was highly specific for and sensitive to O 2 and could be adopted to determine O 2 generation in terms of xanthine oxidase units. The CLA-dependent chemilu­ minescence by cord blood granulocytes was significantly higher than that by normal adult granulocytes. Taurine chloramine formation was significantly correlated with the L-dependent chemiluminescence (L-CL). Thus, the L-CL is considered to be mainly involved in OCL generated by phagocytizing granulocytes. L-CLs by cord blood granulocytes and normal adult granulocytes were essentially the same during phagocytosis.



Materials and Methods Preparation o f Leukocyte. Blood was collected from 17 full-term infants and from 15 healthy adults. The gestational age o f the newborns ranged from 3841 weeks. All were products o f normal pregnancies and vaginal deliveries. Apgar scores were ë 8 at 5 min. The immediate neonatal period was uncompli­ cated. Neonates with risk factors for infection (rup­ ture o f membranes more than 24 h before delivery, maternal péripartum fever or amnionitis) and those who had received antimicrobial therapy were ex­ cluded from the study. Blood was drawn in heparin (20 unit/ml), and leukocytes were isolated by the method described by Rosen [7], Granulocytes were suspended at 1 X 107/ml in Hank’s balanced salt solu­ tion at pH 7.4 (HBSS) and stored on ice until needed (up to 3 h). Opsonized Zymosan. Zymosan (Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, Mo., USA) in 20 mM veronal buffer at pH 7.4 (4 mg/ml) was boiled for 100 min and cooled to room temperatue. The zymosan was collected by cen­ trifugation for 10 min at 1,000 rpm, suspended to 30 mg/ml in pooled serum, incubated at 37 °C for 30 min and collected by centrifugation. The opsonized zymosan (OZ) was suspended in HBSS and washed twice with the same solution. Washed OZ was then suspended to 20 mg/ml in HBSS and was stored at -2 0 ° C until needed. CLA Solution. CLA, which had been synthesized according to the literature [8], was dissolved to 56 pg/ml in doubly distilled water and stored at -2 0 ° C until needed. CLA concentrations were based upon e 410 nm = 8,900 A/“1 cm -1.

L Solution. Luminol (Sigma) was dissolved to 1 mM in mildly alkaline water and was adjusted to pH 7.4 with 0.1 N HCi. This solution was stored at -2 0 °C .

Enzymes. Bovine red cell superoxide dismutase and bovine liver catalase were purchased from Sigma Chemicals. An aliquot o f the commercial catalase, suspended in 0.5 ml o f 0.1% thymol, was dialyzed twice against 3 liters o f 0.01 M Na-phosphate buffer at pH 7.4 before use. Luminescence Measurement. CLA-CL was mea­ sured with a Luminescence Reader (Aloka Co., To­ kyo, Japan), as described previously [9]. The standard assay mixture for phagocytizing system contained 4 X 10s granulocytes, 2 mg of OZ, and 1 \iM CLA in HBSS in a total volume o f 2 ml. The experiment with the same mixture from which OZ was omitted was used as control. All components, except for OZ or both OZ and CLA, were preincubated for 3 min, and the reaction was initiated by the addition o f OZ or both OZ and CLA. In some cases, superoxide dismu­ tase, catalase, or N aN i was added prior to the incuba­ tion. During the luminescence measurement, the in­ cubation mixture was agitated by rotation at 37 °C in the Luminescence Reader. L-CL was detected by the same procedure as for CLA-CL, except that 1 \iM L was used instead o f 1 \iM CLA. Taurine Chloramine Assay. OCL production by granulocytes was measured in terms o f taurine chlor­ amine formation by a slight modification o f the pro­ cedure o f Weiss et al. [10, II]. Reaction mixture con­ tained 1 X 106 granulocytes, 2 mg o f OZ, and 15 mM taurine (Sigma) in 2 ml o f Dulbecco’s phosphate-buff­ ered saline at pH 7.4. OZ was the last component added. The reaction was maintained for 60 min at 37 °C and was stopped by adding o f 50 pg o f catalase. Two milliliters o f the catalase-treated sample was then incubated with 0.12 m M 5-thio-2-nitro-benzoic acid (TNB) for 5 min at room temperature and cen­ trifuged for 5 min at 500 g. The resulting clear super­ natant was used for determination of the concentra­ tions o f 5-5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), an oxidation product o f TNB by hypochlorite, using s 412 nm = 13,600 M~' c m -1. TNB was prepared by reducing DTNB (Wako Chemicals. Tokyo, Japan) with sodium borohydride [12]. Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis was per­ formed using unpaired t test for variance and linear regression.

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analog (2-methyl-6-phenyl-3,7-dihydroimidazo [1,2-a] pyrazin-3-one) (CLA) was highly specific for and sensitive to 05 generated by phagocitizing monocytes [5] and granulo­ cytes [6]. The present work was undertaken to com­ pare the abilities of granulocytes of cord blood from neonates with those of peripheral blood from adults to generate Oj and OCl~, using CLA and L as luminescence probes, respectively, during phagocytosis.

Assay of O ï and OCT by Chemiluminescence



Fig. 1. CLA-CL o f granulocytes during phagocyto­ sis. The complete incubation mixture contained 1 gAf CLA, 4 X 105 granulocytes (cord blood) and 2 mg of OZ in HBSS (total volume, 2ml). (1) Both granulo­ cytes and OZ or only OZ were omitted from the com­ plete incubation mixture; (2) complete incubation mixture; (3) complete mixture + superoxide dismutase (SOD; 0.5 pA/); (4) complete mixture + NaN 1 (0.5 mA/); (5) complete mixture + catalase (20 pg/ml).

quantitatively expressed in terms of xan­ thine oxidase units by comparing the maxi­ mum light intensity in the xanthine oxidase system and that in the phagocytizing granu­ locyte system. With this chemiluminescence probe, granulocytes of peripheral blood from 10 adults and those of cord blood from 12 neo­ nates were checked for CLA-CL response to OZ. As shown in figure 2, the maximum light intensities were 167,000 ± 29,000 counts/min for granulocytes of cord blood from neonates and 127,000 ± 25,000 counts/min for granulocytes of peripheral blood from adults, which correspond to 576 ± 99 and 439 ± 86 xanthine oxidase units, respectively. Clearly, the ability of neonatal

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CLA-CL. Little or no detectable emission was observed in granulocyte- or granulocyteOZ-suspension in the Luminescence Reader under the usual conditions used for lumines­ cence measurements. When CLA in water was added to HBSS with or without granulo­ cytes from neonates, luminescence occurred immediately, and its intensity did not change with time during 15 min of observa­ tion (non specific luminescence) (fig. 1, curve 1). Superoxide dismutase (0.5 pAf) or catalase (20 pg/ml) did not affect the nonspe­ cific luminescence (data not shown). On the other hand, granulocytes suspended in HBSS containing CLA emitted a strong light fol­ lowing the addition of OZ. Light intensity (count/min) increased as a function of time, reached maximum, and then decreased ex­ ponentially (fig. 1, curve 2). Superoxide dis­ mutase (0.5 \lM) reduced the light intensity to the non specific luminescence level (fig. 1, curve 3), indicating the participation of O 2 in CLA-CL by OZ-stimulated granulocytes. NaN3, which is known to be a scavenger of singlet molecular oxygen OO2) [13] and an inhibitor of hemoproteins [14], at the con­ centration of 0.5 mM slightly reduced the CLA-dependent luminescence by phagocytizing granulocytes, but catalase at the con­ centration of 20 pg/ml did not alter it. Under our experimental conditions, max­ imal light intensity obtained with granulo­ cytes of cord blood from neonates (corrected for non specific luminescence) was propor­ tional to the number of cells up to 1 X 106/ 2 ml. These results were essentially the same as those obtained with granulocytes of pe­ ripheral blood from adults. As reported previously [5, 6], the ability of granulocytes to generate O 2 could be



granulocytes is greater than that of normal adult granulocytes with respect to generating O 2 during phagocytosis. The statistical sig­ nificance for the difference was p < 0.01. L-CL and OCF Formation. When granu­ locytes of peripheral blood from 10 adults and those of cord blood from 10 neonates were examined for L-CL response to OZ, the maximum light intensities were 33,500 ± 12,500 counts/min for neonatal samples and

Discussion The luminescence measurement using CLA was first adopted for the quantitative determination of both xanthine and xan­ thine oxidase [15]. In the present study, this

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Fig. 2. CLA-CL and L-CL. The incubation sys­ tems o f the CLA-CL were essentially the same as those in the legend for figure 1. Maximum light inten­ sity was corrected by subtraction o f the blank value. Xanthine oxidase unit was obtained from maximum light intensity, using the equation described in a pre­ vious report [6]. L-CL was detected by the same pro­ cedure as for CLA-CL, except that 1 \iM L was used instead of 1 \iM CLA. Horizontal bars indicate mean value and vertical bars indicate standard deviation.

35,700 ± 8,100 counts/min for adult sam­ ples (fig. 2). With granulocytes of peripheral blood from 5 adults and those of cord blood from 5 neonates (both 1 X 106 cells/2 ml), 63.6 ± 20.0 nmol of the chloramine/h for the sam­ ples from adults and 60.8 ± 14.2 nmol of the chloramine/h for the samples from neonates were found to be generated under OZ-stimulated conditions. The assays clearly show that, under OZ-stimulated conditions, OCL production by granulocytes from adults is essentially the same as that by granulocytes from neonates. Others [1] have reported that L-CL by phagocytizing granulocytes was slightly sup­ pressed by adding the catalytic amount of superoxide dismutase, indicating a partial involvement of Oï in the L-CL. However, the maximum light intensities of L-CL were significantly correlated with taurine chloramine formation (OCL produc­ tion) during phagocytosis of granulocytes from cord blood of neonates and from pe­ ripheral blood of adults (correlation coeffi­ cient 0.800, p < 0.01; fig. 3). CLA-CL and L-CL. The maximum light intensities of L-CL are highly correlated with the maximum light intensities of CLA-CL in phagocytizing granulocytes (fig. 4). The slopes of each regression line are essentially the same. The regression line of adult granu­ locytes is shifted to right as compared to the cord blood granulocytes.


Assay o f O î and OCL by Chemiluminescence

o cord PMN

probe was applied to the assay for O 2 gener­ ated by phagocytizing granulocytes in terms of xanthine oxidase units. It was found that a non specific weak luminescence which was not influenced by superoxide dismutase or catalase, appeared when CLA in water was mixed with HBSS. However, this weak lumi­ nescence was found to be distinguished from CLA-CL by phagocytizing granulocytes, with respect to their intensity and time course as well as to the inhibition by super­ oxide dismutase. It was also observed that catalase had no effect on CLA-CL of phago­ cytizing granulocytes as was the case for the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system. This indicates that the hydroxyl radical, which could be generated by the metal-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction, is not involved in the above luminescence process. Judging from the structure of CLA, '02 would also partic­ ipate in CLA-CL. However, participation of '02 and the MPO + H 2O 2 reaction in the above CLA-CL appears to be negligible, since there was little or no effect of azide, a scavenger of '02 [13] and an inhibitor of

• a d u lt PMN

Fig. 4. CLA-CL and L-CL. CLA-CL and L-CL were detected by the same procedure as in figure 2.

MPO [14]. Thus, the chemiluminescence probe based upon CLA is considered to be highly specific for O 2 generated by phagocy­ tizing monocytes [5] and granulocytes [6]. Leukocytes used for the chemilumines­ cence measurements in the present study

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Fig. 3. L-dependent chemilumi­ nescence and taurine chloramine formation. The reaction mixture of taurine chloramine assay contained 1 X 106 granulocytes, 2 mg o f OZ, and 15 mAf taurine in 2 ml o f Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline. The reaction was stopped by addi­ tion o f catalase and was incubated with 0.12 mM TNB. L-CL was de­ tected by the same procedure as in figure 2.

contained 65-90% of granulocytes and 05% of monocytes. Under comparable condi­ tions, L-CL [16] and CLA-CL [5] in acti­ vated monocyte suspension have been re­ ported to be about 50 and 30% of that in activated granulocyte suspension, respec­ tively. Furthermore, lymphocyte suspen­ sions did not produce L-CL and CLA-CL when incubated with OZ (data not shown). Thus, L-CL and CLA-CL in our activated leukocyte system are mainly evoked by acti­ vated granulocytes. The method to measure O 2 production by reduction of cytochrome C has been widely accepted. When O 2 production and lumines­ cence were both measured, as a function of time following activation of the granulo­ cytes, a direct correspondance between inte­ grated light yield and net O 2 production was reported [6]. Thus, the rate of O 2 generation should be proportional to CLA-dependent light intensity during phagocytosis. Results obtained with the CLA method clearly indicate that granulocytes of cord blood are more potent in the generation of O 2 during phagocytosis than granulocytes of peripheral blood from adults, identical to those reported by others who used the cyto­ chrome C-reduction method for the estima­ tion of Oj-generated [17, 18]. It has been reported, however, that with luminol as a luminescence, probe cord blood granulocytes are significantly [19] or slightly [20] lower than normal adult granulocytes in their chemiluminescence response during phagocytosis. In contrast to this, our data indicate that L-CL during phagocytosis does not differ in cord blood and adult granulo­ cytes. The hydrogen peroxide-MPO-chloride system is capable of generating a powerful oxidant OCL [21], which can be trapped by


taurine, yielding taurine chloramine [22, 23]. This chloramine has been known to ox­ idize TNB to DTNB. Similarly, intact hu­ man neutrophils stimulated with OZ gener­ ated a stable species, in the presence of exogeneously added taurine, which could oxid­ ize TNB to DTNB, reflecting the production of OCL. The present data on quantitation of taurine chloramine formation by phagocytizing granulocytes showed no significant difference between cord and adult samples. De Chatalet et al. [3] reported that L-CL was highly dependent upon a MPO-mediated reaction that probably involves the genera­ tion of OCL. The results obtained here clearly indicate that taurine chloramine gen­ eration was highly correlated with L-CL. Thus, the L-CL is considered to be mainly involved in OCL, generated by phagocytizing granulocytes. Cord blood granulocytes required a large quantity of O 2 as compared to the adult granulocytes for obtaining the same intensity of the L-CL (fig. 4). This may be due to the lower MPO activity in cord blood granulo­ cytes. Cord blood granulocytes may not be rep­ resentative of circulating peripheral blood granulocytes from newborns. However, based on the fact that Oj-and OCL-generating activities of cord blood granulocytes measured with OZ prepared with adult sera are higher than and essentially the same as those of adult granulocytes, the ability to generate O 2 is probably correlated with the phagocytizing activity against infection. In general, neonates are more prone to infection than adults. This may be due to the rapid depletion of granulocyte activities ob­ served in stressed neonates and the lower opsonin activity in neonate sera, compared with that in adult sera [24],

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Assay o f O j and OCl~ by Chemiluminescence


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The ability of granulocytes to generate superoxide anions and hypochlorite during phagocytosis: comparison of neonatal granulocytes with adult granulocytes.

The ability of granulocytes to generate superoxide anions (O2-) and hypochlorite (OCl-) during phagocytosis was investigated using peripheral blood sa...
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