PsychologicalReports, 1991,69,350. O Psychological Reports 1991

TEACHERS' ESTIMATES O F PUPILS' I Q S A N D PUPILS' TESTED IQS J O H N FOLLMAN Universiiy of South Florida Summary.-Across 32 articles correlations between teachers' estimates of their pupils' IQs and the pupils' standardized IQs ranged from .25 to .88,with a median of .55,seen as considerable congruence.

There is currently much interest in master teachers, merit pay for teachers, etc., with Rochester, New York teachers' salaries as high as $70,000 per year. One criterion of superior teachers is judgment. One important type of teachers' judgment is estimates of their pupils' IQs. Jensen (1980) reported one study in which teachers' ratings of their pupils' I Q s correlated close to .60 with Large-Thorndike Intelligence Test scores. Is this single correlation representative of the literature on the association of teachers' estimates of their pupils' IQs and their pupils' actual or tested IQs? The purpose of this paper is to summarize the data in the research literature on this relationship. The independent variable was teachers' estimates of their pupils' IQs. These estimates were usually in the form of ratings or rankings. The dependent variable was the students' I Q s on standardized tests. The method was to identify, obtain, and collate the 30 studies. Two relevant reviews were also located. Most of the studies were of children in kindergarten and early elementary school. A median correlation was calculated. Examination of the 32 articles indicated a range of correlations from .25 to .88, with a median of .55 between teachers' estimates of their pupils' IQs and the pupils' tested IQs. I t is concluded that the likely best estimate of the correlation between teachers' estimates of their students' IQs and the students' tested IQs is the median of .55, 30% common variance, considerable congruence between teachers' estimates of their pupils' IQs and the tested values. REFERENCE JENSEN,

A. R. (1980) Bias in mental testing. New York: Free Press.

Accepted August 20, 1991.

'Address correspondence to Professor J. Follman, College of Education, Psychological and Social p n d a t i o n s , University of South Florida, Tam a FL 33620-5650. A list of the 32 articles and the table of correfations are available upon request from the author or in Document NAPS-04887.Remit $11.05 for photocopy or $4.00 for fiche to Microfiche Publications, POB 3513,Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.

Teachers' estimates of pupils' IQs and pupils' tested IQs.

PsychologicalReports, 1991,69,350. O Psychological Reports 1991 TEACHERS' ESTIMATES O F PUPILS' I Q S A N D PUPILS' TESTED IQS J O H N FOLLMAN Univer...
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