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Michael J. Holtzman*, BarbaraFerdman*,Alan BohrerS,and John Turk+* Departments of *MedicineandSPathology,WashingtonUniversitySchoolof Medicine,SaintLouis, Missouri63110 Received




Epithelial and endothelial cells may regulate leukocyte adherenceand influx into underlying tissue, and this regulatory function may be basedon the synthesisof leukocyte chemotaxins by thesecells. We have measuredthe production of the potent lipid autocoid, platelet-activating factor (PAF) by airway epithelial andvascular endothelialcells usingstableisotopedilution negative-ion chemical-ionization massspectrometry. Both primary cultures of airway epithelial cells isolated from human and ovine tracheal mucosaand cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells generatedmeasurableamountsof PAF under basalculture conditions and significantly increased amountsupon stimulationwith ionophoreA23187. The 1-0-hexadecyl molecular speciesof PAF was much more abundant than the 1-0-octadecyl speciesin each of thesecell populations. The results suggesta possiblecommon biochemical mechanismfor regulation of inflammatory cell influx into tissuesby barrier cells in epitheliumandendothelium. 0 1991Academic Press,Inc.

Epithelial tissuesin general (and lung epithelium in particular) maintain and regulate the boundary betweenhost and environment. The tissueprotects againstinjury by acting asa barrier and modulatesthe inflammatory responseby regulating leukocyte influx into the underlying tissue (1). We have proposedthat epithelial cell injury is an initial event during inflammation and that the injured cells serve asa target of leukocyte influx and a source of leukocyte chemotaxins. This hypothesisled to characterization of the capacity of isolatedairway epithelial cells to releaselipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid oxygenation. Studies of airway epithelial cells have subsequentlyyielded evidence of an intricate enzymatic network for releaseand oxygenation of arachidonicacid, and thesebiochemicalpathwaysgenerateproductsimplicated in the regulation of a broad range of physiologic and pathophysiologic processesincluding inflammation (1). The absenceof significant arachidonate5lipoxygenase activity in humanairway epithelial cells (2) and the relative lack of chemotactic activity of the predominant 15- and 1Zlipoxygenase products

lThe abbreviationsusedare: PAF, platelet-activatingfactor; 1ysoPAF:I-O-alkyl-‘2-lyso-sn-glycero-3phosphccholine;Hepes,4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulfonic acid;HBSS,Hanks’balancedsalt solution;TIC, thin-layer liquid chromatography;NICI GC-MS, negative-ionchemical-ionizationgas chromatography-mass spectrometry;PFB,pentafluorobenzoate; PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride.


0006-291X/91 $1.50 Copyright 0 1991 by Academic Press. Inc. All rights oj. reproduction irt any form reserved.




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generated by human and animal cells (3) suggests that an alternative class of inflammatory mediators may be a more likely source of chemotactic activity. One such mediator phosphocholine,

is platelet-activating



PAF) . Nanomolar concentrations of PAF activate leukocytes and platelets via

specific cell surface receptors and induce leukocyte chemotaxis (4). Observations consistent with a role for PAF in the development of airway inflammation and hypersensitivity

include the ability of

PAF to stimulate preferential migration of eosinophils into the airway (5) and to induce airway smooth muscle contraction PAF-receptor

and hyperreactivity

antagonists effectively

in otherwise

healthy subjects (6). In addition,

inhibit airway obstruction

and hyperreactivity

in animal

models of pulmonary airway inflammation (7,8). Airway epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells both selectively express leukocyte adhesion molecules (9, lo), and the receptors for these ligands are regulated by PAF (11). These findings also support a potential role for PAF as a trigger for leukocyte influx into the epithelium. Based on the hypotheses that airway

epithelial cells are a likely source of inflammatory

mediators and that PAF may be a critical mediator in the development of airway inflammation and hypersensitivity,

we have determined whether airway epithelial cells synthesize PAF using stable

isotope dilution GC-MS.

In addition, we have compared the characteristics of PAF production by

airway epitheliai cells to that by vascular endothelial cells. To our knowledge, the findings provide the first evidence that airway epithelial cells synthesize PAF and the first identification

of the

molecular species of PAP generated by vascular endothelial cells. METHODS Sources of materials-Authentic referencecompounds included1-0-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycem-3phosphocholine (C16:0-PAF); l-O-octadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C18:0-PAF); l-Ooleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (Cl&l-PAF); and 1-0-hexadecyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3phosphocholine (Cl 6:0-1ysoPAF)obtainedfrom BiomolResearchLaboratoriesInc. (PlymouthMeeting, PA). Deuterium-labeledPAF ([*Hs]PAF) was prepared by treatment of C16:0-1ysoPAF with trideutemacetylchloridein perdeutemacetic acidasdescribed previously(12). Cell purification and culture-Human umbilicalvein endothelialcellswereobtainedfrom Clonetics Corp. (San Diego, CA) and cultured up to passage6 in Endothelial Cell Basal Medium (EBM) supplemented with epidennalgrowthfactor,bovinebrainextract,gentamicin,amphotericinB. and2% fetal bovineserum.Humanandovinetrachealepithelialcellswereisolatedfromtrachealmucosaandculturedin LHC-8emediumasdescribedpreviously(13). Cell incubation and labeling conditions-Several characteristicsof cellular PAF generationwere determined:(i) constitutivereleasewasassessed by assaying PAF levelsin aliquotsof mediaandin cellsat varioustimes(0, 8 h, and24 h) after changingmedia(LHC-8eor LHC basal);(ii) stimulatedreleasewas assessed by assayingaliquotsof mediaandcellsafterthe additionof 5 t.tM ionophoreA23187dissolvedin dimethylsulfoxide for 10 min at 37” C. In radiochemicalexperimentsdesignedto exar’ninePAF biosynthesisby TLC, incubationmixtures included2.5uCi/ml carrier-free [sH]acetate. For GC-MS determinations of PAF, reagentsincubatedwith cell-freemediawereprocessed in parallelwith cell-derived andstandard curve materialsasananalyticblank. TLL isolation of [JH]PAF-For radiochemical analysisof [sH]PAF biosynthesis,incubationswere terminatedwith acidified methanol. Cell supematantsand monolayerswere extracted separatelyas describedpreviously(14). Sampleextracts(containing10ng of unlabeledcarrierPAF) werereconstituted in chloroform/methanol(9:1, vol/vol), and an aliquot wasusedto determinetotal radioactivity. The remainderof the samplewasappliedto silica gel 60 plates(E. Merck, Dannstadt,FDR), which were developedin a solventsystemof chloroform/methanol/acetic acid/water(50:25:8:4,vol/vol) asdescribed previousl,y(15). Sampleswerevisualizedunderultraviolet light after sprayingwith 0.1% I-anilino- l358




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naphthalene sulfonic acid. Both the band corresponding to PAF and the remainder of the lane were scraped separately and subjected to liquid scintillation counting. Incorporation of [sH]acetate into PAF was estimated by multiplying the fraction of 3H dpm in the PAF band by the total dpm in the sample lane. GC-MS measurement of PAF-Extractions andall subsequent analyseswerecarriedout in silanized glassware.Incubationswereterminatedby the additionof two volumesof methanol,andsamples were extractedby the methodof Bligh andDyer (16)after additionof 10ng of [2Hg]PAFasaninternalstandard. Extractswerepartially purified by solidphaseextractionwith disposable silicic acidcolumns(J. T. Baker Chemical.Co., Philipsburg,NJ) andwerethendigestedto thediglyceridewith phospholipase C, converted to thePFB derivativewith pentafluorobenzoyl chloride,andpurifiedby TLC asdescribedpreviously(17). Derivatives were analyzedon a Hewlett-Packard5890 SeriesII gaschromatographinterfacedwith a Hewlett-Packard5988massspectrometer.Sampleswereintroducedinto the chmmatograph via a Grobtypeinjectoroperatedin the splitlessmodewith heliumasthecarriergas(headpressure 2 lb/i$; total flow 10 ml/min; injector temperature290°C) and analyzed on an 8 m x 0.32 mm (i.d.), cross-linked methylsiliconecapillary GC column(Ultraperformance,Hewlett-Packard).GC oven temperaturewas programmed from 85°Cto 285°Cat 4O”C/minstarting0.5 min afterinjectionandthenheld at 285°C. The massspectrometer wasoperatedin thenegativeion chemicalionization(NICI) mode(ionizationvoltage230 eV; sourcetemperature100°C)with methane(sourcepressure1.5ton) asreagentgas.The majorion in the methaneNICI massspectrumof thePFB derivativesof PAF wasthe molecularion: m/z 552(C16:0-PAF), m/z 578(C18:1-PAF),andm/z 580(ClI:O-PAF). The molecularion in the methaneNICI massspectrum of thePFB derivativeof [2H3]PAFwasm/z 555. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Validation

of PAF identification

and quanrificariorr-Quantitation

speciesof PAF was performed by stableisotope dilution GC-MS

of the various molecular

under conditions in which the






Cl8:1-PAF R=(CH,l,(CHI,(CH,),CH, My=570

C18:0-PAF Rz (CH,),,CH,

4.2 GC/MS




5.8 TIME


Fia. Quantitative analysis of different molecular species of PAF standards by capillarycolumn GC and NICI MS. Each species of native PAF (C16:0-, C18:0-, and C18:1-PAF) and [zHs]PAF (C16:O species) was converted to the corresponding PFJ3derivative and then purified by TLC before analysis by GC-MS. Ions monitored were: 552 m/z for Cl6:0-PAF. 555 m/z for the internal standard Cl6:I%[*Hg]PAF, 578 m/z for ClS:l-PAF, and 580 m/z for C18:0-PAF. 359




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ion was the molecular




The structures



of the various species of PAF are

illustrated in Fig. 1. The derivatives of C16:0-PAF (m/z 552), Cl&l-PAF (m/z 578), and ClB:OPAF (m/z 580) were distinguished both by GC retention time and by molecular ion m/z ratio and were quantified relative to the r2H3]PAF derivative (m/z 555). Identification of molecular species of PAF by this method was sufficient

to exclude the I-acyl-2-acetyl-glycerophosphocholine

species which may be synthesized concomitantly with PAF by some cells (18). A 5-point standard curve was run with authentic C16:0-PAF and C18:0-PAF in each experiment and was linear in the range of 0.2 to 20 ng. PAF biosynthesis in vascular endothelial cells-PAF endothelial cells has previously


by human umbilical vein

been reported based on radiochemical data (14). Radiolabeling

techniques do not permit identification of the molecular species of PAF or precise quantification of PAF amounts. In the present experiments, PAF production by endothelial cells was also clearly demonstrable by GC-MS, and C16:0-PAF was the predominant molecular species. Identification of the molecular species of PAF was based on co-elution with synthetic standards on GC-MS (Fig. 2). PAF generation by the cells was stimulated by ionophore A23187, and most of this PAF remained cell-associated plus C18:0-species)

with little released into the supernatant. The amounts of PAF (C16:0-

in the cell pellet increased from 2.07 pmol up to 9.62 pmol/106 cells upon

stimulation with ionophore A23187 with a ratio of C16:O/ClS:O-PAF

of 15:l. The corresponding

amounts of PAF in the cell supernatants were 0.54 and 0.56 pmol/106 cells, respectively. similar pattern of cell-association and A23187-stimulation

of PAF was obtained using [sH]acetate-

20000 1


2 cE



0 I,-,










Fin. 2. NICI CC-MS analysis of PAF molecular species in vascular endothelial cells without (A) and with (B) stimulation by ionophote A23187. Cells were incubated with or without 5 pM A23187 in HBSS for 10 min at 37” C and then were extracted with chloroform/methanol using 10 ng of [2H3]PAP added as an internal standard. PAF was purified by silicic acid chromatography, derivatized, purified by TLC, and analyzed by CC-MS as in Fig. 1.






incorporation shown)


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and TLC separation of phospholipids

in agreement with previous reports (14).




as an indication of PAF biosynthesis


The levels of PAF detected with A23187-

also are in general agreement with recent reports of PAF levels based on assay of

biologic activity (19). Tracheal epithelial cell production ofPAF--Tracheal PAF based on GC-MS


epithelial cells were also found to produce

Under most conditions,


was the predominant

molecular species, although detectable amounts of C18:0-PAF were sometimes observed. Primary cultures of human tracheal epithelial cells generated PAF under basal conditions in the absence of stimulation

and most of this material was located in the cell pellet.

Assay of PAF performed

immediately after changing culture medium and at various times for up to 24 h later yielded a mean level of PAF (C16:0- plus C18:0-species) C16:O/Cl8:0-PAF

of 1.95 pmol/l06

cells in the cell pellet (ratio of

of 12:l) and an undetectable amount of PAF (90% C18:0-PAF and ~10% ClB:O-PAF (21). Others claim a higher percentageof PAF is composedof the C16:O molecular species(22).

The molecular speciesof PAF from

A23187-stimulated human, rabbit, and rat neutrophils exhibits a predominance of the C16:O molecular speciesvarying from 40 to 96% of total PAF production (15, 23,24). The amounts of PAF produced by epithelial and endothelial cells also differs from levels detected in stimulated leukocytes. The level of total PAF speciesincreasesfrom 0.2 up to 8.0 pmol/l@ human neutrophils upon stimulation with A23187 (23) and up to 59.1 pmol/106 in A23187-stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes isolated from rats (24). Thus, the levels of PAF produced either by tracheal epithelial or vascular endothelial cells may be lower than for neutrophils

on a per cell basis.


metabolism of PAF to long-chain

acylphosphatidylcholine molecular speciesmay be rapid in lung epithelial cells (25) and rates of PAF biosynthesismay therefore be underestimatedin this cell type. We observedthat treatment of ovine trachealepithelial cells with the acetylhydrolaseinhibitor PMSF (2 mM for 15 min at 37” C) caused a 4-fold increase in amountsof PAF over basal conditions. This finding suggeststhat metabolismof PAF may alsooccur to a significantdegreein trachealepithelial cells. In summary, the present results demonstratethat biosynthesisof PAF occurs in both airway epithelial cells and in vascular endothelial cells and that the predominantmolecular speciesfrom both ce:llsis C16:0-PAF. The facts that tracheal epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells 362




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generate PAF under basalculture conditions and in responseto A23187 suggestthat both the de novo pathway for PAF biosynthesis via CDP-choline:aIkyl-acetyl-glycerol


transferaseactivity (26) and the stimulatablepathway for biosynthesisvia phospholipaseA2 and acetyltransferase activity (27) may be active in these cells. Our findings further suggesta biochemical mechanismfor sentinel epithelial (and endothelial) surfacesto modulate leukocyte adherenceand influx.

The sameaccessof the airway epithelial cells (and other epithelial cell

surfaces)to environmental agentswill permit lipid-modifying drugs to be delivered to them, and much of this therapeutic potential is still unexplored. Therefore, determining the factors that regulatePAF metabolismin airway epithelial cellsis a fundamentalgoal for determining the role of the compoundin airway inflammation.

Acknowlednments -This researchwassupportedby NationalInstitutesof HealthGrantsHL-40078,DK01553,andDK-34388,a BiomedicalResearch SupportGrant, a grantfrom the WashingtonU./Monsanto Co.joint research program,andthe ScheringCareerInvestigatorAward of theAmericanLungAssociation.

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Synthesis of the 1-O-hexadecyl molecular species of platelet-activating factor by airway epithelial and vascular endothelial cells.

Epithelial and endothelial cells may regulate leukocyte adherence and influx into underlying tissue, and this regulatory function may be based on the ...
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