Surface-Active Agent in Eustachian Tube Function Philip


Rapport; David J. Lim, MD; Harold S. Weiss, PhD

Using 15 fresh guinea pig temporal bones, Eustachian tubal function was repeatedly before and after saline washing to demonstrate the effect of surface-active agent. Although tubal opening tested

pressures for the 15 ears varied considin each ear tested, a higher pressure was required to open the Eustachian tube after saline washing (P

Chamber outlet valve


Pump stopped O


> TD 0)



Tubai Trial





400 300 Pressure in Bulla (mmH20)

opening pressures


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tension in the tube was virtually eliminated by abolishing the mucusair interface. In discussing the use of urea for "exudative otitis media," Bauer16 suggested the possible pres¬ ence of a lining complex or surfac¬ tant, similar to the lining of lung alveoli, that would reduce surface tension on the middle ear mucosa. Birken and Brookler15 demonstrated evidence of surface tension lowering substance (STLS) in canine Eusta¬ chian tube washings by a bubblestability technique that has been used to demonstrate pulmonary surfac¬ tant.24 In the

lung, the acellular lining layer lies over the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells of alveoli, so that air does not contact the cell surface directly. Histochemical study showed that the alveolar lining layer contains lipids and carbohydrates.25 Autoradiographic study showed that type II cells are actively engaged in phospholipid synthesis.26 Chemical analysis showed further that the lin¬ ing layer contains phospholipids

Gas phase

Lining layer

substance.27 These constituents of the lin¬ ing layer and make up the surfactant system of the lung. Using tricomplex floccular technique that preserves phospholipids in the surfactant, it was possible to demonstrate the pres¬ ence of pulmonary surfactant by elec¬ tron microscopy.28 Lim,29 using the same method, demonstrated small lamellar granules resembling pulmo¬ nary surfactant lamellae (or pure leci¬ thin lamellae) in the dark cores of the secretory granules in the Eustachian tube, and in the lining layer of the middle ear, mastoid, and tubai mu¬ cosa. On this basis, he suggested that there may be an auditory surfactant that has functions similar to that of pulmonary surfactant. In the absence of direct biochemical data, it cannot be concluded whether or not the pos¬ tulated auditory surfactant is chem¬ ically identical to pulmonary surfac¬

Interface and adsorbed






Surfactant in unassocjated molecules or micelles


Surfactant molecule

Fig 4.—Theoretical




Some basic concepts




system modified after Scarpelli.1

Formation of film (1st expansion)



1st compression





Liquid phase




*" Interface

Fig 5.—Theoretical concept showing changes of surfactant system with repeated pansion and compression of surface.

(including lecithin, lysolecithin, phosphatidyl dimethylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl inositol), neutral lipids, mucopolysaccharides, and protein, with lecithin being the most


Surface film



ooo¿o¿¿oo t., ;f

A 2nd



pulmonary surfactant

are relevant to discussion. It is postulated that the surfactant system exists in two phases in the alveolar lining layer: the interface or junction between the lining layer and alveolar air, and the our

underlying hypophase (liquid phase),

which is in contact with epithelial cell surfaces.27 Surfactant molecules are adsorbed from the hypophase into the interface forming the "surface film." The concept of alveolar lining layer that includes this surface film plus

the hypophase is illustrated in Fig 4. Pattle24 pictures the process of aera¬ tion of the lung during a normal in¬ fant's first breaths, or an expansion after atelectasis, as follows. During the initial expansion, the surface ten¬ sion is very high because most of surfactant is in the hypophase (liquid phase). As the alveolar surface is stretched, a lining film is formed with adsorption of surfactant from the underlying hypophase. When the inspiratory effort ceases, the surfaee

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area of the alveolus decreases and the surface film is compressed, result¬ ing in greater concentration of sur¬ factant in the surface film and decreased surface tension so that collapse is prevented. At the second inspiration, the surface tension in¬ creases again, and more surfactant is added to the surface film as il¬ lustrated in Fig 5. After repeated breathing, the surface film is com¬ pleted and surface tension oscillates at a low level. It is possible that the auditory surfactant stays in the (inactive) hypophase as in the mature fetal lung,27 but with repeated tubai openings, surfactant is adsorbed into the surface film to become effective in facilitating tubai opening. These characteristics of surfactant may ex¬ plain the Naunton-Galluser phenom¬ enon, that is, initial opening of the Eustachian tube is hardest but be¬ comes easier with succeeding opening


The above-mentioned basic concept be directly applied to bubble for¬ mation, which is an important aspect of surfactant function. Foam is formed by agitation of a liquid and a gas together in the presence of a sur¬ factant, as in the formation of soap suds. The foam is made up of tiny bubbles that are stabilized by the can

Fig 6.—Author's concept

of fluid


surface tension lowering property of the surfactant. Birken and Brookler,15 using this phenomenon, demon¬ strated the presence of surfactant in canine tubai washings. This charac¬ teristic of fluid-containing surfactant may explain why bubbles may be ob¬ served behind the tympanic mem¬ brane in some patients with middle ear effusions. It is also tempting to speculate that a ventilating tube, in¬ serted for the treatment of serous otitis media, provides the gas needed to form a liquid-gas interface that is a prerequisite to formation of the sur¬ face film. It has been well recognized that poor tubai function is a common find¬ ing among patients with inflamma¬ tory disease of the middle ear.14·30·31 Obviously, tissue edema in the tube must play an important role in these cases. However, it was postulated that a decrease in auditory surfactant can precipitate serous otitis media32 and make the ear more susceptible to barotrauma.33 By injecting polytef into the soft tissue of the torus tubarius in the pharyngeal recess of the dogs, Birken and Brookler34 produced serous effusions in the injected side. The levels of "STLS" (or surfactant) on the side with the effusion were not changed when compared to the conof middle

ear mucosa.

trol side. However, one of the dogs that developed suppurative otitis media on the injected side showed a decrease of surfactant. Since pulmo¬ nary surfactant deficiency is linked to respiratory distress of the newborn35 and to pulmonary atelectasis due to pneumonia,16 Birken and Brookler34 suggested that the destruction of surfactant by proteolytic enzyme pro¬ duced by a bacterial organism might be the reason for the decrease of sur¬ factant in an infected ear. Substan¬ tially increased levels of proteolytic enzymes in middle ear effusions have been reported by many investiga¬ tors.374" Whether or not auditory surfactant deficiency is an underlying cause of middle ear effusions needs additional study. However, it is rea¬ sonable to postulate that an auditory surfactant deficiency could result in poor Eustachian tube function with¬ out obvious morphological evidence. This postulation is supported by the present experiment in which tubai washing, which presumably removed surfactant, resulted in a substantial increase in the pressure required to open the Eustachian tube, indicating poor tubai function. It is known that sustained high negative pressure in the middle ear cavity can produce serous effusions by transudation.41-43 Flisberg et al14 found that 20 to 30 mm H g (272 to 408 mm H,0) of negative pressure in the normal human middle ear and mas¬ toid produced clear yellow fluid in 15 minutes. However, Bluestone et al31 found that 45 out of 104 ears with concurrent or recent middle ear ef¬ fusions showed no effusions even though the middle ear was under neg¬ ative pressure up to —400 mm , . Why some ears with negative middle ear pressure developed effusion while others did not may be partially ex¬ plained by the effect of surface ten¬ sion. It is well established that the pulmonary surfactant deficiency can produce pulmonary transudation.44 In the normal lung, transudation does not occur because of a balance be¬ tween opposing forces; the force op¬ posing transudation is plasma oncotic pressure, the forces favoring trans¬ udation are capillary blood pressure, tissue fluid oncotic pressure, and sur-

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face tension of the lining film.45 When surface tension is high due to sur¬ factant deficiency, as in respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn,27 the forces are out of balance in favor of transudation into the alveoli. As¬ suming the same fluid moving forces are active in the middle ear, as shown in Fig 6, absence or substantial de¬ crease of auditory surfactant may throw the balance in favor of trans¬ udation resulting in middle ear effu¬ sion. This phenomenon may explain how some ears fail to develop effu¬ sions even with relatively high nega¬ tive pressure in the middle ear if an adequate amount of surfactant is present. On the other hand, auditory surfactant deficiency may result in middle ear effusions even in ears with normal or low negative middle ear

pressure. Additional correlative study using biochemical and physiological data is needed to verify this concept. We have considered the possibility

that the present findings are the re¬ sults of postmortem changes in the Eustachian tube. However, there was no difference between results ob¬ tained from the specimens examined about two hours after dissection and those examined about five hours post¬ mortem. Regardless of the length of the postmortem period, the values ob¬ tained before and after saline wash¬ ing were consistently different. It is unlikely that the postmortem changes could have taken place in such a short time. It is also known that the pulmo¬ nary surfactant system is very stable. Lung tissue can be refrigerated up to six weeks without altering surface

property.27 In view of these consid¬

erations, we have tentatively con¬ cluded that the present findings are real rather than the results of post¬ mortem artifacts. Additional experi¬ ments to determine whether or not the phenomena, observed in the pres¬ ent investigation, can be restored by introducing an artificial surfactant to the saline-washed Eustachian tube is

underway. This study is supported in part by National In¬ stitutes of Health, National Institute of Neuro¬ logical Diseases and Stroke research grant NS08854-5 and by the Roessler Fund. Catherine Morstatter assisted with the open¬ ing pressure measurement apparatus; Charles Stockwell, PhD, provided statistical analysis; Nancy Sally provided illustrations; Dorothea Loftquist provided the photography; and Vir¬ ginia Holford assisted with manuscript prepara¬ tion.

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Surface-active agent in Eustachian Tube Function.

Using 15 fresh guinea pig temporal bones, Eustachian tubal function was tested repeatedly before and after saline washing to demonstrate the effect of...
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