Pain, 44 (1991) 131-138 0 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers ADONIS 030439599100066Y

131 B.V. 0304-3959/91/$03.50

PAIN 01724

Study of experimental pain measures and nociceptive reflex in chronic pain patients and normal subjects F. Boureau, M. Luu and J.F. Doubrke Centre d’Evaluation et de Traitement (Received

de In Douleur, Hapital Saint-Antoine,

27 April 1990, revision received

12 July 1990, accepted

Paris (France)

3 August


This study evaluates (i) the effect of heterotopic chronic pain on various experimental pain measures, Summary (ii) the relationship between experimental pain measures and chronic pain symptomatology assessment, and (iii) the influence of the various pain aetiologies on experimental pain measures. Fifty-three chronic pain patients were compared to 17 pain-free subjects with the following psychophysical and physiological indices: pain threshold (PTh), pain tolerance (PTol), verbal estimation of intensity and unpleasantness (intensity scale, IS; unpleasantness scale, US), threshold for intensity and unpleasantness (ITh and UTh), lower limb RI11 nociceptive reflex (RIIITh and RI11 frequency of occurrence). Chronic pain syndromes included neuropathic pain (n = 12), iodopathic pain (n = 12), myofascial syndromes (n = 9) headache (n = 9), and miscellaneous pain (n = 11). Chronic pain symptomatology was assessed with a visual analogue scale (VAS), a French MPQ adaptation (QDSA), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Spielberger State Trait Inventory (STAI) and Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI). No significant difference was observed between chronic pain patients and pain-free control groups and between patient subgroups for PTh, PTol and RIIITh. No significant correlation was found between experimental pain measures and clinical pain, anxiety or depression scores. However, the chronic pain patients had a higher threshold for unpleasantness and judged the suprathreshold stimuli significantly less intense and less unpleasant than the control group. These results are discussed in relation to diffuse noxious inhibitory controls and the adaptation level theory of chronic pain experience. Key words: Chronic pain; Electrical stimulation; tolerance

Magnitude estimation:


Clinical pain involves perceptual, affective, cognitive, evaluative and behavioral factors 112,281. Clinical pain assessment must rely on subjective or behavioral variables since available measurements of the peripheral or central generators are lacking. In contrast, in the laboratory, noxious stimuli and verbal responses (or other physiological indices) can be quantified. The introduction of experimental pain in the clinical setting may

Correspondence to: Dr. Franqois Boureau, Centre d’Evaluation et de Traitement de la Douleur, H&pita1 Saint Antoine, 184 Rue du Fg. St.-Antoine, 75012 Paris, France.


reflex; Pain threshold;


gain more objectivity, permitting, for example, parallel study of treatments on clinical and experimental pain. However, the physiological or psychological mechanisms by which a clinical pain sensation may influence the transmission of experimental pain information or the perceptual processes are not fully understood. Several different physiological and/or psychological factors can be involved in the influence of clinical pain on experimental measures. Various studies [5,10,13] have assessed thresholds in the segmental distribution of the pain, while other studies [4,7,8,13-15,17,19,20,23,27,33,35,36,42] mainly focus on extrasegmental distant effects of clinical pain. In the clinical conditions, one might expect cutaneous sensibility dysfunction (i.e., hyperalgesia, allodynia.. .) in the

pain area. The corresponding underlying neurophysiologicat mechanism most probably implicates convergence of excitatory information on spinal or supraspinal neurons which could result in lowered thresholds to different stimuli. including pain. applied in the metameric area. In contrast to these intrasegmental changes, other possible extrasegmental effects could be related to mechanisms such as diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNICs) [1X]. Heterotopic (i.e., distant) pain-relieving effects, evoked by noxious stimuli applied to widespread areas of the body, have been described in animals [18] and humans f39]. DNICs affect activities from convergent (or wide-dynamic-range) neurons evoked by noxious stimulation and are mediated by a loop which ascends to supraspinal structures within the ventrolateral quadrant and descends within the dorsolateral funiculus [18,39,40]. From a psychological point of view, two different conceptual models have theorized the possible influence of clinical pain on pain measures. Chapman [6] hypothesized that patients with persistent pain, because of social reinforcement, would develop perceptual habits of hype~igilance for somatic distress signals. This exaggerated focus on internal sensations may shift nonpainful sensations to pain. The clinical implications of the hypervigilance model may be related to the stimulus generalization theory of Fordyce [9]. Stimulus generalization states that a particular response which is at first linked to a specific stimulus could after some time generalize to other stimuli (i.e., proprioceptive sensations, stressful situations). According to the hypervigilance and stimulus generalization models, chronic pain patients when receiving an acute experimental stimulus would react with exaggerated reactivity and would have decreased pain threshold and/or pain tolerance in comparison with a control group. In contrast with the above hypothesis, Rollman [31] suggested that pain patients would evaluate experimental pain within the context of their previous experience with pain, and proposed an adaptation level theory. According to this model [16,31,32], pain judgments are based on comparisons with other pain levels. This suggests that subjects experiencing chronic pain may utilize their endogenous pain levels as an ‘anchor’ in describing external painful stimuli. This model predicts that, because of their internal discomfort, chronic pain patients should have higher pain threshold and tolerance than controls and should judge external painful stimuli as less severe than would pain-free individuals. Hypervigilance theory and adaptation level theory predict opposite reactivity for chronic pain patients submitted to an experimental stimulus. The present study is mainly concerned with the effects of clinical pain on heterotopic pain measures. Of the 16 related studies reviewed in the literature, 8 [7,14,15,17,20.27,41,42] found that chronic pain experience increased the thresholds to various experimental

pain stimuli, 6 found that chronic pain decreased rather than increased pain threshold [4,19,2?.33.35.36], and 2 found no significant effects [X,13]. Many factors can account for these conflicting results. such as type of stimuli. type of pain disorders. type of pain measures. It has been hypothesized that paradigms with stimuli 01 less clinical relevance make adaptation-level responding more likely [26]. Affective stimuli will elicit adaptationlevel behavior. Because of the conflicting data. we undertook the present study to examine (i) the effect of heterotopic chronic pain on different experimental pain measures including psychological and physiological indices (subjective pain thresholds, pain tolerance. verbal estimation of intensity and unpleasantness of the stimuli, intensity and unpleasantness thresholds and a lower limb nociceptive reflex evoked by electrical stimuli). (ii) the influence of Ihe various chronic pain etiologies on the experimental pain measure changes, and (iii) the relationship between experimental measures and the clinical data (i.e., pain, anxiety and depression levels).

MethtnIs Subjects

The 53 chronic pain patients (CPP, 39 F, 14 M) were recruited from the Saint-Antoine multidisciplinary outpatient pain unit. Inclusion criteria were: pain duration of more than 6 months, clinical pain heterotopic to experimental pain test (i.e., homolateral lower limb), verbal aptitude to correctly complete the verbal assessment, informal agreement to the experimental procedure. Exclusion criteria were: polymedication, strong narcotic intake, lower limb sensory or motor dysfunction. The average age was 49.1 years (range 21-75 years). The mean pain duration was 6.6 years (range 6



Comparison of chronic pain patients (CPP) and control subjects (CS) according to age. sex ratio (F: M), pain threshold (PTh). pain tolerance (PTol), RI11 threshold (RIIITh). intensity threshold (ITh) and unpleasantness threshold (UTh). Statistical comparison is performed using the Mann and Whitney test. CPP (m





(m tS.D.t)


n = 53 49.1 39:14 8.4 (3.9) 17.7 (6.4)

n =I7 31.1 6:ll 8.0 (3.4) 18.6 (4.5)

439,‘461 385/515



n = 48 12.3 (4.5)

n =I7 12.9 (2.8)




n = 32 6.5 (4.0) 8.5 (4.8)

n =17 6.0 (3.0) 5.8 (2.0)

249/294 197/347

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Study of experimental pain measures and nociceptive reflex in chronic pain patients and normal subjects.

This study evaluates (i) the effect of heterotopic chronic pain on various experimental pain measures, (ii) the relationship between experimental pain...
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