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Review Article

Studies and perspectives of signal transduction in the skin Inohara S. Studies and perspectives of signal transduction in the skin. Exp Dermatol 1992: 1: 207-220. iQ Munksgaard, 1992 Abstract: Tumor-promoting phorbol ester and epidermal growth factor (EGF) exert marked intluences on the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes. These two agents bring their physiological functions into play via protein kinase C (PKC) activation (and/or down regulation) and protein tyrosine kinase, respectively. In this paper, the present situation in the studies on the signal transduction of keratinocytes centering around these two kinases is discussed. An outline of studies on signal transduction of cells other than keratinocytes in the skin is also given.

Introduction Studies on signal transduction made explosive progress centering around protein phosphorylation in 1980s. In the domain of dermatology, too, many new findings have been reported. In this paper I give an outline of studies in dermatology, together with the results of studies in basic science, and present the outlook for the future. To begin with, a history of studies on signal transduction and an outline of modes of signal transduction which have been established up to the present (Fig. 1) will be mentioned. The first step in studies in this field was the discovery of cAMP by Sutherland (1). That is, the tnechanism has been made clear whereby sigtials frotn outside cells such as hormones combine with the receptor of cells to increase cAMP in cells. In 1968, the group of Krebs discovered cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Protein kinase A, PKA) (1). Studies made thereafter revealed that the intracellular action of cAMP is exerted via activation of PKA. However, it has also been discovered that many extracellular signals do not go through the route of the cAMP-PKA system. And it has long been known that many of those signals degrade inositol phospholipids (PI) of cell tnembranes (2, 3). The physiological meaning of this retrained unknown for a long time. In 1980s, however, it was found that diacylglycerol, a metabolite of PI, activates protein kinase C (PKC) and that inositol triphosphate (IP^), the another metabolite of PI, mobilizes intracellular Cir^ (4-6) (Fig. 1). Furthei tnore, it has also been shown thai

Shinichi Inohara Department ol Dermatology, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan

Key words: skin - protein kinase C - protein tyrosine kinase - phosphorylation Shinichi Inohara. M.D., Department of Dermatology. Hyogo College of Medicine. Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663. Japan Accepted for publication 15 January 1993

Ca-^ cotnbine with calmodulin (CDR) to activate Ca'+ and CDR-dependent protein kinase. Therefore it has been made clear that these kinases are activated by metabolites of PI to have information ttansmitted into the inside of cells (Fig. 1). The signal transduction composed mainly of these kinases was at first thought to be concerned with the short-tertn reactions of hormones and neurotransmitters. Recently, however, it has becotne clear that these kinases are concerned with long-term reactions, such as proliferation, differentiation and oncogenesis as well and this has become particularly evident in PKC. ln 1982 it was discovered that tumor-promoting phorbol esters activate PKC directly without taking part in the degradation of PI (7). Furthertnore, studies conducted subsequently have tevealed that PKC is itself the receptor of phorbol esters (8). Since phorbol esters exert marked effects on proliferation, differentiation and oncogenesis, there is a strong possibility that PKC is concerned with such long-lertn reactions. Further, it has also been confirmed that various growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) have PI degradating ability (9). Accordingly, PKC is thought to serve as the focus of action for those growth factors. ^ PKA, PKC, Ca=+ and CDR-dependent PK are protein kinases that phosphorylate serine and threonine of protein, i.e. are serine-threonine kinases. In the 1980s, the presence of protein kinase that phosphorylates tyrosirie, that is protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), was demonsttated (10, 11). To begin 207

Inohara with, it was proven by the group of Hunter that p60''""', a product of v-.src which was an oncogene of Rous sarcoma virus, had PTK activity (10). Furthermoi"e, it became clear that many of the other oticogene products also had PTK activity (11) and that the receptors for various growth factors also had PTK activity (11, 12). Therefore, PTK might be an enzyme that is closely related to proliferation. Phorbol ester being a tumor promoter in mouse epidermis exerts marked effects on proliferation, differentiation and tumorigenesis of the epidermis (13). Epidermal growth factor (EGF) whose receptor has PTK activity also exerts marked effects on proliferation and differentiation in the epidermis (14). Therefore, it is highly possible that serinethreonine kinases, mainly PKC and PTK, play important roles in proliferation, differentiation and tumorigenesis of keratinocytes. Now mention will be made of studies mainly on signal transduction of keratinocytes and also of cells other than keratinocytes in the skin. (Fig. 1 illustrates main route of signal transduction to be described later). I. Signal transduction in keratinocytes 1) Proliferalicm atul differentiation i) cAMP-PKA system: What first attracted attention in the studies on signal transduction in keratinocytes was a study of the cAMP-PKA system. cAMP has attracted attention in dermatology since Voorhees' report that cAMP is decreased in psoriatic epidermis compared with normal epidermis (15). At that time, cAMP was thought to act in suppressing proliferation; so, hyperproliferation of

Hormone etc

I'horbol ester j


i, ®1)rotein (Ser, Thr)

C a " CDR d e p t .

Drotein (Ser. Thr)


(J>protein CSer. Tlir)

Tt \


(J^protein (Tyr)



Figure !. Authentic scenario of signal transduction. G protein: GTP-bindiiig protein, PI: inosilol plio.spholipids, DG: diacylglycerol, IP': inositol triphosphale. PKA: protein kinase A, PKC: protein kinase C. PTK: protein lyro.sine C1815-1818. 2. Flokin M R, Hokin L E. Enzyme secretion and the incorporation of '-P into phospholipids of pancreatic slices J Biol Chem 1953: 203: 967-977. 3. Michell R H. Inositol phospholipids and cell surface receptor function. Biochim Biophys Acta 1975: 415: 81-147. 4. Kikkawa U, Takai Y, Minakuchi R, Inohara S, Nishizuka Y. Calcium-activated, phospholipid-depcndent protein kinase from rat brain, subecllular distribution, purification, and properties. J Biol Chem I98T- '>5713341-13348. 5. Nishizuka Y. The role of protein kinase C in cell surface signal transduction and tumor promotion Nature 1984308: 693-698. 6. Berridge M J, Irvine R F. Inositol triphosphate, a novel second messenger in cellular signal transduction Nature 1984: 312: 315-324. 7. Castagna M, Takai Y, Kaibuchi K, Sano K, Kikkawa U, Nishizuka Y. Direct activation of calcium-activated, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase by tumor-promoting phorbol ester. J Biol Chem 1982: 257: 7847-7851. 8. Nishizuka Y Studies and perspectives of protein kinase C. Science 1986: 233: 305-312. 9. Berridge M J. Inositol lipid and cell pioliferation. Biochim Biophys Aeta 1987: 907: 33-45. 10. Hunter T, Scfton B W. Transforming gene product of rous sarcoma virus phosphorylates tyrosine. Proc NatI Acad Sci USA 1980: 77: 1311-1315. 11. Hunter T. Cooper J A. Protcin-tyrosine kinases. Ann Rev Biochem 1985: 54: 897-930. 12. Ushito H, Cohen S. Identification of phosphotyrosine as a product of epidermal growth factor-activated protein kinase in A-431 cell membranes. J Biol Chem 1980- "'558363-8365. 13. Yuspa S H. Tumor promotion in epidermal cells in culture. In Slaga T J, ed. Mechanism of Tumor Promotion, vol in Tumor Promotion and Careinogenesis in Vitro Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, 1984: 1-11. 14. Yates R A, Nanney L B, Gates R E, King L E. Epidermal growth factor and related growth factors. Int I Dermatol 1991: 687-694.

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Studies and perspectives of signal transduction in the skin.

Tumor-promoting phorbol ester and epidermal growth factor (EGF) exert marked influences on the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes. The...
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