Stress and Chronic Pelvic Pain Angela N. Pierce, Julie A. Christianson1 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA 1 Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Central and Peripheral Regulation of the Stress Pathway 3. Consequences of Early Life Stress 4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5. Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome 6. Vulvodynia 7. Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome 8. Conclusions References

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Abstract Chronic pelvic pain is the number one reason that patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome seek medical attention. These syndromes generally have no associated pathology or identified underlying etiology, although dysfunction within the immune system, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system has been identified. Due to the lack of pathology, chronic pelvic pain syndromes are often diagnosed by exclusion, and the high degree of comorbid symptomology among these and other functional pain disorders complicate identifying appropriate treatment strategies. Chronic stress exposure early in life has been shown to increase the likelihood of pelvic pain later in life, and acute stress exposure can induce or increase symptom severity. In this chapter, we describe the individual chronic pelvic pain syndromes and how stress influences the likelihood of diagnosis and the severity of symptoms experienced by patients.

1. INTRODUCTION Chronic pelvic pain is not in itself a disease, but rather a term associated with the ongoing spontaneous and/or evoked pain experienced by patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS), vulvodynia, or chronic prostatitis/chronic Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science ISSN 1877-1173


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Angela N. Pierce and Julie A. Christianson

pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). These syndromes are often comorbid and share many characteristics in that they have no associated pathology or identified underlying etiology, although dysfunction within the immune system, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system has been shown to contribute toward the maintenance and progression of these disorders.1–3 Diagnosis of these chronic pelvic pain syndromes is largely done by exclusion, as patients present with positive symptoms despite a lack of underlying pathology. Not only are these syndromes comorbid with one another, patients with chronic pelvic pain are also more likely to present with symptoms of additional, nonpelvic-related functional pain disorders, such as migraine, fibromyalgia, and temporomandibular joint disorder, as well as certain mood disorders, including anxiety, depression, and panic disorder. Lack of pathology, disparate etiologies, and comorbid symptomology complicates identifying appropriate treatment strategies, which are few and less than optimal. In this chapter, we describe the individual disorders that generate chronic pelvic pain and how stress influences the likelihood of diagnosis and the severity of symptoms experienced by patients. We also discuss how animal models are being used to understand the mechanisms underlying the influence of stress on these common syndromes.

2. CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL REGULATION OF THE STRESS PATHWAY Stress can have dichotomous effects on pain signaling. In instances of acute stress, the effect can be used to diminish the perception of pain, termed stress-induced hypoalgesia.4 However, when stress becomes chronic, increased circulation of glucocorticoids and dysregulation of regulatory systems controlling the stress response pathway can initiate or increase the perception of pain. As schematized in Fig. 1, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is the primary initiator of the stress response and, in the brain, is primarily expressed in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, central nucleus of the amygdala (ceA),5 and Barrington’s nucleus, the pontine micturition center.6,7 Under stressful conditions, CRF and arginine vasopressin are secreted from the PVN and travel through the hypophysial portal veins to reach the anterior pituitary corticotrophs and induce the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Systemic circulation of ACTH induces glucocorticoid (cortisol in humans; corticosterone in

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Figure 1 Acute stress induces activation of the parvocellular neurons in the PVN of the hypothalamus and synthesis and release of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) into the hypophysial portal system. Both CRF and AVP will reach the anterior pituitary and synergistically promote the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which will act at the adrenal cortex to produce glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans; corticosterone in rodents). Glucocorticoids act in a negative feedback loop at the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to cease production of CRF and ACTH, respectively, as well as at higher limbic structures, including the amygdala and hippocampus, which respectively activate and inhibit the hypothalamus. Peripheral release of CRF also acts on mast cells and enteric neurons.

rodents) synthesis and secretion from the adrenal cortex.8,9 Glucocorticoid release initiates an overall immune suppression through the inhibition of inflammatory cells and mediators and also prompts a negative feedback loop within the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis by suppressing the production of both CRF and ACTH.10,11 Glucocorticoid-driven feedback occurs through two receptors, which are relatively slow-acting and effect long-term changes in gene transcription.12 Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) has a high affinity for glucocorticoids, is extensively bound (even at basal levels of glucocorticoid release), and has been proposed to mediate tonic/proactive feedback to the HPA axis.


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Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) has a lower affinity for glucocorticoids than MR, is largely unbound at basal glucocorticoid release levels, and is proposed to mediate feedback onto the HPA axis during phases of acute and chronic stress. In addition to the relatively slow, genomic regulation of glucocorticoid binding, evidence of fast, nongenomic glucocorticoid actions at the membrane have been reported. The receptor involved (yet to be identified, although thought to be GR) binds glucocorticoid and initiates an intracellular signaling cascade that results in endocannabinoid synthesis. The subsequent release of endocannabinoid reduces presynaptic glutamate release, thereby diminishing the neural activity of parvocellular neurons.13 Modulation of the HPA axis also occurs through the G-protein-coupled CRF receptors, CRF1 and CRF2 (Fig. 2). CRF and its family members Urocortin (Ucn) 1–3 bind the two CRF receptors with varying affinity. CRF binds CRF1 with a 10-fold higher affinity than CRF2, Ucn 1 binds CRF1 and CRF2 with equal affinity, and Ucn2 and Ucn3 both preferentially bind CRF2.5 Through gene deletion and pharmacological studies, opposing roles of CRF1 and CRF2 in stress-related behaviors have emerged. Deletion or pharmacological blockade of CRF1 is largely anxiolytic, resulting in a

Figure 2 Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and the related Urocortins (Ucn) 1–3 act via a two-receptor system to regulate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Activation of CRF receptor 1 (CRF1) occurs via CRF or Ucn1 and activation of CRF2 occurs via all three Ucns. Activation of CRF1 has been shown to increase anxiety-like behaviors in rodents as well as increase colonic motility and hypersensitivity. In contrast, activation of CRF2 has largely been shown to be anxiolytic and can increase urinary bladder hyperactivity and hypersensitivity. Activation of CRF2 has also been shown to inhibit CRF1 and activation of either glucocorticoid receptor (GR) or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) can inhibit CRF production and signaling.

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significant decrease in anxiety-like behaviors.14 In contrast, deletion or blockade of CRF2 significantly enhances behavioral indicators of anxiety as well as prevents the HPA axis from returning to a homeostatic state following a stressful event.15,16 Limbic structures, including the amygdala and hippocampus, provide descending regulatory input to the HPA axis through interneurons that project to the PVN (Fig. 1). Under normal conditions, the amygdala and hippocampus stimulate and inhibit CRF production/secretion from the PVN, respectively, working in opposition to one another to control the activation of the HPA axis.8,9 Upon exposure to chronic stress, glucocorticoids activate GR receptors on the amygdala to increase CRF production in the ceA, which in turn increases CRF release in the PVN and subsequently enhances glucocorticoid production.17 The glucocorticoid-induced increase in CRF production in the ceA can be blocked by treatment with antagonists to GR or CRF1.18 In the hippocampus, exposure to chronic stress can induce both a decrease in GR expression and GR resistance to ligand binding,19 which reduces the extent of descending inhibition onto the PVN and in turn increases CRF release and glucocorticoid production.8,9 Downstream activation of the HPA axis also affects peripheral changes in neuroimmune function (Fig. 1). One of the primary players in this cascade is the mast cell, which is a highly granulated, stem-cell-derived immune cell that contains numerous cytokines, proteases, histamine, and other potent algesic agents.20 Mast cells are exquisitely responsive to HPA axis activation, as they express five isoforms of the CRF1 receptor, a single isoform of CRF2, and contain one of the largest peripheral stores of CRF found in the human body.21 Unlike allergic and/or anaphylactic mast cell responses, which generally occur via complete release of intracellular granules, stress can induce mast cell “activation,” meaning release of cytokines or growth factors in the absence of partial or complete degranulation.21–23 The close apposition of mast cells with sensory nerve endings and associated vasculature allows for activation-induced sensitization and endothelial leakage, respectively.24–27 Specific actions of mast cells will be outlined in more detail as they pertain to each chronic pelvic pain syndrome discussed.

3. CONSEQUENCES OF EARLY LIFE STRESS Patients with chronic pelvic pain commonly report stress-related symptom onset or increased severity; have difficulty coping with stressful situations; and many suffer from depression, anxiety, and panic disorders.1,28–39 Comorbidity among chronic pelvic pain syndromes and mood


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disorders has been associated with altered functioning of the HPA axis,40–45 and exposure to early life stress or trauma is a significant risk factor for developing HPA abnormalities and associated chronic pain syndromes.40,42,46–52 This is a growing concern in the United States, as the national rate of child maltreatment has consistently risen over the past decade,53 and although medical advancements have allowed for prematurely born babies to survive at increasingly earlier gestational stages, prolonged stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) provide chronic exposure to numerous stressors, including repeated invasive procedures and prolonged periods of maternal separation.54 The likelihood of NICU admission is higher for full-term babies born to women aged 40–44, an age group whose birth rate has steadily risen at a 2% annual rate since 2000.55–58 Rodent models of neonatal maternal separation (NMS), which involves removing the pups from their dam for a set period of time during the preweaning period, have been used for the past two decades to study the outcomes of early life stress. Anxiety-like behaviors and the duration of ACTH and corticosterone release following a stressful event were significantly increased in NMS rodents.59–63 Production of CRF in both the PVN of the hypothalamus and/or the ceA of the amygdala was increased in NMS rodents at baseline, as well as following acute stress exposure.59,61,62,64 Accordingly, increased baseline CRF1 expression in the PVN and amygdala has been reported in NMS rats62,65; however, the expression of CRF1 in the PVN has been shown to either remain increased62 or significantly decrease65 following acute stress exposure. Limbic feedback onto the HPA axis through CRF and glucocorticoid receptors was also disrupted in NMS rodents. Specifically, CRF2 expression in the amygdala was significantly decreased at baseline and increased following acute stress in NMS rats, well above naı¨ve expression levels.65 In the hippocampus, CRF1 and CRF2 were both found to be increased in NMS rats, both prior to and following acute stress exposure,65 whereas GR expression was significantly decreased in NMS rats59,60 and both GR and MR were significantly decreased in NMS mice.61 Taken together, NMS largely increases HPA axis activation, and resulting anxiety-like behaviors, by directly affecting gene expression within the hypothalamus as well as disrupting downstream regulation from limbic structures.

4. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME IBS is the most commonly diagnosed and well-recognized chronic pelvic pain disorder. Diagnosis using Rome III criteria requires recurrent

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abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days/month during the previous 3 months that is associated with at least two of the following: (1) improvement with defecation, (2) onset associated with a change in stool frequency, and (3) onset associated with change in stool consistency.66 It is estimated that IBS affects approximately 20% of the US population and generates up to $30 billion in indirect and direct medical costs on an annual basis.67,68 As with most functional pain disorders, IBS is diagnosed in twice as many women as men and symptoms often fluctuate with the menstrual cycle.69,70 In a study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins, low birth weight significantly impacted the likelihood of IBS diagnosis and a genetic component was observed only among female patients.71 Comorbidity with other chronic pelvic pain conditions is remarkably high among IBS patients with up to 80% of diagnosed patients presenting with symptoms of IC/PBS, vulvodynia, and/or CP/CPPS.1,28,33,72–74 Comorbidity with other nonpelvic functional pain disorders, including fibromyalgia, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, and temporomandibular joint disorder,1,74,75 is also common and, most relevant to this chapter, up to 60% of patients with IBS suffer from anxiety and/or depression.76 A Norwegian study revealed that IBS patients with comorbid symptomology have health care costs ten times that of patients with IBS alone.77 Patients with IBS commonly report that their symptoms worsen during or are brought on by periods of heightened stress.78–81 Having a history of adverse events during infancy or childhood, such as premature birth, abuse, neglect, and parental discord, divorce, or death, increases the likelihood of developing IBS later in life.45,82,83 This is thought to occur due to dysregulation of the HPA axis, which has been shown to be overactive in subpopulations of IBS patients.45,84 Indeed, treatment with a CRF1 antagonist produced significant inhibitory effects within the locus coeruleus and hypothalamus of high-anxiety female IBS patients who were anticipating a painful stimulus.85 In a generalized diarrhea-predominant IBS patient cohort, treatment with CRF1 antagonist did not significantly reduce colonic transit or bowel symptoms; however, the authors noted that the study size was not of sufficient power to detect a significant effect in patients with clinically high anxiety scores.86 The results of these studies highlight that, despite exhibiting similar bowel symptoms, the underlying etiology of IBS is not the same for every patient and that identifying comorbidities might aid in designing appropriate, personalized therapeutic strategies that will have a greater chance for success. Recognizing the impact that early life stress has on the likelihood of developing IBS has led researchers to manipulate the early developmental


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environment of rodents in an effort to create an appropriate model of IBS. As mentioned above, NMS in rodents in a well-established model of early life stress that recapitulates many of the abnormalities observed in human patients with a history of early adverse events. As such, NMS has been used to study the long-term effects of early life stress on colorectal sensitivity and motility, primarily in rats. Colorectal sensitivity has most commonly been assessed by measuring abdominal muscle contraction (termed the visceromotor response, VMR), either visually or electromyographically, during balloon distension of the colorectum (colorectal distension, CRD), described in detail in Christianson and Gebhart.87 Adult rats that have undergone NMS generally have exhibited increased colorectal sensitivity at baseline and following an additional stressor they displayed a further increase in VMR during CRD when compared to non-NMS rats that underwent the same adult stress paradigm.88–90 The most commonly used adult stress paradigm in these studies has been water avoidance stress (WAS), which selectively increases colorectal sensitivity primarily through mast cell degranulation.91 Rats that underwent NMS not only displayed a larger VMR immediately following WAS, they also displayed a significantly longer period of WAS-induced hypersensitivity than non-NMS rats.88,92 Treatment with CRF1 and/or CRF2 antagonists, prior to WAS exposure, was shown to reduce colorectal sensitivity in NMS rats.4,92 This effect was observed both centrally and peripherally, as administration of α-helical CRF [9–14], which predominantly blocks CRF2 and does not cross the blood– brain barrier, was capable of preventing increased VMR when administered prior to WAS exposure.92 The authors attribute this result to preventing mast cell destabilization following stress exposure, as α-helical CRF [9–14] was unable to reverse WAS-induced colorectal hypersensitivity when given after WAS exposure. The efficacy of CRF1 antagonist to reverse stress-induced colorectal sensitivity in NMS rats has not been appropriately tested, as Schwetz et al.4 treated with CRF1 antagonist both prior to WAS and 30 min before CRD. In addition to the central effects of NMS on gene expression (outlined previously), peripheral effects of NMS on gene expression and protein levels have been reported in both rats and mice. Peripheral expression of CRF1 and CRF2 has been reported in the colon, specifically within the mucosal layer, enteric nervous system, and innate inflammatory cells.93 Expression of both CRF1 and CRF2 mRNA was increased in distal colon from NMS rats,93 and we reported a significant increase in CRF2, but not CRF1, mRNA in colon from NMS mice compared to naı¨ve.61 Rodents exposed to NMS have also demonstrated increased growth factor and

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cytokine expression in the distal colon, including nerve growth factor (NGF), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, and interferon (IFN)-γ.94–97 A follow-up study revealed that CRF and IL-6 interact to potentiate calcium responses in submucosal neurons and thereby alter colonic secretory activity.98 Colons from NMS rats have also demonstrated increased paracellular permeability, myeloperoxidase activity, and mucosal mast cell infiltration.95 Our study of NMS in mice revealed no change in colonic cytokine mRNA levels; however, transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) protein was significantly increased compared to naı¨ve mice.61 Taken together, these rodent models of NMS have demonstrated changes in the local colonic environment that are capable of sensitizing peripheral nociceptors, which may be contributing toward the observed colorectal hypersensitivity in these models. Direct irritation of the colon during neonatal development (neonatal colon irritation, NCI) has also been used as a model of IBS in rodents. Both intracolonic administration of an irritant99–102 and repeated CRD99,103 during neonatal development resulted in increased VMR during CRD in adult rodents. Interestingly, the pattern of colon sensitivity exhibited by NCI rodents differed from that of NMS rodents. In general, NCI rodents exhibit an increase in VMR only at the highest intraballoon pressures applied, which are considered to be noxious. In contrast, NMS rodents display increased VMR at both noxious and non-noxious intraballoon pressures.88,90 Studies on NCI rodents also reported an increase in TRPA1100 or its family member TRP vanilloid 1 (TRPV1)101 expression in colon-specific dorsal root ganglion neurons and an increase in the number of CRD-responsive dorsal horn neurons.103 Neonatal irritation of other organs, including the bladder104 and stomach,105 has also been shown to increase colorectal sensitivity in adult mice, suggesting that the colon may be exquisitely sensitive to neonatal perturbations, which may contribute to the greater prevalence of IBS among the general population, in comparison to other related chronic pelvic pain disorders.

5. INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS/PAINFUL BLADDER SYNDROME An estimated 11% of women and 5% of men meet the high sensitivity definition of IC/PBS.106–108 Direct medical costs for IC/PBS treatment are estimated to total $4000/year,109 indicating that, at minimum, $20–40 billion dollars are spent each year in the United States to treat IC/PBS alone. Diagnosis of IC/PBS requires chronic pelvic pain or discomfort for at least


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6 weeks duration perceived to be related to the urinary bladder with at least one additional urological symptom that cannot be attributed to known causes of bladder pain such as infection or organic disease.110–112 Comorbidity with other chronic pelvic pain disorders occurs in up to 40% of IC/PBS patients,1,2,67,73,113 and a significant proportion of patients also suffer from fibromyalgia, allergies, and mood disorders.34,72,114–116 Like many idiopathic pain disorders, IC/PBS is polysyndromic and patients may exhibit one of multiple subtypes. Classically, IC referred to observable findings on cystoscopic examinations: namely, glomerulations, overt histopathology, or Hunner’s ulcers110,111; however, the patient population was far more heterogeneous than the strict criteria used by research qualifications. Therefore, diagnoses today are primarily attributed symptomatically where IC/PBS subtypes may be differentiated by additional features.117 The only FDAapproved treatments for IC/PBS are oral pentosan polysulfate sodium, whose mechanism of action is unknown, and intravesicular installation of dimethyl sulfoxide; off-label treatment options include oral tricyclic antidepressants or antihistamines and intravesicular instillation of heparin or lidocaine.118–120 The pathophysiology underlying IC/PBS is likely multifactorial as a reflection upon the broad spectrum of clinical subtypes. A wide array of etiologies has been explored in IC/PBS that when taken together proposes a cyclical cascade of events involving neurogenic inflammation, hyperresponsive immune system, urothelial lining dysfunction, and chronic pain. The initial insult that triggers IC/PBS pathophysiology is less clear. As IC/PBS is primarily an adult-onset disorder, identification of the prodrome will need to be a priority in order to halt the circular nature of the early pathophysiology. To that end, a number of urine biomarkers are associated with IC/PBS, such as IL-6,121–124 histamine,123 and NGF.125,126 A substantial percentage (25%) of IC/PBS patients report a history of childhood sexual or physical abuse, which can significantly affect presentation of symptoms, including voiding and urgency.42,127–129 Animal models that incorporate neonatal bladder irritation or stress exposure have been developed to study the effects on bladder sensitivity and function. Rats that received intravesicular zymosan as neonates displayed an increase in VMR during urinary bladder distension (UBD), had an increased micturition frequency with reduced micturition volume thresholds, and displayed greater plasma extravasation and neuropeptide release following intravesicular mustard oil application.130,131 Our recent study revealed that NMS significantly increased both IL-10 and NGF mRNA levels in the

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bladder of female mice.61 Additional work is underway to determine the effect of NMS on bladder sensitivity and function. Symptom onset and/or increased severity during periods of heightened stress is also a hallmark of IC/PBS.3,32,33 Unpredictable footshock in adult rats generated bladder hypersensitivity that was attenuated by intrathecal administration of CRF2 antagonist, but not CRF1 antagonist, prior to UBD.132 A later study reported that genetic deletion or pharmacological blockade of CRF2 prevented stress-induced bladder vascular permeability, whereas the loss of CRF1 had no effect.133 Intrathecal administration of CRF or Ucn2 has been shown to increase bladder and micturition volumes, whereas treatment with CRF1 antagonist decreased both bladder and micturition volumes.134 However, a study by Klausner et al.135 reported the opposite effect, showing that CRF decreased micturition volume in normal Wistar rats and intrathecal administration of astressin, a nonselective CRF1/CRF2 antagonist, increased micturition volume of high-anxiety Wistar Kyoto rats. A recent study using adeno-associated vector-mediated transfer of CRF into Barrington’s nucleus, which controls the micturition reflex, reported a decrease in micturition volume in rats transvected with a forward reading copy of CRF.136 Together, these studies suggest that CRF, Ucn2, CRF1, and CRF2 are involved in bladder sensitivity, but their mechanisms of action within the urinary system remain unclear. Stress can also impact luminal barrier integrity in the viscera; for instance, downregulation of mRNA encoding the tight junctional protein occludin in the gastrointestinal tract is stress-mediated.137 Integrity of bladder urothelium in IC/PBS has also come into question. Microarray analysis of low-volume bladder capacity from IC/PBS tissue revealed downregulation of genes for urothelial tight junction proteins and upregulation of genes involved in the inflammatory response.138 Transcript levels of proinflammatory cytokines are also increased in IC/PBS bladder.139 A heightened inflammatory response can be related to bladder urothelial dysfunction as many components of urine metabolites, such as potassium, which is highly concentrated in urine, are toxic to underlying tissue. As described above, stress has a profound effect on visceral sensitivity, but its impact on urothelium specifically remains to be elucidated. Permeability changes themselves may also be attributed to disruption of the protective glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer, which lines the luminal surface of the urothelium.140,141 Intravesicular replenishment of GAG as a treatment for IC/PBS has yielded mixed results.142–146 Additionally, the clinical relevance of urothelial permeability in IC/PBS remains controversial.147–148


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Finally, the role of mast cells in IC/PBS has been investigated for several decades. Multiple independent studies have confirmed that mast cell infiltration is increased in biopsies from IC/PBS patients.27,149–153 These observations have been correlated with increased release of granular contents,154 increased stem cell factor, IL-6, histamine, and NGF expression within the bladder wall,150,152,155 elevated NGF, histamine, and proinflammatory cytokine protein levels in patient serum156 and urine124,157–159 samples, and increased density of substance P (SP)-immunopositive nerve fibers and juxtaposition to mast cells in patient biopsies.160 Secreted mediators can lead to, among other signal transduction pathways, activation of TRP channels, the chronic activation of which can drive sensitization.161 Mast cell paracrine functions involving degranulated tryptase and histamine binding to protease-activated receptors have been shown to sensitize TRPA1 and TRPV1 in vivo162,163 and likely contributes to chronic functional pain.24,164 Furthermore, early life stress increased TRPA1 protein expression in bladder,61 while experimental cystitis induced a TRPA1-, but not TRPV1-, dependent hyperalgesia.165 Expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors were also upregulated primarily in bladder, rather than lumbosacral spinal cord, of mice with CYP-cystitis.166 Together, these studies suggest that while there are etiological similarities between IBS and IC/PBS, the specific molecular mechanisms contributing towards bladder pain are likely distinct from those contributing towards the more predominantly studied gastrointestinal pain syndromes.

6. VULVODYNIA The International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) defines vulvodynia as “vulvar discomfort, most often described as a burning pain without relevant visible findings or a specific, clinically identifiable, neurologic disorder”.167 Patients with vulvodynia may present with a variety of symptom characteristics, and the ISSVD distinguishes the associated pain of localized and generalized subtypes of vulvodynia between provoked, unprovoked, or of mixed exacerbation and symptom onset can be either sudden or gradual.168 Despite the variability in clinical presentation, allodynia of the vulva, vestibule, or vaginal canal is the hallmark symptom and qualitatively described as burning, stinging, or itching.169,170 Diagnosis is primarily made by cotton-swab examination of the vulva as a means to reproduce severe pain or discomfort.168 Observed erythema is minor and biopsy of the vulva is pathologically unremarkable; therefore,

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the diagnosis of vulvodynia more accurately reflects symptomatology as an idiopathic pain disorder rather than a disease process. At any given time, vulvodynia affects 4% of women in the United States and cumulative evidence predicts 16% of women among the general population will have vulvodynia at some point in their lives.171,172 Conservative estimates suggest the national costs associated with vulvodynia range $31–72 billion annually.173 Similar to idiopathic pain disorders in general, vulvodynia is proposed to be of a multifactorial nature. The magnitude of treatment options span nonspecific lifestyle interventions, topical or oral medications, injections, physical therapy, and surgical procedures.174 Recently, epidemiological studies have found predispositions between the onset of vulvodynia as triggered by a traumatic life event or a history of early life stress.175 Antidepressant176–178 and anticonvulsant179,180 medication has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with vulvodynia suggesting a psychosomatic pathophysiologic component to the disease process. Clinically, vulvodynia has been associated with other chronic pelvic pain syndromes, most often IC/PBS, and increased rates of mood disorders such as depression or anxiety.28,127,169,181–185 Strong evidence has linked early life adverse events with an increased likelihood of vulvodynia in adulthood, which has been attributed to dysfunctional regulation of the HPA axis.28,30,175,186 Vulvodynia patients demonstrate blunted serum cortisol cycles186 and acute stress exposure has been shown to increase symptom severity.187 We recently investigated the long-term effects of NMS in mice as it pertains to vaginal sensitivity and gene expression within and downstream of the HPA axis.61 Adult female mice that underwent NMS displayed significantly increased VMR during vaginal balloon distension at both low (presumably non-noxious) and high intraballoon pressures, similar to the pattern of CRD-evoked VMR in NMS rats.88,90 Adult female NMS mice also displayed evidence of diminished negative feedback onto the HPA axis from higher brain structures and an altered cytokine response to acute stress.61 Recently, other animal models have investigated various characteristics of vulvodynia such as peripheral nerve sprouting under low estrogenic conditions,188 vulvar allodynia following repeated vulvovaginal fungal infection,189 and oxazolone-induced delayed-type contact hypersensitivity of the vulva.190 Women with vulvodynia have also shown defective regulation of the inflammatory response related to downstream activation of the HPA axis. Vulvodynia patients have increased mast cell degranulation and infiltration within vestibular biopsies when compared to controls.191 Specifically,


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increased mast cell-derived heparanase has been observed in the vestibule of vulvodynia patients,191 where it serves to degrade the heparin sulfate component of basement membranes and the extracellular matrix as needed for leukocyte infiltration.192 Mast cell activation increases in post- compared to premenopausal vulvodynia patients, although expression of estrogen receptor α and evidence of neural hyperplasia were similar between groups,193 suggesting that additional regulatory processes may contribute to the age-related discrepancy. Activation of mast cells not only leads to release of preformed mediators, but also to de novo synthesis and subsequent release of other bioactive molecules of the inflammatory response, including mast cell-derived cytokines, eicosinoids, and chemokines. The proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α have both been reported to be increased in vulvodynia biopsy samples194,195 and are produced by mast cells following simulation.196 Increased activity of IL-1β is associated with diminished activity of the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), and polymorphisms in allele 2 of the IL-1RA gene are more prevalent in patients with chronic vulvar pain195,197,198 than controls. Circulating serum levels of IL-1RA are decreased in vulvodynia patients and inflammatory challenge results in a blunted IL-1RA response in vulvodynia patients in vivo199 and increases of IL-1β200 among tissues derived from vulvodynia patients.

7. CHRONIC PROSTATITIS/CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN SYNDROME Despite having a lifetime prevalence of approximately 14%201 and annual patient costs estimated at $4400 (twice that of low back pain or rheumatoid arthritis202), CP/CPPS is perhaps the least well-recognized and characterized chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The National Institutes of Health chronic prostatitis symptom index (NIH-CPSI) provides four main categories for diagnosis: (I) acute bacterial, (II) chronic bacterial, (III) the chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS; formerly known as chronic abacterial prostatitis), and (IV) asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.203 Category III prostatitis is predominantly characterized by pain in the perineum, rectum, prostate, penis, testicles, and/or abdomen and has been further divided into inflammatory (IIIa) and noninflammatory (IIIb) CP/CPPS, with the former being associated with the presence of white cells in prostatic secretions.204 From 1990 to 1994, CP/CPPS accounted for nearly 2 million outpatient visits and was the most common urological diagnosis in men under

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the age of 50, representing 8% of urology office visits.205 Later, populationbased screening methods revealed that CP/CPPS symptoms are likely more widespread and that this condition is underdiagnosed among men in the United States.108,206 Similar to other chronic pelvic pain syndromes, the etiology of CP/CPPS is largely unknown and patients commonly present with symptoms of or are diagnosed with comorbid chronic pelvic pain or mood disorders.1,3,29,207 In fact, the significant overlap of presenting signs and symptoms between IC/PBS and CP/CPPS has led several investigators to propose that they are different manifestations of the same underlying syndrome.206,208–210 Recurrent infection, leaky epithelium, neurogenic inflammation, and autoimmunity have all been surmised as potential underlying causes of IC/PBS and CP/CPPS, as well as mast cell activation and degranulation.208 Expressed prostatic secretions from men with CP/CPPS had increased mast cell tryptase and NGF levels,211 and a later study confirmed that tryptase and carboxypeptidase A (CPA3), a marker of mast cell activation, were also increased in the urine of CP/CPPS patients.212 The extent of mast cell degranulation or activation has varied between studies as both altered granular structure213 and a decrease in the number of intact mast cells214 have been observed in biopsies from CP/CPPS patients, implying that mast cell activation without complete degranulation, as well as a higher rate of complete mast cell degranulation, respectively, could occur in CP/CPPS. The potential role for mast cells in the onset and maintenance of CP/CPPS has been a major focus of animal research on this syndrome thus far. The most commonly employed rodent model used to study CP/CPPS is an experimental autoimmune prostatitis (EAP) model generated by subcutaneous injection of prostate antigen in Complete Freund’s adjuvant, which results in varied degrees of prostatic inflammation depending on species and strain used.211,215–218 Mast cell infiltration and activation/degranulation has been shown to increase following induction of EAP211,212,219 and the appearance of intact mast cells decreased over time,211 suggestive of an increase in complete degranulation as has been observed in biopsies from CP/CPPS patients.214 Mast cell deficient KitW-sh/KitW-sh mice did not develop pelvic mechanical allodynia 5 days following EAP unlike wild-type mice and treatment with cromolyn sodium, a mast cell stabilizer, or histamine receptor antagonists also significantly reduced pain behaviors in EAP mice.211 The murine ortholog of tryptase, mMCP-6, and its cognate receptor PAR2, were both increased in the prostate of EAP mice.212 Additionally, PAR2 / mice did not develop prostatic tactile sensitivity


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following EAP induction despite mounting similar levels of prostatic inflammation compared to wild-type EAP mice.212

8. CONCLUSIONS The negative effect of stress exposure on chronic pelvic pain syndromes has long been documented in clinical settings. The prevalence of early adverse event exposure among chronic pelvic pain patients, as well as comorbidity between functional pain syndromes and mood disorders, suggests an underlying role of permanently altered stress response and regulation. In particular, the mast cell, which is exquisitely responsive to CRF, appears to play a critical role in every clinically recognized chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Considering the disparate etiologies that have been proposed to underlie these similar disorders, future therapeutic investigation might best be directed toward identifying shared characteristics among patients with similar early life histories and stress-related symptomologies.

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Stress and chronic pelvic pain.

Chronic pelvic pain is the number one reason that patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, vu...
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