Strategies for the Development of Animal Models for Bipolar Disorder: New Opportunities and New Challenges Haim Einat

Contents 1 2 3 4

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Animal Models – Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 A Short Summary of What We Have and Use Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Development of Appropriate Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.1 Developing Tests for Behavioral Domains of BPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.2 Models and Tests for Endophenotypes of Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5 Identifying the Best Species and the Best Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.1 Model Animals Based on Strain Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.2 Nontraditional Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Abstract The paucity of appropriate animal models for bipolar disorder is repeatedly mentioned as one of the critical factors hindering research into the pathophysiology of the disorder and the development of truly novel treatments. Recent advances in our understanding of the biological basis of bipolar disorder can be used to identify and develop better models. One possibility that is discussed in a separate chapter of this book is the use of molecular biology techniques to develop animals with targeted mutations related to genes implicated in the disorder. However, the development of such animals may not be enough for usable and helpful models. Additional strategies should, therefore, be combined with targeted mutation methodology to develop good model animals and good tests that will significantly impact our ability to further explore the underlying biology of bipolar disorder and to develop better drugs and treatments. H. Einat College of PharmacyUniversity of Minnesota, 123 Life Sciences, 1110 Kirby Dr., Duluth, MN 55812, USA Department of Psychology, Tel‐Hai College, Upper Galilee, Israel e-mail: [email protected]

H.K. Manji and C.A. Zarate (eds.), Behavioral Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder and its Treatment, Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences 5, DOI 10.1007/7854_2010_49 # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, published online 4 May 2010



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The present chapter presents a short introduction related to commonly used models and discusses some of the possible strategies for advancement. These strategies include developing better tests, exploring separate tests for the different domains of the disease, creating test batteries, and developing models for endophenotypes. In addition, the chapter raises the possibility of identifying better model animals using comparative biology approaches. The chapter presents two different ways for identifying advantageous model animals using either specific strains of laboratory animals or using the natural diversity of nontraditional model animals. In summary, it is concluded that while each strategy offers significant contributions, it is important to combine the different approaches in order to be able to achieve novel, appropriate, and predictive models for bipolar disorder. Keywords Domains of bipolar disorder  Strain differences  Endophenotypes  Strain differences  Nontraditional model animals  Diurnal rodents  Affective disorders

1 Introduction The lack of appropriate animal models had been repeatedly cited as one of the significant factors hindering our ability to further understand the underlying biology of bipolar disorder (BPD) and to develop truly novel treatment modalities (Einat 2007a; Tecott and Nestler 2004). Animal models are critical for both basic biological research and for the translation of novel molecular data to the clinic (McKinney 2001). This chapter discusses the present status of animal models for BPD and a number of new strategies that will hopefully culminate in additional and better models.

2 Animal Models – Basics In general, animal models have to be identified or induced, have to be testable, and have to be valid (Cryan and Slattery 2007; Geyer 2008; Willner 1991). The issue of validity of animal models in psychiatric research has long been debated and, therefore, this issue will be discussed first. Modeling psychiatric disorders in nonhuman species is associated with significant theoretical and practical limitations. Historically, the psychological theory of behaviorism implicated, amongst many other things, that the development of animal models should be simple and straightforward; however, with the decline of pure behaviorism it was also increasingly recognized that animal models for psychiatric disorders are a complex issue (Willner 1986). A significant conceptual development

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in the field was made by the important work of McKinney and Bunney (1969), who defined a number of basic and essential criteria that should be applied when developing or using animal models for psychiatric disorders. These criteria include: (1) the model should be “reasonably analogous” to the human disorder in its main features or symptomatology; (2) the model should cause behavioral changes that can be monitored objectively; (3) the model should produce behavioral changes that are reversed by the same treatment modalities that are effective in humans; and (4) the model should be reproducible by other investigators (McKinney and Bunney 1969). These criteria correlate, at least in part, with the general definitions that are accepted in psychological theories of modeling and include three main axes of validity: face validity, predictive validity, and construct validity. The term face validity pertains to the similarity in the phenomenon between the model and the modeled condition. Predictive validity suggests that one variable can be used to predict a different variable, and construct validity defines the development of hypothetical constructs and operational definitions that are concerned with the simultaneous process of measure and theory validation and with the evaluation of hypothetical inferred notions (Smith 2005; Strauss and Smith 2008). Two of these axes translate into the criteria defined by McKinney and Bunney (1969). “Reasonable analogy to human disorder or symptoms” is a reflection of face validity, and “reversal by the same treatment modalities that are effective in humans” is a partial reflection of predictive validity. The other two criteria add a practical aspect to the theory, as they demand that the models will include behavioral changes that can be monitored objectively and are reproducible. This set of criteria (McKinney and Bunney 1969) somewhat neglects the third axis, construct validity. Considering the definition of construct validity in the psychological research field (Smith 2005; Strauss and Smith 2008) it is no wonder that this issue was somewhat left aside by McKinney and Bunney as well as by other researchers. A serious attempt to challenge the issue of construct validity demands a comprehensive theory of the phenomenon being modeled and, considering that our understanding of the etiology and underlying pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders is limited, it becomes a problematic issue to match a model to a construct that is not really known. Additional terms and definitions were added during the years in an attempt to clarify and operationalize the theoretical and conceptual criteria set earlier. A clear set of rules that is now used by many researchers were defined by Willner and others (Willner 1984, 1986, 1995a); these researchers were trying to combine the ideas of McKinney and Bunney with the concepts of psychological modeling theory and with the practical demands of the fields of biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology. In his substantial writings, Willner (1984, 1986, 1995a) attempted to examine the axes of validity with a practical approach to the development of models for psychiatric disorders and especially for affective disorders. Briefly, Willner set more operant criteria to evaluate the validity of models with somewhat limited interpretations of the validity terms. For face validity, the expectation is that there will be a similarity of symptoms between the model and the disease. For predictive validity, there is an expectation that the model will differentiate between effective and noneffective treatments. For construct validity,


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there is an expectation of some level of homology or a similar theoretical rationale that will be a common denominator between the disease and the model, and that this rationale will be at the core of the disorder and not an epiphenomenon (Willner 1986). As indicated by Willner, even with the limited interpretations of the original demands for validity, “these are stringent criteria and it is doubtful whether any animal model (for affective disorders) could meet them fully, in our current state of relative ignorance of psychopathology” (Willner 1986). Although these words were written more than 20 years ago, they are still at least partially relevant today. With the additional knowledge gathered across the years regarding the etiology and pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders as well as the possible sources for the therapeutic effects of effective medications, it is now at least partially possible to design and use models with some level of construct validity. Or at least, models that have some etiological or mechanistic validity where underlying biological mechanisms involved in the model and in the disorder are related (Malkesman et al. 2009). Although significant efforts have been invested in developing animal models, there are still scientists who suggest that psychiatric disorders cannot be modeled in animals. One substantial claim is that much of the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders is based on verbal communication, and because language is unique to humans, it is impossible to extrapolate from nonhumans to humans about psychopathology (Hayes and Delgado 2007). Although this claim and others set important limitations on the possible interpretation of animal data, it is impossible to ignore the significant achievements that were demonstrated across the years from research in animal models, both for the understanding of possible mechanisms and for the screening of potential treatments (McKinney 2001). As mentioned above, models have to be identified or induced. Identification of models pertains to the possibility that by comparing the natural physiology and behavior of different species or different strains, it is possible to identify some that might be relevant to a specific disorder. For example (in the context of a nonpsychiatric disorder), wild fat sand rats are not exposed to sugars in their natural diet; when fed sugars they develop diabetes. Based on this biology, sand rats are used as a model for diabetes in humans and can serve to explore specific mechanisms as well as the possibility of different treatments (Collier et al. 2002; Maislos et al. 2005). Within the context of neurosciences and psychiatry, monogamous prairie voles serve to explore the underlying anatomical, biochemical, and molecular underpinnings of social bonding (for reviews see Aragona and Wang (2004) and Carter et al. (1992, 2008)), and for modeling depression and anxiety related to isolation (Grippo et al. 2008). However, most animal models in psychiatry are induced rather than identified. “Induced” means that a “normal” animal is manipulated so that it will demonstrate pathology. Such manipulations can include specific brain lesions (e.g., bulbectomy (van Riezen et al. 1977)) or 6-HDPT lesion (Petty and Sherman 1981), pharmacological treatments such as reserpine (Einat et al. 1999) or amphetamine (Fessler et al. 1982), specific agonists and antagonists for a unique subgroup of receptors (Einat et al. 2001), or compounds acting on other targets such as intracellular pathways, ion channels, and so on (Einat et al. 2003b). Other possible manipulations are environmental, such as in the forced swim test

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or isolation paradigms (Malkesman et al. 2006; Porsolt et al. 1978), breeding for specific traits (Einat et al. 2002; Overstreet et al. 1992) or, more recently, targeted genetic mutations (Malkesman et al. 2009). Some models based on such manipulations will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. Last but not the least, an animal model has to provide a way to test the behavior, a test that will clearly distinguish between the “healthy” and “sick” animal and that will include clear and replicable measures (Einat et al. 2007; McKinney and Bunney 1969; Willner 1986). This matter is especially important to remember when one attempts to develop a model based on a mechanistic theory such as the newer models induced by targeted mutations. As beautifully termed by Crawley a decade ago (Crawley 2000), the question is often “what is wrong with my mouse?” What tests do we have available to evaluate BPD-relevant behavioral changes? It is important in this context to remember that the model and the test are not the same. The model refers to an animal that in some way represents the disease (or represents a treatment effect); the test is our way of measuring such relevant changes (Szechtman and Eilam 2005). For example, amphetamine-induced hyperactivity is frequently used to model a domain of mania. The model in this case is an animal treated with amphetamine whereas the test measures activity levels (Einat et al. 2007). There is at times a tendency to confuse the model and the test because some of the common models used in the field include both components in one assay. For example, the forced swim test is both a model and a test. The model part is the immersion of rodents in water that results in behavioral and biochemical changes that are relevant to depression, and the behavioral test is the actual measuring of immobility time in the water (Porsolt et al. 1978). The confusion comes from the fact that the induction and the measuring happen at the same place and the same time, but these are clearly separate entities.

3 A Short Summary of What We Have and Use Today At this time, there are no accepted models that can comprehensively simulate BPD. Most models that were offered across the years and are used by both academic and industry laboratories reflect at best part of the disorder (for a review see Large et al. (2008)). The commonplace way of modeling BPD separates the different poles and uses separate models for depression and mania. Attempts to identify and develop oscillating models are limited and none of the proposed comprehensive models is being used in any major way (Einat et al. 2003a). The lack of an oscillating model was repeatedly mentioned as a major problem in BPD research to the extent that some believe that all other options (nonoscillating models) are completely invalid (Machado-Vieira et al. 2004). However, most researchers would suggest that although nonoscillating models cannot fully represent the entire disorder, such models still have significant value (Cryan and Slattery 2007; Geyer 2008; Gould and Einat 2007).


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When looking separately at models for the depression and the mania poles, the availability of models for depression is significantly higher because such models were developed in the context of studying major depression. Some comprehensive reviews on such models are available (e.g., Cryan and Mombereau 2004; Cryan and Slattery 2007) and will not be discussed in the present chapter. A number of models and tests for mania were suggested across the years with only a few becoming mainstays in the study of BPD and the search for novel treatments. The most frequently used model is based on treating animals with psychostimulant drugs, mostly amphetamine. Comprehensive reviews of psychostimulant-induced models can be found in the literature (e.g., Einat et al. 2007; O’Donnell and Gould 2007). Briefly, this model is based on the fact that administration of low dose amphetamine can induce hyperactivity, suggesting face validity for the increased activity seen in manic patients. Moreover, amphetamine-induced hyperactivity can be reversed by treatment with the prototypic mood stabilizer lithium, adding a predictive validity component to the model (Gould et al. 2007). In addition, psychostimulants can induce mania in susceptible individuals, and lithium can prevent the behavioral effects of stimulants in people, suggesting a common mechanism and some construct validity (for reviews see Einat et al. (2007) and O’Donnell and Gould (2007)). Variations on this basic model have been suggested, including the exploration of sensitization to psychostimulants as a model for the exacerbation of manic episodes across time (Post et al. 1984), the use of amphetamine–chlordiazepoxide combinations (Arban et al. 2005), and the use of other psychostimulants such as cocaine (Post and Weiss 1989), methylphenidate (Eckermann et al. 2001), or more specific dopamine receptor agonists such as quinpirole (Shaldubina et al. 2002). These variations might have some advantages but conceptually are not much different from the basic model, and they were not demonstrated to have a significantly higher predictive value (for a review see Large et al. (2008)). An additional pharmacological method for modeling mania is the inhibition of Na–K-ATPase ion pump using ouabain. The administration of subconvulsive doses of ouabain results in mania-like hyperactivity in rodents, and this behavior is inhibited with chronic lithium pretreatment (components of face and predictive validity). Moreover, this model has a mechanistic rationale, since the neurochemical effects of ouabain may be similar to the decreased Na–K-ATPase activity and associated imbalance in electrolyte levels reported in some patients with BPD, adding tentative construct validity to the model (for a review see Herman et al. (2007)). Some other interesting models have been proposed and tested but, for a variety of reasons, did not become common research tools. One such model that should receive special attention is the sleep-deprivation model (Gessa et al. 1995a). Altered sleep patterns are strongly related to BPD, and sleep disturbance can induce mania in susceptible patients (Perlman et al. 2006; Wehr et al. 1982, 1987). There may also be an underlying disruption of circadian mechanisms in BPD (McClung 2007). Mechanisms underlying circadian rhythm and the sleep–wake cycle are likely to be conserved between humans and nonhuman species, increasing the

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probability that models based on these measures will have reasonable predictive and perhaps even construct validity. In line with these ideas and observations, researchers tried to develop a mania model based on sleep deprivation in rodents (Benedetti et al. 2008; Gessa et al. 1995a, b; Willner 1995b). Data obtained with this model demonstrate that sleep deprivation results in behavioral hyperactivity and increased aggression, and that these manic-like behaviors are reversed by lithium treatment (Gessa et al. 1995a). Whereas these results, combined with the increasing implication of circadian rhythms mechanisms in BPD suggest that sleep deprivation could be a good model; there are unfortunately practical problems with the way it was initially suggested. Specifically, the induction of the model demands lengthy sleep deprivation (72 h); the relevant behavioral and biochemical changes can be tested at the end of the induction period, but can be observed only for a short time (about 30 min) after which the animals fall asleep, which does not allow for comprehensive evaluation of relevant changes (Gessa et al. 1995a). Yet, as will be discussed later, the idea of approaching model development and identification through systems related to circadian mechanisms is clearly at the forefront of such work. The lack of options for good and predictive models in the field is being increasingly recognized and indeed a number of methods were introduced during the last years in an attempt to identify and develop better models. The rest of this chapter will introduce some of these newer (or renewed) approaches. It is important to note that one central new approach to develop models is based on targeted mutations and genetic manipulation of animals. A separate chapter in this book (By Guang Chen) is wholly dedicated to this approach and accordingly it will be only briefly mentioned in the current chapter. This chapter emphasizes a number of approaches including: (1) development of appropriate tests for BPD by modeling separate domains of the disorder or modeling endophenotypes and (2) identifying the best model animals through the selection of the best strains or the best species in the context of the specific research question.

4 Development of Appropriate Tests As mentioned above, regardless of the way a model is induced, there is a need to design tests to evaluate it. Ideally, we want tests that can examine whether the model (the animal) shows a bipolar-like phenotype or, alternately, shows a phenotype similar to the effects of mood stabilizing drugs. How do we know that our model is manic-like, depressed-like, lithium treated-like, and so on? Unfortunately, tests are limited and the limitations are clearly emphasized in new models based on targeted mutations. In such models, a mechanistic hypothesis is tested by manipulating a specific gene in an animal that is suggested to be relevant to the disease or its treatment. However, when the mutant animal is created, it needs to be tested to see if the phenotypic changes indeed support or refute the mechanistic hypothesis. Such an examination should be based on tests that represent the disease or its


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treatment but because tests are limited, the ability to truly examine the molecular hypotheses at the behavioral level is minimal, and many times tests with marginal relevance are used possibly because these are the available tools. For example, based on significant data at the molecular and biochemical level, O’Brien et al. studies the effects of GSK-3 haploinsufficiency (O’Brien et al. 2004) and hypothesized that reduced GSK-3 levels would result in a behavioral phenotype that resembles the effects of lithium treatment. To examine this hypothesis, they tested the animals for exploration (in the open field and in a holeboard apparatus), in the elevated zero maze, in the forced swim test, in the acoustic startle response test, and in prepulse inhibition of startle. This is a comprehensive set of tests but can we learn from it whether the animals phenocopy lithium effects? Only a few behavioral effects of lithium in rodents are strongly validated and replicable. In fact, from the tests used in the study by O’Brien et al., only lithium’s effects in the forced swim test have been reliably demonstrated (Bersudsky et al. 2007). Regarding the other tests, some studies show lithium-induced reduction in spontaneous activity in rodents (Cappeliez and Moore 1990; Hamburger-Bar et al. 1987) but others do not (Borison et al. 1978; Einat et al. 2003b; Furukawa et al. 1975; Gould et al. 2007; O’Brien et al. 2004); lithium’s effects in anxiety-related tests is not strongly demonstrated (O’Donnell and Gould 2007) and lithium was not shown to alter behavior in the acoustic startle or prepulse inhibition tests (O’Brien et al. 2004; Ong et al. 2005; Umeda et al. 2006) except maybe when prepulse inhibition is initially disrupted (Ong et al. 2005; Umeda et al. 2006). Therefore, regardless of the results of the specific study, based on these tests it is hard to make any strong conclusions regarding whether the mutant animals indeed phenocopy lithium effects. In a way, this study and others like it demonstrate the paucity of available tests.


Developing Tests for Behavioral Domains of BPD

One way to enhance the ability to evaluate BPD-like phenotypes in animals is to identify and develop additional tests that can reflect different behavioral domains of the disorder and then develop appropriate test batteries (Einat 2007a). Behavioral domains can be tentatively defined as separable or partially independent behavioral features, and BPD is believed to include a number of such domains (Hasler et al. 2006; Soreca et al. 2009). A similar attempt to model domains is similarly ongoing for schizophrenia and major depression research (for reviews see Cryan and Slattery (2007) and Geyer (2008)). A battery of tests that will include ways to measure changes in a number of such domains could be a partial solution to the current deficiency in appropriate tests. This proposal had been discussed in detail over the last few years (Einat 2006, 2007a, b; Einat et al. 2007) and will therefore be presented here only briefly. The behavior of BPD patients includes a large variety of symptoms that culminate in the disease phenotype (or possibly phenotypes) in different ways. Regardless of the general discussion of whether BPD is a unique disorder or a combination

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of symptoms, it is possible to develop a battery of tests to evaluate the different components of the general phenotype. For example, BPD-related behaviors include hyperactivity, enhanced sensitivity to psychostimulants, increased reward seeking and risk taking behaviors, increased intrusion and aggression, increased sexual activity, and more (Sadock and Kaplan 2002). Similar behavioral changes can be evaluated in animals. Activity can be tested in a variety of systems, response to psychostimulants can be evaluated by administration of such drugs or by operant measures looking at the amount of work animals will invest to receive drugs, risk taking behavior can be tested by tests that were developed in the context of anxiety (risk taking may be a mirror image of anxiety-like behavior), and so on. Some attempts to develop such a battery of tests are ongoing, with specific tests for separate behavioral domains. For example, a recent study demonstrates that in mice with high preference for sweet solution, the test can be used as a model for increased reward seeking behavior; the high preference is ameliorated by mood stabilizers, but not affected by antidepressants (Flaisher-Grinberg et al. 2009). With the increasing awareness to the different relevant domains of BPD, some recent work with tentative models includes more relevant tests. For example, in a recent study by Shaltiel et al., a battery of tests was used to test the phenotype of GluR6 mutant mice (Shaltiel et al. 2008). Based on molecular and biochemical data, the authors hypothesized that these mice would show a manic-like phenotype; they tested them for spontaneous activity (expecting possibly increased activity levels), response to amphetamine (expecting enhanced response compared with control mice), resident-intruder test for aggression (expecting increased aggression), elevated plus-maze (expecting decreased anxiety-like behavior or in other words, increased risk-taking), and the forced swim test (expecting a lower susceptibility to despair, possibly representing increased vigor and goal directed activity; see also Flaisher-Grinberg and Einat (2009)). Clearly, this battery of tests includes a number of the behavioral domains of BPD and can be very helpful in determining the BPD-relevant phenotype of mice. Whereas clear advances have been made in this area, more tests for additional domains should be identified or developed and added to the batteries. However, it is important to note that if used alone, none of these tests can really become a single representative test for the disease. Each of these tests can reflect behaviors that might be related to a variety of other diseases or even to variations on normal behavior. For example, increased spontaneous activity can be the consequence of mania-like behavior but also of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-like behavior or a number of neurological disorders. The strength of a test battery comes from the combination of a number of tests, each reflecting a separate behavioral domain.


Models and Tests for Endophenotypes of Disease

In a seminal theoretical paper, Gottesman and Shields described “endophenotypes” as “internal phenotypes discoverable by a biochemical test or microscopic


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examination” (Gottesman and Shields 1973). They suggested that “if the phenotypes associated with a disorder are very specific and represent more basic phenomena than a complex behavioral facet of the disease, the number of genes required to produce variations in these traits may be fewer than those involved in producing a psychiatric diagnostic entity” (Gottesman and Shields 1973). The endophenotype approach offers a few advantages to the study of BPD (Chan and Gottesman 2008; Hasler et al. 2006). In the context of the development of animal models, the critical advantage might be that the more elementary construct of an endophenotype may directly be related to specific neuronal mechanisms and specific genes compared with the more complex illness. As such, it could be significantly easier to develop models for endophenotypes compared with models for the disorder (Gould and Gottesman 2006). A number of endophenotypes proposed for BPD can be modeled in animals. For example, converging lines of evidence supports circadian dysregulation as an endophenotype of BPD. Sleep disturbances are the most common prodrome of mania. Sleep deprivation can induce hypomania or mania in susceptible individuals, mood stabilizers normalize circadian rhythms, evidence suggests that sleep cycles are still unstable in euthymic patients, studies of the general population suggest a genetic basis for circadian characteristics and the circadian clock, and a specific polymorphism in the human CLOCK gene has been associated with illness recurrence in BPD (see (Hasler et al. 2006; McClung 2007) for reviews). In the context of this endophenotype (and in the context of general circadian theories of BPD), a number of recent attempts to develop models by manipulating circadianrelated genes show interesting results (Le-Niculescu et al. 2008; McClung 2007; Roybal et al. 2007). Additional current suggestions for endophenotypes that might be practical goals for modeling include dysregulation of the reward system (Abler et al. 2007) and maladaptive arousal (MacKinnon 2008). Regarding reward systems, a large number of models and tests are available to evaluate reward responsiveness in rodents, developed initially either in the context of affective disorders research or in the context of addiction research. For example, one established test for depressionrelated anhedonia is the sweet solution preference test. Whereas anhedonia is related to depression (either unipolar depression or bipolar depression), elevated reward seeking behavior can be related to mania and animal models can be identified or developed that show high levels of such behavior. Such models can be used to explore the biological basis of reward seeking and highlight this possible endophenotype of the disease (Flaisher-Grinberg et al. 2009). An additional possibility is exploring maladaptive arousal at a basic level. A recent study demonstrates that BPD patients fail to find a respiratory adjustment when tested for breathing in a 5% CO2 environment (MacKinnon 2008). This test might reflect a maladaptive arousal endophenotype and can be easily translated to a test for animals. It is important to note that modeling endophenotypes is a different approach from modeling overt domains of the disorder (discussed in the previous subsection), although at times there might be an overlap. Specifically, to test a domain, one concentrates on an overt, behaviorally expressed component of the disorder whereas

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modeling an endophenotype emphasizes the development of a model with genetic relevance rather than a symptom. To use the last example, maladaptive adaptation to 5% CO2 is not an overt symptom of BPD, but it could be an endophenotype. Moreover, exposure to 5% CO2 may induce a model and the breathing adjustment may be the test. However, some possible endophenotypes such as the dysregulation of circadian rhythms and reward seeking are also expressed in part as symptoms, and it is therefore possible that some of the models and tests that can be developed for the domains of BPD may also be applicable in the context of exploring endophenotypes. Nevertheless, the possibility of developing additional new models related to endophenotypes depend on the identification of additional such endophenotypes for the disease and can be based only on more data from human research.

5 Identifying the Best Species and the Best Strains In a recent editorial published in Biological Psychiatry, Thomas Insel suggested that instead of concentrating on the development of animal models for psychiatric diseases, it might be beneficial to the field to emphasize the best model animals (Insel 2007). The idea of model animals can be interpreted in more than one way but in my understanding it distinguishes between two options. Animal models are based on an attempt to phenocopy human pathology by means of external (pharmacological, environmental, and so on) intervention, and model animals are based on innate biological diversity or on genetic manipulations. Regarding the possibility of genetic manipulations, this is an important rising field that is thoroughly discussed by Dr. Chen and his colleagues in a different chapter of this book. This chapter, therefore, discusses a number of possibilities for model animals based on biological diversity and a comparative approach.


Model Animals Based on Strain Differences

It is well acknowledged by behavioral scientists that different strains of laboratory animals differ significantly in their behavior and biology. These differences can hinder research, because it is hard to compare data across strains. These differences are also important in the development of mutant mice, as the background strain may critically affect outcome (Bailey et al. 2006). However, strain differences can also be used to identify the best model animal in a specific research context. For example, compared with other rat strains, Wistar Kyoto rats demonstrate a number of depression-like behaviors including hypoactivity, fast acquisition of learned helplessness and passive avoidance tasks, high immobility rates in the forced swim test, diminished reward seeking behavior, and greater susceptibility to restraint-induced stress ulcers (Malkesman and Weller 2009; Pare 1994; Pare and


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Redei 1993). This unique behavioral pattern is used through comparison with other strains to explore underlying biochemical and molecular mechanisms (for a recent review see Malkesman and Weller (2009)) as well as to screen for the possible antidepressant effects of treatments (e.g., Krahl et al. 2004; Malkesman et al. 2007; Tejani-Butt et al. 2003). At this time there is no specific established strain that can be used to model either BPD or mania. However, a number of studies implicate at least two strains as relevant to modeling mania. The inbred FVB/NJ strain was demonstrated to have many manic-like behavioral features compared with other strains. These mice show increased activity levels (Lucki et al. 2001; Milner and Crabbe 2008), reduced anxiety-like behaviors suggesting increased risk-taking (Milner and Crabbe 2008), high consumption of sweetened ethanol solution suggesting high reward seeking behavior (Yoneyama et al. 2008), and minimal immobility in the forced swim test suggesting increased vigor and resistance to despair (Lucki et al. 2001). However, one study found that in the amphetamine-induced hyperactivity test, FVB mice do not respond to treatment with the prototypic mood stabilizer lithium (Gould et al. 2007), thus casting some doubt on the utility of this strain as a model animal for manic-like behavior. Some data also suggest that outbred Black Swiss mice show a number of maniclike behaviors in comparison with other strains. These mice do not show spontaneous hyperactivity but present low anxiety-like behaviors, high preference for sweet solution representing reward seeking, high aggression, low immobility in the forced swim test suggesting increased vigor and resistance to despair, and a high response to low doses of amphetamine suggesting sensitivity to psychostimulant drugs (Flaisher-Grinberg et al. 2008, 2009; Hiscock et al. 2007). Moreover, Black Swiss mice are also sensitive to mood stabilizing treatment as their response to amphetamine was ameliorated by lithium (Gould et al. 2007), their immobility time in the forced swim test was elevated by the mood stabilizer valproate (FlaisherGrinberg and Einat 2009), and their high preference for sweet solution was reduced by both lithium and valproate (Flaisher-Grinberg et al. 2009). While additional studies of this strain are warranted, the present data suggest that at least at the level of a phenotype, these mice present a set of manic-like behaviors that are sensitive to mood stabilizers; they may, therefore, be an advantageous strain in the context of modeling mania.


Nontraditional Models

The commonly used model animals in psychiatric research are rats and mice. The reasons for the historical preference of these species are multiple and outside the scope of this chapter. Some of the trivial reasons are of course that rats and mice are relatively advanced mammals with a developed brain and a large range of behaviors. Many of their physiological and biochemical mechanisms are relatively homologous to humans but they are still small enough to permit relatively easy

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maintenance and testing in a laboratory environment. Moreover, because of the long history of research in rats and mice there is ample knowledge regarding their genetics, physiology, and behavior, and therefore it is relatively simple to compare new data to previous information and select the best strains for specific experiments. Additionally, the genome of the mouse is now known, reagents for biochemical and molecular analysis are available from commercial suppliers, and specific targeted mutations are possible. The heavy use of rats and mice in research also makes these species a very practical choice as they are available from commercial suppliers for reasonable prices and most animal facilities are well equipped to hold and maintain them. There is no doubt that significant knowledge has been obtained regarding the underlying mechanisms of BPD using rat and mouse models; however, it is possible that these species may not be the best for all related questions (Smale et al. 2005). A comparative approach using nontraditional model animals is also used in psychiatric research and at times is critical to discovery. One well-known example is the significant work related to the nature of bonding and social behavior done with prairie voles. Studies using this monogamous species contributed significantly to our understanding of the neuroanatomy, biochemistry, and genetics of social behavior and bond formation with important implications for human behavior and human pathology (Aragona and Wang 2004; Carter et al. 1992, 1995, 2008; Grippo et al. 2009). Similarly, work with the diurnal Octodon degus show important differences between the biology of circadian rhythms of nocturnal and diurnal rodents with implications for human phase shift and jet lag phenomena (Lee 2004; Vosko et al. 2009). As mentioned above, significant data implicate circadian rhythms and genes as well as sleep mechanisms in affective disorders in general and BPD in particular (McClung 2007). Considering this strong relationship between circadian mechanisms and affect, it is possible that diurnal rodents can have some advantages as model animals for affective disorders including BPD. Diurnal and nocturnal animals differ with respect to a coordinated and far-ranging suite of behavioral and physiological parameters (Smale et al. 2003, 2005; Challet et al. 2007). Diurnal animals (including humans) are exposed to bright light all day long but nocturnal animals are rarely exposed to daylight. Diurnal mammals are active at times of day when levels of melatonin are low and when the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN; the internal clock) is most active, and this is the opposite in nocturnal mammals. The expression of CLOCK-related genes in response to photoperiod manipulations is different in diurnal and nocturnal mammals (Vosko et al. 2009), and so on. Some preliminary work indeed supports the possibility of using diurnal rodents to gain better understanding of the mechanisms related to circadian effects on mood. Specifically, a few recent studies show that diurnal sand rats consistently develop depression- and anxiety-like behavior when maintained in a short photoperiod environment (5 h light/19 h dark). These same effects can be induced by administration of melatonin in a regimen that mimics short photoperiods, and the behavioral deficits are ameliorated by bright light exposure or by treatment with antidepressant drugs (Ashkenazy et al. 2008, 2009; Einat et al. 2006; Krivisky et al. submitted). An additional study


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showed that short photoperiods induce depression-like behavior in an additional diurnal rodent, the the diurnal Grass Nile rat (Arvicanthis Niloticus), suggesting a general phenomenon in diurnal rodents (Ashkenazy-Frolinger et al. 2010). These preliminary results indicate that diurnal rodents may be susceptible to similar circadian-related manipulations as humans and additional research is now designed to compare the effects of a variety of such manipulations in diurnal and nocturnal animals and examine behavioral, physiological, and molecular changes.

6 Conclusion It is clear that the lack of appropriate and valid animal models for BPD hinders our ability to better understand the underlying pathophysiology of this devastating disease and to develop better new treatments for it. Different approaches and strategies can be used to achieve better models including the development of specific animals with targeted mutations, the development of new tests for domains of the disorder, the development of models and tests for endophenotypes, and the identification of the best model animals including specific strains of laboratory animals or unique nontraditional models. It should, however, be emphasized that it is hard to imagine that any of these strategies will result in the “best model” when used in isolation. It is suggested that the important part of developing good and valid models might be the combination of all these approaches and the building of strong collaborative work between scientists with expertise in these different fields. Acknowledgment Work presented in this chapter that originated from the author’s laboratory was supported by a NARSAD Independent Investigator Award and by a University of Minnesota Graduate School Grant-in-Aid.

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Strategies for the development of animal models for bipolar disorder: new opportunities and new challenges.

The paucity of appropriate animal models for bipolar disorder is repeatedly mentioned as one of the critical factors hindering research into the patho...
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