38, 153-161 (1979)


Steroid-Synthesizing Cells in the Embryonic and Adult Gonads of the Domestic Pigeon, Columba livia (Gmelin) BHAGYASHRI Deparrmeni


of Zoology,

Karnaiak University. Karnatak State, India



Accepted January 28, 1979 Steroidogenic cells in the developing gonads of Columba livia from Day 9 of incubation till the bird attains maturity have been histochemicahy identified by demonstrating the presence of A5-3/3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (A5-3@HSDH). In the embryonic ovary the medulla, containing A5-3&HSDH-positive cells, gradually seems to migrate into the cortical region with growth of the embryo and later it dwindles in 15 to 20-day-old hatchlings. In later stages, As-3/3-HSDH is found in some cells of theta interna of normal follicles, hypertrophied granulosa cells of atretic follicles, the granulosa and theta interna of postovulatory follicles. and the interstitial stromal cells. On Day 9 of incubation in the male embryo the convoluted solid seminiferous cords show a weak A5-3@HSDH activity. One day prior to hatching, AS-3/3-HSDH activity disappears from the seminiferous cords but appears in the interstitial Leydig cells. In the 4-month-old adult pigeon, A5-3pHSDH activity is seen in the Leydig cells as well as in the seminiferous epithelium.

It has been shown that the embryonic gonads of vertebrates produce secretions which have the same effects as the steroid hormones of adult gonads (reviews by Wolff, 1962a,b; Haffen, 1975). Steroids have been detected in the amniotic and allantoic fluids and blood of chick and quail (St011 and Maraud, 1956; Ozon, 1965, 1969). Avian embryonic gonads cultured in vitro can utilize various radioactive precursors and convert them into steroid sex hormones (Weniger et al., 1967; Akram and Weniger, 1969; Weniger, 1970; Galli and Wassermann, 1972, 1973; Guichard et al., 1972a,b, 1977). There are reports on the identification of steroidogenic cells in the embryonic and adult gonads of birds (Narbaitz and Kolodny, 1?64; Chieffi et al.; 1964; Chieffi and Botte, 1965; Woods and Domm, 1966; ’ Present address: Department of Biology, Chowgule College, Margao-403 691, Goa-India.

Narbaitz and De Robertis, 1968; Scheib and Haffen, 1968, 1969; Woods and Weeks, 1969; Arvy and Hadjiisky, 1970; Scheib, 1973; Tingari, 1973; Bhujle and Nadkarni, 1974). Although, there is sufficient evidence for the steroidogenic potentiality of avian embryonic gonads, there is a difference of opinion about the sites of steroidogenesis in the avian embryonic testis. In the present work, an attempt is made to identify the steroidogenic cells and study the steroidogenic potential of the gonads of the domestic pigeon, Columba livia (Gmelin) from the embryonic stage until they attain maturity. MATERIALS


Pigeon embryos from Day 9 of incubation were obmined from the pigeon colony maintained by the Zoology Department. Embryos prior to Day 9 of incubation were not studied as it was difficult to cut frozen sections of the gonads of these embryos. The head of the embryo was removed and the torso containing the

S.P. 153

0016-6480/79/060153-09$01.00/O Copyright @ 1979 by Academic Press. Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.





++ ++++


++ +++t

+t ++ t+++ tttt I:: +ttt tt+t

5=B rg Z$ F

++++ +t+t

++ ++

:: tt++ ++tt tt+t +t t+::





tttt ++ :: i-t++ t+ti

++ ++++ ++++ ++4+

tttt t+t+

tt ++

I I I I t-I t-I +++-I t++i





As-3P-HSDH, G-6-PDH, livia





Enzyme and substrate*

9- to IFdayold embryo

As-3p-HSDH DHA Pregnenolone G-6-PDH NADH-diaphorase A5-3/3-HSDH DHA Pregnenolone G-6-PDH NADH-diaphorase A5-38-HSDH DHA Pregnenolone G-QPDH NADH-diaphorase AS-3p-HSDH DHA Pregnenolone G-6-PDH NADH-diaphorase

I Day prior to hatching to 30 days after hatching 40- to IIO-days old pigeon

I IO- to 120days-old pigeon







Seminiferous cords



Seminiferous tubule epithelium

k + ++ ++

Tubules are not formed


tubules are not formed

Leydig cells Leydig cells are not encountered ++ ++ +++ +++

Cords are transformed into tubules


fi++ ++++ ++++

Cords are transformed into tubules

+ + ++ ++

+++ +++ +++++ +++++

n Intensity of reaction is graded (-) to (+ + + + +); (-) denotes the absence of reaction and (+ + + + +) a maximal reaction. * All the chemicals are of Sigma grade, obtained from Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO. vertebral column, adrenals, gonads, and renal tissue was trimmed and rapidly frozen over dry ice for the histochemical study. The torsos from some other embryos of the same age were fixed in Bouin’s fluid for histological studies. In addition, studies were also made of the gonads of pigeons between I and 130 days after hatching (Tables I and 2). The frozen tissues were sectioned at 12 pm in a Pearse-Slee cryostat maintained at -20”. The sections were incubated aerobically at 37” in appropriate media for the localization of A5-3P-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSDH), G-6-PDH, and NADHdiaphorase activity. For the demonstration of A5-3/3HSDH, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) and pregnenolone were used as substrates. The incubation media were prepared following the procedure of Baillie et al. (1966). After incubation, the sections were fixed in 10% neutral formalin for half an hour and were mounted in glycerol jelly. Alternate sections from each tissue were incubated in medium lacking either the substrate or the coenzyme (NAD or NADP) and served as controls.


The embryonic

ovary on Day 9 of incuba-

tion is well defined into medulla and cortex. The cortex is occupied by oocytes (Fig. 1) and the medulla consists of rounded cells. A5-3/3-HSDH activity was found in some cells in the medulla but no enzyme activity was found in the cortical region. In embryos between day 9 of incubation and Day 5 after hatching, there was an increase in the thickness of the cortical layer and the medulla gradually degenerated. The A5-3/3-HSDH-positive medullary cells seemed to have migrated to the cortical region (Fig. 2). Ten to fifteen days after hatching, the oocytes from the cortical region were enveloped by follicular cells and formed primary follicles. A5-3p-HSDH activity was found in some interfollicular cells and also in the ooplasm of the follicles. In pigeons 20-25 days after hatching there was a prominent growth of the cortex whereas medullary tissue was found only in traces (Fig. 3). At this stage some primary follicles








undergoing atresia were encountered. A53/3-HSDH activity was found in the cells of the stroma and ooplasm. The ovaries of 40to 60-day-old pigeons showed vitellogenic follicles of different sizes. In follicles of about 500 pm in diameter, the follicular layer could not be differentiated into granulosa and theta. In follicles of about 570 pm in diameter some cells of theta interna showed A5-3/3-HSDH activity. The interstitial stromal cells also showed A53/3-HSDH activity. At the age of 4 months, pigeons start laying eggs and so the ovary of these pigeons is taken as the mature ovary. The mature ovary consists of primary, vitellogenic, postovulatory, and atretic follicles. No enzyme activity was found in the follicular layer of primary follicles. In developing follicles, 500-570 pm in diameter, A53/3-HSDH activity was found in some cells of theta intema and as follicles grew in size the number of theta interna cells showing enzyme activity increased. No enzyme activity was seen in the granulosa cells. However, a weak enzyme activity was seen in the hypertrophied granulosa cells of the atretie follicles. In postovulatory follicles, an intense As-3P-HSDH activity was seen in the granulosa and theta interna cells. The enzyme activity in postovulatory follicles persists for 4-5 days after ovulation and diminishes subsequently. G-6-PDH and NADH-Diaphorase

Both of same cells ity during However,


these enzymes were found in the that showed As-3/I-HSDH activdifferent stages of development. the activity of G-6-PDH and



NADH-diaphorase was more intense when compared to that of A5-3/3-HSDH. Further, most of the theta interna cells of large vitellogenic follicles showed activity of both the enzymes (Table 1, Fig. 4). Testis

In histological sections, the testis of a 9-day-old embryo was distinguished from the embryonic ovary by the presence of prominent convoluted seminiferous cords. A weak A5-3/3-HSDH activity was seen inside the seminiferous cords 1 day prior to hatching, (Fig. 5). A5-3P-HSDH activity disappeared from the seminiferous cords but appeared in the Leydig cells that are found between the cords. There were no histological changes in the testis till about 30 days after hatching. A5-3p-HSDH activity was found only in the interstitial Leydig cells. Thirty to forty days after hatching, a lumen appeared in seminiferous cords, thus forming seminiferous tubules, but still the tubules were lined by a single layer of epithelial cells, the stem spermatogonial cells. First spermatogonial divisions were seen in the testis 70-75 days after hatching. In the testes of 90- to loo-day-old pigeons the seminiferous epithelium was many layered and AS-3p-HSDH activity was observed in the Leydig cells. In the testes of 120- to 130-day-old pigeon, different stages of spermatogenesis and sperm bundles were found. An intense As-3@-HSDH reaction was seen in the interstitial cells and a weak activity was observed in the peripheral layer of the germinal epithlium of seminiferous tubules (Fig. 7).

FIG. 1. Section of the ovary of 9-day-old embryo of pigeon showing the cortical (C) and medullary (M) regions. Arrows point to oocytes. Scale line indicates 50 pm. FIG. 2. A5-3PHSDH activity in the interstitial cells (I) of the cortical region (arrow) of the ovary of the 2-day-old pigeon. M indicates degenerating medulla. Scale line indicates 100 pm. FIG. 3. Section of the ovary of 25day-old pigeon showing developing follicles (F). Note the degenerating medulla (M). Scale line indicates 100 pm. FIG. 4. G-6-PDH activity in the ovary of the adult pigeon. The activity is found in the theta interna cells (TH) of growing follicles and in the granulosa cells (G) and theta intema of postovulatory follicles. G-6-PDH activity is also found in the interstitial cells (I). Scale line indicates 100 pm.



FIG. 5. line indicates FIG. 6. line indicates FIG. 7. the activity




A5-3P-HSDH activity in the seminiferous cords (arrows) of an 1 l-day-old embryo. Scale 125 pm. NADH-diaphorase activity in the Leydig cells of the testis of a 45-day-old pigeon. Scale 125 pm. A5-3P-HSDH activity in the testis of an adult pigeon. I = Leydig cells. Arrows indicate in the seminiferous epithelium. Scale line indicates 200 +m.







hatching and thereafter the interstitial cells form the principal site of steroidogenesis. Both of these enzyme activities occurred In the embryonic ovary as well as the in the same cells that showed A5-3/3-HSDH testis, pregnenolone is preferentially utiactivity during different stages of developlized during the demonstration of A5ment. However, the intensity of reaction of 3P-HSDH activity suggesting that A4both of the enzymes was more pronounced pathway of steroidogenesis is more preva(Fig. 6, Table 2). Of the two substrates, pregnenolone and lent than A5-pathway in the embryonic DHA, used for the demonstration of A5- gonads of the pigeon. Similar observations have been made by Boucek et al. (1966) for 3@HSDH activity, the intensity of reaction the embryonic gonads of the chick. In vitro with pregnenolone was greater than that studies on quail testis by Scheib er al. with DHA in the embryonic gonads. How(1974) reveal that DHA is a less efficient ever, in the gonads of the posthatching precursor than pregnenolone. birds, A5-3@HSDH activity was of similar Soon after hatching, in the ovary of C. magnitude, with both substrates. livia, A5-3/3-HSDH-positive cells appear in the cortical region and the medulla shows DISCUSSION degeneration suggesting a shift of steThe presence of A5-3P-HSDH activity in roidogenesis from the medulla to the corthe islets of cells in the medulla and its tex. Similar observations have been made absence in the cortex of the embryonic by Narbaitz and De Robertis (1968) on the ovary of the pigeon suggests the ability of chick ovary. A weak A5-3&HSDH activity A5-3p-HSDH-positive medullary cells to in the ooplasm of the primary follicles oxidize A5-3@-hydroxysteroids to A4-3- suggests its capacity to convert A5-3/3ketosteroids. This observation is in agree- hydroxysteriods to A4-3-ketosteroids. It is ment with those of Narbaitz and Kolodny interesting to note that the amount of inter( 1964) and Scheib and Haffen ( 1968, 1969) stitial tissue showing A5-3P-HSDH activity in their studies on chick embryos. Howis greater in a young ovary (before the apever, Woods and Weeks (1969) have ob- pearance of many vitellogenic follicles) served a diffused A5-3j3-HSDH activity in than in the ovary of an adult pigeon where some cells of the cortex, in addition to the the theta interna cells of vitellogenic follipositive A5-3p-HSDH activity in some cles are involved in steroidogenesis. An inmedullary cells. crease in number of A5-3p-HSDH-positive Chieffi et al. (1964) have stated that A5- theta interna cells with the increase in the 3P-HSDH is diffused throughout the chick size of follicles may be associated with intestis from Day 8 throughout embryonic creased synthesis of estrogens as estrogen synthesis appears to be a consistent condevelopment. But according to Narbaitz (Lofts and Kolodny (1964) the embryonic testis of comitant of follicular development the chick is completely devoid of any spe- and Bern, 1972). cific enzyme activity. Scheib and Haffen It is reported that the postovulatory folli(1968, 1969) have observed a weak enzyme cles found in birds are transient and of unsignificance (Dodd, activity in the seminiferous cords of the certain physiological 6.5day-old chick which becomes more in- 1977). However, the presence of A5-3/3HSDH activity in the granulosa and theta tense by 7-8 days and remains throughout interna cells of the postovulatory follicle in the embryonic development. Our observaC. livia persisting for 3-4 days after ovulations on the embryonic testis of pigeon tion suggests that they may have a stesuggests that the seminiferous cords form the site of steroidogenesis till 1 day prior to roidogenic role. AS-3p-HSDH has also been G-6-PDH

and NADH-Diaphorase





reported in the postovulatory follicles of fowl and quail (Chieffi and Botte, 1965; Woods and Domm, 1966; Sayler rt al., 1970). In the testis, after hatching, A5-3p-HSDH activity is found in the Leydig cells but no enzyme activity is seen inside the seminiferous epithelium until 120- 130 days, suggesting that the Leydig cells are involved in steroid secretion. The seminiferous epithelium shows steroidogenic potentiality only in the adult pigeon. Similar observations have been reported by Tingari (1973) for the testis of the adult fowl. The presence of G-6-PDH in the same cells that showed A5-3/3-HSDH activity in the developing gonads, provides additional albeit indirect, of the steevidence, roidogenic potentiality of these cells, as G-6-PDH is known to generate the NADPH required for the hydroxylations of steroids during steroidogenesis (Weist and Kidwell, 1969). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, for providing laboratory facilities. The work was supported by a Senior Fellowship from the C.S.I.R. of India to the first author. The free gift of chemicals by W.H.O., Geneva, is gratefully acknowledged.

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13, 242-254.

Steroid-synthesizing cells in the embryonic and adult gonads of the domestic pigeon, Columba livia (Gmelin).

GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE 38, 153-161 (1979) ENDOCRINOLOGY Steroid-Synthesizing Cells in the Embryonic and Adult Gonads of the Domestic Pigeon, Col...
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