Original article ~o

pina Bifida: B, Lap/!:

Chick Embr


E 'perim nlal lodel

eI' forr!!',.! I, Tm.'tII·', P. .Ildu::tlbal ' • ',l'riar/I", \ I.., Sp,nn

ummary \Jcunll Tuh(' D(' ('(", I "TDlr.ln l)(' inc!u('l'rj in Ihl' t'llll'k ('l11lJnro \\ Ilh r('lall\l.' ca" 111 nrdl'l I" pnlllcl(' all ('\pf'nllH'nlal tonl f(lr ill\l.'\lillalloll ohud, c!i\ahlll1ll nlalfOlm;lllol1\

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\\'hl'llH'r 1111' I' ':>.peril11('III,11 '-:T[) ,md pe 'Ifi 'all;. spilla bifida I.'x!ll'f'Iml'l1lal fllodL'ls ha\ '111' 'Il dl'\('loped illlh ral 1>)' lr,\ pHn hlu' mlll1ini,tralinl110 tht'I11l1111l'1 (I. HI, inllll' 111 u C lulll' h,IS bl'l'l1

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Spina bifida: a chick embryo experimental model.

Neural Tube Defects (NTD) can be induced in the chick embryo with relative ease in order to provide an experimental tool for investigation of such dis...
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