
246-250 (1992)

CASE REPORT Small Cell Carcinoma with Neurosecretory Granules Arising in an Ovarian Dermoid Cyst DAVID HORNG-CHYI CHANG, M.D.,* SWEI HSUEH, M.D.,* AND YUNG-KUEI Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology

and *Pathology,

Chang Gung Memorial




Chang Gung Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan

Received November 25, 1991

A rare small cell carcinoma with neurosecretory granules arising in an ovarian dermoid cyst with 7 years survival after conservative surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin, adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide is described. Light microscopy showed the typical uniformly small cells with hyperchromic nuclei and scanty basophilic cytoplasm within the mature cystic teratoma. Although none of the immunohistochemical stains were reactive, electron microscopy demonstrated the membrane-bound neurosecretory granules in sometumor cells. The related literature is reviewed and the issues concerning treatment options in this unusual malignancy are discussed. 0 WEhdemic PEW, IN.

INTRODUCTION Mature cystic teratoma is a common neoplasm in the second and third decades of life, and accounts for about lo-20% of all ovarian tumors. However, it rarely undergoes malignant transformation, with a reported incidence of l-2% [l-4]. The vast majority of transformations are squamous cell carcinomas [l-lo], followed less frequently by adenocarcinoma and other even rarer malignancies, such as melanoma [ll-141 or malignant neural tumor [15]. It is exceptional to encounter a small cell undifferentiated carcinoma arising in a dermoid cyst, as described in this case. Malignancy developing in one of the elements of a benign cystic teratoma is thought to be associated with a poor prognosis [2,4,6]. We present a successfully treated case of small cell carcinoma with neurosecretory granules ’ To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung Medical College, 199, Tun-Hwa North Road, Taipei, 10591, Taiwan. Fax: 886-3-3285294.

arising in a mature cystic teratoma, with the patient currently alive without evidence of recurrence, 7 years after conservative surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. CASE REPORT A 22-year-old, gravida 0 para 0, female patient suffered from periodic low abdominal pain for 2 months. She herself palpated a rapidly growing tumor mass. She visited our outpatient clinic where a huge pelvic mass with firm consistency was found by rectal examination. Gynecological ultrasound revealed bilateral adnexal masses,measuring 18.0 x 15.2 and 5.6 x 8.0 cm, respectively. There was scanty ascites and the outlines of both masses were irregular. She was admitted for further evaluation and management under the impression of possible ovarian malignancy. Her past history was reviewed and no major systemic medical diseases were found. She was a virgin with irregular menstruation but the menstrual amount and duration were quite normal. She had an appendectomy at 12 years of age due to acute appendicitis. Physical examination revealed a normal female with a firm, fixed massup to the level of umbilicus without shifting dullness. The external genitalia were normal in appearance. An intravenous pyelography showed a huge pelvic mass with nodular and patchy calcified densities compressing the lower parts of both ureters with slight stasis of contrast medium in the collecting system. The mass was compatible with an ovarian tumor, such as dermoid cyst or cystadenoma. Barium enema revealed upward and lateral displacement of the sigmoid colon and backward displacement of the rectum. Numerous calcified nodules could be seen in the pelvic cavity. Liver-spleen scan showed no evidence of a space-occupying lesion. The

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electrocardiogram was normal. Gynecologic sonography revealed a heteroechogenic mass, about 18.0 x 15.2 cm in size, with irregular contours in the left adnexa and a cystic mass with solid parts measuring about 5.6 x 8.0 cm in the right adnexa. The tumor markers including (Yfetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, and P-HCG were all within normal range. Exploratory laparotomy was undertaken through a midline incision extending above the umbilicus. A huge wellencapsulated mass measuring 20 x 18 x 16 cm arising from the left ovary was found. The right adnexa also had a cystic mass with smooth capsule, measuring 6 x 5 x 4 cm. There was no ascites. No tumor implants were found in the peritoneal cavity. A left salpingo-oophorectomy and enucleation of the right ovarian tumor were done. Both were sent for frozen section. The pathology showed a small cell undifferentiated carcinoma arising in the left ovarian dermoid cyst. The right ovarian tumor was a benign cystic teratoma. Peritoneal washings were sent for cytologic examination.


After recovery, eight courses of combination chemotherapy with cisplatin (60 mg/m’), adriamycin (50 mg/m2), and cyclophosphamide (500 mg/m’) were given in 3-week intervals. After completion of chemotherapy, oncological investigations including chest X ray, abdominopelvic computerized axial tomography, intravenous pyelography, and barium enema all revealed no evidence of recurrence. The complete blood count and blood chemistries were all normal. Regular menstruation had resumed soon after the cessation of chemotherapy. She was followed-up regularly on an outpatient basis. She married 5 years after completion of chemotherapy. An ovulatory pattern of basal body temperature has been noted. Hysterosalpingogram revealed a patent right fallopian tube and normal uterine cavity contour. The left tube was absent due to the previous operation. However, she has not become pregnant, possibly due to the severe oligospermia of her husband. She is currently well, without evidence of recurrence, 7 years after the primary diagnosis.

FIG. 1. The mature squamous cell epithelium lining the cystic area is covered with laminated keratin. In the solid area, there are sheets of undifferentiated small tumor cells (H&E, x34).




PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS Gross description. The specimens submitted consisted of a left ovarian tumor which measured 20 x 18 x 16 cm and a right ovarian tumor measuring 5.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm. Both were well encapsulated. Upon opening the tumors, both were found to contain hair, greasy materials, and cartilaginous parts. Microscopic @dings. The left ovarian tumor was a teratoma with mature elements of skin, skin appendages, areas of calcification, soft tissue, and epithelium-lined spaces. There were solid masses within the teratoma which were composed of solid sheets of undifferentiated cells (Fig. 1). The undifferentiated tumor cells were mostly small with round to oval or spindle-shaped hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty basophilic cytoplasm. Multiple foci of necrosis and a high mitotic rate were prominent features (Fig. 2). Studies with special stains for the presence of cytoplasmic granules (Grimelius and Masson-Fontana silver stain) were negative. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were negative for Vimentin (Biogenex, 1: loO), S-100 (Dako, 1: 250), epithelial membrane antigen (Dako, 1: NO), synaptophysin (Boehringer, 1:2), chromogranin (Biogenex, 1: lOO),

AEl/AE3 (Hybritech, 1: 50), and neuron-specific enolase (Dako , 1: 100). Electron microscopy, however, revealed membrane-bound neurosecretory granules in some tumor cells (Fig. 3) and confirmed the diagnosis of small cell undifferentiated carcinoma. Structures resembling the fallopian tube were seen nearby. The right ovarian tumor was a benign cystic teratoma with elements of skin, skin appendages, soft tissue, brain, and cartilage. The pelvic soft tissue had marked mesothelial cell hyperplasia but was benign. The washing cytology was negative for malignancy. DISCUSSION Mature teratomas are usually cystic and contain mature tissues of ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal origin [16]. Although the majority of dermoid cysts are benign, the possibility of malignant transformation should always be kept in mind to ensure the careful histologic examination of the entire neoplasm, especially the solid areas, lest the concomitant malignancy be overlooked. Malignant change theoretically may arise from all elements of benign teratoma. Almost every conceivable carcinoma and sarcoma derived from mature human tissues

FIG. 2. High-power view showing the aggregates of small cells with hyperchromic round and spindle-shaped nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Mitoses and focal necrosis are seen (H&E, x 340).


FIG. 3.


Electron microscopy shows the membrane-bound neurosecretory granules (arrow) in some tumor cells (x24,000)

has been reported [l-19]. The ectoderm is thought to be the commonest to undergo malignant change [3]. Squamous cell carcinoma is by far the most common malignancy encountered [l-lo] and accounts for 75 [4] to 88% [6] in large reported series. Adenocarcinoma and carcinoid are much less frequent [4,6,9]. Other rarer cases reported included choriocarcinoma [6], leiomyosarcoma [9], spindle-cell sarcomas [9,18], malignant melanomas [ 1l-141, multiple neuroectodermal tumors [ 151, and mutinous ovarian carcinoma with “sarcoma-like” mural nodules [ 171. Undifferentiated or anaplastic carcinomas arising in ovarian dermoid cyst are extremely rare, with only three cases reported in the collective series of Curling et al. [2] and Stamp et al. [4]. All patients died within 12 months of diagnosis. There were no detailed immunohistochemical nor ultrastructural descriptions in these cases. Our patient may be the first such case to have a detailed study with a panel of immunohistochemical stains and ultrastructural studies. Though negative for all of the immuno-

histochemical stains, the neoplasm did demonstrate membrane-bound neurosecretory granules in some tumor cells. The average age of the patients with malignant degeneration in ovarian dermoid cysts tended to be higher (4556 years of age [3,4,6]) than patients with benign cystic teratomas, which have a peak incidence during the second and third decades of life [3]. It is noteworthy that those reported cases with undifferentiated or anaplastic carcinoma in dermoid cysts were younger, 30 to 33 years of age [2,4]. The present case was even younger, 22 years old at the time of diagnosis. Since malignant dermoid cysts tend to spread, the survival rate in reported cases is very poor [4-61. The corrected 5-year survival among patients with adequate follow-up was 15% in Peterson’s series [6]. However, patients without apparent metastases or rupture of the cyst had a corrected 5-year survival of 75%. Among patients with adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, malignant melanoma [ 1l-141, or anaplastic carcinoma, no 5-year survival has been reported [4,6]. The single most important prog-




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Small cell carcinoma with neurosecretory granules arising in an ovarian dermoid cyst.

A rare small cell carcinoma with neurosecretory granules arising in an ovarian dermoid cyst with 7 years survival after conservative surgery and adjuv...
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