Sleep Deprivation Affects Reactivity to Positive but not Negative Stimuli June J. Pilcher, Christina Callan, J. Laura Posey PII: DOI: Reference:

S0022-3999(15)00438-9 doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2015.05.003 PSR 9017

To appear in:

Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Received date: Revised date: Accepted date:

9 March 2015 6 May 2015 10 May 2015

Please cite this article as: Pilcher June J., Callan Christina, Posey J. Laura, Sleep Deprivation Affects Reactivity to Positive but not Negative Stimuli, Journal of Psychosomatic Research (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2015.05.003

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Sleep Deprivation Affects Reactivity to Positive but not Negative Stimuli


June J. Pilcher, Ph.D., Christina Callan, and J. Laura Posey



Department of Psychology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. USA




Running head: Sleep deprivation and emotional reactivity

Address for correspondence:


June J. Pilcher, Ph.D. Department of Psychology 418 Brackett Hall Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-1355 USA 865-656-4985 864-656-0358 (fax) [email protected]

Coauthors: Christina Callan: [email protected] J. Laura Posey: [email protected]

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2 Abstract Objective: The current study examined the effects of partial and total sleep deprivation on


emotional reactivity.


Methods: Twenty-eight partially sleep-deprived participants and 31 totally sleep-deprived participants rated their valence and arousal responses to positive and negative pictures


across four testing sessions during the day following partial sleep deprivation or during


the night under total sleep deprivation.

Results: The results suggest that valence and arousal ratings decreased under both sleep


deprivation conditions. In addition, partial and total sleep deprivation had a greater negative effect on positive events than negative events.



Conclusion: These results suggest that sleep-deprived persons are more likely to respond less to positive events than negative events. One explanation for the current findings is


that negative events could elicit more attentive behavior and thus stable responding under sleep deprivation conditions. As such, sleep deprivation could impact reactivity to emotional stimuli through automated attentional and self-regulatory processes.

Keywords: attention; Controlled Attention Model, emotional reactivity; IAPS; selfcontrol, sleep deprivation

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 3 Introduction Sleep is closely linked with many aspects of daily life, health, and well-being.


Research indicates that loss of sleep adversely affects functioning in many ways. For


example, sleep deprivation negatively impacts performance (Lim & Dinges, 2010), health (Bryant, Trinder, & Curtis, 2004), daytime sleepiness (McClelland & Pilcher, 2007), and


subjective effort (Engle-Friedman & Riela, 2004). Recent research also suggests that


partial sleep deprivation negatively affects performance and health (Edwards & Waterhouse, 2009; Wilder-Smith, et al., 2013) and that daytime fatigue is related to sleep


habits, sleepiness, and feelings of stress (Åkerstedt, et al., 2014). In contrast, relatively little research has directly addressed possible links between sleep and emotional control.



Studies suggest that sleep rapid-eye movement sleep support a basic homeostatic process that primes the individual for emotional functioning during the following wake


period (Goldstein & Walker, 2014). In contrast, the lack of sleep and sleep deprivation are associated with negative changes in mood, increased irritability, and emotional instability (Horne, 1985; Wong, et al., 2013) as well as physiological changes associated with a stress response (McCubbin, Pilcher, & Moore, 2010; Walker, et al., 2009). Sleep deprivation increases negative mood states (Durmer & Dinges, 2005), worsens emotional regulation (Baum, et al., 2014), and induces extra sensitivity to emotional and stressful events (Vandekerckhove & Cluydts, 2010). Poor sleep quality is also related to negative affect, increased perceived stress, and amygdala reactivity (Prather, Bogdan, & Hariri, 2013) as well as decreased emotional regulation (Mauss, Troy, & LeBourgeois, 2013). Together these results suggest that sleep plays an important role in regulating emotional control. Similarly, a recent review examining sleep and emotions concluded that

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 4 emotions can affect sleep architecture and that sleep affects consolidation of emotional memories but can also lead to habituation and decreased reactions to past aversive events


(Deliens, Gilson, & Peigneux, 2014). Kahn and colleagues (2013) proposed that there is a


bidirectional relationship between sleep and emotions such that sleep affects emotions and emotions affect sleep. Moreover, many clinical-based studies have shown that sleep


disturbances are related to mood and anxiety disorders (e.g., Johnson, Roth, & Breslau,


2006; Harvey, et al., 2011) suggesting a relationship between sleep and affective stability that may exceed the short-term effects due to acute sleep deprivation.


Some studies have explored how sleep-deprived persons respond to emotionally challenging events. Although the results are not yet clear, there are some interesting



trends. Researchers have found that sleep-deprived persons report more stress, anxiety, and anger when exposed to low-stress conditions but not when exposed to high-stress


conditions (Minkel et al., 2012). Similarly, Talbot and colleagues (2010) found that sleep deprivation reduces positive affect and increases anxiety during a stressful task. Gujar and colleagues (2011) suggested that sleep deprivation increases reactions to angry and fearful facial expressions that can be attenuated by naps rich in rapid eye movement sleep. Moreover, these effects of sleep deprivation on mood and affect can have negative repercussions in real-world settings. For example, a study on sleep-deprived medical residents reported that sleep loss magnified the negative emotive effects of disruptive daytime work (Zohar, et al., 2005). A well-established and widely used source of stimuli for measuring emotional reactivity is the International Affective Picture System (IAPS; Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 2008). Only recently have researchers used the IAPS in sleep deprivation

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 studies. Yoo and colleagues (2007) found that under sleep loss conditions there is a dysregulation of affective stability when viewing the IAPS stimuli, which can be linked


to the medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala circuitry within the brain. In addition, two


studies by Franzen and colleagues (2008, 2009) showed that sleep-deprived individuals reacted more to negative pictures than positive or neutral pictures as indicated by pupil


diameter. These studies suggest that objective measures of emotional reactions can result


in response to the IAPS pictures under sleep deprivation conditions. Relatively few sleep deprivation studies have examined reactivity to the IAPS


pictures based on the established valence and arousal scales. One recent study concluded that sleep loss has no effect on the ratings of positive or negative IAPS pictures



(Tempesta, et al., 2010). The study did; however, find lower valence ratings but no change in arousal ratings to neutral pictures. A partial sleep deprivation study using only


negative IAPS pictures indicated that there were more negative ratings on the valence scale, but not the arousal scale, after late night sleep than after early night sleep (Wagner, Fischer, & Born, 2002). A similar study using REM sleep deprivation found no change in valence or arousal on neutral and negative IAPS pictures but found lower scores in response to negative pictures when calculating the difference between evening arousal ratings and morning arousal ratings (Lara-Carrasco, et al., 2009). Furthermore, the study did not find a significant change in scores when calculating the difference between evening and morning valence ratings to negative pictures. These studies provide growing evidence that sleep deprivation affects emotional reactivity as measured by the IAPS; however, the exact relationship remains unclear. Furthermore, none of these studies examined emotional responding under simulated shift work conditions. This is an

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 6 important missing element since many people must work when sleep deprived and must respond appropriately to changes in their work environment (e.g., first responders,




The purpose of the current research was to examine how total and partial sleep deprivation affect responding to emotional stimuli using the valence and arousal scores in


response to positive and negative pictures from the IAPS. It was difficult to construct


detailed hypotheses due to the range of results in the literature. As a working theory, we hypothesized that the valence and arousal ratings would become more negative across the


testing sessions in both the partial and total sleep deprivation studies (Hypothesis 1). We also hypothesized that there would be a greater negative effect on responses to negative



conditions (Hypothesis 2).



IAPS pictures than positive IAPS pictures under partial and total sleep deprivation

Partial Sleep Deprivation Study

Participants Participants (N = 28) were undergraduate students (15 males, 13 females) at Clemson University. The average age was 20.5 (SD = 2.0). The university’s institutional review board approved the study protocol. Volunteers signed informed consent before participating in the study.

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 7 Procedures Participants were recruited with flyers advertising for the study. Volunteers were


offered $150 for their participation. Screening questionnaires were used to ensure the


participants were healthy, did not report a history of sleep disorders, and did not drink alcohol excessively or use tobacco. Participants met with a research assistant three days


prior to the study to review the study protocol and collect an actigraph and a self-report


sleep log. The actigraph (Actiwatch; Mini Mitter Company Inc., Bend, OR.) provided an objective measure of sleep and wake. Participants were asked to wear the actigraph on


their non-dominant wrist at all times except when showering. The sleep log provided a subjective measure of sleep times. In the sleep log, participants indicated time going to



bed and time getting out of bed. Participants were instructed to go to bed between 11:30 PM and 1 AM and get up between 7:30 and 9 AM during the three days prior to the onset


of the experiment. Participants reported to the on-campus laboratory at 5:30 PM on the first day of the study and were transported to the off-campus Sustained Operations Laboratory. Participants turned in their completed sleep logs upon arrival at the Sustained Operations Laboratory but kept their actigraph on until the following morning. The study started at 6:00 PM on day 1 and was completed around 7:30 PM on day 2 (Table 1). Participants were tested in groups of four. All meals and snacks were provided during the study, including eggs, sandwiches, pizza, fresh fruit, and water. Participants were trained on all tasks before starting the experimental period. Training on the tasks was completed in two periods on day 1: 7:00-8:00 PM and 8:45-9:45 PM. The training for the IAPS took less than 5 minutes and consisted of familiarizing participants with the computer system and included neutral pictures. The data from the training

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 8 sessions were not included in the analyses. When training was completed, participants had free time until 1:00 AM when they could watch movies and socialize. Then all


alarms were preset for 6:00 AM and each participant went to bed in her/his own room.


After five hours in bed, participants were awakened. Each participant completed a sleep log, submitted her/his actigraph, and showered. Participants commenced a


simulated extended workday following breakfast. Testing occurred over four sessions:


Session 1: 7-9:30 AM, Session 2: 9:45-12:15 PM, Session 3: 1:15-3:45 PM, Session 4: 46 PM. Throughout the workday, participants were given regular 15 minute breaks with a


one-hour lunch break. During the breaks, participants could watch movies or socialize. During each testing session, participants completed the IAPS task and several other



cognitive, psychomotor, and subjective tasks including a logical reasoning task, a psychomotor vigilance task, and measures of motivation and sleepiness. All tasks were


counter-balanced across the participants to control for order effects. Participants remained at the laboratory for an additional hour after the final testing session to complete other tasks.

Total Sleep Deprivation Study

Participants Participants (N = 31) were undergraduate students (20 males, 11 females) at Clemson University. The average age was 20.5 (SD = 2.8). The university’s institutional review board approved the study protocol. Volunteers signed informed consent forms

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 9 before participating in the study. There was no overlap between participants in the partial


sleep deprivation and total sleep deprivation studies.



Participants were recruited and screened in the same manner as the partial sleep


deprivation study. The pre-study procedure for meeting with research assistants and using


the actigraph and self-report sleep log was the same as the partial sleep deprivation study. All meals, snacks, and non-caffeinated drinks were provided during the study (e.g., pizza,


sandwiches, fruit, water). On the day of the study, participants were called at a prearranged time between 8:30 and 9 AM to ensure that they were awake. The participants



reported to the on-campus laboratory at 9:30 AM and were transported to the Sustained Operations Laboratory. Participants turned in their completed sleep logs and actigraphs


upon arrival at the laboratory.

The design for the total sleep deprivation study is provided in Table 2. During the first day of the study, participants completed several self-report measures and were trained on the tasks they were to complete. Training occurred between 10:30 and 11:30 AM and between 2:15 and 4:15 PM. Training on the IAPS task was the same as the partial sleep deprivation study. The testing sessions started at 6:30 PM on day one and concluded at noon on day two of the study. Testing occurred over four sessions: Session 1: 6:30-10:30 PM, Session 2: 11:00-3:00 AM, Session 3: 3:30-7:30 AM, and Session 4: 8:00-12:00 PM. Participants were given 30-minute breaks between each testing session. During the testing sessions, participants completed the IAPS task and other cognitive, psychomotor, and subjective tasks, similar to those used in the partial sleep deprivation

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 10 study. All tasks were counter-balanced across the participants. Participants remained at the laboratory for an additional hour completing other tasks after the final testing session.



In total, all participants remained awake for approximately 30 consecutive hours.



The International Affective Picture System (IAPS) was used in both studies


(Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 2008). The IAPS pictures have been used in a wide range of studies on human emotional experience (Bradley & Lang, 2007). Each picture has


normative ratings for feelings of happiness (valence) and arousal. We selected a prototypical set of positive and negative photographs from the IAPS set of pictures based



on the methodology reported in a previous study (Pury, et al., 2004). We completed two regression equations for the positive (mean valence ratings > 5.0) and negative (mean


valence ratings ≤ 5.0) images. We selected images that had residuals less than 0.3 and were most representative of the positive and negative pictures. After removing photographs that were overly arousing (e.g., sexually provocative images), we selected 16 positive and 16 negative pictures for stimuli in the current studies. The chosen pictures represented the entire regression line from low arousal-neutral valance to high arousalstrong valence. Participants rated each picture on valence and arousal following the 9-item rating scale instead of the SAM (Lang, 1980) as described in a previous study (Pury, et al., 2004). We used a Likert scale to maintain consistency with other subjective measures in our studies (Libkuman, et al., 2007). The valence scale ranged from unhappy to happy and the arousal scale ranged from calm to excited. Each dimension was rated on a Likert

ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 11 scale of 1 to 9, 1 being the least happy (valence) and calm (arousal), and 9 being the most happy and excited. Each picture was displayed on a computer screen for 4 seconds


followed by a 10 second period for the participant to record their responses. The task took


approximately 10 minutes to complete. The 32 pictures were counterbalanced across the testing sessions.


A variety of other tasks were used in both studies to create a simulated work


experience. The tasks included measures of working memory, complex cognitive performance measures, and vigilance/reaction time measures. All tasks were


counterbalanced across testing sessions with breaks between the testing sessions (see Tables 1 and 2). Participants also completed several subjective scales that included


Data Analyses



measures of sleepiness, motivation, effort, and affect.

The Actiwatch Communication and Sleep Analysis Software 5.70.0 was used to score the actigraphy data. SPSS 19.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for the remaining data analyses. Two 2 (positive/negative) x 4 (repeated measures for testing sessions) ANOVAs were completed one for valence and one for arousal ratings under partial and total sleep deprivation conditions. For all significant interactions found in the 2x4 ANOVAs, follow-up 1x4 ANOVAs for positive and negative pictures were run. Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity was not violated, therefore a Greenhouse-Geisser correction are reported for all ANOVA results.



Sleep Data


Participants in the partial sleep deprivation study were well-rested prior to the experiment. The participants reported sleeping an average of 7 hours and 2 minutes (SD


= 67 minutes) on the three nights prior to the study. The actigraph data indicated similar


sleep patterns (7 hours and 5 minutes, SD = 93 minutes). Participants in the total sleep deprivation study were also well-rested and reported sleeping an average of 7 hours and


11 minutes (SD = 75 minutes) on the three nights prior to the study. The actigraph data


indicated similar sleep times (6 hours and 30 minutes, SD = 62 minutes). These data suggest that all participants started the sleep deprivation paradigms in a rested state.


In the partial sleep deprivation study, participants also completed a sleep log and


wore the actigraph for the night of partial sleep deprivation. The participants reported


sleeping an average of 4 hours and 26 minutes (SD = 29 minutes). The actigraph data indicated similar sleeping times (4 hours and 24 minutes, SD = 24 minutes).

Partial Sleep Deprivation

As seen in Figure 1, under partial sleep deprivation, individuals rated positive pictures higher than negative pictures on the valence scale. The 2x4 ANOVAs indicated that the positive and negative pictures were rated significantly different for valence with positive pictures resulting in higher valence ratings than negative pictures, F(1.00,27.00)=203.323, p

Sleep deprivation affects reactivity to positive but not negative stimuli.

The current study examined the effects of partial and total sleep deprivation on emotional reactivity...
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