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Size-dependent penetration of carbon dots inside the ferritin

Published on 17 April 2015. Downloaded by University of Birmingham on 21/04/2015 16:41:56.

nanocages: evidence for quantum confinement effect in carbon dots†

Arpan Bhattacharya, Surajit Chatterjee, Roopali Prajapati, and Tushar Kanti Mukherjee∗

Discipline of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, M-Block, IET-DAVV Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore-452017, M.P., India

† ∗

Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +91-7312438738. 1

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Accepted Manuscript

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The origin of the excitation wavelength (λex)-dependent photoluminescence (PL) of carbon dots (CDs) is poorly understood and


still remains obscured. This phenomenon is often explained on the basis of surface trap/defect states, while the effect of quantum


confinement is highly neglected in the literature. Here, we have shown that the λex-dependent PL of CDs is mainly due to the


inhomogeneous size distribution. We have demonstrated the λex -dependent PL quenching of CDs inside the ferritin nanocages


through selective optical excitation of differently sized CDs. It has been observed that Fe3+ ions of ferritin effectively quench the


PL of CDs due to static electron transfer, which is driven by favorable electrostatic interactions. However, control experiment


with aqueous Fe3+ ions in bulk medium revealed λex-independent PL quenching of CDs. The λex-dependent PL quenching of CDs


by Fe3+ ions of ferritin has been rationalized on the basis of different extent of accessibility of Fe3+ ions by differently sized CDs


through the funnel-shaped ferritin channels. PL microscopy of individual CD has been performed to get further information about


their inherent PL properties at single dot resolution. Our results have shown that these hydrophilic CDs can be use as potential


iron sensors in biological macromolecules.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Accepted Manuscript

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DOI: 10.1039/C5CP00543D

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1. Introduction


In recent years, carbon-based fluorescent nanomaterials have gained vast attention due to their superior physicochemical


properties compared to the semiconductor based nanomaterials.1–5 Among these nanomaterials, CDs have emerged as highly


promising candidates for biomedical imaging application due to their low cytotoxicity and smaller size with comparable PL


characteristics as inorganic core-shell QDs.6,7


CDs show optoelectronic properties like excitation wavelength (λex) dependent PL,8,9 high PL quantum yield,10 low


photobleaching,11 and no PL blinking (fluorescence on–off).12 However, the origins of their intense PL are a matter of debate and


not yet entirely understood.8 It is believed that the PL occurs from the radiative recombination of excitons at the surface trap


states. Earlier, It has been reported that CDs containing carboxylic (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups are highly luminescent


as surface oxidation introduce surface defects to CDs which are responsible for their PL.13,14 Another unresolved unifying feature


of the PL of CDs is the λex dependence of the emission wavelength and intensity. Whether this arises because of differently sized


CDs and/or different emissive surface traps on each CD surface are still unresolved. Most of the earlier literatures successfully


demonstrated the role of surface trap states on the origin and λex dependence PL of CDs.12,15,16 It has been speculated that the PL


of CDs could be due to the distribution of emissive defect sites on the CD surface. However, the role of quantum confinement


effect due to inhomogeneous size distribution of CDs on the λex dependence of PL is poorly understood and neglected in the


literature except few reports on size-dependent PL of size separated CDs.11,17–20 Earlier, Zhao et al. have synthesized CDs via


electrochemical oxidation of graphite and shown that size separated CDs exhibit size-dependent but λex-independent PL.11


Similarly, Dong et al. have observed that both excitation and PL spectra of size separated CDs red-shift with increase in their


size.17 Recently, by using single particle PL microscopy, Ghosh et al. have shown that the λex-dependent ensemble PL of CDs


arises due to excitation of different subsets of CDs in heterogeneous sample.18 Here, it is important to stress that, our aim in the


present study is to address the origin behind the λex dependence PL of CDs without their size separation, as size separation will


lead to λex-independent PL. In the present study, our approach is based on a unique strategy that, in the presence of a


heterogeneous system, differently sized CDs are expected to behave differently, and hence, by selective optical excitation of


differently sized CDs, we can monitor the PL characteristics of various sized CDs present in our system. We have shown that the


λex dependence PL of CDs arises due to the inhomogeneous size distribution rather than distribution of different surface trap


states in each CD by selective optical excitation of differently sized CDs in the wavelength range 320-450 nm. Earlier, using the


same approach we have demonstrated the size-dependent partitioning of Si-QDs inside the micellar aggregates.21 However, in the


present study we have chosen a protein nanocage namely, ferritin to probe the dynamics of differently sized CDs.


Ferritin is a spherical cage-like major intracellular iron storage protein in eukaryotes with a molecular weight of 450


000 Da (Scheme 1).22 Iron is stored in a soluble non-toxic ferrihydrite form inside the ferritin nanocage which can accommodate


upto ~ 4500 Fe3+ ions.23 Interstingly, iron enters and leaves the ferritin cavity as Fe2+ ions.22 Hence, migration of Fe2+ ions to the


Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Accepted Manuscript

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ferroxidase center inside the ferritin cavity occurs before its oxidation. On the other hand, reduction of iron from Fe3+ to Fe2+


within the ferritin cavity is essential to its release. Apoferritin is composed of 24 subunits, which self-assemble into a hollow


cage-like nanosphere with external and internal diameters of ~12-13 nm and ~7-8 nm, respectively.24 The outer surface is


connected with the inner cavity through funnel-shaped channels on the protein surface. It contains eight 3-fold hydrophilic


channels which are involve in Fe2+ transportation and six 4-fold hydrophobic channels which facilitate the transfer of protons


across the protein shell.25,26 The main objective of the present study is to shed light on the origin of λex dependence of the


emission wavelength and intensity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first direct report (without size separation) to show


that the λex-dependent PL of CDs is due to the quantum confinement effect of the surface trap states.

59 60

2. Experimental Section


2.1. Materials. Ethylenediamine (EDA, ≥ 99.5%), ferritin from equine spleen (Type I, Saline solution), apoferritin from


equine spleen and Pur-A-Lyzer™ Dialysis Kit (MWCO 3.5 kDa) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Citric acid monohydrate


(99.5%) and Fe (III) nitrate nonahydrate were purchased from Merck (Germany). Milli-Q water was obtained from a Millipore


water purifier system (Milli-Q integral).


2.2. Synthesis of CDs. CDs were synthesized according to the previously reported method (Scheme 1).27 In brief, citric acid


(1.015 g) and ethylenediamine (335 µL) were dissolved in Milli-Q water (10 mL) and sonicated for 5 min. Then the solution was


transferred to a Teflon-coated stainless steel autoclave (25 mL) and heated at 200˚C for 5 h. Subsequently the reactor was cooled


to room temperature and the solution was dialyzed (MWCO 3.5 kDa) for 48 hrs. The water for dialysis was changed after every 6


h. Finally the black brown transparent CD solution was obtained.


2.3. Sample Preparation. All solutions were prepared in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer (25 mM). Ferritin solution was prepared


by dilution from 125 mg/mL ferritin (MW 450 000 Da) stock solution. For microscopy experiment samples were spin coated


with a spin-coater (Apex Instruments Spin NXG-P1) on a clean glass cover slide at 2000 rpm for 3 min. The cover slides were


first cleaned with 2% Hellmanex III (Sigma-Aldrich) followed by piranha solution (3:1 concentrated sulfuric acid and 30%


hydrogen peroxide) and then with chromic acid. Each of these cleaning steps was followed by repeated washing with Milli-Q


water. Finally, these washed slides were rinsed with methanol (Sigma-Aldrich) and dried in vacuum oven at 100˚C.


2.3. Instrumentation. Absorption spectra were recorded in a quartz cuvette (10 × 10 mm) using a Varian UV−Vis


spectrophotometer (Carry 100 Bio). The PL spectra were recorded in a quartz cuvette (10 × 10 mm) using Fluoromax-4


Spectrofluorimeter (HORIBA Jobin Yvon, model FM-100) with excitation and emission slit width at 2 nm. The PL spectra of


CDs in the presence of ferritin and aqueous Fe3+ ions were corrected for the absorbance,28 as both of them strongly absorbs light


in the wavelength range 200-450 nm. The PL spectrum of CDs was deconvoluted using Origin software. The binding constants


(Kb) and the number of binding sites (n) were determined using the Scatchard equation, which can be expressed as follows:


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 −     =  + [] 

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82 83

Where Kb is the binding constant of the CDs-ferritin complex and n is the number of binding sites. The plot of log[(F0 - F)/F]


against log[Q] should yield a straight line with an intercept equal to log Kb and a slope equal to n. Circular Dichroism (CD)


spectra were measured on a JASCO J-815 CD spectropolarimeter using a quartz cell of 1 mm path length. Scans were made with


a slit width of 1 mm and speed of 20 nm/min. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments were performed on a Brookhaven


particle size analyzer (model 90 Plus). All the samples for DLS measurements were filtered through 0.22 µm syringe filter


(Whatman). PL imaging of individual CD samples were performed on a home-built epi-fluorescence microscope. An air-cooled


argon ion laser (Melles Griot, model 400-A03) with excitation wavelength at 457 nm was used to excite the CDs sample placed


on an inverted microscope (Nikon, model Eclipse Ti-U). The laser beam was expanded and subsequently focused on the back-


focal plane of an oil immersion objective (100× 1.49 NA Nikon) to illuminate 60 × 60 µm2 area of the sample. The PL from the


sample was collected through a B2A filter cube (Nikon) with a 505 nm dichroic mirror and a 520 nm long-pass filter and finally


imaged with a back-illuminated EMCCD camera (Andor, model iXon X3 897). The exposure time was 200 ms. The images were


analyzed with ImageJ (Version 1.46r) NIH. AFM images were recorded on a cleaned glass coverslip using an AIST-NT


microscope (model SmartSPM-1000). Powder X-ray diffraction spectra (XRD) were recorded on a Rigaku SmartLab, Automated


Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer with Cu Kα source (wavelength of X- rays was 0.154 nm). FTIR spectra were recorded in a


KBr pellet using Bruker spectrometer (Tensor-27). PL decays were recorded on a HORIBA Jobin Yvon picosecond time


correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) spectrometer (model Fluorocube-01-NL). The samples were excited at 376 nm by a


picoseconds diode laser (model Pico Brite-375L). The decays were collected with the emission polarizer at a magic angle of


54.7° by a photomultiplier tube (TBX-07C). The instrument response function (IRF, fwhm ~140 ps) was recorded using a dilute


scattering solution. The fluorescence decays were analyzed using IBH DAS 6.0 software by the iterative reconvolution method,


and the goodness of the fit was judged by reduced χ-square (χ2) value. The decays were fitted with three-exponential function. 

Ft =   exp 1⁄!  

103 104

Where F (t) denotes normalized PL decay and a1, a2 and a3 were the normalized amplitude of decay component τ1, τ2 and τ3 respectively. The average lifetime was obtained from the equation:


< ! >=   ! 



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3. Results and Discussion


3.1. Characterization of CDs. These CDs show PL quantum yield of ~ 60.2% and content 51.13% carbon, 5.81% hydrogen,


26.80% oxygen, and 16.25% nitrogen.27 The structure and morphology of synthesized CDs are confirmed from FTIR


spectroscopy, powder XRD and AFM. Fig. 1A shows the FTIR spectrum of CDs. The broad peak at 3420 cm-1 is assigned to the


stretching vibration of O-H and N-H moieties. The peak at 2925 cm-1 is due to C-H stretching vibration. Two prominent peaks at


1690 and 1566 cm-1 arise due to stretching and bending vibration of C=O and N-H moieties respectively. Other noticeable peak


at 1394 cm-1 is assigned to the bending vibrations of C-H moieties. The estimated zeta potential of these synthesized CDs is -


25.45 mV at pH 7.4.


Fig. 1B shows the XRD patterns of the synthesized CDs. A broad peak centered at 250 (0.34 nm) has been observed,


which exactly matches with the earlier reported value,27 and signify poorly crystalline nature of these CDs. Fig. 1C displays a


typical AFM image of CDs. The CDs are spherical in nature. The size distribution histogram is generated from AFM height


profiles of 276 CDs. Fig. 1D shows the size distribution histogram of CDs. Two clear peaks; one centered at 1.73 ± 0.08 nm and


the other at 4.86 ± 0.08 nm have been observed. The diameter of the first peak varies from 0.50 to 3.50 nm while the diameter of


the second peak varies from 3.60 to 6.60 nm. These results clearly indicate that the synthesized CDs have inhomogeneous and


broad size distribution.


The absorption spectrum of CDs exhibits a weak shoulder at 250 nm and a prominent peak at 342 nm (Fig. 2A), which


is similar to that reported earlier. The shoulder at 250 nm is assigned due to the π–π* transition of C=C bonds from the CDs core,


while the prominent peak at 342 nm originates due to n–π* transition of C=O bonds from the surface of CDs.27,29 Excitation at


and above 320 nm results in strong PL in the visible region. Moreover, the PL maxima strongly depend on the excitation


wavelength (λex). Fig. 2A shows the effect of λex on the PL spectra of CDs. With gradual increase in λex from 320 to 450 nm, the


PL maxima progressively red shift from 433 to 512 nm (Fig. 2A). Interestingly, excitation below 300 nm results in a broad PL


spectrum. Fig. 2A and B shows the PL spectrum of CDs at λex = 280 nm. Deconvolution of this broad spectrum (fwhm ~144 nm)


with multiple Gaussian functions reveals very good fit with four Gaussian peaks in the range 417-524 nm (Fig. 2B). On the basis


of these results and earlier reports it is clear that excitation below 300 nm results in excitation of the carbogenic core of CDs,


while excitation at and above 320 nm results in excitation and subsequent PL from surface trap states which progressively red-


shift with increase in λex. Moreover, excitation of the carbogenic core results in PL from different surface trap states. The origin


of these different surface trap states have been discussed later. Here it is important to mention that the importance of surface


donor/acceptor states have also been realized earlier in other nanostructure materials including GaN/AlGaN core/shell


nanowires.30,31 Fig. 2C exhibits the variation of PL intensities of CDs with λex from 300–510 nm. Interestingly, the histogram


reveals a clear peak at 336 nm with a broad and weak shoulder centered at 420 nm. Here, it is important to note the similarity


between size distribution histogram estimated from AFM height profile (Fig. 1D) with the PL intensity histogram against λex.


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This is expected as PL intensity is directly proportional to the number of particles of a given size present in the solution.


Moreover, this similarity strongly indicates that the bimodal size distribution obtained from AFM measurement is not an artifact.


Fig. 2D shows the variation of band gap energy with λex in the range of 320–450 nm. These results clearly establish the idea that


by proper selection of λex, it is possible to excite differently sized CDs present in our system. For the present study, we have


selected three well-separated λex namely, 320, 350, and 450 nm to excite differently sized CDs present in the system.


3.2. PL quenching of CDs in the presence of ferritin. Excitation at 350 nm results in blue PL centered at 437 nm. The PL of


CDs progressively quenches upon gradual addition of ferritin (Fig. 3A). The PL spectrum of CDs in presence of 2.02 µM ferritin


quenches by 2.7 times with a red-shift of 10 nm. In contrast, apoferritin in the same concentration range does not quench the PL


of CDs (Fig. 3B). Fig. 3C shows the steady-state Stern-Volmer (SV) plots of CDs in presence of ferritin and apoferritin. The SV


constant in presence of ferritin has been estimated from the slope of the fitted straight line, which is 9.13 × 105 M-1 at 298 K. The


only difference between ferritin and apoferritin is that the latter lacks Fe3+ ions in its core. Hence, it is clear that Fe3+ ions of


ferritin are involved in the observed PL quenching of CDs. To gain further insight into the mechanistic aspect of this PL


quenching process, we measured the PL decay traces of CDs in absence and presence of different concentrations of ferritin. Fig.


S1 of the Supporting Information shows the PL decay traces of CDs in absence and presence of 2.02 µM ferritin. The decay trace


of CDs in absence of ferritin exhibits three exponential decay kinetics with lifetime components of 3.90 ns (31%), 10.62 ns


(29%) and 0.93 ns (40%). It is evident from Table S1 of the Supporting Information that the lifetime components of CDs remain


unaltered in presence of 2.02 µM ferritin. Fig. 3D shows the time-resolved SV plot of CDs with average lifetimes. The plot is


parallel to the X-axis with a slope of zero. These results clearly signify the formation of static ground state complex between CDs


and ferritin.


Earlier, Zhu et al. have reported similar kind of PL quenching of CDs by aqueous Fe3+ ions and assigned it due to


nonradiative electron transfer from CDs to the vacant d-orbital of Fe3+ ions.27 It has also been proposed that the specificity of Fe3+


ions to quench the PL of CDs arises due to special coordination interaction between Fe3+ ions and the phenolic hydroxyl groups


on the CDs surface. Moreover, it has been shown that the quenching process proceeds through dynamic mechanism rather than


static mechanism. In contrast, the static quenching process observed in the present study with ferritin indicates altered


interactions of CDs with Fe3+ ions of ferritin.


3.3. Effect of temperature and estimation of thermodynamic parameters. To estimate the binding constant (Kb) and various


thermodynamic parameters, we have performed temperature variation study. Fig. 3D shows the effect of temperature in the range


298–318K on the steady-state SV plot of CDs. As expected for static ground state quenching process, the SV constant decreases


with increase in temperature. The binding constant was determined using the Scatchard equation. Fig. 4A shows the Scatchard


plot at three different temperatures. All the plots are linear and the estimated binding constant (λex = 350 nm) for CDs-ferritin


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complex is 7.35 (± 0.02) × 105 M-1 at 298 K. The binding constant gradually decreases with increase in temperature from 298–


318 K, indicating the static nature of the complex.


To gain further insights into the thermodynamics of their association reactions, we used van’t Hoff equation to extract


various thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (∆H), entropy change (∆S), and Gibbs free energy change (∆G). Fig.


4B shows the linear plot of lnKb against 1/T. The estimated thermodynamic parameters for the CDs-ferritin complex at λex = 350


nm are listed in Table 1. The ground state association reaction is found to have a favorable negative enthalpy change (∆H < 0)


with a positive entropy change (∆S > 0), giving rise to an overall negative free energy change. In general, processes triggered by


hydrophobic interactions between proteins and ligands proceed with a large positive entropy change with a positive enthalpy


change while processes triggered by electrostatic interactions proceed with a positive entropy change with a small negative


enthalpy change.32,33 Hence, on the basis of our present results we propose that electrostatic interactions between positively


charged ferritin cores with the negatively charged CDs surface trigger their association process.


Further evidence of their ground state association comes from DLS measurement (Fig. 5). The hydrodynamic diameter


of ferritin is estimated to be 14.65 ± 0.10 nm (Fig. 5), which is close to the earlier reported diameter of 12 nm from TEM


measurement.34 However, the mean diameter of ferritin in the presence of 0.01 mg/ml CDs increases to 17.37 ± 0.05 nm (Fig. 5).


This increase in mean diameter clearly justifies the proposed mechanism of static ground state association of CDs with ferritin


through electrostatic interactions. Here it is important to note that the ferritin iron is not exposed to surrounding environment,


rather it is buried inside its core. The only way CDs can access the iron core is through the hydrophilic 3-fold channels. In order


to know whether the presence of CDs disrupt the secondary structure of ferritin or not, we have performed CD measurements.


Fig. S2 of the Supporting Information shows the CD spectra of ferritin in absence and presence of 0.01 mg/mL of CDs.


Although, the overall secondary structures of ferritin remain unperturbed in presence of CDs, we cannot rule out local structural


alterations near the channels.26,35


3.4. Excitation wavelength-dependent PL quenching of CDs by ferritin. Next, we extend our study to explore the size-


dependent partitioning of CDs through the funnel-shaped channels of ferritin. Here, our aim is to selectively excite differently


sized CDs through proper selection of λex and study their dynamics in presence of ferritin. In the present study, we have measured


the PL quenching efficiencies at three different λex namely, 320, 350, and 450 nm. Here, it should be noted that the λex-dependent


PL quenching of CDs may arise either due to the inherent λex-dependent PL properties of CDs or due to the presence of


differently sized CDs present in the solution. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we have performed control


experiment with aqueous Fe3+ ions in bulk solution. Fig. 6A shows the steady-state SV plots of CDs in presence of different


concentrations of ferritin at three different excitation wavelengths. It is evident that the slope of the SV plots decreases


significantly upon increasing the λex from 320 nm to 450 nm. The SV constant decreases from 13.98 × 105 M-1 at λex of 320 nm to


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3.66 × 105 M-1 at λex of 450 nm. The calculated SV constants for all the three wavelengths are listed in Table 2. In marked


contrast to the above results, no such λex-dependent PL quenching of CDs have been observed with aqueous Fe3+ ions in pH 7.4


buffer (Fig. 6B,C). The SV constants for all the three wavelengths are similar in presence of aqueous Fe3+ ions (Table 2).


Moreover, the PL lifetime (λex = 376 nm) of CDs gradually decreases with increase in aqueous Fe3+-ions concentrations (Fig.


7A). The lifetime components are listed in Table S2 of the Supporting Information. The time-resolved SV plot was constructed


using average lifetimes in presence of different concentrations of aqueous Fe3+ ions (Fig. 7B). These results clearly indicate


dynamic collisional quenching of CDs by aqueous Fe3+ ions.27


The λex-independent PL quenching of CDs in presence of aqueous Fe3+ ions in combination with λex-dependent PL


quenching by Fe3+ ions of ferritin clearly signify the presence of differently sized CDs in the solution as in bulk aqueous medium


all the differently sized CDs are equally accessible by aqueous Fe3+ ions. The λex-dependent PL quenching of CDs by Fe3+ ions of


ferritin can be explained by considering different extent of accessibility of the core Fe3+ ions of ferritin by various sized CDs


through the funnel-shaped channels.


These channels are highly dynamic and flexible in nature. It is well established that various reducing, chelating and


chaotropic molecules larger than the size of the ferritin channels can diffuse and migrate into ferritin core through the hydrophilic


3-fold channels and the maximum diameter for the permeation is smaller than 2.0 nm.26,36–38 Earlier, Hoare et al. have reported 6


Å resolution electron density map of cubic horse-spleen apoferritin and shown that the outer and inner diameter of these channels


are 0.9-1.2 nm and 1.7-2.0 nm, respectively.39 It has also been speculated that molecules with a diameter of 1.5 nm can penetrate


the protein shell. Later, Clegg et al. have reported the crystal structure of ferritin and shown that molecules (0.7-1.0 nm) larger


than the channel diameter (~0.5 nm) can penetrate into the protein cavity.40 On the basis of these literatures and our present


results we propose a mechanism where selective optical excitation by varying the λex results in PL from differently sized CDs and


in the presence of ferritin, these differently sized CDs exhibit size-dependent penetration into the ferritin shell (Scheme 2). Size-


distribution histogram from AFM measurements strongly justify this proposed mechanism where smaller sized CDs (diameter

Size-dependent penetration of carbon dots inside the ferritin nanocages: evidence for the quantum confinement effect in carbon dots.

The origin of the excitation wavelength (λex)-dependent photoluminescence (PL) of carbon dots (CDs) is poorly understood and still remains obscured. T...
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