Hum. Genet. 51,221--224 (1979)

© by Springer-Verlag 1979

Serum Albumin Variants from Populations of Andhra Pradesh, S. India P. R. R a o 1., J. D. G o u d 1, a n d B. R. S w a m y 2 Department of Zoology, University College of Science, Osmania University 2Department of Zoology, Science College Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 500007, India

Summary. 1108 tribal a n d 1062 n o n - t r i b a l individuals f r o m three districts o f A n d h r a P r a d e s h were e x a m i n e d for serum a l b u m i n variants. A s l o w - m o v i n g variant, identical to A l b u m i n K a s h m i r was f o u n d in a single Muslim individual. A n o t h e r new s l o w - m o v i n g variant, faster t h a n A l b u m i n K a s h m i r f o u n d in a single individual o f a K o y a D o r a tribe is designated as A l b u m i n Koya Dora.

Introduction In o u r studies on serum p r o t e i n v a r i a t i o n in several tribal a n d n o n - t r i b a l g r o u p s o f A n d h r a P r a d e s h , we e n c o u n t e r e d two s l o w - m o v i n g a l b u m i n variants, one in a M u s l i m i n d i v i d u a l which is indistinguishable f r o m A l b u m i n K a s h m i r a n d a n o t h e r in a K o y a D o r a i n d i v i d u a l which is a new v a r i a n t a n d faster than A l b u m i n K a s h m i r . This is designated as A l b u m i n K o y a D o r a after the tribe in which it was discovered.

Material and Methods Blood samples were collected from unrelated individuals of tribal and non-tribal population groups from Warangal, Khammam and Adilabad districts of Andhra Pradesh. The sera after centrifugation from the clotted blood were subjected to disc electrophoresis according to the method of Clark (1964). The variants were further run in starch gel electrophoresis at pH 5 and pH 6.4 (Giblett, 1969).

Results and Discussion Table 1 shows the n u m b e r o f subjects f r o m the tribal a n d n o n - t r i b a l g r o u p s f r o m which samples were t y p e d for a l b u m i n a n d the n u m b e r o f v a r i a n t specimens f r o m * To whom offprint requests should be sent



P.R. Rao et al.

Fig. 1. Photograph showing Albumin Koya Dora (1), Albumin Normal (2), and Albumin Kashmir (3) in acrylamide gel (pH 8.1) Fig. 2. Photograph showing Albumin, Normal (1), Albumin Kashmir, Standard (2), Albumin, Koya Dora (3), and Albumin Kashmir (4) on starch gel (pH 5.0) from a Muslim individual

each group. Out of 1108 tribal subjects one individual from Koya Dora group showed a slow-moving variant. Similarly, among non-tribal subjects numbering 1062, one individual from a Muslim group showed a slow-moving variant. Both the variants were sent to Prof. Kirk, Australia, and Dr. Weitkamp, U.S.A. for verification. A control sample containing Albumin Kashmir was sent to us by Dr. McDermid, Australia, and this was examined with our variants in both disc electrophoresis at p H 8.1 (Fig. 1) and starch gel electrophoresis at pH 5 (Fig. 2) and pH 6.4. The variant from the Muslim individual was identical to Albumin Kashmir whereas the albumin variant from Koya Dora individual moved faster than Albumin Kashmir and was clearly distinguishable from it in the three different pH buffers used. Both Prof. Kirk and Dr. Weitkamp have confirmed our results and from their comparative studies with known variants have suggested that the variant from the Koya Dora individual is a new variant. Hence we are

Albumin Variants from Andhra Pradesh Table 1. Distribution of serum albumin variants in the populations of Andhra Pradesh



Number tested

Number of variants

547 197 90 122 152

1 0 0 0 0

Andhra Caste Groups: Brahmin 134 Vysya 200 Kapu 132 Padmashali 90 Madiga 254 Goldsmith 82 Mudiraj 70 Muslim 100

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1



Andhra Tribes: Koya Dora Raj Gond Naikpod Pardhan Lambadi


designating it A l b u m i n K o y a Dora. Both the parents of the propositus had this variant, suggesting a c o n s a n g u i n e o u s marriage which is a c o m m o n feature of these tribes. A l t h o u g h rare, a l b u m i n variants have now been f o u n d in the I n d i a n subc o n t i n e n t . Some have been identified as a l b u m i n K a s h m i r ( W e i t k a m p et al., 1973) b u t in some cases no attempt was made t o compare them with k n o w n variants (Atal et al., 1970; V a l m i k i n a t h a n et al., 1973; Hill, 1975). However they were all s l o w v a r i a n t s only. So far n o n e has been f o u n d at sufficient frequency to be regarded as a p o l y m o r p h i s m in a n y of the p o p u l a t i o n tested. It is also interesting to note that the slow variant, A l b u m i n Kashmir, has been recorded from different p o p u l a t i o n groups of I n d o - D r a v i d i a n origin. O u r finding of a new slow v a r i a n t other t h a n A l b u m i n K a s h m i r suggests the existence of more t h a n one type of a l b u m i n v a r i a n t on the I n d i a n s u b - c o n t i n e n t .

Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to Prof. R. L. Kirk, Dr. L. R. Weitkamp and Dr. E.M. McDermid for their co-operation in identification of the variants.

References Atal, P. R., Mital, V. P., Kulshrestha, R. C.: Heterogeneity of human serum albumin. Report of a case of bisalbuminemia. Indian Journal of Medical Science 12,797--799 (1970) Clark, J. T.: Simplified "Disc" (polyacrylamide gel.) electrophoresis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 121, 428--436 (1964)


P.R. Rao et al.

Giblett, E. R.: Genetic markers in human blood. Blackwell: Oxford 1969 Hill, P. G.: A case of Bisalbuminaemia studies on the albumin variant. Indian Journal of Medical Research 63, 893--896 (1975) Valmikinathan, K., Snehalatha, C., Jaganathan, K.: A variant albumin in an Indian family. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 10, 135--136 (1973) Weitkamp, L. R., McDermid, E. M., Neel, J. V., Fine, J. M., Petrini, C., Bonazzi, L., Ortali, V., Porta, F., Tanis, R., Harris, D. J., Peters, T., Ruffini, G., Johnston, E.: Additional data on the population distribution of human serum albumin genes; three new variants. Annals of Human Genetics 37, 219--226 (1973)

Received December 14, 1978 / Revised January 30, 1979

Serum albumin variants from populations of Andhra Pradesh, S. India.

Hum. Genet. 51,221--224 (1979) © by Springer-Verlag 1979 Serum Albumin Variants from Populations of Andhra Pradesh, S. India P. R. R a o 1., J. D. G...
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