Selenium ByAnne

in Rheumatic


M. Peretz, Jean D. Nhve, and Jean Pierre P. Famaey

Selenium is involved in several important biochemical pathways relevant to rheumatic diseases. Experimental and clinical studies suggest that selenium modulates the inflammatory and immune responses. Patients suffering from inflammatory rheumatic diseases often have low selenium levels, but this finding does not correlate with disease severity. Selenium supplementation needs stricter selection criteria and better


HE ROLE of selenium as an essential nutrient has been extensively studied since the early 1980s. Deficiency of this element is associated with defined clinical symptoms in animals and humans.’ Most recent data support a protective role of selenium against diseases characterized by free radical injury, such as the adult respiratory distress syndrome,‘.’ emphysema,” atherosclerosis,’ ischemic cerebral disease,’ cancer,” and arthritis.’ This property is due mainly to the involvement of selenium in the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, active in the detoxification of free radicals and other damaging oxygen derivatives. The first study that emphasized the role of selenium in the etiopathogenesis of rheumatic diseases was published by Roberts in 1963. While screening natural compounds for antitumoral activity, he discovered antiinflammatory properties of an inorganic derivative isolated from a liver fraction, identified as selenium.‘.’ Ten years later, Berenstein demonstrated the effect of selenium supplementation on the antibody production of rabbits.“’ Since then, much work has been carried out in vitro and in vivo to clarify the role of selenium in inflammatory and immune responses. The aim of this review is to summarize knowledge of this trace element relevant to rheumatic diseases. stressing data from in vitro and experimental animal models for possible clinical applications in humans. Two subjects will be more particularly considered: (1) the physiopathological implications of selenium related to free radicals, the inflammatory response (phagocytic cells, arachidonic acid metabolism), and the immune response; (2) in vivo animal and human studies. Semmars m Arthr&s andRheumatism,

ascertainment of dose to obtain a stimulatory or inhibitory effect relevant to the disease state. Prevention of marginal selenium deficiency by moderate supplementation might enhance host defense mechanisms. Copyright c 1991 by W.B. Saunders Company INDEX WORDS: selenium; inflammation; immunity. PHYSIOLOGICAL




Role of Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the destructive properties of the synovial pannus are among others attributed to an abnormal production of phlogistic agents including proteolytic enzymes, and oxygen-derived free radicals (ODFRs).” ” Experimental data on the ability of synovial fluid to produce superoxide (0, ) and hydroxyl (OH’) radicals clearly demonstrate that both species are directly responsible for the depolymerization of hyaluronic acid.“’ In vitro studies further demonstrate the degradation of intact human cartilage,” proteoglycans,‘” and collagen” by ODFRs. The characterization in synovial fluid of high levels of malondialdehyde, a well known by-product of lipid peroxidation, is additional evidence of oxidative damage.lY Although protective mechanisms exist in the synovial fluid against proinflammatory products,“‘.“’ they appear insufficient when deleterious species are produced in large quantities as in RA.

From the Depurtment of‘Rheumatoloa and Physx al Medicine, Saint-Pierre Hospital and the Lahoruto? ofPharmaceutical Chemistry Institute of Pharmacy, E‘rw Uniwr.sity of Brussels. Belgium. Supported by the Nationul Fund for Scwntifk Medical Research, Belgium (grant FRSM no. 3-4.510-87). Anne M. Peretz. MD: Department of RheumatoloK) and Physical Medicine, Saint-Pierre Hospital: Jean D. N&e. PhD: Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Chemistq. hzstitute of Pharmacy, Free University of Brussels: Jean Pierre P. Famaey, MD, PhD: Department of Rheumato@q and Phwical Medicine, Saint-Pierre Hospital. Address reprint requests to Anne Peretz. MD, Deparwwnt of Rheumatology and Ph.vsical Medicine, Samt-Pierre Hospital, rue Haute 322, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Copyright c 1991 by W.B. Saunder.s C’ompam 0049.0172191i2005-OOO4$5.OOlO

Vol 20, No 5 (April), 1991: pp 305.316




Indeed, activity of physiological antioxidants like superoxide disrnutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and ceruloplasmin are reduced in rheumatic diseases.2’m23 Oxygen free radical production also affects autoimmune processes.24 There is good evidence that these species attack several biomolecules creating new antigens. For example, exposure to an O,-’ generating system modifies the desoxyribonucleic acid to compounds with antigenie activity responsible for the production of antinuclear factors.25 Lunec et aI*’ suggested that free radical generation in RA is responsible for the production of altered immunoglobulin G (IgG) giving rise to rheumatoid factor that subsequently may become a stimulus for neutrophils to generate radicals.” This last mechanism is consistent with the self-perpetuation of free radical release and tissue degradation observed in RA.


activation that generates ODFRs (O,-, OH’), peroxides, singlet oxygen, and hypochlorite anions that are responsible for oxygen-dependent killing of microorganisms.” These reactions likely are harmful in pathological conditions when inappropriate activation of cells occurs, such as in RA, or when regulatory mechanisms are deficient. The physiological factors responsible for turning off these pathways are not completely characterized; however, some evidence exists that selenium is one of these factors. As a constituent of the active site of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, the element is involved in the intracellular detoxification of H,O,, produced by the dismutation of 02- into molecular oxygen (0,) by the cytosolic enzyme, superoxide dismutase (Fig 1). Selenium is also involved in the production of NADP’ by the glutathione peroxidase/glutathione reductase system that finally activates the hexose monophosphate shunt.29,“’ Accumulation of H,02 within the cell catalyzes the production of the toxic OH’ radical (through the Haber-Weiss and Fenton reactions) and decreases the production of NADP’. These events ultimately cause dam-

Selenium and the Inflammatory Response: Phagocytic Cells and the Arachidonic Acid Cascade

The “respiratory burst” occuring in the inflamed joint space is related to neutrophil IMMUNE RESPONSE




M Detoxification








GSH-Px Synthesis

killing Fig 1: Oxygen system and selenium involvement (GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase).




age to biomembranes and other cellular structures. In favor of the importance of selenium in this action, selenium deficiency impaired some phagocytic cell functions while, selenium supplementation completely corrected the defect.” Peritoneal macrophages from rats fed a selenium-deficient diet exhibit increased H,O, production,” and granulocytes from seleniumdeficient animals are unable to metabolize H,O, leading to the destruction of their 02-’ generating system.33~is These in vitro investigations are supported by in vivo studies performed mostly in animals but also in humans. Increased susceptibility to infection was observed in selenium-deficient animals. Impairment of the fungicidal activity in selenium-deficient rats”’ and cattle”’ is frequently reported, but modifications in bactericidal activity and phagocytosis are not unanimously recognized.“‘.‘h~ig Decreased chemotaxis in selenium-deficient rats4” and goats” are corrected with selenium supplementation.“’ The disturbances are explained in part by the low glutathione peroxidase content of the cells and in part by other peroxidase-independent mechanisms.j’ In humans, the addition of selenium to cultures of neutrophils from healthy subjects enhanced bactericidal activity.4’ Effective doses were 1.27 and 2.53 Fmol/L, corresponding to serum concentrations considered adequate for platelet glutathione peroxidase activity.“” However, supplementation trials in Finish subjects failed to demonstrate such an effect.“s In addition to its role in the detoxification of peroxides during the activation of phagocytic cells. selenium also is involved in the biosynthetic pathway of proinflammatory prostaglandins (PG) and leucotrienes (LT) (Fig 2).” The element participates in several steps of both the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways of the arachidonic acid cascade through the activity of glutathione peroxidase but also via other enzymatic functions (Fig 3). It modulates the production of PGE,,47 thromboxane A, and PGI,4x.“’ in the cycloxygenase pathway. In the lipoxygenase pathway, glutathione peroxidase mediates the reduction of 12-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HPETE) to 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE).‘” Platelets from selenium-deficient rats produce more trihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (THETE) and less 12HETE than platelets from control rats, indicat-

ing that THETE is an alternate pathway when the peroxidase-mediated conversion of 12HPETE is impaired. The conversion of 5-HPETE to the inactive metabolite, 5-HETE, in leukocytes is also mediated by glutathione peroxidase. Selenium supplementation alters the synthesis of LTs to 5-HETE, while selenium deficiency promotes the synthesis of LTA, and derived LTs.” Other authors argue, on the contrary, that selenium promotes the synthesis of LTs.” Indirect evidence for this comes from the study on pulmonary alveolar macrophages of selenium-deficient rats that produce less LTB4. Some investigators even suggest that glutathione peroxidase activity should be inhibited rather than enhanced in inflammatory diseases.” Despite these conflicting data, it is presently agreed that selenium and glutathione peroxidase play a significant role in PGs and LTs biosynthesis. Hence, selenium possesses antiinflammatory properties by virtue of its role in the detoxification of peroxides, in the conversion of 5-HPETE into 5-HETE, as well as proinflammatory properties via the stimulation of PGEz and perhaps LTB, biosynthesis. To determine their relative importance, further in vivo investigations are required.

Selenium and the Immune Response T and especially B lymphocytes are very sensitive to the “peroxide tone” of their microenvironment.s4 Small amounts of H,Oz stimulate lymphocyte reactivity while larger amounts have damaging effects.5r The lymphocyte functions are altered by peroxide attack of the cell membrane receptors as well as of various intracellular structures such as microtubules and microfilaments. Indeed, the lymphocyte proliferating response to mitogens and antigens requires the presence of cell surface thiol groups in their active reduced forms.56 This state depends on several factors, such as the peroxide level, the intracellular glutathione pool, and the amount of inorganic metabolites of selenium (HZSe) present in the cell.“-“’ Selenium therefore contributes to the maintenance of the cell integrity both as a constituent of glutathione peroxidase and as inorganic selenium (Fig 4). Several studies in RA indirectly support these data: a low glutathione pool was reported in red blood cells and in serum”.“; plasma sulfhydryl levels









NADPH oxidase

glucose oxidase Glut-






Fig 2:








Fe2+ -OH'

of selenium

and glutathione

+ OH-

+ 0

+ OH-

+ Fe 3+(Fenton)





in inflammation.


between the different pathways.

also were reduced.63 Similar data were obtained in rat adjuvant arthritis.64 Selenium deficiency is associated with a reduced animal survival rate after challenge with potentially lethal microorganisms,‘j5 and vaccination of selenium-deficient animals is not followed by immunization.6h On the other hand, selenium supplementation enhances the synthesis of specific antibodies against bacteria, fungi, and sheep red blood cells.67-69Selenium deficiency reduces the ability of T and B cells to proliferate in response to stimulation with various mitogens and antigens,‘03’l while selenium supplementation increases their responses.” Selenium deficiency impairs the leukocyte migration inhibitory factor production without modification of interleukin 1 and II production.73 The addition of sodium selenite in cultured human

lymphocytes enhances the production of interferon.75 Some of these data were recently confirmed by two in vivo studies in humans demonstrating enhancement of cell-mediated immune response by selenium supplementation in elderly subjects and in patients requiring total parenteral nutrition (TPN).75.76 It is noteworthy that selenium affects both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in a dose-dependent manner: low doses are immunostimulant, whereas high doses are immunosuppresive. For example, low to moderate selenium concentrations (0.75 to 1.75 ppm) in the diet of mice stimulate the antibody synthesis6’while high doses (5 ppm) have an inhibitory effect.” Use was made of both properties in clinical practice. High selenium doses from 400 to 800 kg/d served as adjuvant therapy in the

















S jq\




Fig 3: involvement of selenium and glutathione peroxidase

in the metab-

olism of arachidonic acid.

treatment of gynecological or gastrointestinal cancers while moderate ones, 200 to 300 kgid, were advised for cancer prevention.” Enhancement of the lymphocyte response to mitogens


GSH Transferase

/v LTB4 LTC&







and antigens was obtained at lower “nutritional” doses, ie, 100 to 200 kg/d in elderly and TPN patients.75.76 In preliminary studies, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients

Fig 4: Role of selenium in immunocompetent cells.



were supplemented with selenium to stimulate their failing immunity but the results were not convincing.“~” In addition to dose, the duration of intervention and the chemical form of selenium supplementation also influence its activity. On the basis of the previously mentioned in vitro studies, inorganic selenium salts (selenite) appears more effective than organic derivatives. However, selenomethionine or selenium-enriched yeast usually are prefered in clinical trials because of better bioavailability. Although no effect could be demonstrated in healthy subjects given SeIenomethionine (200 kg/d for 3 months),45 a stimulation of NK cells” and of T lymphocyte response to mitogens”.” was reported using sodium selenite,80 selenomethionyeast” at similar ine,76 or selenium-enriched doses for 2 to 6 months. The immunomodulatory properties of selenium are most likely mediated by the activity of glutathione peroxidase and depend on the dose and the form administered. However, as discussed, some effects are related to the functions of other selenoproteins or products of selenium metabolism that are not fully identified. CLINICAL STUDIES

Animals The discovery that selenium possessed antiinflammatory properties prompted Roberts” to assess several selenium compounds at various doses in the treatment of experimental inflammation. The reduction of exudate in the rat granuloma pouch assay was best when treated with sodium selenite. The antiinflammatory effect obtained after intraperitoneal administration of selenite was maximum for doses ranging from 4 to 14 l&kg body weight. Similarly, sodium selenite improved the survival of lupus mice, but no modification in immunologic parameters was noted.” In rats receiving a selenium-deficient diet, worsening of the late phase of adjuvant arthritis was reported in one study3’ but not confirmed in another.” A study of selenium status in the progression of adjuvant arthritis in rats showed that plasma and liver selenium concentrations decreased only in the late phase of the disease. The levels did not correlate with clinical and biochemical indices of inflammation and probably are the conse-

quence of the chronic, tory status.”



Humans The antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of selenium prompted studies in RA, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and other types of arthritis. Most studies were performed in Europe, especially in Scandinavia, where the selenium status of the entire population is low, at least until selenium was added to soil fertilizers in 1984.’ In most studies of RA patients, plasma selenium was significantly lower than healthy controls (Table I). The largest reductions were found in Norway (1.19 v 1.64 pmol/L) and France (0.60 v 0.91 ~mol/L).x’~xy The only nonEuropean author reported similar levels in RA and controls.‘” Tarp et al”@ established a significant correlation between plasma selenium concentrations and various clinical indices of disease severity, but not with the classical biochemical indices of inflammation. Other investigatorSX4-X6.XY could not correlate plasma selenium levels with these clinical indices. Selenium concentrations rarely were measured in other body compartments although such studies would give additional information on the status and distribution of the element. Erythrocyte selenium was assessed in only three studies; low” or normaP values were reported. Using a sophisticated technique, the microprobe assay, Lindh and Johanson” were unable to detect selenium in erythrocytes, granulocytes, and platelets of RA patients, but their method was very insensitive. In RA, synovial membraney2 and synovial fluid” selenium concentrations were increased when compared with those from osteoarthritis. Selenium accumulates within the articular space, probably as a result of both increased permeability of the inflamed synovial membrane and extracellular release from damaged leukocytes and synoviocytes. Measurement of glutathione peroxidase activity was another approach to evaluate the selenium status of these patients. Low,‘~ normap,x9,94-9h and even increased9’ erythrocyte activities of this enzyme were reported. Results of selenoenzyme activity, in the absence of simultaneous assessment of plasma selenium concentration, may lead to misinterpretation,




Table 1: Plasma Selenium in RA Patients and Controls From Several Countries







Munthe (1978)


1.19 " 0.32 (23)

1.64 f 0.25 (23)




1.51 ? 0.37 (10)

1.51 + 0.12 (37)




0.95 5 0.12 (20)





0.82 2 0.20 (26)

1.00 f 0.16 (28)


Makela* (1984)


1.01 5 0.14(57)

0.94 ? 0.12


Aaseth (1985)


1.19 5 0.32(23)

1.53 -c0.25 (40)

84 107


Almroth (1985) Tarp(1985)


0.80 (0.72-0.93)(6)

1.07 (0.91-1.40)(6)


Makela" (1987)







0.97 ? 0.25(45)

1.06 i 0.18 (45)


Arnaud (1988)


0.60 2 0.28 (20)

0.91 -t0.28 (20)


Borglund (1988)


0.84 ? 0.11 (7)

0.98 * 0.03 (5)



0.69 t 0.09(125)

0.82 + 0.12 (657)



0.91 2 0.19 (24)

1.01 ? 013(127)

95 104 88

*In JRA patients. Note Results are expressedin pmol/L, mean t SD or range, (N).

particularly as selenium supplementation is becoming more popular in Western countries.” In addition, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase is a poor index of marginal selenium deficiency and short-term alterations of selenium status.“” Plasma or platelet glutathione peroxidase arc more sensitive, but not easily measurable for clinical purposes.““’ In JRA, decreased plasma selenium is reported frequently and correlates with disease duration.““~“” Low erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in these children favors selenium deficiency.“” JRA patients seem, therefort, more prone to develop selenium deficiency than adult rheumatoid patients. Insufficient selenium body store, one possible explanation, is supported by the observation of lower selenium levels in healthy children than in healthy adults living in the same area.“” Osteoarthritis patients had similar plasma selenium and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidasc as age- and sex-matched controls in a Belgian study,“” but lower than normal erythrocytc glutathione peroxidase was reported in a Swedish study.“‘” Plasma selenium in systemic lupus erythematosus patients was in the normal range although a trend to lower values was observed in active disease.“” The selection of patients probably biases the data as plasma zinc concentrations were also normal rather than low. as usually observed in patients suffering from an inflammatory disease.‘“’ In HLA B27

positive patients with inflammatory findings, an attempt to relate abnormal chemotaxis to the selenium status was unsuccessfuI.“‘x Reduced glutathione peroxidase activity also was reported in other connective tissue diseases, but unfortunately selenium concentrations were not measured simultaneously.“‘” From these studies it may be concluded that modifications in selenium status. when present, are not directly related to the inflammatory process. However, even in the absence of pronounced selenium deficiency. it might be useful to determine whether these patients would benefit from selenium supplementation to prevent or correct the damaging effects of the oxidative stress of inflammation. Selenium as a Therapeutic Agent Most selenium supplementation trials were performed with organic selenium compounds with or without vitamin E. RA patients supplemented with selenium-enriched yeast (Selena, Leiras Pharmaceuticals, Turku, Finland, 256 pg of selenium per day) for 6 months did not improve their health status even when their deficient selenium status was corrected.““Simultaneously, granulocyte glutathione peroxidase increased during supplementation but never reached normal values. According to the authors, this might explain the lack of clinical and biological improvement.“’ Supplementation with sodium selenite (160 kg of selenium per day)



for 4 months,83 selenomethionine (100 l_rg/d),112 or selenium-enriched yeast (200 ug/d) (Peretz et al, personal data, 1989-1990) improved approximately 40% of a small group of RA patients. Finally, a selenium supplementation trial (Selenium ACE, Wassen Intl, Leatherhead, England, 100 kg/d) in osteoarthritic patients produced no improvement in the patient’s health status.113Some weaknesses in this protocol include (1) osteoarthritis patients are not good candidates for selenium supplementation as this is a degenerative disease without clear evidence of inflammatory process or immune impairment, (2) selenium status before and after supplementation was not evaluated. Selenium supplementation should not be undertaken in severe disease or after the failure of more powerful therapeutic agents, Selenium probably acts rather physiologically by stimulation of preexisting defense mechanisms, and therefore differs largely from classical antirheumatic drugs. Ebselen (Cologne, Germany) (2-phenyl-1,2 benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one) is a seleno-organic compound with antiinflammatory activities. Its activity through catalytic reduction of peroxides in the presence of thiols is similar to that of endogenous glutathione peroxidase.“4-“h It is weakly active in classical models such as rat carrageenan paw edema and adjuvant arthritis and more active in cobra venom factor paw edema and the glucose oxidase monoarthritis models.“’ A recent attempt was made to select potentially active drugs in the benzisoselenazolone series of Ebselen analogs. One of these

compounds, RP61605, has shown promise as a possible new antiinflammatory compound.“x Effect of Drug Treatment on Selenium Status D-Penicillamine as a structural analog of the aminoacid cysteine, possesses a thiol group able to form mixed disulfide bounds with sulfur containing proteins. This drug might protect the cell surface thiol groups of immunocompetent cells against free radical damage and increase the reduced glutathione pool within the cell making the glutathione peroxidaseireductase system more effective.1’9,12”On the other hand, D-penicillamine inhibits glutathione peroxidase activity in the same way as other thiol-containing compounds that have also been assessed in RA treatment such as thiopyridoxine, thiopropionylglycine, tiopronine, or captopril. Discordant properties of D-penicillamine were thus reported in relation to selenium metabolism: the antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects via the protection of thiol groups contrasts with the inhibitory effect on glutathione peroxidase. Gold compounds also are strong and reversible inhibitors of glutathione peroxidase. The binding site for gold is the aminoacid selenocysteine on the active site of the enzyme.‘*‘~“* In vitro and in vivo experiments in rats showed a redistribution of selenium among tissues and subcellular compartments after administration of aurothioglucose (gold I), aurothiomalate and auranofin because of the formation of goldselenium complexes.“’ These forms decrease the availability of selenium for the biosynthesis of glutathione peroxidase.

Table 2: Selenium (Se) Levels and Inflammatory Variables in Patients With RA Treated With Various Corticosteroid Doses Prednisolone, mgfd Variable




Number of patients




Plasma-Se, pmol/L

1.17 ? 0.20

0.88 k 0.20*

0.55 r 0.15*


4.76 5 1.14

4.67 2 1.39

5.00 ?T0.95

7.4 + 1.7

7.4 k 2.9

8.00 k 2.9

72 (42-l 20)

49 (10-100)

nmol/g Hb

Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase, ,U/g Hb ESR, mm/h

*P < ,025, Student’st-test. Abbreviations: Hb, hemoglobin: ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Note. Results are expressed as mean + SD or range. Adapted with permission.”

49 (30-60)




Finally corticosteroids, drugs that affect macromineral metabolism (eg, sodium, potassium, and calcium) can also influence trace elements, such as zinc”“.“’ and selenium. Corticosteroids lowered plasma selenium levels without modify-

ing erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity.‘” As indicated in Table 2, the effect was dose dependent. Its action could not be attributed to alterations of plasma-carrier proteins or urinary selenium excretion.“”

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Selenium in rheumatic diseases.

Selenium is involved in several important biochemical pathways relevant to rheumatic diseases. Experimental and clinical studies suggest that selenium...
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