S e i z ures in Sl eep Clinical Spectrum, Diagnostic Features, and Management Dawn Eliashiv,



, Alon Y. Avidan,




KEYWORDS  Seizures  Epilepsy  Epilepsy syndrome  Antiepileptic drugs KEY POINTS  Epilepsy and antiepileptic agents influence sleep.  Sleep, arousal, and sleep deprivation influence epilepsy.  Sleep state modulates epileptic seizures and interictal epileptiform discharges.  Hypersomnolence may be frequent among patients suffering from epilepsy.  Successful amelioration of coexisting sleep disorders may improve seizure control.


Sleep and epilepsy have a reciprocal relationship. Sleep can affect the distribution and frequency of epileptiform discharges, and epileptic discharges can change sleep regulation and provoke sleep disruption.1 Patients with epilepsy frequently complain of symptoms such as hypersomnia, insomnia, and breakthrough seizures, which are owed to disturbed sleep.2 These symptoms commonly indicate an underlying sleep disorder rather than the effect of epilepsy or medication on sleep. Clinicians must be able to identify and differentiate between potential sleep disorders related to epilepsy, and direct therapy to improve the patient’s symptoms.3 Sleep deprivation, which is a very common problem in the intensive care unit (ICU), is known to facilitate interictal discharges in patients with epilepsy with a more prominent increase noted in generalized-onset epilepsy.4 Indeed a recent review by Foldvary-Schaefer and colleagues5 demonstrates that total sleep deprivation activates interictal epileptiform discharges in 23% to 93% of patients with definite or suspected seizures.

Disclosures: Dr Eliashiv: UCB, Sunovion, Cyberonics; Dr Avidan: Xenoport, Merck. a UCLA, Department of Neurology, UCLA Seizure Disorders Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 710 Westwood Boulevard, Room 1-250, RNRC, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769, USA; b UCLA, Department of Neurology, UCLA Neurology Clinic, UCLA Sleep Disorders Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 710 Westwood Boulevard, Room 1-145, RNRC, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Crit Care Clin 31 (2015) 511–531 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ccc.2015.03.009 criticalcare.theclinics.com 0749-0704/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Eliashiv & Avidan

Some antiseizure medications are associated with weight gain and increased body mass index (BMI). Increased BMI is associated with an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In fact, up to one-third of patients with medically refractory epilepsy show evidence of OSA, and treatment of the underlying OSA may reduce seizure frequency.6,7 INTRODUCTION TO EPILEPSY

A seizure is an event characterized by excessive or hypersynchronized discharges of neurons. Epilepsy is defined as a disorder characterized by either 2 unprovoked seizures occurring during a time interval more than 24 hours apart or a 60% increased risk of recurrence after 1 unprovoked seizure.8 During an epileptic spell, there are recurrent episodes of altered cerebral function associated with abnormal, excessive, paroxysmal, hypersynchronous discharge of cerebral neurons. The International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) has recently revised the seizure classification. Seizures are now classified as either focal or generalized.9 Box 1 depicts a seizure classification scheme according to the updated ILAE, which was designed to ensure that concepts and terminology are in place to reflect the advances in understanding and knowledge of these disorders. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF EPILEPSY AND IMPACT ON SLEEP DISORDERS

According to the Institute of Medicine report in 2012, 2.2 million people in the United States are afflicted with epilepsy. The lifetime prevalence is 1 in 26 and 150,000 cases Box 1 The classification of seizures  Generalized seizures  Tonic-clonic -







Absence with special features  Myoclonic absence  Eyelid myoclonia

 Myoclonic -



Myoclonic atonic


Myoclonic tonic

 Clonic  Tonic  Atonic  Focal seizures  Unknown  Epileptic spasms From Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005–2009. Epilepsia 2010;51(4):676–85; with permission.

Seizures in Sleep

of epilepsy are diagnosed annually.10 Approximately 1 in 10 individuals will have a seizure at some point in their lives. Approximately 25% to 35% of patients with epilepsy have seizures despite the use of antiepileptic drugs. Most patients with epilepsy (75%) have seizures while asleep and awake; 20% of patients with epilepsy have seizures solely while asleep. Xu and colleagues11 surveyed 201 patients with focal seizures on at least 2 antiseizure drugs and reported that 34% had sleep disturbances and 10% had been prescribed sleep medications. Depression is a known comorbidity of epilepsy, which may occur in up to 50% of patients, and also can affect sleep patterns.12 THE EFFECTS OF SEIZURE DRUGS ON SLEEP ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may have a significant impact on sleep architecture and sleep disturbances, as summarized in Table 1.13 The ICU attending physician, ICU trainees, and other health care providers need to be aware of the major side effects, as many can lead to sedation, insomnia, and predisposition for sleep disorders, whereas others may improve sleep quality. Examples of the effects of AED on sleep are multiple. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines generally shorten sleep latency and reduce arousals from sleep. Benzodiazepines also decrease sleep latency and reduce slow-wave sleep (SWS; as demarcated by stage N3 non–rapid eye movement [REM] sleep).14 Phenobarbital decreases the overall REM sleep percentage. Phenytoin increases the amount of non-REM sleep, decreases sleep efficiency, and reduces sleep latency.15 Carbamazepine increases the number of sleep-stage shifts and decreases the amount of REM sleep.16 Gabapentin has been shown to improve sleep efficiency, increase SWS, and increase REM sleep.17,18 Similarly Bazil and colleagues19,20 demonstrated that pregabalin increases SWS and improves daytime attention in patients with focal epilepsy and insomnia. Conversely Lacosamide is associated with insomnia. In clinical practice, understanding the unique effects of these AEDs may offer the clinician an opportunity to improve sleep and wakefulness; medications that improve sleep disorders may require tailored dosing schedules to maximize their benefit.3 Foldvary and colleagues21 found that lamotrigine decreased stage shifts and arousals and increased REM sleep, without affecting sleep efficiency and sleep latency or suppressing REM sleep. Insomnia has been reported in association with felbamate, lamotrigine,21 and lacosamide.19 Complaints of insomnia also have been reported to occur during withdrawal of antiepileptic medication.22–24 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF SEIZURE DISORDERS

Polysomnographic electroencephalogram (EEG) channels are often limited with some routine polysomnography (PSG) including only 2 channels, C3-A1 and C4A2, as opposed to standard full EEG montage used during routine EEG and continuous EEG recordings (full 21-channel array). The limited polysomnographic montage may limit the ability to capture focal epileptiform activity. In one study comparing the ability of polysomnographers to correctly identify seizures by using 4, 7, and 18 channels of EEG at both 30-mm/s and 10-mm/s epochs, the yield was 70%, 74%, 81%, respectively.25 Another study determined a significant increase in the ability to differentiate seizures from psychogenic nonepileptic seizures when 18-channel EEGs were used when compared with 8-channel EEG recordings.26 It is therefore recommended that in patients with suspected epilepsy, a full EEG montage be



Eliashiv & Avidan

Table 1 Contribution of AED on sleep disorders and sleep architecture Sleep Disorders

Sleep Architecture


Positive Effects

Negative Effects Positive Effects

Negative Effects



Obstructive sleep YSL apnea


Benzodiazepines Insomnia, Willis Obstructive sleep YSL, Yarousals, apnea YCAP rate Ekbom disease, REM sleep disorder



Willis Ekbom disease


YREM, [Sleep stage shifts


Willis Ekbom disease

Obstructive sleep Sometimes no apnea effect

[1N Reduction in REM


Willis Ekbom disease, insomnia

Obstructive sleep [N3, Yarousals apnea [sleep efficiency



Insomnia; REM YSleep stage Consolidating sleep behavior shifts, sleep reducing disorder Yarousals, arousals stage [REM shifts


Willis Ekbom disease (case reports)



Willis Ekbom disease, insomnia, daytime attention

Obstructive sleep [N3, [REM, apnea Yarousals



Weight loss, Obstructive sleep apnea

Willis Ekbom disease

No changes

No changes


Obstructive sleep Willis Ekbom apnea disease

No changes

No changes



None [N3 Stage shifts and wake after sleep onset were significantly decreased

Abbreviations: AED, anti epileptic drugs; CAP, cyclic alternating pattern (A marker of sleep instability); N1, Stage 1 non-REM sleep; N3, Stage III or slow wave sleep (SWS); REM, rapid eye movement sleep; SL, sleep latency (timing from lights out to sleep onset); X, no/unknown effect; [, increased; Y, decreased. Adapted from Zucconi M, Maestri M. Sleep and epilepsy. In: Kryger M, Avidan AY, Berry R, editors. Atlas of clinical sleep medicine, 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders; 2013; with permission.

used. This is especially true in patients with suspected nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), which refers to a prolonged seizure that manifests primarily as altered mental status as opposed to the dramatic convulsions classically seen in generalized tonic-clonic (GTC) status epilepticus.27 Patients who present with NCSE, often present with confusion or behavioral abnormalities, suggesting the diagnosis of absence status epilepticus or complex partial status epilepticus.27 The second type of NCSE (subtle status epilepticus [SSE]), is critical to evaluate and consider in comatose ICU patients who present after a prolonged GTC seizure (GTCS) and who may exhibit subtle motor manifestations of a seizure, such as hand or facial twitching, as the mortality associated with SSE can exceed 30% if the seizure duration is longer

Seizures in Sleep

than 60 minutes.27 In this setting, continuous EEG monitoring is very helpful when consciousness or alteration of alertness persist after initial treatment.28 In the setting of the ICU (and in the epilepsy monitoring unit), where continuous EEG monitoring is often used, dedicated respiratory channels monitoring for hypopnea, desaturations, and pulse oximetry are generally absent.29 This shortcoming is of paramount importance, as seizures may be associated with sleep-disordered breathing.29 Lately there has been an increased interest in SUDEP (sudden unexplained death in epilepsy) with a risk of 1% per decade in patients with uncontrolled epilepsy. Potential etiologic factors are postulated by some to cardiac arrhythmia, due to myocardial ischemia, electrolyte disturbances, arrhythmogenic medications, or transmission of the epileptic activity via the autonomic nervous system to the heart, and central or obstructive apnea (Fig. 1).30,31 Lately, this has led some centers to routinely advocate adding respiratory channels and pulse oximetry when monitoring patients with suspected seizures in this setting.29,32 Some have advocated the use of simultaneous video-PSG in the differentiation between parasomnias and seizures.1 The 2005 American Academy of Sleep Medicine practice parameter advocates the use of video-EEG–PSG in atypical parasomnias and in paroxysmal disorders suspected of representing an ictal process, in situations in which the routine EEG is inconclusive. Another challenge facing the sleep physician when evaluating sleep studies in the setting of the ICU is differentiating between epileptiform transients, benign normal variants, and external artifacts that may come from the monitoring environment

Fig. 1. SUDEP. The hypothesis that disruption of the autonomic system and SUDEP could be related to the occurrence of OSA in people with refractory epilepsy. (From Andersen ML, Tufik S, Cavalheiro EA, et al. Lights out! It is time for bed. Warning: obstructive sleep apnea increases risk of sudden death in people with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 2012;23(4):510–1.)



Eliashiv & Avidan

(respirators, 60 Hz, pumps, noise, from nursing activities, and other electrical devices). Epileptiform transients consist either of spikes with duration between 20 and 70 ms or sharp waves of 70 to 200 ms and distort the background activity. These patterns are often polyphasic, occurring at all stages of wakefulness and sleep and are followed by a slow wave. Benign variants are often biphasic, do not distort the background activity, are not followed by a slow wave after the spike-wave discharges, and occur predominantly during drowsiness.33 Common benign transients include positive occipital sharp transients of sleep (POSTS), Lambda waves, and rhythmic midtemporal theta bursts of drowsiness (RMTDs). POSTS are symmetric occipital surface positive transients with duration of 200 to 300 ms and an amplitude 20 to 50 mV (in comparison, epileptiform transients are typically surface negative). They are restricted to drowsiness and stage N2 sleep and do not persist typically beyond young adulthood. There is also no associated focal slowing of the background activity.34 Lambda waves are seen in association with saccadic eye movements during the wake state during visual exploration. These surface positive waves are biphasic, less than 50 mV in amplitude over the occipital regions, and may be sharply contoured. Eliminating the visual trigger by placing a white sheet of paper in front of the patient ameliorates this activity.34 RMTDs are characterized by brief runs of sharply contoured theta that may be unilateral or asymmetric. This pattern is also restricted to drowsiness with a typical morphology, but may be mistaken for epileptiform activity.35 Recognition of artifacts also may present a challenge for the sleep physician who monitors patents with epilepsy. In the ICU setting, one of the most frequent artifacts includes 60 Hz due to electrical wires, and devices in the recording environment, electrode pop artifact (recognized by the morphology and it being limited to one electrode), and a pulse artifact.36 The hallmark of subclinical or clinical ictal activity is the appearance of rhythmic evolving activity,37 which may be challenging to appreciate on a routine PSG montage. Arousal patterns, such as occipital rhythmic activity in infancy and frontal arousal rhythm in childhood, may mimic ictal rhythmic activity.38 In older adults, a subclinical rhythmic electrographic discharges of adults pattern may also be confused as an ictal pattern, although it does not posses the characteristic evolution of activity spatially and temporally and is considered a benign variant.39 Vertex waves also may be confused as abnormal sharp waves. These are more easy to differentiate in an extended array of EEG electrodes, as they often have a clear negativity over central electrodes. Vertex sharp waves typically have a duration of 200 ms but in children they are particularly likely to assume high-voltage, sharply contoured morphology with asymmetric features that could be mistaken for right or left central epileptiform sharp waves.38 The sleep technologist may be able to demonstrate that these are vertex sharp waves by arousing the patient briefly and demonstrating their dissipation. SLEEP STATE AS A FACILITATOR OF EPILEPSY

Some seizures are promoted or facilitated preferentially by sleep.2,3,5,40,41 Fig. 2 provides a diagrammatic presentation of seizure distribution and epileptiform discharges across a 24-hour sleep cycle, demonstrating the high likelihood of patients with frontal lobe and extratemporal lobe epilepsy to have mostly nighttime epileptic events. Several explanations for this relationship have been proposed. One theory is that non-REM sleep is a physiologic state of relative neuronal synchronization. During

Seizures in Sleep 517

Fig. 2. Diagrammatic presentation of seizure distribution and corresponding ictal and interictal epileptiform discharges across a 24-hour sleep cycle for generalized and focal epilepsies. The sleep stages are scored based on normal sleep cycling between non-REM sleep stages N1 to N3 and REM sleep cycle during the night. FLE, frontal lobe epilepsy; IEDs, interictal discharges; IGE, idiopathic generalized epilepsy; TLE, temporal lobe epilepsy. (From Badawy RA, Freestone DR, Lai A, et al. Epilepsy: ever-changing states of cortical excitability. Neuroscience 2012;222:89–99.)


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this sleep state, there is a greater likelihood of recruiting the neurons needed to initiate and sustain a seizure.2,5 Non-REM sleep can be viewed as a state of relative synchronization within the thalamocortical neurons. This mode of hyperpolarization results from a progressive reduction in the firing rates of brainstem afferent neurons. This synchronization is reflected in the EEG of non-REM sleep, as seen by the presence of sleep spindles and high-amplitude delta waves. In contrast, REM sleep is characterized by increased brainstem cholinergic input to thalamocortical neurons, producing a relative state of cortical activation. Although there is an increase in both the frequency and the area generating interictal spikes during non-REM sleep, the residual spikes during REM sleep are more predictive of the regions involved in the epileptogenic zone.42 A recent review of the literature postulated that non-REM sleep may be less epileptogenic than periods of REM sleep accompanied by theta oscillations, but more epileptogenic than REM sleep when theta is absent.43 A second theory proposes that sudden synchronous excitatory input from the posterior hypothalamus projects to the neocortical mantle, and may facilitate seizures via exacerbation of cortical hyperexcitability.44 The strongest clinical examples supporting this theory come from juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and GTCSs on awakening, in which seizures occur shortly after awakening.45 Several of the sleep-related epilepsy syndromes involve seizures of frontal lobe origin. Crespel and coworkers46 compared patients with frontal lobe and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and found significant differences between the 2 groups in the occurrence of seizures. In patients with frontal lobe epilepsy, most seizures occurred during sleep, whereas in temporal lobe epilepsy, most seizures occurred while the patients were awake. These findings suggest that changes in neuronal excitability associated with sleep are different in frontal and temporal structures. The frontal lobe receives ascending input from the thalamus and has rich interconnections, which may explain its propensity to facilitate seizures during sleep. EPILEPSY SYNDROMES ASSOCIATED WITH SLEEP

In the differentiation of nocturnal spells, video-PSG is required for the diagnosis, but for practical reasons this may not always be feasible in the ICU in centers in which formal epilepsy monitoring units are absent. However, even when formal recordings take place, a small population of patients remains without a definitive diagnosis despite an extensive workup. Briefly, natural history of the episodes (that appear or increase in frequency after childhood), occurrence of more than 1 episode per night and semiology of the attacks (stereotypy, dyskinetic and dystonic components, clear onset and offset) are generally more indicative of epileptic seizures than disorders of arousal. Nocturnal seizures often have bizarre clinical manifestations. As a general rule, during a spell, patients have preservation of consciousness with rapid recovery.47,48 Scalp EEG monitoring reveals the absence of epileptic activity, which makes diagnosis of nocturnal seizures and distinguishing them from other parasomnias challenging.49 Table 2 highlights some of the salient features differentiating parasomnias from nocturnal frontal lobe seizures.50–52 Observers may not be present to corroborate the episode; therefore, the description of these spells is often lacking or ambiguous. Unlike seizures that occur while awake, nocturnal seizures have auras and postictal periods that tend to be masked by sleep. However, all in all, stereotypy is the key in the clinical presentation and is often the one element in the history that leads the clinician toward the diagnosis of nocturnal seizures. Behavioral manifestations during nocturnal seizures are often complex, and patients may exhibit any of the following: fighting; sensation of fear and tachycardia; running spells; bicycling,

Seizures in Sleep

Table 2 Comparative features of non-REM parasomnia versus NFLE NFLE

Non-REM Parasomnias

Length of event

Typically brief (

Seizures in sleep: clinical spectrum, diagnostic features, and management.

Sleep is disrupted in most patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit and the disturbances are even more profound in patients impacted by epilep...
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