December 1978


The Journal of P ED I AT RIC S

Secretory antibody directed against rotavirus in human milk-measurement by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Human milk canloins antibodies 10 a variety of enteropathic agents. We utilized the method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to investigate anti-rota virus secretory IgA in 113 human milk and

colostral specimens from a rural area in Guatemala, 32 colostral specimens from an urban area oj Costa Rica. and 12 from an urban area of the United States. A nti-rotavlrus SCIgA was found in all colostral samples and in 94% oj the milk specimens. Both the absolute concentration of anti-rotavirus SClgA lind

concentration relative to total SClgA were highest in colostrum, falling to lower but detectable levels from aile week to two years after birth. No significant dljJerences were noted in the results from the specimens from the three different geographic areas. The possible role of this antibody in immunity to rota virus infection is discussed.

Robert H. YolkeD, M.D.,* Richard G. Wyatt, M.D., Bethesda, Md., Leonardo Mata, D.Sc., San Jose, Costa Rica, JUlin J. Urrutia, M.D., Berta Garcia, B.S., Carretera Roosevelt Zona 11, Guatemala,

Robert M. Chanock, M.D., and Albert Z. Kapikian, M.D., Bethesda, Md.

PREVIOUS STUDIES have demonstrated the presence of antibodies to a variety of enteropathic agents in human colostrum and milk.':' These antibodies can prevent colonization with the enteropathic agents." We investigated the levels of antibody to human rotavirus in human colostrum and milk.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: STUDY POPULATION A total of 113 specimens from 35 mothers were examined. The women came from Santa Maria Cauque, a Mayan Indian village in the rural highlands of GuateFrom Laboratory of Infectious Diseases. National Institute of A Ilergy and Infectious Diseases. National Institutes of Health, and the Instltuto de Investigaciones en Salud, Universidad de Costa Rica, the Institute de Nutrtcion de Centro America Y Panama. "Reprln! address: National Institutes of Health. Laboratory oj Infections Diseases, Notional Institute of A Ilergy and lrfectlous Diseases, Buildtng 7, Rill. J03, Bethesda. M D 20014.

Vol. 93, No.6, pp. 916-921

mala. This population has been described in detail.':" When possible, colostrum was collected shortly after delivery; milk specimens were obtained at weeks 1,2,3,4, 8, 12, and 16 after delivery. Later specimens were collected if the mother continued to breast-feed. Owing to See related article, p. 967.

Abbreviations used ELISA: enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay SCIgA: secretory immunoglobulin A some difficulty in collecting specimens, there were few complete sets of serial specimens, but two or more specimens were available from 28 women and four or more from 14, The specimens were centrifuged as previously described' and frozen for nine years until tested. Total secretory IgA was determined by radial immunodiffusion using an II-S standard. An~ibody levels to Shigella dysenteriae 2, Shigella flexneri la, Shigella

A nti-rotavirus antib ody in human milk

Volume 93 Number 6





r ·-·.Q·_·_·_·_·_·* 10,000






Fig. I. Reacti vity of alkaline phosph at ase-labeled anti-SClgA with immu noglobulin ad sorbed to we lls of a microtiter plate. The conju gate is a ble to react with 100 ng /rnl of SClgA, producing an optical density of 0 .5 at 30 minutes. Reactivity with 19G and seru m 19A (7s IgA) not con tain ing the secretory component is m inimal. Table



Colostrum Colostrum Colos trum

Guatemala Costa Rica U. S. A. Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala

Milk Milk Milk M ilk Milk M ilk M ilk

Weeks after btrth

I 2 3 4 5- 12

13-5 1 52-1 04

No. oj specimens examined

No. with detectable antl-rotavirus antibody ( > 0.8 pg/ m/)

18 32 12 19 15 17

16 10 7 11

18 32 12

19 14 14 15 9

7 11

Geometric m ean anti- rotavirus SCIgA ((Jog/mlj 18.1

15,( 17.4 3.4 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 2.4

Percentage M ean total

S Cl gA p,g /ml

3,020 2.870 2.930 1,950 1,720 1,570 1,600 1.580 1,480 1,900

anti-rotavints SCIgA oj total SCfgA 0.60 0.53

0.60 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12

Res ults of anti-rotavirus SCIgA determinations on sp ecimens of milk and colostr um. All ~ilk sp ecimens were ob tai ned from morhers living in Guatemal a: co lostral spe cimens were obtained from mothers living in Guate mala, Costa Rica. an d tile United States,

flexn eri 6, Salmonella panama 2, and Escherichia coli 0111 :84 were determined by passi ve hemagglutination as previously described, I In addition, we examined 32 colostral specimens from women living in San Jose , Costa Rica, an urban area of approximately 1,000,000 inh ab itants. and 12 colo stral specimens from women living in the Washington, D .C., area. (T he latter were kindl y pro vided by Dr. W. Rodriguez, Children's National Medical Center.) ROTAVIRUS ANTIBODY DETERMINATION Anti-rotavirus secretory IgA was measured by means of the system of enzyme-linked irnrncnosorbent assay." 7 In brief, polyvinyl microtiter plates (Cooke Engineering Co.,

Alexandria , Va.) were coa ted w ith ant i-rotavirus serum prepared in guinea pigs, and then in cu ba ted with a rotavirus positive stool filtrate from a gnotobiotic calf which had been experimentally infected with human rota vir us.' Similarly, wells were incubated with a stoo l filtrate from a calf uninfected with ro tavirus [0 ser ve as control wells. These plates were then sto red at 4°C until used. Milk sp ecimens and saline controls were dilu ted in fou rfold serial steps starting at 1:8 in a solution of pho sphate-buffered (pH 7.4) saline containing 0.05% Tween-20 (PBS-Tween) and 1% fet al calf serum . Dilutions were added in 100 J-ll aliq u o ts in duplicate to both virus and control wel1s of the m icrotiter plate and allowed to react overnight at 4°C . They were then washed three times in PBS-Tween; a lOO /.d aliquot of alkaline phospha-


Yolken et al.

The Journal of Pediatrics December 1978


\ 100




50 0:: W

\\ "



Rotavirus ........

..... ---.--


0.05). In addition, 32 colostral specimens from an urban area of Costa Rica and 12 from an urban area of the United States were examined. All contained anti-rotavirus SCrgA, with a geometric mean concentration of 15.1 j.Lg/ml in the Costa Rican specimens and 17.4 j.Lg/ml in those from the United States (Table). Neither the geometric mean concentration of anti-rotavirus SCIgA nor the proportion of SCIgA which was directed against rota virus were significantly different from the Guatemalan specimens. Rotavirus antigen was not found in any colostral or milk specimen. Comparison with other infectious agents. Antibody against Shigella fiexneri, Shigella dysenteriae, E. coli aIII and Salmonella panama had been previously examined in these specimens by means of passive hemagglutination. Although titers between these measurements and those performed in our experiments were not comparable, owing to differences in techniques and increased sensitivity of the ELISA method, a similar pattern was exhibited by all of them, with the highest titers being present in the colostrum, and the level falling off to a plateau two weeks thereafter (Fig. 2). Specificity tests. Blocking tests were performed on 20 representative specimens. In each case the reactivity for anti-rota virus SCIgA was blocked by the addition of purified rotavirus, but not by uninfected calf stool or by tissue culture fluid-containing reovirus 2, orbivirus, or Echo 11 virus. DISCUSSION These studies demonstrate that human milk contains a significant concentration of antibody against rotavirus. The level is highest in colostrum and decreases to lower but detectable levels in most milk specimens collected thereafter for up to 24 months of lactation. The fact that similar levels of anti-rotavirus SCIgA were found in specimens from three different locales suggests that this antibody is Widely prevalent in the human population. Local antibody in the intestinal tract is often produced by direct stimulation of immunocompetent cells." It is unlikely that there was direct rotavirus infection of the mammary glands in the mothers studied. Goldblum et aI''' demonstrated that milk antibodies to E. coli could devel-

A nti-rotavirus antibodv in human milk


op after mothers were orally immunized against that agent without transport of antigen to breast tissue, presumably by means of migration of immunocompetent cells from the gastrointestinal tract to the lymphoid tissue of the breast. Similar results have been obtained following Shigella vaccination." Thus the anti-rotavirus antibody found in these milk specimens was probably formed as an consequence of past gastrointestinal infection with this agent. In animals such as sheep, pigs, and cows, colostral or milk antibody is protective against a wide variety of enteropathic agents.":" Snodgrass and Wells" demonstrated that rotavirus infection in lambs could be prevented by the feeding of antibody-containing colostrum. Woode et al-" found that feeding of antibodycontaining colostrum was protective against rotavirus infection in newborn cows; coloslrum not containing immunoglobulin did not offer protection. Leece et al" demonstrated that the feeding of bovine colostrum containing anti-rotavirus antibody could protect piglets from subsequent rotavirus infection. In none of these studies did colostrum protect against infection when colostral feedings were stopped prior to viral challenge, suggesting that protection was due to a short-lived local effect of antibody in the gastrointestinal tract rather than to an effect produced by antibody transferred into the systemic circulation. In fact, high levels of systemic antibody were not protective in the absence of local antibody." Caution must be exercised in extrapolating from the animal systems to the human because newborn animals from many species obtain most of their systemic antibody from colostrum, whereas most of human newborn serum antibody is transferred by way of the placenta. However, Katz and Plotkin" showed that the replication of poliovirus in the gastrointestinal tract of newborn infants was inhibited by the ingestion of milk containing neutralizing antibody to that virus. Larguia et aF·1 were able to arrest an epidemic of an enteropathic strain of E. coli in a newborn nursery by giving the infants 5 mg/kg of colostrum-containing antibody to that E. coli strain. The presence of antibodies against a variety of enteropathic agents in milk obtained from Guatemalan mothers might explain the lower incidence of gastrointestinal disease in breast-fed children in that country." Similarly, such antibodies might explain the low incidence of gastroenteritis in breast-fed children living in the United States." Konno'" recently reported a fivefold lower incidence of rotavirus infection in breast-fed children in Japan of less than 6 months of age as compared to a control group matched for lactation and economic state. Totterdell et al" investigated a rotavirns epidemic in a newborn


Yo/ken et al.

The Journal of Pediutrics December 1978

nursery and found a significantly lower incidence of rotavirus infection in breast-fed infants as compared to bottle-fed infants. Our finding of anti-rotavirus SClgA in breast milk suggests that the protection offered by breast feeding is due to this antibody. Because human milk also



contains nonspecific antibacterial and anti-viral substances,":" this interpretation should be made with caution. However, the experiments cited above on rotavirus infections in cows" showed that colostrum that did not


contain immunoglobulin was not protective against rotavirus infection. Further experiments will have to be performed to determine if this is also the case in human beings.


The higher concentration of anti-rotavirus antibody present in the colostrum as compared to later breast milk specimens cannot be explained by increases in concentra-


tion of SClgA, since the actual percentage of SCIgA that is directed against rotavirus is sixfold higher in the colostrum than it is in later milk specimens. The physiologic role of this increased amount of anti-rotavirus


antibody in colostrum is not known. Although systemic absorption of IgA might occur," it is doubtful that systemic antibody would 'provide


protection against

gastroenteritis. A more likely possibility is that the large amount of antibody in colostrum serves to provide protec-


tion for the newborn infant when the total volume of milk intake is small. The animal studies cited above indicate that it is primarily local antibody which provides



against rotavirus infection. Preliminary studies in our laboratory indicate that protection against rotavirus infec-


tion is afforded by anti-rotavirus SCIgA present in gastrointestinal fluids, whereas systemic antibody is not,


by itself, protective." It is thus likely that human colostrum and milk could protect the newborn infant against rotavirus infection by providing anti-rotavirus SCIgA


when the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to synthesize this antibody is limited." The authors thank Virginia Gill and Barbara Barbour for technical assistance and Barbara Armiger, Julie Paolella, and Gina Shankel for secretarial assistance. REFERENCES


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Secretory antibody directed against rotavirus in human milk--measurement by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

December 1978 916 The Journal of P ED I AT RIC S Secretory antibody directed against rotavirus in human milk-measurement by means of enzyme-linked...
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