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Cite this: Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 4192

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Saddle-splay screening and chiral symmetry breaking in toroidal nematics Vinzenz Koning,*a Benjamin C. van Zuiden,a Randall D. Kamienb and Vincenzo Vitellia We present a theoretical study of director fields in toroidal geometries with degenerate planar boundary conditions. We find spontaneous chirality: despite the achiral nature of nematics the director configuration shows a handedness if the toroid is thick enough. In the chiral state the director field displays a double twist, whereas in the achiral state there is only bend deformation. The critical thickness increases as the difference between the twist and saddle-splay moduli grows. A positive saddle-splay modulus prefers alignment along the meridian of the bounding torus, and hence promotes a chiral configuration. The chiral–achiral transition mimics the order–disorder transition of the mean-field Ising

Received 13th January 2014 Accepted 3rd March 2014

model. The role of the magnetisation in the Ising model is played by the degree of twist. The role of the

DOI: 10.1039/c4sm00076e

temperature is played by the aspect ratio of the torus. Remarkably, an external field does not break the chiral symmetry explicitly, but shifts the transition. In the case of toroidal cholesterics, we do find a

preference for one chirality over the other – the molecular chirality acts as a field in the Ising analogy.



The connement of liquid crystals in non-trivial geometries forms a rich and interesting area of study because the preferred alignment at the curved bounding surface induces bulk distortions of the liquid crystal – that is, the boundary conditions matter. This results in a great diversity of assemblies and mechanical phenomena.1–5 Water droplets dispersed in a nematic liquid crystal interact and assemble into chains due to the presence of the anisotropic host uid,6–8 defect lines in cholesteric liquid crystals can be knotted and linked around colloidal particles,9–12 and surface defects in spherical nematic shells can abruptly migrate when the thickness inhomogeneity of the shell is altered.13,14 In the examples above, spherical droplets (or colloids), either lled with – or dispersed in – a liquid crystal, create architectures arising from their coupling to the orientational order of the liquid crystal. Nematic structures where the bounding surface of the colloid or the liquid crystal droplet is topologically different from a sphere have also been studied.15–17 Though there has been much interest in the interplay between order and toroidal geometries,17–25 it was only recently that experimental realisations of nematic liquid crystal droplets with toroidal boundaries were reported.26,27 Polarised microscopy revealed a twisted nematic orientation in droplets with planar degenerate (tangential) boundary conditions, despite the achiral nature of nematics. This phenomenon, which we will identify as


Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, Postbus 9506, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]


Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA

4192 | Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 4192–4198

Schematic of (a) achiral, (b) right handed and (c) left handed toroidal nematic liquid crystals. The black lines are director field lines on the bounding torus.

Fig. 1

spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking,† is the subject of theoretical study in this article. The chirality of nematic toroids is displayed by the local average orientation of the nematic molecules, called the director eld and indicated by the unit vector n. Motivated by experiment, we will assume this director eld to be aligned in the tangent plane of the bounding torus. Fig. 1a shows an achiral nematic toroid which has its eld lines aligned along ^ In contrast, the chiral nematic toroids the azimuthal direction, f. in Fig. 1b and c show a right and le handedness, respectively, when following the eld lines anticlockwise (in the azimuthal direction). The origin of the chirality lies in two elastic effects of geometric connement. Firstly, there is a trade-off between bend and twist deformations. Secondly, another type of director distortion called saddle-splay couples the director to the curvature of the boundary, and can consequently favour the chiral state. These nematic toroids share similarities with polymer bundles.20,28–33 In fact, twisted DNA toroids have been analysed with liquid crystal theory.20,32,34 Under the appropriate solvent conditions DNA condenses into toroids.28,35 These efficient † Technically, it is spontaneous achiral symmetry breaking since the symmetry is the lack of chirality. However, we will conform to the standard convention.

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packings of genetic material are interesting as vehicles in therapeutic gene delivery; it has been argued20 that a twist in DNA toroids, for which there are indications both in simulations36,37 and experiments,38 would unfold more slowly and could therefore be benecial for this delivery process. Thus, besides a way to engineer complex structures, the theory of geometrically conned liquid crystals may also provide understanding of biological systems. The organisation of this article is as follows. In Section 2 we will discuss our calculational method which involves a single variational ansatz only for the director elds of both chiral and achiral toroidal nematics. In Section 3 we will consider its energetics in relation to the slenderness, elastic anisotropies, cholesteric pitch and external elds, and discuss the achiral– chiral transition in the light of the mean eld treatment of the Ising model. Finally, we conclude in Section 4.

We will study the general case in which the director lies in the tangent plane of the boundary assuming that the anchoring is strong so that the only energy arises from elastic deformations captured by the Frank free energy functional:39,40 ð   1 F ½nðxÞ ¼ dV K1 ðV$nÞ2 þ K2 ðn$V  nÞ2 þ K3 ðn  V  nÞ2 2 ð  K24 dS$ðnV$n þ n  V  nÞ; (1) where dS ¼ ndS is the area element, with n the unit normal vector (outward pointing) and where dV is the volume element. Due to the anisotropic nature of the nematic liquid crystal, this expression contains three bulk elastic moduli, K1, K2, K3, rather than a single one for fully rotationally symmetric systems. In addition, there is a surface elastic constant K24. K1, K2, K3 and K24 measure the magnitude of splay, twist, bend and saddlesplay distortions, respectively. We now provide a geometrical interpretation of the saddle-splay distortions. Firstly, observe that under perfect planar anchoring conditions n$n ¼ 0 and so the rst term in the saddle-splay energy does not contribute: F24 ¼ K24 dSn$(n  V  n).


This remaining term in the saddle-splay energy is oen rewritten as Ð

F24 ¼ K24 dSn$(n$V)n.


(n  V  n)a ¼ 3abc nb 3cpq vp nq



¼ (dap dbq  daq dbq) nb vp nq ¼ nb vb na

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Upon writing n ¼ n1e1 + n2e2, with e1 and e1 two orthonormal basis vectors in the plane of the surface, one obtains Ð F24 ¼ K24 d Sni Lij nj,


where we note that i, j ¼ 1, 2 (rather than running till 3). Thus the nematic director couples to the extrinsic curvature tensor,41 dened as Lij ¼ ei$(ej$V)n.


Ð F24 ¼ K24 dS(k1n12 + k2n22).

Free energy of a nematic toroid


Ð F24 ¼ K24 dSn$(n$V)n.

If e1 and e2 are in the directions of principal curvatures, k1 and k2, respectively, one nds

2 Toroidal director fields 2.1

where in the last line one uses that 0 ¼ va (1) ¼ va (nbnb) ¼ 2nbvanb. In other words, the bend is precisely the curvature of the integral curves of n. Employing the product rule of differentiation 0 ¼ va (nbnb) ¼ nbvanb + nbvanb yields


We conclude that the saddle-splay term favours alignment of the director along the direction with the smallest principal curvature if K24 > 0. The controversial surface energy density K13nV$n is sometimes incorporated in eqn (1), but is in our case irrelevant, because the normal vector is perpendicular to n, and so n$n ¼ 0. We will consider a nematic liquid crystal conned in a handle body bounded by a torus given by the following implicit equation for the cartesian coordinates x, y, and z:  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 R1  x2 þ y2 þ z2 # R2 2 : (9) Here, R1 and R2 are the large and small radii, respectively, of the circles that characterise the outer surface: a torus obtained by revolving a circle of radius R2 around the z-axis (Fig. 2). We can conveniently parametrise this solid torus by the coordinates r ˛ [0, R2], f ˛ [0, 2p) and j ˛ [0, 2p) (illustrated in Fig. 2): x ¼ (R1 + r cos j) cos f,


y ¼ (R1 + r cos j) sin f,


z ¼ r sin j.


The metric reads: 0

1 0 B gmn ¼ @ 0 ðR1 þ r cos jÞ2 0


1 0 C 0 A; r2


pffiffiffi with m, n ˛ {r, f, j}. It follows that dS ¼ n g djdf and pffiffiffi dV ¼ g drdjdf, where g ¼ det gmn. For a torus the f and j directions are the principal directions. The curvature along the j direction is everywhere negative (measured with respect to the outward pointing normal) and the smallest of the two, so when K24 > 0, the director tends to wind along the small circle with radius R2 (i.e. meridian).

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Fig. 2 (Left panel) Schematic of the boundary of the geometry specified eqn (9) including graphical definitions of f and R1. The torus characterised by a large (red) and a small (blue) circle. The large circle, or centerline, has radius R1. (Right panel) Schematic of a cut including graphical definitions of r, j and R2.


Double twist

To minimise the Frank energy we formulate a variational ansatz built on several simplifying assumptions.20 We consider that a director eld, which has no radial component (i.e. nr ¼ 0), is tangential to the centerline (r ¼ 0), and is independent of f. Furthermore, since we expect the splay (K1) distortions to be unimportant, we rst take the eld to be divergence free (i.e. V$n ¼ 0). Recalling that in curvilinear coordinates the diverpffiffiffi 1 gence is V$n ¼ pffiffiffi vm ð g nm Þ, we write: g f ðrÞR1 nj ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14) gff pffiffiffi where the other terms in g play no role as they are independent of j. The f-component of the director follows from the normalisation condition. For the radial dependence of f(r) we make the simplest choice: f ðrÞ ¼

ur R2


and obtain nj ¼ u

xr=R2 ; r x þ cos j R2


where we have introduced x h R1/R2, the slenderness or aspect ratio of the torus. The variational parameter u governs the chirality of the toroidal director eld. If u ¼ 0 the director eld corresponds to the axial conguration (Fig. 1a). The sign of u determines the chirality: right handed when u > 0 (Fig. 1c) and le handed when u < 0 (Fig. 1b). The magnitude of u determines the degree of twist. Note that the direction of twist is in the radial direction, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Therefore the toroidal nematic is doubly twisted, resembling the cylindrical building blocks of the blue phases.39,40 It may be useful to relate u to a quantity at the surface, say the angle, a, that the director ^ For the ansatz, this angle will be different makes with f. depending on whether one measures at the inner or outer part of the torus, but for large x we nd u z nj (r ¼ R2) ¼ sin a.


3 Chiral symmetry breaking 3.1

Results for divergence-free eld

Since u only determines the chirality of the double-twisted conguration but not the amount of twist, the free energy is invariant under reversal of the sign of u, i.e. F(u) ¼ F(u). This mirror symmetry allows us to write down a Landau-like expansion in which F only contains even powers of u,   F ¼ a0 ðfKi g; xÞ þ a2 ðfKi g; xÞu2 þ a2 ðfKi g; xÞu4 þ O u6 (18) where {Ki} is the set of elastic constants.‡ If the coefficient a2 > 0, the achiral nematic toroid (ueq ¼ 0) corresponds to the minimum of F provided that a4 > 0. In contrast, the mirror symmetry is broken spontaneously whenever a2 < 0 (and a4 > 0). The achiral–chiral critical transition at a2 ¼ 0 belongs to the universality class of the mean-eld Ising model. Therefore, we can immediately infer that the value of the critical exponent b in ueq  (a2)b is 1/2. To obtain the dependence of the coefficients ai on the elastic constants and x, we need to evaluate the integral in eqn (1). We nd for the bend, twist and saddle-splay energies:  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F3 ¼ 2p2 x  x2  1 x K3 R1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x 1  9x2 þ 6x4 þ 6x x2  1  6x3 x2  1   þ p2 u2 þ O u4 ; 3  2 x 1 2 (19) F2 ¼ 4p2  K2 R1

x3 3 x2  1 2

F24 ¼ 4p2  K24 R1

Fig. 3 Schematic of the ansatz for the director field lines (u ¼ 0.6 and x ¼ 3), displaying a twist when going radially outward, including a graphical definition of a.

4194 | Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 4192–4198

  u2 þ O u6 ;

x3 3 x 1 2

u2 :




‡ Explicitly: {Ki} ¼ {K1, K2, K3, K24}.

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Fig. 4 (Left panel) The free energy as a function of u for x ¼ 6 (dashed) and x ¼ 5 (solid), when (K2  K24)/K3 ¼ 102. For x ¼ 5 the chiral symmetry is broken spontaneously: the minimum values of the energy occur for a nonzero u. (Right panel) The free energy as a function of u for q ¼ 0 (dashed) and qR2 ¼ 103 (solid), when x ¼ 6, (K2  K24)/K3 ¼ 102 and K2/K3 ¼ 0.3. For qR2 ¼ 103 the chiral symmetry is broken explicitly: the minimum value of the energy occurs for a nonzero u, because F contains the term linear in u.

Though the bend and twist energies are Taylor expansions in u, the saddle-splay energy is exact. The large x asymptotic behavior of the elastic energy reads:§     F p2 5 p2 u2 þ u4 þ O u6 ; z 2 þ 4p2 k  (22) 2 K3 R1 2 x 16x K2  K24 is the elastic anisotropy in twist and saddlewhere k h K3 splay. The achiral conguration contains only bend energy. For sufficiently thick toroids, bend distortions are exchanged with twist and the mirror symmetry is indeed broken spontaneously (Fig. 4). Interestingly, if K24 > 0 the saddle-splay deformations screen the cost of twist. If K24 < 0 on the other hand, there is an extra penalty for twisting. Setting the coefficient of the u2 term equal to zero yields the phase boundary: pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ 9xc 2  6xc 4  6xc xc 2  1 þ 6xc 3 xc 2  1 kc ¼ 4xc 2 5 z if x [1 (23) 16xc 2 Fig. 5 shows the phase diagram as a function of x and k. It is interesting to look at the critical behavior. The degree of twist close to the transition is  1=2 5 aeq z ueq z2  k (24) 16x2 where we have used that sin aeq z aeq for small aeq. Upon expanding x ¼ xc + dx (with dx < 0) and k ¼ kc + dk (with dk < 0) around their critical values xc and kc, respectively, we obtain the following scaling relationship: !1=2 pffiffiffi 5 dx (25) aeq z  3 2 xc aeq z 2(dk)1/2

while keeping k and x xed, respectively. Eqn (25) and (26) are analogues to meq  (t)1/2, relating the equilibrium magnetisation, meq (in the ferromagnetic phase of the Ising model in Landau theory), to the reduced temperature, t.


Effects of external elds and cholesteric pitch

Due to the inversion symmetry of nematics, F [n] ¼ F [n], an external magnetic eld, H, couples quadratically to the components of n rather than linearly as in spin systems. The magnetic free energy contribution reads: ð c Fm ¼  a dV ðn$HÞ2 ; (27) 2 where ca ¼ c||  ct, the difference between the magnetic susceptibilities parallel and perpendicular to n. Consequently, there is no explicit chiral symmetry breaking due to H as is the case in the Ising model. Rather, H shis the location of the critical transition in the phase diagram. For concreteness, we will consider two different applied elds, ^ and namely a uniaxial eld H ¼ Hz^z ¼ Hz sin(j)^r + Hz cos(j)j ^ an azimuthal eld H ¼ Hff, as if produced by a conducting wire going through the hole of the toroid. For H ¼ Hz^z we nd    pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Fm ¼ p2 ca Hz 2 R1 R2 2 x2 2x x  x2  1  1 u2 z


§ The fourth order term in the bend energy for general x, which reduces to p2 K3 R2 xu4 in eqn (22), is not given in eqn (19), because it is too lengthy. 2

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Fig. 5 Phase diagram as a function of the toroidal slenderness and the elastic anisotropy in twist and saddle-splay constant, k h (K2  K24)/K3. The twisted (yellow region) and axial (cyan region) configurations are separated by a boundary line in the absence of an external field (solid pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi ^ (dashed blue) and when black), when H ¼ 0:1K3 =ð ca R2 Þf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi H ¼ 0:1K3 =ð ca R2 Þ^z (dash-dotted red).

p2 c Hz 2 R1 R2 2 u2 4 a

if x[1:


For a positive ca this energy contribution is negative, implying that a larger area in the phase diagram is occupied by the twisted conguration. The new phase boundary (Fig. 5), which is now a surface in the volume spanned by x, k and Hz instead of a line, reads:

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kc ¼

 1 þ 9xc 2  6xc 4  6xc

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi xc 2  1 þ 6xc 3 xc 2  1

 c ðHz Þc 2 R2 2  2 xc  1 xc  a K3  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi    2xc þ 2xc 3 þ xc 2  1  2xc 2 xc 2  1 4xc 2

Published on 05 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Windsor on 22/10/2014 15:05:06.


5 c ðHz Þc 2 R2 2 þ a 2 16K3 16xc

if x [1:

Fm ¼ p ca Hf R1 R2 2


  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2p2 ca Hf 2 R1 R2 2 x 2x2 x  x2  1  x2  1 u2 þ 3

z p2 ca Hf 2 R1 R2 2 þ

p2 c Hf 2 R1 R2 2 u2 2 a

if x [1:


Consequently, this yields a shied phase boundary (Fig. 5):

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi kc ¼  1 þ 9xc 2  6xc 4  6xc xc 2  1 þ 6xc 3 xc 2  1  2c ðHf Þc 2 R2 2  2 xc  1  a 3K3  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi    1 þ xc 2  2xc 4 þ 2xc 3 xc 2  1 4xc 2 z

c ðHf Þc 2 R2 2 5  a 2 8K3 16xc

if x[1:


Similar results (eqn (28)–(31)) hold for an applied electric eld E instead of a magnetic eld; the analog of ca is the dielectric anisotropy. There could however be another physical mechanism at play in a nematic insulator, namely the exoelectric effect.39,42 Splay and bend deformations induce a polarisation P ¼ e1nV$n + e3n  V  n,


where e1 and e3 are called the exoelectric coefficients. Note that the rst term in eqn (32) is irrelevant for the divergence-free ansatz. A coupling of P with E Ð FP ¼  dVP$E


could potentially lead to a shi of the transition. In the partic^ however, the ular case when E ¼ Ez ^z ¼ Ez sin(j) ^r + Ez cos(j)j, u2 contribution from eqn (33) vanishes, thus not yielding such a shi. If we now consider toroidal cholesterics rather than nematics, the chiral symmetry is broken explicitly (Fig. 4). A cholesteric pitch of 2p/q gives a contribution to the free energy of: Ð Fcn ¼ K2 q dVn$V  n.


Substituting eqn (16) yields

 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Fcn ¼ 8p2 K2 qR1 R2 x x  x2  1 u þ Oðu3 Þ z  4p2 K2 qR1 R2 u þ Oðu3 Þ if x [1:

4196 | Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 4192–4198

aeq z (2K2R2q/K3)1/3  q1/3.


This is the analog scaling relationship of meq  H1/3 in the mean-eld Ising model.


In contrast, an azimuthal eld favours the axial conguration, contributing a positive u2-term to the energy when ca > 0: 2

Therefore, at the critical line in the phase diagram spanned by k and x, the degree of twist or surface angle scales (for large x) with the helicity of the cholesteric as



Results for the two-parameter ansatz

Motivated by experiments,26 we can introduce an extra variational parameter g to allow for splay deformations, in addition to u: nj ¼ u

xr=R2 : r xþg cos j R2


(Note that eqn (16) is recovered by setting g ¼ 1 in eqn (37).) In subsection 3.1 analytical results for g ¼ 1 were presented. In this subsection we will slightly improve these results by nding the optimal value of g numerically. First, we discretise the azimuthally symmetric director eld in the r and j direction. Next, we compute the Frank free energy density in eqn (1) by taking nite differences43 of the discretised nematic eld. Aer summation over the volume elements the Frank free energy will become a function of u and g for a given set of elastic constants and a given aspect ratio. Because of the normalisation condition on n, the allowed values for u and g are constrained to the open diamondx  jgj jgj  x like interval for which x< g < x and holds. \u\ x x The minima of the energy surface can be found by employing the conjugate gradient method. We have looked at the difference between the g ¼ 1 case and the case where the value of g is chosen to minimise the energy. This was done for various choices of k. We have chosen the material properties of 5CB, i.e. K1 ¼ 0.64K3 and K2 ¼ 0.3K3.40 The value of K24 has not been so accurately determined, but previous measurements26,44–48 seem to suggest that K24 z K2, corresponding to k z 0. We are interested in how the phase boundary changes by introducing the variational parameter g. Therefore, the twist p angle a, evaluated at the surface of the torus at j ¼ , versus 2 the slenderness x is shown in the top panel of Fig. 6. For the particular choices of k there are two noticeable differences between the single-parameter ansatz and the two-parameter ansatz. Firstly, for small values of x, a is changed signicantly. Secondly, for larger values of x we see that if there is a chiral– achiral phase transition, xc is shied by a small amount. In the bottom panel of Fig. 6 we further investigate how introducing g inuences the phase boundary, by plotting the phase boundary as a function of the toroidal slenderness x and elastic anisotropy k for both g as a variational parameter (solid) and for g ¼ 1 (dashed). Observe that, for both the small x and small k regime, the difference is signicant.

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Soft Matter Dictionary of the critical behavior of the structural transition in liquid crystal toroids and the thermal phase transition in the mean-field Ising model

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Table 1

Liquid crystal toroid

Mean-eld Ising model


aeq  (dx)b aeq  (dx)b aeq  q1/d

meq  (t)b

b ¼ 1/2

meq  H1/d


Thus, the helicity rather than an external eld breaks the chiral symmetry explicitly. Remarkably, since an external eld couples quadratically to the director eld, it induces a shi of the phase boundary. An azimuthally aligned eld favours the mirror symmetric director conguration, whereas a homogeneous eld in the z-direction favours the doubly twisted conguration. A minimization of the elastic energy analogous to the one presented in this article for toroidal droplets has also been carried out for spherical droplets.51 The analytical results reproduce qualitatively the twisted textures observed experimentally in spherical bipolar droplets.52 In this case, detailed measurements of the dependence of the twist angle on the elastic moduli were carried out by changing temperature which in turn affects the elastic moduli. The measured exponent b was 0.75  0.1 for 8 CB and 0.76  0.1 for 8 OCB,53 rather than the 1/ 2 exponent we calculated in our mean eld energy minimizations that entirely neglect thermal uctuations.

Acknowledgements (Top panel) Twist angle a (in units of p) at j ¼ p/2 versus the slenderness x for k ¼ 0.012 (green), k ¼ 0.006 (red), k ¼ 0 (blue), k ¼ 0.006 (magenta) and k ¼ 0.012 (cyan). The dashed lines represent a for g ¼ 1 and the solid lines represent a found for the optimal g. (Bottom panel) The phase boundary as a function of the toroidal slenderness x and elastic anisotropy k for g as a variational parameter (solid) and for g ¼ 1 (dashed). The inset zooms in on the phase boundary for small x.

Fig. 6

V. K. acknowledges funding from Stichting Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM). This work was partially supported by NSF DMR12-62047 and a Simons Investigator award from the Simons Foundation to R. D. K. We would like to thank Hiroshi Yokoyama for discussions.

References 4 Conclusions We have investigated spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in toroidal nematic liquid crystals. As in the case of nematic tactoids,49,50 the two ingredients for this macroscopic chirality are orientational order of achiral microscopic constituents and a curved conning boundary. This phenomenon occurs when K2  K24 both the aspect ratio of the toroid and are small. The K3 critical behavior of this structural transition belongs to the same universality class as the ferromagnet–paramagnet phase transition in the Ising model in dimensions above the upper critical dimension. The analogues of the magnetisation, reduced temperature and external eld are the degree of twist K2  K24 (or surface angle), slenderness or , and (cholesteric) K3 helicity in liquid crystal toroids, respectively. Critical exponents are collected in Table 1.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10

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Saddle-splay screening and chiral symmetry breaking in toroidal nematics.

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