Root Surface Caries in the Molar Teeth of Rice Rats. 1. A Method for Quantitative Scoring RICHARD S. DOFF, SAMUEL College of Dentistry,




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lIe Ohio State University, Colum)t bus, Olio 13 210, U SA

A new system was devisel for scoring root surface caries. Tue roots were dcivi(leti cKr -

cumferentially and aipically into areas. Tach

cxposed are-a and any cartions involvcement woas given a stoic of 1. h?oot st fat1ce cat -is zvats expressed ais total arcas ifjectet (tiI(t as a

percentage of the exposed toot


J Dent Res 56(8): 1013-1016 August 1977. Few metlhods are currcntly in u-ise for exalmating root surface catries in nats. \Vliere sttudies on root surface caries haxve aippe-aired in the literaturc, no quantitative methlod was, used to CxalUate the nuhnier and/or sexverity of the lesions.t-5 One miethiod emiploys a histopatliological evialuation of dleiptli of pcnetration wlhiclh is timie consum-ning a-,ind qualitative.6 For this reason a new system:ll is proposed whiclh is quantit;ative and can] be accomplishied qjticklv.

IFi, 2. )SpeCCfic e\lpleIIC of scetci 1toot Sut face caries. Facial or Lingual View

Mesial Surface of Mesial Root or Di st at Surface of Distal Root

D)istal Surface of Mesial Root or Mesi al Surfacce of Distal Root (Focing furcat on)

Fwc. 1. Division of loot atieas for scoiltig exposed root surface anid i-oot smlfalcc carics. Tfie

facial sLurface and the liniguial su-rface of each root are divided into four cqual aicas; eacl furcation is divided into txwo areas; the incsial susrface of the mesial root an-d the distal surface )f the distal root ate di frided inito fouIr equal ,treas; the (listal stirface of the mnesial l-oot and rtie tiiesial sutafcec of tle distal rotot are (livicledl iitt three clutal ai-eas. Received fir publication Atigstst 18, 1976. Accepted for puilicatiutrn October 15, 1976. m *M athesotii Colemani anid Bet], Divisio f MtaMtheson Co., Iimc., Cincinnati, Oh.

Materials and Methods \t tile termninatiotl of an experiment, the animnals are sacrificcd. Tlc mltalndibles are removed anid autoclaved for tlhree mittutes at 3 psi to loosen tile soft tisstIC. Th-ireafter the soft tissues are rcinoved antd thle jaws arc placed iln 70% etliyl alcolhol for storage. Followin-ig remoxal froiit the alcolhol, tlhey are permitted to dry in air. Whern dry, the mandibles are placed in jars containinig 0.011°( mitirexidle solutioll (atinmonimYn l)Urpturu te) ie (0.04 gui mil-rexidle in 700-nml listilledI wa-ter + 300-ml absolutte ailcollol) antd lef't for 24 Ilours in the (lark. 'I lis solutiotl stains dlecalcified areas. The specimenis are remoxved froni the stain, (dried in tlhe air, and evablated for the exposed root surfaces anncd root sutrfatce caries.

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J Dent Res August 1977 area with root surface caries is given a score of 1. Any ii-iloenirent of an area is gixen 1 C 1Nia\ilIuml SC0rC fOr a1 Imanla SCOIC Of 1. he


dihular molar is 34. The jatw is placed unider a dissectingMicroscope with a magnification of 20 x. Caries is scored only if a stained area. catnI be penetrated with an explorer. A speclfic example of sexvere catrions inoleimenit of the 1st anid 2nd(I molars is showil inl Fij2 1 11)1 1 ones the tcOCes for tde root sunrfaces cxposecd aid the nunl)mer of root stractes witli caries. Coronal caities iS piCst'iet oi thle 211(1 miolair l)bLt IS not ill(luleldd in cvaluatintg root sumface caries. Thle lnglllM Srlface of' the ineslial ioot Cof the 1st molIrllhls foLIr areas of ex1poscdl root suirface, tlhree of vhIichi are caliois. The distal stir.ace of tie iliesial root of the 1st miolar has 3 areas of exposedl root surface, one of wliichi is catious. 1 lie furcation has two areas of exposed root surface, botlh of whlici are carious. 7 lie linigual surface of the distal root of thlc Ist niiolar lias tlitce atreis of exposcd root surface, twvo of wlhichi arc carious. The niesial surface of the distal root of the 1st molar hlas tlhrce areas of exposed root suirface, one of w%7hich is canrious. The total exposed toot surfaces for tlhese two molars as illtistrated is 25. 71 lie total carious root surfaces for thiese twxo molars as illustrated

FIG 3. Specific surface caries.

cxaimiplc of mocer ate root M

MIE--IIon tFOR scoki EXPOSED ROOt SURFACLS (FIG 1) .-A. Each root of the mandibular miolars is dix idle into mesial distal, facial aid linguatal areas. B. Eaclh root is also dlixfriIed into foulr equal sections coronoapically except for the suirfaces of the root facing the furc ation wllich are divided into thirec sections. C. The furcation is divided into two areas coronoapically. D. To obtaiii an exposed root surfacc score, earsh exposecl atea is gixVen a score of L. F chi root can liave a maximiulnm score of 15, wIth'

cachi furcation can have a inaximum score of 2. hlie niaxirntim score for a manidibular iniolzar is 31. METIIOD FOR SCORING ROor SURJ[ACE (CARIi S (FIG I) .-A. ELac root of thle mandM(libUlar molars is divided inlto arcas exactly the same as in scoring cxposed root suirfaces. Fadcls


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Root surface caries in the molar teeth of Rice rats. I. A method for quantitative scoring.

Root Surface Caries in the Molar Teeth of Rice Rats. 1. A Method for Quantitative Scoring RICHARD S. DOFF, SAMUEL College of Dentistry, 7 N, RosI...
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