OncoTargets and Therapy

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Retraction Li J-Z, Zhang Y, Wen B, Li M, Wang Y-J. Ability of PITX2 methylation to predict survival in patients with prostate cancer. OncoTargets Ther. 2015;8:3507–3512. Large sections of text in this paper have been reused, albeit with minimal re-wording, without citation back to the source:

Li J-Z, Zhang Y, Wen B, Li M, and Wang Y-J have failed to provide any explanation for the unauthorised re-use of figures and tables from the 2014 publication, Vasiljevic N, Ahmad AS, Carter PD, Fisher G, Berney DM, Foster CS, Cuzick J, Lorincz AT. DNA methylation of PITX2 predicts poor survival in men with prostate cancer. Biomark Med. 2014; 8(9):1143–1150.


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[This retracts the article on p. 3507 in vol. 8, PMID: 26648742.]...
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