

Received: 8 September 2016    Revised: 22 February 2017    Accepted: 5 March 2017 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2941


Reindeer habitat use in relation to two small wind farms, during preconstruction, construction, and operation Anna Skarin1

 | Moudud Alam2


Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden 2

Section of Statistics, School of Technology and Business Studies, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden Correspondence Anna Skarin, Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Email: [email protected] Funding information Swedish Energy Agency; Vindval, Grant/Award Number: 31940-1 and 31940-2

Abstract Worldwide there is a rush toward wind power development and its associated infrastructure. In Fennoscandia, large-­scale wind farms comprising several hundred windmills are currently built in important grazing ranges used for Sámi reindeer husbandry. In this study, reindeer habitat use was assessed using reindeer fecal pellet group counts in relation to two relatively small wind farms, with 8 and 10 turbines, respectively. In 2009, 1,315 15-­m2 plots were established and pellet groups were counted and cleaned from the plots. This was repeated once a year in May, during preconstruction, construction, and operation of the wind farms, covering 6 years (2009–2014) of reindeer habitat use in the area. We modeled the presence/absence of any pellets in a plot at both the local (wind farm site) and regional (reindeer calving to autumn range) scale with a hierarchical logistic regression, where spatial correlation was accounted for via random effects, using vegetation type, and the interaction between distance to wind turbine and time period as predictor variables. Our results revealed an absolute reduction in pellet groups by 66% and 86% around each wind farm, respectively, at local scale and by 61% at regional scale during the operation phase compared to the preconstruction phase. At the regional, scale habitat use declined close to the turbines in the same comparison. However, at the local scale, we observed increased habitat use close to the wind turbines at one of the wind farms during the operation phase. This may be explained by continued use of an important migration route close to the wind farm. The reduced use at the regional scale nevertheless suggests that there may be an overall avoidance of both wind farms during operation, but further studies of reindeer movement and behavior are needed to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms behind this suggested avoidance. KEYWORDS

anthropogenic disturbance, before after design, pellet group count, Rangifer, renewable energy development, Sámi reindeer husbandry, spatial correlation


reindeer husbandry system in Northern Europe. The forest has been

The boreal forest in Fennoscandia represents an important grazing

such as mining and hydro power, over the last century (Herrmann

resource for reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) within the Sámi

et al., 2014; Sandström et al., 2016). More recently, there has been a

exposed to major changes due to forestry and other exploitation,

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2017 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 3870  |   www.ecolevol.org

Ecology and Evolution. 2017;7:3870–3882.




massive increase in the planning and construction of large wind farms

on the reindeer (Vistnes & Nellemann, 2008). This means that regional

in the forest area, comprising several hundred windmills together with

and long-­term studies are required to safeguard against underestimat-

their associated infrastructure of roads and power lines. For exam-

ing the most important effects and to capture how the free ranging

ple, in the four northern counties of Sweden, there are currently 902

herded reindeer react to changes in the landscape. Nonetheless, a

wind turbines in place, another 1,588 are planned and applications

drawback when increasing the scale of a study is the problem of con-

have been submitted for a further 2,143 (www.vindbrukskollen.se,

founding effects among the landscape metrics, which can potentially

December 2016), with little knowledge of the possible adverse effects

enhance or reduce the effect of a disturbance (Clevenger & Waltho,

on reindeer husbandry and the habitat use and migration of free-­

2005). Therefore, it is necessary to select the explanatory variables

ranging reindeer, as well as other species.

carefully and thus reduce correlations between them, or to evaluate

Wind turbines usually have a running phase of 20–25 years. An increased knowledge of the impacts on reindeer habitat use is critical

ways to remove correlations before interpreting the results of any study (Graham, 2003).

in order to mitigate those impacts from work already in the planning

A common and often recommend tool to evaluate environmen-

phase (Northrup & Wittemyer, 2013). In addition, disturbance asso-

tal impact and ways to remove distortions due to correlations is the

ciated with the human activity within the wind farm, as well as noise

so-­called Before-­After-­Control-­Impact (BACI) experimental design

from wind turbines, might disturb animals, hindering vocal communica-

(Kuvlesky et al., 2007; Strickland et al., 2011). In such a design, two

tion and their ability to hear predators (Biedenweg, Parsons, Fleming,

parallel study areas are evaluated before and after development: One

& Blumstein, 2011; Rabin, Coss, & Owings, 2006). Furthermore, prey

where the development takes place and another similar area that

animals like reindeer react to movements in their sight (Favreau,

serves as a control. However, two calving areas, for example, might be

Goldizen, & Pays, 2010; Heesy, 2004) and may, therefore, react to the

difficult to compare at the regional scale because of large variations

movement of the turbine blades. To date, three studies have exam-

in landscape conditions (including other infrastructure) between dif-

ined the effects of wind farm construction and operation in relation

ferent reindeer herding communities. An alternative to BACI design

to reindeer habitat use and these found limited to large effects of the

is to perform a before after (BA) study over an area large enough to

wind farms (Colman et al., 2012, 2013; Skarin et al., 2015). Studies of

capture the effects at the regional scale, and at the same time try to

reindeer habitat selection in relation to wind farm development from

control for the differences between years that do not depend on the

the boreal forest landscape are scarce (cf. Skarin et al., 2015).


Reindeer are opportunistic feeders constantly moving over large

Pellet group counts, as a technique to survey an animal’s habitat

areas while feeding, following the vegetation phenology during

use, have the advantage that the overall animal abundance over sev-

the snow-­free season to exploit early stages of plant growth (e.g.,

eral months is captured at a large spatial scale, based on a concentrated

Iversen et al., 2014; Skarin, Danell, Bergstrom, & Moen, 2010). The

recording effort (Marques et al., 2001). A large number of habitat

free-­ranging reindeer associated with Sámi reindeer husbandry in

selection studies on large herbivores (including reindeer) have used

Fennoscandia roam freely for most of the year, especially during the

fecal pellet group counts to collect data on habitat use (e.g., Guillet

snow-­free season when the herders only gather the reindeer for calf

et al., 1995; Harkonen & Heikkila, 1999; Mansson, Hauser, Andren,

marking in the middle of the summer (Skarin et al., 2010). In the win-

& Possingham, 2011; Neff, 1968; Quayle & Kershaw, 1996; Skarin,

ter and during migrations between summer and winter ranges, they

2007). However, these recent works on the analysis of habitat pref-

may be more constrained in their movements by herders’ every-­day

erences failed to address the issue of spatial correlation among their


pellet group count observations in their analysis. Failing to account

Studying habitat selection by herbivores, such as reindeer, demands

for zero-­inflation and correlation can induce substantial bias in the

a hierarchical or multiscale approach to minimize the risk of missing

estimates of effects (Kassahun et al., 2014) and invalidate any statis-

important behavioral responses to factors that have a different impact

tical inference, due to the violation of the mean−variance relationship

at different scales (Northrup, Anderson, Hooten, & Wittemyer, 2016;

imposed by ordinary generalized linear models, for example, binomial

Senft et al., 1987; Skarin & Åhman, 2014). Noninteractive factors, for

and Poisson’s models (Kassahun et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2016). Using

example, barriers, have an impact on habitat selection at the large geo-

a suitable hierarchical generalized linear model (Lee & Nelder, 1996)

graphical scale and may limit selection at local scales (Northrup et al.,

with spatially correlated random effects, for example, a spatial Poisson

2016; Senft et al., 1987). Earlier studies of reindeer and caribou show

(Lee et al., 2016) or a binomial model, we may be able to overcome

clear patterns in avoiding infrastructure and human activity over rela-

this problem.

tively large distances, sometimes several kilometers (e.g., Beyer et al.,

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether reindeer habitat

2016; Johnson, Ehlers, & Seip, 2015; Skarin & Åhman, 2014; Vistnes

use, measured by fecal pellet group abundance, in the vicinity of the

& Nellemann, 2008). Vistnes and Nellemann (2008) found that studies

wind farms was lower during the construction and operation phase of

examining the effect of disturbance on reindeer and caribou within

two relatively small wind farms (8 and 10 wind turbines, respectively)

2 km of the source and/or during short time periods often did not re-

compared to the period before construction. Because the reindeer are

veal any effect of disturbance. The majority of the studies in which the

likely to be annoyed by the sound and sight of the wind turbines as

effects over distances greater than 2 km and/or during a longer time

well as the increased human activities (e.g., sound from vehicles asso-

period were considered, revealed negative effects of the disturbance

ciated with wind farm construction and maintenance), we hypothesize




that they would avoid or decrease their usage of the areas nearby the

Sweden (Figure 1). The study area was used by a part of the total herd:

wind farm during the construction and operation phases compared

approximately 1,200 female reindeer and their calves (the total number

to the preconstruction phase. This hypothesis was tested using a BA

of female reindeer in the whole herd ranged between 4,144, and 4,854

design (Strickland et al., 2011). Overall impact of the wind farm con-

over the study years). Every year in April, migration took place (“by

struction and operation phase on reindeer habitat use was evaluated

foot” in all years except 2015, when the reindeer were moved with

at both regional (reindeer range used from calving to autumn, within

trucks), with the reindeer herd moving from the winter ranges in the

15 km of the wind farm) and local (wind farm mountains within 2 km

east to the summer ranges in the west. After migration, the reindeer

from wind turbines) scales using pellet group counts in relation to dis-

were released into the study area (see arrows in Figure 1) at the begin-

tance to wind turbine in association with time period, after controlling

ning of May (2 May 2009, 10 May 2010 and 2011, and 1 May 2015;

for the possible confounding effects, and spatial correlation.

for the other years, we do not have an exact date of arrival). The reindeer used the area primarily during the calving season and then moved

2 |  MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 | Study area

in and out of the area during the whole snow-­free season until late autumn when they were moved back to the winter ranges. At the end of June, reindeer were gathered by the herders for calf marking and moved to the closest corral, thus redistributing the reindeer to some

The study was conducted in and around the two wind farms near

extent. In the early autumn (from the end of August), reindeer concen-

to each other, on Storliden mountain and Jokkmokksliden mountain

trated their activity toward the southern side of Storliden before they

(where eight and 10 wind turbines, respectively, were constructed

moved out of the area freely or because of the herders’ action.

in 2010–2011), located in the calving and postcalving ranges of the

The study area is characterized by a boreal forest landscape, in-

Malå forest reindeer herding community (65°14′, 18°58′) in northern

terspersed with mires, lakes and hills or smaller mountains, with the

F I G U R E   1   Map showing part of the calving area of the Malå reindeer herding community and the study area, with local scale pellet group count plots marked with red dots, the regional scale pellet group counts marked with brown dots, and the important reindeer migration routes in the herding community marked in yellow. Arrows show approximate sites where the reindeer were let out into the calving ranges after the migration “by foot” controlled by the herders ©Lantmäteriet i1204/764




forested land comprising old growth forest, clear cuts, and plantations.

plots were positioned and marked with a wooden stick, and after the

The whole study area is a managed forest; when the trees are 70 years), 600 m north and

pellet groups being hidden by understory vegetation, that is, at the end

1200 m west of the wind farm were clear cut in May 2012 and in July

of the calving season each year. Thus, the inventory in 2010 mainly

2013, respectively.

represented the reindeer use prior to the construction of the wind farm and the first 15 days of the construction work at Jokkmokksliden

2.2 | Wind farm construction site and existing infrastructure

during calving and was treated as representative of reindeer use during the “preconstruction” phase. The inventory in 2011 solely represented the construction phase. The inventory in 2012 covered both

The year 2009 was defined as the predevelopment year (hereafter re-

part of the construction phase in 2011 and the operation phase in May

ferred to as the “pre-­construction” phase), during which the area had

2012, and thus represented a mix of construction and operation phase

existing infrastructure such as a road network, power lines, and an un-

(Table 1) plus in addition the forest activity at Storliden in May 2012.

derground mine on the north side of Storliden (this ceased working in

However, to keep things simple and to have a large enough sample to

2008). Construction work started on 10 May 2010 at Jokkmokksliden,

assure stability of the inference on the effects of the different phases,

and on 1 June 2010 at Storliden. To access the wind farms, 22 km of

we treat the inventories from 2011 and 2012 as representative of the

roads was constructed, with 8.5 km of 36 kV power lines connecting

construction period. Because of the overlap of data collection in 2012

to the existing power grid via the new utility station built in between

between operation and construction phase, conclusions drawn on the

the wind farms. The full infrastructure at Jokkmokksliden, was devel-

effect of construction period should be regarded as a mixed effect

oped during 2010 and the first five wind turbines were constructed,

of construction and operation (with most weight being given to the

with five more turbines being erected in 2011. At Storliden, the road

construction period). The inventories from 2013, 2014, and 2015 rep-

network and power lines were established in 2010 and the turbines

resented the operation phase, except for the forestry activity in July

were put in place in 2011. All turbines started to generate electricity

2013. It is generally believed that there is some random variation in

in November 2011. The years 2010 and 2011 are hereafter referred

habitat use by reindeer between years (Nicholson et al., 2016), which

to as the “construction” phase, as development continued throughout.

was also seen in the initial analysis of the data (Figure 2); therefore, it

The years after construction (2012–2015) are here referred to as the

makes sense to average the usage over a number of years to get stable

“operation” phase, as the wind turbines were running.

estimate of the effects of the wind farm. The study followed a point transect survey design (Buckland et al., 2001) at the local scale within 2 km of the wind farms, covering 15 km2

2.3 | Pellet group counts

around each wind farm, and at the regional scale within 15 km of the

The fecal pellet group count, used as a proxy to measure habitat use

wind farm, covering 250 km2, the core of the reindeer calving range

by the reindeer, was conducted every year (2010–2015), over a pe-

(Figure 1). In 2009, 1,315 plots were inventoried, and in the follow-

riod of 4–9 days between 24 May and 8 June (Table 1). The pellet

ing years, 1,162–1,248 plots were inventoried. Each plot was 15 m2

groups were counted using the fecal accumulation rate in 2010–2015

(radius = 2.18 m). At the local scale, the distance between transects

(Campbell, Swanson, & Sales, 2004; Skarin, 2007). Thus, in 2009, the

was 300 m and the distance between each plot on the transects was

T A B L E   1   Date of pellet group counts in the Malå reindeer herding community, including phases for Storliden and Jokkmokksliden wind farm development and how this corresponded to reindeer use of the area (note that reindeer did not use the area during the winter seasons from November to April) Phase of wind farm development Inventory not used in statistical analysis

Date for pellet group count 1–9/6 2009

Date of reindeer use represented by each count May in 2009 and 2008 and prior to this depending on pellet group decay rate within each vegetation type

Preconstruction and 15 days construction

28/5–1/6 2010

10/6 2009–27/5 2010


23/5–26/5 2011

2/6 2010–22/5 2011

Construction and 30 days operation

28/5–1/6 2012

27/5 2011–27/5 2012


27/5–2/6 2013

2/6 2012–26/5 2013


2/6–8/6 2014

3/6 2013–1/6 2014


25/5–29/5 2015

9/6 2014–24/5 2015


























0.8 0.5



Rel. Freq.


0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5




Rel. Freq.


0.9 2011










Rel. Freq.


Pellet−group Count >2


Rel. Freq.











F I G U R E   2   Bar graphs of the relative frequency of pellet group counts within each study year for all data combined, data from the count at the region scale, and data from the count at the local scale from Storliden and from Jokkmokksliden (2010 – Preconstruction, 2011 and 2012— Construction, and 2012–2014—Operation)

100 m. At the regional scale, the plots were placed along the sides of

variables included were vegetation type, elevation, slope, minimum

29 1 × 1 km squares, with 20 plots every 200 m along the perimeter

distance to large (>5 m) and small (5 m stem length) Clear cuts (

Reindeer habitat use in relation to two small wind farms, during preconstruction, construction, and operation.

Worldwide there is a rush toward wind power development and its associated infrastructure. In Fennoscandia, large-scale wind farms comprising several ...
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