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CLINICAL PRACTICE Red blood cell transfusion in warm-type autoimmune haemolytic anaemia

Blood transfusions are regarded as hazardous in patients with warm-type autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) because of potential intensification of haemolysis and a presumed high incidence of alloimmunisation. We have retrospectively analysed data of 79 multitransfused patients (74 adults, 5 children) with detectable warm autoantibodies and transitory or persisting haemolytic anaemia. All patients had received blood transfusions on at least two occasions. Patients were reexamined at least twice within the first 6 months of transfusion (duration of follow-up 6 months-12 years). 53 patients had received blood transfusions because of decompensated AIHA, all of whom presented with detectable autoantibodies against red blood cells. None of these patients had transfusion-related alloimmunisation or a definite increase in haemolysis, even when the transfused red cells were serologically incompatible because of free serum autoantibodies. The other 26 patients had no signs of AIHA at presentation (negative direct and indirect antiglobulin test), but received blood transfusions for anaemia due to various other causes. 23 of these 26 patients went on to develop alloantibodies as well as autoantibodies upon transfusion, and 3 patients developed autoantibodies alone. Our findings do not support the generally accepted notion that transfusion therapy should be

avoided in AIHA patients. Rather, they indicate that the incidence of alloimmunisation as well as adverse haemolytic transfusion reactions are less common in AIHA patients than in other multitransfused patients. Lancet 1992; 340: 1515-17.

Introduction The notion that blood transfusion may lead to intensification of haemolysis in patients with warm-type autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) and that these patients are highly susceptible to alloimmunisation has repeatedly been emphasised.1-4 However, most studies have dealt only with serological findings, or have not provided detailed transfusion histories.5-9 Additionally, the number of subjects studied is not representative of the numerous transfused (but unpublished) cases of AIHA. Our experience of transfusion therapy in patients with classical AIHA does not accord with the unanimous recommendation to strictly avoid red cell transfusions. We therefore have reassessed this problem in multitransfused patients with detectable warm autoantibodies and transitory or

persisting haemolytic anaemia.

ADDRESSES: Institute for Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine (A Salama, MD, H. Berghofer, MTA, Prof C. Mueller-Eckhardt. MD), and Department of Internal Medicine (A. Salama), Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. Correspondence to Prof C. Mueller-Eckhardt, Institute of Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Justus Liebig University, Langhansstrasse 7, D-6300 Giessen,







lymphocytic leukaemia, MDS=myelodysplastic syndrome. AIHA autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated with *All adults and 2 women with systemic lupus erythematosus and 1 woman with

CLL=chronic assoc =

t1 man rheumatoid arthritis t1 woman, 3 men with leukaemia, 1 woman, 1 man with solid carcinomas. §Disorders unrelated to immune system (see text).

Patients and methods From 1981

1992, about 3000 patients with suspected AIHA institutions or blood specimens were referred to us for serological investigations. 79 of these patients were eligible for study on the following criteria: positive direct antiglobulin test (AGT) and the presence of elutable warm autoantibodies from autologous red blood cells; transfusion of red cells on at least two different occasions; serological re-evaluation at least twice within the first 6 months of the start of transfusion therapy; and availability of complete clinical and serological data before and after to

*All adults, tDlsorders unrelated to the


(see text).


were seen at our



transfusions. Blood transfusions were given to all patients. Patients with classical and active AIHA had already been on immunosuppressive therapy (prednisone and/or azathioprine, in a few cases cyclophosphamide); otherwise, corticosteroid therapy (1-2 mg/kg per day) was started immediately before transfusion. When crossmatched cells were incompatible because of free serum autoantibodies, the attending physicians were informed by a sticker attached to each blood unit. Serological assays (identification of serum antibodies, direct and indirect AGT, antibody adsorption and elution) were done as previously described.1o,1l

Results Clinical features of all patients at the time of first presentation are shown in table I. Most patients were adults (37 female, 42 male; age range 17-86 years). Only 5 children were included (2 girls, 3 boys; age range 2-13). AIHA was the only underlying disease (idiopathic form) in 32 patients (27 adults, 5 children). The remaining cases were associated with various disease conditions (table I). Table II shows the transfusion regimens and observation time after the first transfusion, and serological findings are given in table III. In 27 of 32 patients with idiopathic AIHA, direct AGT remained positive. Free red cell autoantibodies were initially detectable in 18 of the 32 patients and in later stages in 4; none of them developed alloantibodies or showed signs of augmented haemolysis after red cell transfusions, even if transfused cells were serologically incompatible because of free serum autoantibodies (table ill). This was also the case in 4 patients with AIHA associated with other immune disorders (table ill). Similarly, increased haemolysis or alloimmunisation was not seen in any of the patients with secondary AIHA and recognisable red cell autoantibodies (ie, positive direct AGT) before red cell transfusion (7 of 13 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [CLL]; 7 of 11I patients with lymphoma; 3 of 6 patients with other malignant disorders).

AGT= antiglobulin test: autoantibodies elutable m all cases. *Autoantibodies A FP/a utoa nti bodies during entire observation time. tThese patients had already been on immunosuppressive therapy, or corticosteroid therapy was started immediately before red cell transfusion AFP. tDlsorders unrelated to immune system (see text).

By contrast, of the remaining 26 patients who initially presented with a negative direct AGT, 3 developed warm autoantibodies alone, and 23 patients developed both alloantibodies and autoantibodies after red cell transfusions (table III). Immunisation coincided with the first transfusion in about half the patients and with subsequent transfusions in the remaining patients (table IV). Whereas the "transfusion-induced" autoantibodies in patients with CLL and lymphoma persisted for long periods and caused AIHA indistinguishable from its classical form (strongly positive direct IgG-AGT and clinically relevant haemolysis), the autoantibodies in the other cases were usually weak and vanished within 6 months to 1 year without steroid treatment (table iv). In all cases, IgG autoantibodies were elutable from circulating red cells while the direct AGT remained positive.

Discussion It is generally believed that in patients with AIHA, blood transfusions are associated with a high risk of






No of patients




AAB=autoantibodies. BT= blood transfusion. *Patient developed alloantibodies after first and autoantibodies after second BT. tPatient developed first anti-Kalloantibodies plus autoantibodies and later anti -C+ D+E alloantibodies. tOne patient developed only autoantibodies and did not require further BT §Disorders unrelated to the immune system (see text)

alloimmunisation and/or increase in haemolysis. In this study, all patients at some time developed detectable warm autoantibodies against red cells and required transfusion therapy for anaemia, and 23 patients developed alloantibodies secondary to blood transfusion. At first glance, these findings could easily be interpreted as presenting the so-called typical constellation of AIHA. However, a careful analysis of the history and the serological course of each individual clearly indicated that patients with classical AIHA seem to be less susceptible to alloimmunisation than has previously been thought. At first presentation, only 53 of the 79 patients had AIHA associated with detectable autoantibodies. Transfusions were well tolerated in these 53 patients, but even more surprising was that there was not one case of alloimmunisation. Although the increase in haemoglobin concentrations by red cell transfusions was usually inadequate, as expected, there was no increase in haemolysis. The reasons for this are not clear. Could it be related to the underlying disease itself, in as much as autologous red cells which are already coated with autoantibodies are destroyed at maximum rates? If so, the transfused red cells should survive at least as long as autologous cells. Another reason for the lack of a haemolytic transfusion reaction may be that after transfusion the concentration of antibody molecules per cell is reduced owing to the increased number of circulating red cells. Whether the immune response in these patients is generally downregulated by increased red-cell destruction, or whether the immune system has become depressed by the administration of corticosteroids and/or by red cell transfusions,12 requires further studies. The pathogenesis of autoimmunisation by blood transfusion in the other patients is obscure. The possibility that these patients were already autoimmunised before transfusion with undetectable autoantibodies at first investigation (the so-called Coombs-negative AIHA) is unlikely, since the patients did not show signs of haemolytic anaemia before transfusion therapy. This viewpoint is further supported by the fact that the development of autoantibodies after transfusion is not uncommon in patients with delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions.lO,13 Likewise, the clinical course of patients who were not affected by CLL or lymphoma was typical for a haemolytic transfusion reaction rather than for classical AIHA. But the reasons why the resultant autoantibodies in patients with CLL or lymphoma persisted whereas those in the other patients did not, remain unresolved. It is also unclear why

red cell transfusions led to the production of autoantibodies alone in 3 patients. Our data clearly indicate that transfusion therapy in patients with classical AIHA is not associated either with a high risk of alloimmunisation or with a tendency to aggravate haemolysis. Therefore, we see no reason why transfusion therapy should be withheld for correction of anaemia in AIHA patients. We have often seen patients with haemoglobin concentrations as low as 3 g/dl who were denied blood transfusions solely because of apparent in-vitro serological incompatibility due to free serum autoantibodies. Even when the transfused red cells in these instances survive only for a few days, transfusions should be given until other forms of therapy become effective. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 405/1-3).

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Red blood cell transfusion in warm-type autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.

Blood transfusions are regarded as hazardous in patients with warm-type autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) because of potential intensification of h...
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