Journal of Fish Biology (2015) 86, 544–557 doi:10.1111/jfb.12575, available online at

Radio-telemetry shows differences in the behaviour of wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus in response to environmental variables ´ T. Randák‖, J. Turek‖, K. Rylkov᧠and P. Horká*†‡, P. Horky§, O. Slavík§ *Department of Ecology, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Viniˇcná 7, 128 44 Prague 2, Czech Republic, †Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Benátská 2, 128 01 Prague 2, Czech Republic, §Department of Zoology and Fisheries, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences ˇ Prague, 165 21 Prague 6, Czech Republic and ‖University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budˇejovice, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses, Zátiší 728/II, 389 25 Vodˇnany, Czech Republic (Received 28 April 2014, Accepted 2 October 2014) Juvenile wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus were tagged with radio-transmitters and tracked in the Blanice River, River Elbe catchment, Czech Republic, to study their behavioural response to stocking and environmental variation. Both wild and hatchery-reared T. thymallus increased their diel movements and home range with increasing light intensity, flow, temperature and turbidity, but the characteristics of their responses differed. Environmental variables influenced the movement of wild T. thymallus up to a specific threshold, whereas no such threshold was observed in hatchery-reared T. thymallus. Hatchery-reared fish displayed greater total migration distance over the study period (total migration) than did wild fish, which was caused mainly by their dispersal in the downstream direction. © 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles

Key words: migration; movement behaviour; salmonids; stocking; threshold; turbidity.

INTRODUCTION Stocking is routinely performed to limit the decline and to increase the population levels of fishes, despite the fact that it represents a significant risk for the conservation of indigenous, wild populations (Persat, 1996; Bohlin et al., 2002). Artificial rearing has been shown to substantially influence the behavioural traits of fishes, which may lead to reduced growth, survival rates and reproductive success of hatchery-reared fishes (Olla et al., 1998; Bohlin et al., 2002; Weir et al., 2004; Turek et al., 2012). For example, hatchery-reared fishes often display different foraging (Olla et al., 1998; Vehanen et al., 2009) or antipredator behaviours (Berejikian et al., 1999). A lack of appropriate behavioural patterns have been shown to be related to previous experience ‡Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Tel.: +420 732 648 965; email: [email protected]

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(Huntingford, 1993), genetic structure (Heggberget et al., 1993) or social learning (Brown & Laland, 2001). In recent decades, densities of European grayling Thymallus thymallus (L. 1758) have declined substantially across most of its European distribution (Persat, 1996; Gum et al., 2009; Weiss et al., 2013). Hence, T. thymallus has been classified as a highly vulnerable fish species according to the Bern Convention (1979). As a typical rheophilic species, the most common threats to T. thymallus are the loss or degradation of suitable habitats (Mallet et al., 2000), flow regulation for hydropower production (Ovidio et al., 2008), overfishing (Naslund et al., 2005) and the construction of migration barriers between essential habitats (Persat, 1996). Such changes impose a considerable difficulty for this fish in achieving its entire life cycle (Mallet et al., 2000; Ovidio et al., 2008), and stocking is frequently undertaken with the aim of supporting wild populations (Cowx, 1994). Several studies have reported on downstream dispersal of artificially reared T. thymallus after stocking (Magee & Byorth, 1994; Kaya & Jeanes, 1995; Carlstein & Eriksson, 1996; Thorfve & Carlstein, 1998). Correspondingly, Turek et al. (2010) showed higher site fidelity of wild T. thymallus, which they suggested was influenced by the wild fish having experience and knowledge of the local environment. Previous studies of post-stocking behaviour in T. thymallus have been based on mark–recapture analyses. This study attempts to determine whether the behavioural response of T. thymallus to stocking and environmental variability would differ between individuals of wild and hatchery origin. For this purpose, juvenile T. thymallus of wild and hatchery origin were radio-tracked in the Blanice River of the Czech Republic during the autumn-winter period for two consecutive years. The tracking period was adapted to the local management practice that is based on the stocking of 2 year-old T. thymallus during autumn.

MATERIALS AND METHODS S T U DY A R E A The study was performed on the Blanice River of the Czech Republic. The river has a total length of 93 km, with a catchment area of 860 km2 . The studied stretch was located in an area of restricted fishing downstream from the Husinec water reservoir at an elevation of c. 500 m above sea level (Fig. 1). It is an upland river flowing through broad-leaved forest and meadows. The river in this section consists of pools separated by riffles and stretches with slow-flowing current, and the river bed is covered by pebbles and cobbles. The river width ranges from 5 to 9 m, and the depth is 10–80 cm. The average flow was 3⋅5 m3 s−1 for the entire study period. The dominant fish species in the studied section were brown trout Salmo trutta m. fario, L. 1758, T. thymallus and stoneloach Barbatula barbatula (L. 1758). Additionally, roach Rutilus rutilus (L. 1758), gudgeon Gobio gobio (L. 1758) and burbot Lota lota (L. 1758) were found occasionally. F I S H O R I G I N A N D TA G G I N G A total of 40 T. thymallus [20 wild and 20 hatchery-reared fish; mean standard length (LS ) of 195 mm, range of 183–239 mm; mean mass of 99 g, range of 68–150 g] were marked for the radio-telemetry study. No size differences between the marked wild and hatchery-reared fish were detected (LS , P > 0⋅05, n = 40; mass, P > 0⋅05, n = 40). The fish were anaesthetized with 2-phenoxy ethanol (0⋅2 ml l−1 ), and radio transmitters (NTC-3-2 KMF; 1⋅2 g in air, 7⋅3 mm × 18 mm, with an estimated operational life of 80 days; Lotek Engineering Inc.; were implanted into the body cavity through a mid-ventral incision that was closed with three separate stitches using a sterile, braided, absorbable suture (Ethicon Coated

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557

546 2

3 km

Czech Republic

nic e




Riv er

P. H O R KÁ E T A L.



Vlta va R iver

Primary study site

Husinec water reservoir

ive r N

Fig. 1. Map of Thymallus thymallus study site.

Vicryl; The mass of the transmitter did not exceed 2% of the body mass in air (mean tag ratio = 1⋅21%, range = 0⋅8–1⋅76%; Winter, 1983). The fish were held until they had recovered their equilibrium and showed spontaneous swimming activity (c. 5 min after surgery) and then released into the river. The hatchery-reared fish were the progeny of resident wild broodstock in the Blanice River. They originated from artificial spawning and were reared from the fingerling stage in concrete tanks. They were fed on conventional dry food pellets and were held in the Husinec Hatchery (Czech Anglers’ Union), supplied with water from the Blanice River. The rearing facilities were situated c. 5–7 km upstream from the study area. Wild fish of corresponding size originated from natural spawning and were caught by electrofishing (FEG 1500, EFKO-Germany;, pulsed D.C.).

S A M P L I N G P RO C E D U R E S Fish were tracked weekly during two separate tracking periods (20 individuals from November 2007 to January 2008 and 20 different individuals from November 2008 to January 2009) for 12 consecutive weeks. Once the position of each of the fish was determined, several individuals (five on average) were randomly chosen for a 24 h tracking cycle every week. Whenever possible, balanced number of hatchery-reared and wild fish was used for each particular 24 h tracking cycle. Fish positions were determined once in each 3 h period over a diel cycle (0600–0859, 0900–1159, 1200–1459, 1500–1759, 1800–2059, 2100–2359, 2400–0259 and 0300–0559 hours). The fish were located using two radio receivers (Lotek SRX_400 receiver firmware versions W5 and W31) and three-element Yagi antennas equipped with a compass, and positioned using landmarks and a GPS (GPS map 76S; Garmin Ltd; The fish direction was determined by the double lateral extinction technique (bearing on the bisecting line of the two extinction axes; Winter et al., 1978). A computer programme was developed to obtain fish position co-ordinates and plot them on the map using the biangulation method proposed by White & Garrott (1990). H A B I TAT M E A S U R E M E N T S Throughout the study, during the days when the fish were tracked, water temperature (∘ C), dissolved oxygen (mg l−1 ), pH, conductivity (𝜇S cm−1 ) and turbidity (NTU) were measured using corresponding field probes (Oxi 196 WTW; pH/Cond 340i SET; TURB 355T; WTW GmbH;, and light intensity (eV) was measured using a SEKONIC Super Zoom Master L-68 (Sekonic; Mean daily flow (m3 s−1 ) was recorded automatically at a gauging station located within the study stretch. D ATA A N A LY S I S Data from 38 T. thymallus were included in the statistical analyses. Two hatchery-reared individuals were lost after release for unknown reasons and, thus, were excluded from further

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557



analyses. Short-term movements were defined as the distance (m) between the fish positions determined in two consecutive 3 h intervals over a 24 h cycle and, henceforth, are referred to as diel movements. Longer-term movements were determined from the difference (m) between the locations of a fish in two successive week intervals and are referred to as longitudinal movements. The total migration of an individual was computed as the distance between the two farthest positions of a fish during the entire study period. The fish movement data were analysed using Map Source 5.3 (Garmin). The home range was determined using the minimum convex polygon method (Mohr, 1947). Fish that were used for the home-range analyses were considered to occupy the home range, i.e. the fish did not move in the longitudinal direction during two subsequent weeks more than its usual extent of diel movements across the 24 h cycle. A fish that moved in only one direction (upstream or downstream) during a 24 h cycle was considered to be exhibiting a mobile or emigration phase and was subsequently excluded from the analyses. While size usually influences fish behaviour (Slavík & Hork´y, 2012), this was not the target variable and the focus was on comparing hatchery v. wild fish independent of it. Thus, to ensure that diel and longitudinal movements, total migration and home range were independent of fish size, these variables were corrected by dividing by the individual fish LS (Aarestrup et al., 2005). In further analyses, values correcting for fish length only were used. Light intensity data were first entered into the analysis as the absolute values of illumination (1 eV), referred to as the intensity of illumination. Furthermore, three intervals with different light intensities were determined across the 24 h cycle: twilight (light intensity ranging from between 1 and 6 eV), day (>6 eV) and night ( 0⋅05). Hatchery-reared fish displayed a larger total migration than did wild fish (F 1,38 = 5⋅75, P < 0⋅05; Fig. 8; mean difference of 203 m). This difference was caused mainly by their downstream dispersal from the point of release (F 1,38 = 3⋅83, P < 0⋅05; mean difference of 182 m): upstream dispersal was not significantly influenced by the origin of the fish (F 1,38 = 1⋅63, P > 0⋅05).

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557


P. H O R KÁ E T A L.

(a) 0·351

Log10 home range size per fish length (m2)



2·17 0·91


–0·35 –1·61

ure rat




t Ln

(b) –0·169



2·17 0·91

–0·364 14·87

–0·35 8·55


Tan flow (m3 s–1)

ure rat



–1·61 tem –4·08 Ln

Fig. 4. The relationship between home range per fish length, flow and temperature for (a) hatchery-reared and (b) wild Thymallus thymallus.

DISCUSSION The main difference between hatchery-reared and wild T. thymallus was in the characteristics of their behavioural responses to environmental factors. Wild fish usually responded to stimuli only up to or from a certain level. The effect of further changes of the measured variable on their behaviour levelled out, suggesting a threshold-related dependence. In contrast, hatchery-reared fish responded with continuous increases in the intensity of the observed behaviour. As the hatchery-reared T. thymallus had developed in a different environment (Olla et al., 1998), with no experience of natural river conditions (Jensen et al., 1986) nor the opportunity to learn favourable abilities such as eating live prey (Vehanen et al., 2009), it is unlikely that they had developed such adaptive responses as their wild conspecifics. Behavioural deficiencies of hatchery-reared fish in a natural environment have been shown in

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557



(a) 1·86

Log10 longitudinal movement per fish length (m2)



2·09 0·86

0·32 14·87

–0·38 8·60


e tur




–1·61 tem Ln –3·93

(b) 1·58



2·09 1·28

0·81 14·87

0·46 8·72


Tan flow (m3 s–1)

e tur




–0·36 tem –3·57 Ln

Fig. 5. The relationship between longitudinal movement per fish length, flow and temperature for (a) hatchery-reared and (b) wild Thymallus thymallus.

many aspects of feeding, antipredator or reproductive behaviour (Huntingford, 2004). Nevertheless, poorer adaptation to local environmental conditions could also be a result of genetic differences between wild and hatchery-reared fish (Heggberget et al., 1993). The increased movement of T. thymallus in turbid water may be viewed as a result of a reduced level of perceived predation risk or foraging success (Abrahams & Kattenfeld, 1997; Kulíšková et al., 2009). The provision of protection from predators has been suggested as an explanation for the reduced frequency of refuge use by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792) in turbid water (Gregory & Griffith, 1996). According to Sweka & Hartman (2001), brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchell 1814) become more active in higher turbidity, thus increasing the chance of encountering potential prey by enlarging the total volume of the water

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557

552 Sqrt diel movement per fish length (m)

P. H O R KÁ E T A L.


* 0·26








Origin Fig. 6. The relationship between square-root (sqrt) diel movement per fish length and origin of Thymallus thymallus across time intervals [day ( ), twilight ( ) and night ( )]. Values are means ± s.e. Significant differences are indicated (*; Tukey–Kramer adjusted P < 0⋅05).

Probability of moving upstream

searched. With a further increase in turbidity, the fish response may change again: Gregory & Northcote (1993) found that the feeding rates of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum 1792) on benthic and surface prey were highest at intermediate turbidity levels. Although it was not possible to quantify feeding rates, the behavioural response of wild T. thymallus was analogous to the findings of Gregory & Northcote (1993) and may suggest a trade-off between movement and feeding efficiency at different turbidity levels. In contrast, the un-terminated behavioural response of the hatchery-reared T. thymallus could be viewed as a result of a lack of juvenile experience from the river (Jonsson et al., 1990). The water flow and temperature have often been considered to be the major environmental factors influencing fish movement and home range size (Slavík & Bartoš, 2002; 0·52


0·50 0·48 0·46 0·44 0·42



Origin Fig. 7. Probability of moving upstream during diel movements according to the origin of Thymallus thymallus. Values are means ± s.e. Significant differences are indicated (*; Tukey–Kramer adjusted P < 0⋅05).

© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557

Ln total migration per fish length (m)




* 2





Origin Fig. 8. Total migration per fish length according to the origin of Thymallus thymallus. Values are means ± s.e. Significant differences are indicated (*; Tukey–Kramer adjusted P < 0⋅05).

Nykänen et al., 2004; Riley et al., 2009), and indeed these factors also affected the T. thymallus studied. Temperature has a strong effect on many aspects of fish biology, particularly with regard to positively temperature-dependent metabolic rates (Brett, 1964). The maximum swimming speed, important in escape from predators or attacking prey, is also influenced by temperature (Webb, 1978). The enlargement of the T. thymallus home range and longitudinal movements during high flows could either result from an increase in food availability (Tesch, 1977; LaBar et al., 1987) or the tendency to occupy the most profitable energetic positions (Harvey & Nakamoto, 1999). Diel movements of juvenile T. thymallus increased with light intensity. Nevertheless, hatchery-reared fish displayed a significantly lower night-time activity, while wild fish did not. The more intense nocturnal movement of wild fish may be connected with feeding and predator avoidance (Vanderpham et al., 2012); this difference has been noted for related species, such as for S. trutta (Diana et al., 2004) and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. 1758 (Fraser et al., 1993). The night-time activity of wild T. thymallus could also be related to seasonal changes in behaviour; the T. thymallus in this study were observed during the autumn-winter period, which is often reported to be associated with night-time activity in salmonids (Fraser et al., 1993; Valdimarsson & Metcalfe, 1998). Reduced nocturnal activity in hatchery-reared T. thymallus may be caused by a lack of experience with the river environment. A similar phenomenon was described by Lucas (2000): most diel activity in wild riverine cyprinids, mainly chub Squalius cephalus (L. 1758) and dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L. 1758), occurred during the dusk and night-time period, while hatchery-reared fishes exhibited mainly daytime activity. On the other hand, the hatchery-reared fish might behave differently as a result of selection for different behavioural traits in the artificial conditions of the hatchery (Øverli et al., 2005). Hatchery selection has been shown to promote boldness (i.e. a risk-prone aggressive phenotype) in salmonids (Sundström et al., 2004). A prevalence of the risk-prone phenotype in hatchery-reared T. thymallus might also be the reason of their lower predator avoidance and related higher daytime activity. Álvarez & Nicieza (2003) showed that hatchery-reared S. trutta remained diurnal in the presence of a predator, while wild fish tended to be nocturnal. Considering the differences in diel

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P. H O R KÁ E T A L.

activity, the possible effect of a learnt daytime feeding schedule in the hatchery being maintained after release cannot be excluded (Brown et al., 2003). In this study, hatchery-reared T. thymallus displayed a larger total migration, particularly in the downstream direction. The post-stocking downstream dispersal of hatchery-reared T. thymallus corresponds with previous findings (Carlstein & Eriksson, 1996). Many studies of salmonids have shown that the behaviour of hatchery-reared fishes differs from that of wild fishes, mainly in the degree of aggressiveness or feeding behaviour (Deverill et al., 1999; Sundström & Johnsson, 2001; Huntingford, 2004). Such studies often suggest that fishes of wild origin have a prior-resident competitive advantage over later-introduced hatchery-reared individuals (Deverill et al., 1999). The general response of T. thymallus to danger by escaping from the area (Thorfve & Carlstein, 1998) may be important in their downstream dispersal after stocking into a novel environment. Based on these findings, it can be assumed that the larger total migration of hatchery-reared T. thymallus in this study is most likely to be a consequence of progressive adaptation to the local environment and competition for feeding and sheltering sites with the residents. It is generally known that salmonids are able to select most energetically profitable habitats and conditions (Fausch, 1984; Booker et al., 2004). This study shows threshold behavioural response in wild T. thymallus, suggesting that they are able to recognize favourable conditions and react to changes in specific environmental factors effectively. As was recently observed by Lucas & Bubb (2014), wild T. thymallus adjust their activity to the elevated predation risk as well. This study also revealed behavioural deficits of hatchery-reared T. thymallus in the wild; hence, in attempts to conserve indigenous T. thymallus populations, restoration of habitat complexity and natural spawning should take precedence over stocking. The authors wish to thank J. I. Jones for his language assistance and two anonymous reviewers for comments which helped improve the manuscript. This study was supported by the projects CENAKVA (No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024), CENAKVA II (No. LO1205 under the NPU I program) and CIGA (Internal Grant Agency of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague), project number 20132016.

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© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557


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© 2015 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 544–557

Radio-telemetry shows differences in the behaviour of wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus in response to environmental variables.

Juvenile wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus were tagged with radio-transmitters and tracked in the Blanice River, River El...
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