Pl nt 9 by Springer-Verlag 1977

Planta 137, 37-44 (1977)

Proteolytic Activity in Relationship to Senescence and Cotyledonary Development in Pisum sativum L. Richard Storey and Leonard Beevers Department of Botanyand Microbiology,Universityof Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA

Abstract. Changes in the weight and in the chlorophyll, free amino-acid and protein content of developing and senescing, vegetative and reproductive organs of P i s u m s a t i v u m L. (cv. Burpeeana) were measured, and the proteolytic activity in extracts from the senescing leaf and the subtended pod was followed in relation to these changes. Protein content decreased in the ageing leaf and pod while it increased in the developing cotyledon. The proteolytic activity of the leaf did not increase as the leaf protein content decreased. In contrast, proteolytic activity in the subtended pod increased while the protein level decreased. The proteolytic activity in the extracts from the ageing organs was greater than the rates of protein loss. The proteolytic activity of leaf and pod extracts was greater on protein prepared from the respective organ than on non-physiological substrates. Proteolysis was increased by 2-mercaptoethanol and ethylenediaminetetraacetate but was not influenced by addition of ATP to the reaction mixture. The pH optimum was at 5.0. Free amino acids did not accumulate in the senescing leaf or pod when protein was degraded in each organ. It is suggested that these amino acids were quickly metabolized in situ or translocated to sink areas in the plant, especially to the developing seeds. Key words: Cotyledons - Enzyme development L e a f - P i s u r n - Protease - Senescence.

Introduction Developing pea cotyledons are the site of deposition of large amounts of proteins. These proteins are synthesized over a relatively short period of time (Beevers and Poulson, 1972; Basha and Beevers, 1976; Flinn and Pate, 1968; review by Millerd, 1975) thus creating a demand for a rapid supply of amino acids. In many

pea cultivars, the onset of the development of reproductive structures triggers senescence of vegetative parts and it appears that the materials from nearby parts are mobilized to support the developing seed. In particular the leaf, including the stipule, of a reproductive (i.e. flower- and fruit-bearing) node is an important purveyor of nutrients to the ripening fruit which it subtends (Pate et al., 1974; Davies, 1977; Lewis and Pate, 1973; Flinn and Pate, 1970; Pate, 1968; Linck and Sudia, 1962). Breakdown of proteins during senescence of the leaf could produce amino acids for translocation to the developing seed. The observation that amino-acid levels increase in the phloem during leaf senescence is consistent with the concept (Pate et al., 1974; Van Die et al., 1975; Hall and Baker, 1972). In addition to the leaf, the pod is committed to the nourishment of the enclosed developing seeds (Pate, 1975; Flinn and Pate, 1970; McKee et al., 1955; Lovell and Lovell, 1970; Muntz et al., 1976; Kipps and Boulter, 1974). Raache (1957) suggested that nitrogenous compounds translocated from leaves were assimilated into pod proteins which in turn served as a nitrogen source for the enclosed seed. It is evident that the protein of the supply organ must be degraded to nitrogenous components that can be translocated to the developing seeds. The initial degradation of the protein must involve hydrolysis to the constituent amino acids. Although there are many reports on the presence of proteolytic enzymes in plants (see review by Ryan, 1973), their role in providing nutrients for seed development has not been extensively considered. However, Peterson and Huffaker (1975), Dalling et al. (1976) and Feller et al. (1977) have investigated the role of leaf proteases in the nitrogen economy of developing cereals, and have established a close relationshhip between the depletion of protein and the build-up of certain proteolytic activities in the leaf.


R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisum

We have followed the proteolytic activity in leaves and pods during seed development in P i s u m satir u m L., and have assessed the importance of proteolytic enzyme(s) in supplying precursors for protein synthesis in the developing cotyledon.

Material and Methods Plant Material Pea seeds (Pisum sativum L. cv. Burpeeana; W. Atlee Burpee Comp., Clinton, Ia., USA) were planted in pots containing vermiculite (Terra-Lite, W.R. Grace and Co., Cambridge, Mass., USA) and grown in a growth chamber at 3,000 ft.-c, during a 16-h photoperiod at a day temperature of 23~ and a night temperature of 13~ The plants were irrigated daily with Hoagland's solution or distilled H20 and were staked and tagged 14 days after germination. All experiments reported in this paper were done with the fruit and the subtending leaf (leaflets plus stipule) of the lowest reproductive node (i.e. the first node bearing a flower) of the plants. The date of full bloom (normally 30 days post-germination) of the single flower in this node was recorded as the zero date and the developmental age of each organ is expressed as days post-anthesis. The fruits were harvested and dissected into pod (carpel wall) and ovules. Up to day 9, whole ovules were analyzed, thereafter only the cotyledons were utilized. The leaflets (usually 4) were removed from the rachis of the compound blade and combined with the large stipules. These combined leaf parts were analyzed together and are designated as the leaf in this paper.

Physical and Biochemical Measurements To determine fresh weight and dry weight, the individual parts from 30-40 plants were harvested and weighed immediately and then again after drying for 30 h in an 80~ oven. For biochemical analysis, freshly harvested tissue was extracted in cold 200 mM sodium-phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 0.3 M NaC1, at a ratio of 4 ml buffer per gram tissue. The mixture was macerated in a Polytron homogenizer (Model PT-10-35; Brinkmann Instr., Westbury, N.Y., USA) for 30 s at medium (setting 6-7) speed. Mature (day 30-36) pods, leaves or cotyledons required the addition of a further 2-4 ml buffer during homogenization. The homogenate was filtered through Miracloth (Calbiochem, LaJolla, Cal., USA), brought up to 80% ethanol (v/v) by addition of 95% ethanol, and processed for chlorophyll, e-amino nitrogen and protein content as described by Beevers (1974). Chlorophyll was determined by the method of Arnon (1949) in 80% acetone. Protein was determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951) using bovine serum albumin (BSA, Fraction V; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., USA) as standard. Free a-amino nitrogen was measured by the ninhydrin method of Yemm and Cocking (1955) using L-leucine as standard. Results of all ninhydrin assays are reported as pg a-amino nitrogen (calculated from ~tg of leucine equivalents). The values quoted for protein, chlorophyll and a-amino nitrogen content are the mean of triplicate determinations on at least six samples prepared separately at each developmental stage of the individual organ.

captoethanol and 0.1% bovine serum albumin. The mixture was homogenized (15 s) in the Polytron homogenizer, filtered through Miracloth, and centrifuged at 1000 x g (2 rain) to remove starch and intact cells. The 1000 x g supernatant was decanted, then centrifuged at 8000 x g for 10 min. The resulting supernatant contained soluble amino nitrogen which interfered with the determination of protein hydrolysis. Proteolytic activity could be recovered from the supernatant by ethanol, acetone or ammonium-sulfate precipitation followed by dialysis. However, these procedures were lengthy and did not result in removal of all the contaminating amino acids from the extract. Furthermore, these enzyme preparations had a somewhat lower activity than those obtained by Sephadex chromatography. Therefore, the 8000 x g supernatant was routinely applied to the top of a Pharmacia K15 column (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden) packed with Sephadex G-50 beads (particle size 50-150 ~t, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., USA) to a height of 20 cm. The gel had been allowed to swell and equilibrate in 20 mM sodium phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 1 mM EDTA and 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. The column was eluted in a descending flow of equilibration buffer at 3 ml min- 1. The effluent was monitored at 280 nm and collected in 3-ml fractions. Protein-rich fractions, which were eluted with the column void volume, were pooled, analyzed for contamination by soluble e-amino nitrogen (Yemm and Cocking, 1955), and assayed immediately for proteolytic activity. Similar analysis was done with post-void-volume fractions. The protein content of the pooled fractions was determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951). This extraction and separation procedure permitted us to obtain the proteolytic activity rapidly and free from detectable soluble amino acids.

Preparation of Substrate Proteolytic activity was assayed with protein extracted from either pea leaf or pod tissue. This substrate protein was prepared by homogenizing leaf or pod tissue in an extraction medium (1:6; w/v) for 5 rain in a Waring blender. The extraction medium was modified from Sakaro and Wildman (1972) and consisted of 100mM Tris-HC1 (pH 8.3), 1.0M NaC1, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM EDTA. The homogenate was filtered through Miracloth, and starch and remaining cellular debris were removed by centrifugation at 1000 x g for 2 min. The resulting 1000 x g supernatant was brought to 80% ethanol (v/v), stirred in the cold (5~ for 1 h, and placed in the freezer ( - 1 2 ~ overnight. The cold ethanol mixture was centrifuged at 10,000 x g for 15 rain and the resulting dark-green supernatant was discarded. The 10,000 x g pellet was washed successively with 95% and 100% ethanol, ethanol-ether (3:1, v/v), and 5% trichloroacetic acid. The pellet was recovered from each washing by centrifugation. The final, acid-insoluble material was dissolved in a solution of 0.5 N NaOH, 0.5 M NaC1 and 0.01% SDS, then dialyzed for 72 h against 3 changes (100 volumes each) of 0.01 N NaOH containing 0.01 M NaC1 and 0.001% SDS. The protein-rich dialysate was recovered and stored at - 12~ until needed. Before use in the assays for proteolytic activity, the substrate protein was diluted to a concentration of 4 mg protein ml- ~ with 100 mM sodium phosphate-citrate buffer, pH 5.0. Other substrates used in the protease assays were similarly extracted, dialyzed and diluted. These were: casein (National Biochemicals, Cleveland, O., USA); bacto-hemoglobin (Difco Labs., Detroit, Mich., USA); BSA Fraction V (Sigma).

Extraction of Proteolytic Activity Assay of Proteolytic Activity All steps were carried out at 5~ or less. Freshly harvested, chilled pod or leaf tissue (1 g) was added to 4 ml ice-cold 200 mM sodiumphosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 2 mM EDTA, 10 mM 2-mer-

Proteolytic activity was measured by the method of Beevers (1968). The standard reaction mixture contained 1.0 ml of substrate protein

R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in


(see above), 1.0 ml of enzyme extract, and 1.0 ml of 100 mM sodium phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 5,0) containing 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Unless otherwise indicated the mixture was incubated at 30~ and pH 5.0 for 0 min (control) or 60 min. To ensure measurement of catalytic activity under optimum conditions, assays were also conducted over different time intervals and with varying amounts of enzyme or substrate added to the same 3.0 ml reaction mixture. Catalysis was terminated by addition of 1.0 ml ice-cold 20% trichloroacetic acid and the resulting precipitate was immediately removed by centrifugation. Normally, 0.1 ml of the clear, trichloroacetic-acid-soluble supernatant was analyzed for ninhydrin-positive components (Yemm and Cocking, 1955). An increase of acid-soluble c~-amino nitrogen during the time course of the reaction was taken to indicate proteolytic activity. Incubation mixtures containing only substrate or enzyme extract, or boiled enzyme (100~ 15min) in the same reaction buffer, were similarly treated, and analyzed to serve as controls. Except where indicated otherwise, substrate protein prepared from pods or leaves was used to measure proteolyric activity in pods or leaves, respectively. To determine the pH optimum for the proteolytic activity, I ml of substrate protein and 1 ml of enzyme extract was incubated with 100 mM phosphate-citrate buffer adjusted to the desired pH as described by Frith et al. (1975). The pH of the initial reaction mixture was determined and initial reaction velocities were measured under otherwise optimum conditions. For studies of proteolytic activity during the course of seed development assays were run on extracts from tissues of different ages; these assays were done in triplicate on each of three separate extract preparations. The rates of enzymatic activity were obtained from the initial, linear portion of the time progress curves where reaction velocities were first-order with respect to time and amount of enzyme extract, and zero-order with respect to substrate concentration. Units of proteolytic activity are gg of c~-amino nitrogen released per hour under the standard conditions described above. Specific activity is units per mg enzyme-extract protein in the reaction mixture.

Results and Discussion

Morphological and Biochemical Changes during Development A t anthesis o f the first flowering n o d e , the s u b t e n d i n g l e a f was ca. 30% o f its final size. M a x i m u m e x p a n s i o n was r e a c h e d 9 d a y s later. L e a f fresh weight a n d d r y weight i n c r e a s e d u p to 12 d a y s p o s t - a n t h e s i s a n d declined thereafter. T h e leaf-like stipule at the first rep r o d u c t i v e n o d e was 2 - 3 times l o n g e r t h a n a n y o f the f o u r leaflets o f the blade. T h e p o d (carpel wall) g a i n e d fresh a n d d r y weight r a p i d l y f r o m d a y 1 until d a y 12 p o s t - a n t h e s i s a n d cont i n u e d to increase in fresh b u t n o t in d r y weight until d a y 18 (Fig. 1). M a x i m u m p o d length (7.2 cm) was a t t a i n e d 6 d a y s p o s t - a n t h e s i s a n d by 21 d a y s the enclosed 5 o r 6 seeds filled the entire p o d . A t 24 d a y s p o s t - a n t h e s i s , the p o d b e g a n to w r i n k l e a n d desiccate b u t a p p r e c i a b l e d r y weight was r e t a i n e d even at m a t u rity (33 days).


OA o



"7 c 0 -o

o c0



0.1 o

..2 " I




E E O 6


18 24 Age(days)


Fig. 1. Developmental changes in fresh and dry weight of the leaf, pod and cotyledon from the first reproductive node of the pea plant

T h e ovules b e g a n to enlarge s o o n after anthesis, b u t the c o t y l e d o n s were difficult to dissect until 6 d a y s p o s t - a n t h e s i s . T h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f the c o t y l e d o n s was slow u p to d a y 9 b u t a f t e r w a r d s fresh a n d d r y weight i n c r e a s e d r a p i d l y until d a y 27 when fresh weight beg a n to decline, i n d i c a t i n g the d r y i n g - o u t o f the cotyled o n s (Fig. 1). T h e c h a n g e s in leaf a n d p o d p r o t e i n followed a p a t t e r n similar to t h a t o f fresh weight. P r o t e i n accum u l a t e d in the leaf a n d p o d u p to d a y s 12 a n d 15, respectively, a n d then declined (Fig. 2). D u r i n g senescence, the l e a f lost 10 m g protein, a n d the p o d over 20 mg, while each d e v e l o p i n g c o t y l e d o n a c c u m u l a t e d ca. 13 m g o f p r o t e i n (Fig. 2). T h e c h l o r o p h y l l level in the l e a f r e a c h e d a p e a k at d a y 9 a n d declined thereafter (Fig. 3). T h e m a r g i n s o f the leaflets b e g a n to t u r n b r o w n after d a y 15 a n d b y d a y 30 the leaves were visually d e v o i d o f chlorophyll 9 T h e c h l o r o p h y l l level o f the p o d p e a k e d at d a y 12 a n d r e m a i n e d relatively c o n s t a n t until d a y 21. E a c h p o d c o n t a i n e d a b o u t one h a l f o f the c h l o r o p h y l l f o u n d in the leaf. A l t h o u g h the c o t y l e d o n s a p p e a r e d green t h e y cont a i n e d very little c h l o r o p h y l l in c o m p a r i s o n to the leaves a n d p o d s (Fig. 3).


R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisurn

Chlorophyt[ ~.~ 20 P r 0 t e i n ~


:20 "T



& E

~ EE








~ Protein




i "Tc 240 o


61.o ~" 120




c~ Amino N

1.0 "T 13













~ 6


18 24 Age (days)



Fig. 2. Protein content of the ageing leaf, pod and cotyledon from the first reproductive node of the pea plant

Fig. 3. Changes in soluble s-amino nitrogen (Amino-N) and chlorophyll content of the developing leaf, pod and cotyledon from the first reproductive node of the pea plant

Free amino acids accumulated quickly in the leaf and pod during expansion, but the levels rapidly declined after days 9 and 12, respectively (Fig. 3). It is interesting to note that the amino-acid content of the leaf and pod did not increase during the period of protein depletion in these structures (Figs. 2, 3). In the developing cotyledon, free amino-acid content also increased during the period of the most rapid growth, and peaked at day 21 post-anthesis (Fig. 3).

and above catalysis was linear with time and with enzyme concentration in the reaction mixture. At pH 3.5 and below, non-enzymatic acid hydrolysis of proteins took place as the release of free amino acids from control assays (substrate only) was very similar to their release from experimental assays (substrate plus enzyme extract). No free amino acids were released from control assays at pH 3.75 and above. When the enzymatic activity was calculated by subtracting control assay values from experimental assay values and then plotted as a function of pH, a symmetrical curve about a peak pH of 5.0 was obtained (Fig. 4). This is similar to the acid pH optimum reported for proteases in extracts from leaves of tobacco (Tracey, 1948; Anderson and Rowan, 1965), wheat (Dalling et al., 1976) and corn (Feller et al., 1977). Brady (1961) found a pH optimum of 5.9-6.3 for clover-leaf protease with gelatin as substrate. Tracey (1948) and Singh (1962) investigated leaf proteases from a number of plants and found optimal activity at pH 5.0 or 5.4. Leaf proteins were hydrolyzed more readily than non-physiological substrates (hemoglobin, casein, bovine serum albumin) when incubated with leaf extracts (Table 1), and the same was observed when

Character&ation of Proteolytic Activity No proteolytic activity was detected in the 1000 xg or 8000 x g pellets (see Material and Methods) of centrifuged crude extracts. The release of acid-soluble a-amino nittogen from substrate proteins by enzyme preparations from leaves and pods was linear with time and amount of enzyme extract, up to ca. 120 min and 1.5 ml, respectively. Unless stated otherwise, initial rates (determined under optimum conditions) were used in calculations of all enzyme activities quoted in this paper. The pH optimum of the proteolytic activity of leaf and pod extracts was 5.0 (Fig. 4). At pH 3.75

R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisum

41 Table 1. Proteolytic activity of pea leaf extract on different substrates Extracts were prepared from 18-day-old leaves. Commercial protease (Sigma Chemicals) was assayed for comparison. Substrate concentration was 4 mg m l - 1 ; activity is expressed as units ml 1 enzyme extract. Commercial protease was not assayed with bovine serum albumin (BSA)

2 Sub strate


.2 t)








Leaf protein Pod protein Hemoglobin Casein BSA

Leaf extract

" C o m m e r c i a l " protease

11.7 9.8 6.6 5.1 0

28.9 29.9 28.1 27.6 -

pH Fig. 4. Influence of pH on proteolytic activity. Standard reaction mixtures were incubated in 0.1 M phosphate-citrate buffer adjusted to the indicated p H by varying proportions of 100 m M sodium phosphate and 100 m M sodium citrate. Similar results were obtained with extracts from 24-day leaves and 15- and 27-day-old pods

pod extracts were incubated with pod proteins and non-plant-protein substrates. A differential sensitivity of non-physiological proteins to hydrolysis by leaf proteases has been reported by Anderson and Rowan (1965), Racusen und Foote (1970) and Brady (1961). Spencer and Spencer (1974) have demonstrated greater plant proteinase activity on plant proteins than on casein. In contrast to the observed specificity of proteolysis demonstrated by proteases from leaf extracts, commercial protease hydrolyzed all of the proteins tested with similar efficiency. It has frequently been observed that anaerobiosis retards senescence (see James, 1953). Under anaerobic conditions, protein content is sustained, indicating that proteolysis is an aerobic, energy-requiring process. Several investigators have attempted to account for this phenomenon without reaching any consensus (see review by Goldberg and St. John, 1976), but Etlinger and Goldberg (1977) recently found an ATP-stimulated proteinase in extracts from reticulocytes. However, in extracts from leaves of Pisum we found no ATP stimulation of the hydrolysis of denatured leaf proteins. A slight increase in proteolytic activity (8 10%) in leaf and pod extracts was observed when EDTA was included during the homogenization stage. Similar findings have been reported for other acid proteases (Harvey and Oaks, 1974; Frith et al., 1975) and endopeptidases (at pH 5.4) (Feller et al., 1977) from plants. Proteolysis was also stimulated (3-fold) by inclusion of sulfhydryl reagents, either in the extraction medium or the reaction mixture (Table 2).

Table 2. Influence of sulfhydryl groups on proteolytic activity from pea leaves Extracts were prepared from 15-day-old leaves as described in Material and Methods, except the extraction and elution buffer was _+10 m M 2-mercaptoethanol (SH). Assays were conducted under standard conditions + 10 m M 2-mercaptoethanol (SH). Similar results were obtained with extracts from pods. Activity= units m l - 1 Extraction medium

+ SH

- SH

Reaction mixture

+ SH

- SH

+ SH

- SH






Proteolytic activity in clover and tobacco leaves was shown to be stimulated by reducing agents such as thioglycollate and cysteine (Brady, 1961; Tracey, 1948; Anderson and Rowan, 1965). Feller et al. (1977) reported that caseolytic (endopeptidase) activity at pH 7.5 from mature corn leaves was inhibited by 2mercaptoethanol but proteolysis at pH 5.4 was stimulated by this sulfhydryl reagent. The characteristics of the proteolytic activity in pea leaf and pod extracts agree closely with those reported for other acid sulfhydryl endopeptidases from plant tissue (Harvey and Oaks, 1974; Feller et al., 1977; Ryan, 1973).

Proteolytic Activity in the Leaf and Pod during Seed Development Figure 5 shows the changes in extractable proteolytic activity from leaves and pods during ageing. The activity is expressed as a function of fresh weight and protein to facilitate comparison with reports of other workers. However, in agreement with Feller et al. (1977), we feel that it is more meaningful in develop-


R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisum Table 3. Mixing experiments


Extracts from organs of different developmental ages (day 12, 30 for leaf; day 12, 27 for pod) were brought to equal protein concentrations with elution buffer, mixed in the proportion indicated, and assayed under standard conditions. The reaction mixture contained I ml substrate (4 mg pod or leaf protein), 1 ml mixed enzyme extract and 1 ml 200 mM phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 5.0). %extract=amount of extract from each stage of development added to the assay mixture. Specific activity=units rag-~ protein in enzyme extract



6 "7


Leaf (% Extract)

Pod ( % Extract)

"r. 0 o


Day 12

Day 30

Specific activity

Day 12

Day 27

Specific activity

0 25 50 75 100 :

100 75 50 25 0

14.4 11.1 8.5 5.6 2.5

0 25 50 75 100

100 75 50 25 0

6.9 5.7 4.8 3.4 2.6



c ~0




0 5


18 2~ Age(days)


Fig. 5. Proteolytic activity as a function of developmental age in the leaf (leaflets+ stipules) and pod (carpel wall). Assays were run under standard conditions and the reaction mixtures contained 1ml of substrate (4 mg leaf or pod protein), 1ml of enzymeextract (leafor pod) and 1 ml of 100 mM phosphate-citratebuffer, pH 5.0. For each developmentalage assayed, proteolyticactivity was linear with time and amount of enzyme extract in the reaction mixture. Proteolytic activity is expressed as units (gg e-amino nitrogen released h-1). Specificactivity=units mg 1 enzyme extract protein

mental studies to express the data on the basis of a parameter that does not change with age, and emphasis in this report is thus placed on results expressed on a per-organ basis. The proteolytic activity in extracts from leaves of different age increased slowly from day 6 to day 15 post-anthesis; it then decreased slowly until day 24 and more rapidly thereafter. These changes in proteolytic activity during leaf development in peas contrast markedly with those reported in corn leaves where a decline in protein was found to be associated with an increase in endopeptidase activity (Feller et al., 1977). Dalling et al. (1976) have shown an increase in protease activity during senescence of wheat leaves. Peterson and Huffaker (1975) report that the decline in ribulose-l,5-diphosphate carboxylase is associated with an accumulation of protease in the senescing barley leaf, but no relationship between protein depletion and an increase in protease activity was found

during senescence of the leaves of various dicotyledons (Beevers, 1968; Anderson and Rowan, 1965, 1968; Woolhouse, 1967). In contrast to the situation in the leaf, the proteolytic activity in the pod increased up to 21 days post-anthesis and remained at a high level until day 27. Thus, protein degradation in the pod (Fig. 2) was correlated with a build-up of proteotytic activity and the situation appeared to be similar to that in the leaves of cereals (Feller etal., 1977; Dalling etal., 1976; Peterson and Huffaker, 1975). The specific activity of the proteolytic enzymes in pod extracts declined at maturity while their specific activity in leaf extracts increased (Fig. 5). Anderson and Rowan (1965) observed a similar increase in the specific activity of proteases from tobacco leaf tissue. It therefore appears that the proteolytic enzymes of the pod are degraded during maturation, whereas proteolytic enzymes make up a progressively increasing proportion of the residual protein in the senescing leaf. When enzyme extracts from leaves and pods of two separate stages of development, which contained different levels of proteolytic activity, were mixed and assayed, the activity of the mixture was found to be intermediate (Table 3), indicating that the changes in enzyme activity during development were not based upon the presence or changes of an extractable inhibitor (or activator) of proteolytic activity in vitro. Conclusions

Accumulation of protein in the developing cotyledons proceeded simultaneously with the depletion of protein in the subtending leaf and the pod. This obser-

R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisum

vation indicates that protein mobilization in the supply organs provides precursors for protein synthesis in the cotyledon. The measured rates of the in-vitro proteolytic activity exceeded the in-vivo rates of protein depletion in the leaf by about 5-fold (or 2.5fold if a Qlo of 2 is assumed to account for the difference between the temperature at which the plants were grown, and the temperature of the assays). However, the protein in the subtending supply leaf and the pod (11.5 mg and 26 rag, respectively), even if combined, is insufficient to account for the synthesis of the 156 mg of protein (12 x 13 mg) by the entirety of the developing cotyledons in the pod. On the basis of time course studies of protein loss from the ageing leaf, and protein accumulation in the young pod, it does not appear that the leaf proteins degraded during senescence provide precursors for protein synthesis in the pod. However, the initial mobilization and translocation of the breakdown products of the supply leaf protein need not be associated with protein depletion during leaf senescence. Proteins are in a constant state of turnover (Racusen and Foote, 1962; Oaks and Bidwell, 1970; Huffaker and Peterson, 1974) and it has been suggested that amino acids released during protein breakdown might not be re-utilized for synthesis in situ (Bidwell et al., 1964). Instead, the breakdown products from protein turnover may be translocated from the young supply leaves to the developing pod and seed. There is evidence to support this hypothesis. Pate et al. (1974) have shown that phloem loading in the leaf draws upon amino acids released during turnover, and Hopkinson (1966) measured mobilization of nitrogen from the supply leaf before there was visual evidence of senescence (chlorophyll loss). Pate and Flinn (1973) found that even while accumulating nitrogenous compounds, pea leaves could release nitrogen which had been assimilated in early growth. This release of nitrogen increased during ageing and the authors concluded that the mobilization of nitrogenous reserves from the supply organ was a continuous process which gathered momentum as the seed developed. The observed levels of proteolytic activity in the leaf (Fig. 5) are consistent with this developmental strategy. It appears that during sensescence the endogenous leaf proteins become progressively more accessible to degradation by existing proteolytic enzymes. In contrast, the close relationship between protein depletion and proteolytic activity in the pod indicates that in the developing carpel, protein mobilization may be controlled by the level of proteolytic enzymes. This situation is comparable to that proposed for leaf tissue in cereals (Dalling etal., 1976; Feller etal., 1977; Peterson and Huffaker, 1975).


In both the leaf and pod, protein depletion during senescence (Fig. 2) is not associated with an accumulation of free amino acids (Fig. 3). Wallace and Pate (1967) reported a similar situation in ageing Xanthium leaves. This is in marked contrast to the accumulation of free amino acids which is found in detached senescing leaves (Beevers, 1976). Thus, it appears that the products of protein degradatign are immediately metabolised or are translocated out of sensescing supply organs. Pate et al. (1975) have stated that the attraction, processing and export of solute is an activity of mature leaves second only in importance to photosynthesis. Our results provide evidence for the catalytic potential to release amino acids from the protein of supply organs. It is recognized that the mobilization of nitrogen related to seed nutrition, would require the activity of several additional enzymes such as those involved in amide metabolism. Developmental studies into these problems are in progress in our laboratory.

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R. Storey and L. Beevers: Proteolytic Activity and Senescence in Pisum

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Proteolytic activity in relationship to senescence and cotyledonary development in Pisum sativum L.

Changes in the weight and in the chlorophyll, free amino-acid and protein content of developing and senescing, vegetative and reproductive organs of P...
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