Professor Rosenbach. Dent. Med.lVochenschr., 1889. 6, regards lanolin as a normal constituent of the human skin, and able to prevent the entrance of destructive agents into the tissues. When patients are obliged to keep to their beds for a, long time he prefers, after having fully disinfected the tender parts, to rub lanolin iu thoroughly, after which lie covers them with jute, oakum, or some similar material to prevent any further pressure. During the last nine months this treatment has been applied by him in a large number of chronic, affections. When the excoriations aud the suspicious redness of the skin were already present, healing took place kindly under the lanolin treatment. Since adopting this treatment gangrenous ulcers from pressure are of very rare occurrence in Roseubach's wards.? The Sanitarian, Jul// 1889, P. 87.

Prevention of Bed-Sores.

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