Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 120 (3rd series) Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease Part II Jose Biller and Jose M. Ferro, Editors © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 45

Portosystemic encephalopathy KARIN WEISSENBORN* Department of Neurology, Hanover Medical School, Hanover, Germany

HISTORY Scientific interest in the relationship between the liver and the brain dates back to ancient times. The basis for our current understanding of hepatic encephalopathy (HE), however, was provided at the end of the 19th century, when Nencki, Pavlov, and Zaleski observed that dogs developed a behavioral syndrome following the formation of a portocaval shunt (Eck’s fistula). Symptoms worsened after a meat feed and thus the phrase “meat intoxication syndrome” was coined. Nencki and coworkers saw that the arterial ammonia levels in the dogs increased after protein ingestion, accompanied by an increase in urinary ammonia excretion. After ammonia ingestion the dogs died. Analysis of the animals’ brain ammonia content showed a fourfold increase of ammonia compared to normal. Thus, it was concluded that the behavioral changes in the animals were induced by ammonia (Shawcross et al., 2005). At the beginning of the 20th century, clinical observations led to the conclusion that there is a connection between raised ammonia levels in the blood and the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with severe liver disease (Zieve, 1991). In 1952, Phillips et al. established a regular relationship between raised ammonia levels and the development of HE. Later a detailed analysis of the clinical features of HE was performed by Dame Sheila Sherlock and her coworkers (Sherlock et al., 1954; Sherlock, 1958). It was Sherlock who coined the term “portosystemic encephalopathy” for HE in patients with liver cirrhosis. In 2002, a working party on clinical research in hepatic encephalopathy recommended changes in the terminology and the differentiation of three types of HE (Ferenci et al., 2002): 1.

encephalopathy associated with acute liver failure (type A)



encephalopathy associated with portal-systemic bypass and no intrinsic hepatocellular disease (type B) encephalopathy associated with cirrhosis and portal hypertension (type C).

CLINICAL FINDINGS Portosystemic encephalopathy, or type C hepatic encephalopathy (HE), is characterized by disturbances of cognition, motor abilities, and consciousness. Symptoms range from minimal changes in personality or altered sleep pattern to deep coma (Sherlock et al., 1954). Sleep disturbances and slight behavioral changes are usually overlooked as they are not apparent in the clinical examination, but can be detected only by a directed inquiry. HE may stay in this covert stage for a long time but may also proceed to more severe stages with clinically obvious disturbance of consciousness: mild confusion in grade I, drowsiness, lethargy and disorientation in grade II, somnolence in grade III, and coma, with or without response to painful stimuli, in grade IV (a and b) HE (Fig. 45.1). Cognitive dysfunction is the major problem in minimal HE (mHE) and grades I and II HE. While this is obvious in grades I and II HE, it remains unnoticed with clinical examination in patients with mHE, since the patients’ verbal abilities are preserved (Schomerus and Hamster, 1998). Neuropsychological examinations, however, show deficits in attention and visual perception combined with a reduction in motor speed and accuracy (Weissenborn et al., 2001). The patients are especially impaired in their mechanical skills or in tasks which require sustained attention and quick reaction. Schomerus and Hamster (1998) were able to show that mHE decreases the

*Correspondence to: Karin Weissenborn, M.D., Department of Neurology, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hanover, Germany. Tel: þ49-511-532-2339, Fax: þ49-511-532-3115, E-mail: [email protected]



Fig. 45.1. Classification of hepatic encephalopathy according to alterations in attention and alertness (West Haven Criteria).

working ability of blue collar workers, while white collar workers are not impaired unless HE becomes clinically overt. It has repeatedly been shown that minimal HE also affects driving ability (Schomerus et al., 1981; Watanabe et al., 1995; Wein et al., 2004; Bajaj et al., 2009; Kircheis et al., 2009). In patients with grade 1 HE lack of attention and psychomotor slowing is clinically obvious. In patients with grade 2 HE cognitive dysfunction is accompanied by a further decrease of alertness and disorientation for time and sometimes also for place and situation. Motor symptoms such as asterixis, dysarthria, ataxia, tremor, hypokinesia, muscular rigidity, and posture abnormalities are hallmarks of hepatic encephalopathy. They are usually attributed to grade 2 HE. In practice, however, these symptoms are detectable by subtle neurologic assessment even in patients with mild HE (Krieger et al., 1996; Spahr et al., 1996). Speech disturbances and writing disabilities belong to the first symptoms of HE. Initially speech is monotonous and slow. With increasing ataxia speech becomes slurred, dysarthric. In stuporous patients dysphasia occurs combined with perseveration. Writing disabilities are traditionally used for follow-up examinations. Initially omission of single letters, reversal of order and misspellings are common. Later the patients become unable to sign their names or to move the pencil from left to right. Hyperreflexia and ankle clonus is a characteristic finding in grade 3 HE, but can be observed also in patients with mild HE, in principle.

Personality changes are frequent. Mood fluctuates. While some of the patients appear euphoric the majority present with mild to moderate depression. Confusion, bizarre behavior, and paranoid symptoms are common in grade 2–3 HE. In addition, hallucinations may be observed (Sherlock et al., 1954; Summerskill et al., 1956). Rare symptoms of type C HE are headaches, blurred or double vision, focal neurologic signs such as hemiparesis and epileptic seizures (Sherlock et al., 1954; Cadranel et al., 2001). While type C HE occurs episodically in the majority of patients, some show chronic progressive symptoms. In general, these patients have extensive portosystemic shunts either developed in the course of liver cirrhosis or following shunt operation or TIPSS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt). Occasionally chronic progressive HE can be observed as a complication of a congenital intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt despite normal liver function (type B HE) (Da Rocha et al., 2004). Read et al. (1967) observed five different syndromes of chronic persistent HE in patients who had undergone shunt operations: “1. predominant psychiatric disorder, 2. paraplegia, 3. cerebellar and basal ganglia disorder, 4. paroxysmal disorders of consciousness or muscle spasms, 5. localized or generalized cortical disease.” While the psychiatric disorder and paraplegia occurred within several months up to 1½ years after shunt operation in their patients, cerebellar and basal ganglia disorder was observed 7 and 8 years after the procedure.

PORTOSYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY 663 Nowadays, paraplegia in patients with chronic liver be addressed in every individual case before neuropsychidisease is referred to as hepatic myelopathy (HM) atric symptoms are related to HE (Cordoba et al., 2010). (Campellone et al., 1996; Lewis et al., 2000). In most Kril and Butterworth (1997) noted the high prevalence cases HM will develop after several episodes of HE. of unexpected evidence for thiamine deficiency in Upper extremities are affected minimally, if at all. Brisk patients who died with HE, even in patients with nonaltendon reflexes and increased tone of the lower extremcoholic cirrhosis. Thus, Wernicke’s encephalopathy has ities are the predominant findings. Plantar reflexes to be considered and thiamine should be given in case may be flexor, even in patients with ankle clonus. Disturof doubt. bances of sensation or bladder function are uncommon. After months of progressing disability most patients DIAGNOSIS OF MINIMAL HEPATIC either depend upon an assistive device or are confined ENCEPHALOPATHY to a wheelchair. For unknown reasons, most patients While the pattern of cerebral dysfunction in minimal described are men. hepatic encephalopathy (mHE) has been well known Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (AHD) is a for decades (e.g., Zeegen et al., 1970; Rehnstr€om further intriguing neurologic syndrome associated with et al., 1977; Rikkers et al., 1978; Gilberstadt et al., extensive portosystemic shunting. While patients with 1980; Tarter et al., 1984), the diagnostic approach is conAHD suffer the whole spectrum of cerebral dysfunction troversial. People working on HE seem to be evenly present in HE, cognitive dysfunction and alteration divided: some plead for the use of a neuropsychological of consciousness are by far less prominent than test battery that is able to represent the different cognimotor dysfunction. Parkinsonism, ataxia, dystonia, tive domains which are affected in mHE, while others chorea, and orobuccolingual dyskinesia can be observed. aim to find a single means as surrogate marker of brain Parkinsonism in AHD is characterized by a rapid dysfunction in HE. Recently the International Society progression and postural instability or cognitive impairfor Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism ment early in the course of disease. The most character(ISHEN) formed a commission to review the available istic motor phenotype of AHD is cranial dyskinesia, data on the role of neuropsychological testing in HE, which is often intermixed with dystonic elements such and to make recommendations regarding the routine as forced grimacing, jaw opening or blepharospasm assessment of patients with liver disease (Randolph (Burkhard et al., 2003; Ferrara and Jankovic, 2009). et al., 2009). They recommended the use of either the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) (Randolph, 1998) or the PSEDIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Syndrome-Test (Schomerus et al., 1999). The choice of None of the symptoms present in patients with hepatic which battery to use should be based upon the availability encephalopathy proves the diagnosis of HE. Thus the of local translations and normative data. Moreover the exclusion of other possible causes of brain dysfunction commission recommended future systematic studies is requested. Any patient has to undergo a thorough to compare approaches to diagnosing and monitoring diagnostic workup that includes laboratory investigamHE. The PSE syndrome test is a test battery consisting tions and neuroimaging. Conditions that have to be of five paper and pencil tests: the Number Connection considered are intracranial bleeding, especially chronic Tests (NCT) A and B, the Digit Symbol Test (DST), subdural haematoma, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, alcothe Serial Dotting Test (SDT), and the Line Tracing Test hol or drug withdrawal, intoxication, hypoglycemia, (LTT) (Fig. 45.2). In the NCTA the subject is asked to electrolyte disturbances, and in rare cases encephalitis. connect the numbers from 1 to 13 as quickly as possible. Hyponatremia has gained special interest recently, as In the NCTB subjects are asked to connect numbers from it could be shown that the frequency of HE increased 1 to 13 and letters from A to L in alternating order. In the with the reduction in serum sodium levels (15%, 24%, Digit Symbol Test each of the numbers 1–9 is paired with and 38% in patients with serum sodium > 135, 130–135, a specific symbol in adjacent boxes. Subjects are and < 130 mEq/L, respectively) (Angeli et al., 2006). requested to draw the missing symbol in a row of boxes Guevara et al. (2009) showed that hyponatremia is a strong filled with numbers. In the Serial Dotting Test subjects predictor of the development of overt HE. Hyponatremia are requested to place a dot as quickly as possible in is considered to facilitate astrocytic swelling in patients the center of 100 circles, and in the Line Tracing Test with severe liver disease and thereby to facilitate the the task is to draw a continuous line between two parallel development of HE. Although the clinical presentation (winding) lines. The test battery is able to detect deficits of hyponatremic and hepatic encephalopathy share only in attention, visual perception, visual scanning effithe alteration of consciousness, hyponatremia should ciency, motor speed, and accuracy. The PSE syndrome








Fig. 45.2. Subtests of the PSE syndrome test (PSE-Syndrome-Test): Number Connection Test A and B, Digit Symbol Test (upper line from left to right), Serial Dotting Test, and Line Tracing Test (lower line).

test is predominantly used in Europe where normative data have been collected for the German (Schomerus et al., 1999), the Italian (Amodio et al., 2008), the Spanish (Romero-Gomez et al., 2006) and the British (Marks et al., 2008) population. Meanwhile the test has also recently been validated and standardized in Poland (Wunsch et al., 2013); and an altered test version has been standardized in India (Thumburu et al., 2008). The RBANS has been developed and standardized in the US, where it is also used predominantly (Mooney

et al., 2007). This test battery contains measures of verbal and visual anterograde memory, working memory, cognitive processing speed, language (including semantic fluency), and visuospatial function (line orientation and figure copy). The results of 12 subtests are converted into age-adjusted index scores for five domains (immediate memory, visuospatial/constructional, language, attention, and delayed memory). The PSE syndrome test takes about 20 minutes for completion and evaluation, the RBANS 25–35 minutes.

PORTOSYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY 665 Critics of the test batteries complain about the time studied in patients with HE. They have been proven to needed to apply and evaluate the tests, the psychological be useful for follow-up examinations, as they show expertise needed to interpret the test results, and an increase or decrease of latency in close correlation the impact of learning effects, age, and education on to the clinical course of the disease. Endogenous test results. In addition copyright was mentioned as evoked potentials in addition may provide an insight barrier to using the test batteries. The search for “siminto the alteration of cognitive processes in HE. The ple” diagnostic methods has resulted so far in the recomclinical use of evoked potentials, however, is limited mendation of the Inhibitory Control Test (ICT), a (Weissenborn, 1991). They are less sensitive than psychocomputerized test of attention and response inhibition, metric tests and clinical assessment. The widespread which is freely available (Bajaj et al., 2007), and examiuse of endogenous evoked potentials is in addition hamnation of the critical flicker frequency (CFF) (Kircheis pered by the need for sophisticated technical equipment et al., 2002). The ICT results were repeatedly shown to and the need for trained personnel. be worse in patients with minimal HE as diagnosed by NATURAL HISTORY standard psychometric tests than in patients without mHE (Bajaj et al., 2007; Amodio et al., 2010). The diagThe natural history of hepatic encephalopathy is not well known since long-term follow-up studies are sparse. In nostic use of the test, however, remains to be proven. The most cases HE is observed to occur episodically, generICT results have been shown to depend – similar to other neuropsychological tests – upon age and education, and ally related to a precipitating factor that triggers a toxin to some extent even upon sociocultural factors (Amodio load to the brain. et al., 2010), and the elaboration of normative data has Cirrhotic patients with minimal HE are more prone to still to be undertaken. develop overt HE than those without. (Romero-Gomez CFF was recommended for diagnosing mHE by et al., 2001) identified altered CFF, Child–Pugh score, Kircheis et al. in 2002. CFF decreases with increasing and mHE as diagnosed by psychometric tests to be significantly associated with lower survival and higher risk grade of HE, but there is an overlap between the of overt HE. The percentage of patients who developed normal range and the test results in patients with mHE as defined by psychometric tests. In addition, CFF in overt HE was 45% when either psychometric tests or CFF patients with alcohol-induced cirrhosis differs signifiindicated abnormal scores and 3.3% in patients with cantly from CFF in patients with cirrhosis from other normal values in both tests ( p < 0.0001). causes. The data available at present suggest that Dhiman et al. (2010) applied a variant of the PSE synalterations in CFF go in parallel with alterations in psydrome test and CFF examination to 100 patients without chometric tests in a proportion of the patients, while a clinical signs of HE. Minimal HE was detected in 48% considering the PSE syndrome test sum score PHES pathologic result in one of the two does not predict (psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score). CFF was a pathologic result in the other (Romero-Gomez et al., 2007; Sharma et al., 2007). pathologic in 21%. The prevalence of mHE increased Neurophysiologic methods have been used for diagnowith increasing liver dysfunction. During follow-up of sis and follow-up of HE for decades. The majority of up to 2 years, 39.1% died among those who had mHE patients with clinically overt HE show alterations of the compared to 22.9% of those without HE. The probability EEG with an increasing amount of y and d rhythms with of survival in patients with PHES   6 was 67.7% at 1 increasing grade of HE, an initial increase, followed by a year of follow-up, and 26.4% at 2 years, compared to 88.7% at 1 year and 74.6% at 2 years in patients with decrease, in EEG amplitude, a discontinuous pattern, and PHES >  6 ( p ¼ 0.003). CFF was evaluated according finally an isoelectric EEG (Fig. 45.3) (Parsons-Smith et al., 1957; Davies et al., 1991; Montagnese et al., 2004; Guerit to age-adjusted normal data in this study, and thereby et al., 2009). Characteristic is the appearance of triphasic did not show any predictive value. waves. However, normal EEGs have been found in up to In a recent population-based study, Jepsen et al. 60% of patients with distinct clinical symptoms of HE (2010) showed that overt HE is associated with a high (Penin 1967; Weissenborn et al., 1990; Montagnese et al., mortality rate in patients with alcohol-toxic cirrhosis. 2007). Since EEG slowing was shown also in up to 30% Patients with HE had a median survival time of 2.4 months from its onset; 45% died within 1 month, 64% of patients with liver cirrhosis but no clinical signs of died within 1 year, and 85% died within 5 years. Of note, encephalopathy (van der Rijt et al., 1990; Montagnese et al., 2007), EEG is used for the detection of mHE in addipatients do not die of, but with hepatic encephalopathy. tion to other means by several groups (Quero et al., 1996). The presence of HE is just an indication of severe liver Visual evoked potentials (VEP), somatosensory dysfunction. evoked potentials (SSEP), and the P300 wave elicited Fichet et al. (2009) did a retrospective analysis of the in an auditory oddball paradigm have been intensively case records of 71 patients who were admitted to the



Fig. 45.3. EEG follow-up in a patient who was admitted with grade 2 hepatic encephalopathy (HE) (A) and swiftly improved after therapy with lactulose and antibiotics was started (B and C).

intensive care unit (ICU) of their hospital with grade III and IV HE. Mortality rate at 1 year was 54%. 35% of the patients died during ICU care. The mortality rate was 8.9% in the patients with isolated HE and 80.7% in the patients with accompanying organ dysfunction.

LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Laboratory investigations and neuroimaging do not provide findings specific for HE. An elevated ammonia level hints at a potential hepatic origin of a patient’s cerebral condition, but is nevertheless unspecific. Serum

PORTOSYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY ammonia levels correlate broadly with stages of encephalopathy; however, there is substantial overlap between values at different stages, and ammonia levels may even be in the normal range in patients with clinical symptoms of HE.

NEUROIMAGING INVESTIGATIONS For a while the bright pallidal hyperintensities found on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI) in about 90% of the patients with cirrhosis of the liver were considered as representative of HE (Fig. 45.4). Meanwhile it is clear that the T1 alterations are due to the deposition of manganese and depend on the presence of portosystemic shunting, while their extent relates only slightly to HE symptoms (Pujol et al., 1993; Krieger et al., 1996; Spahr et al., 1996; Pomier-Layrargues et al., 1998; Rose et al., 1999a). The MRI alterations usually disappear within 1 year after liver transplantation (Lockwood et al., 1997). Recently MRI has successfully been used to support the pathophysiologic model of a slightly increased brain water content – “a low-grade


cerebral edema” – as a milestone in the development of HE in liver cirrhosis (Ha¨ussinger et al., 2000). Methods applied were magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) imaging (Rovira et al., 2001; Balata et al., 2003), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (Kale et al., 2006; Kumar et al., 2008), water content mapping (Shah et al., 2008) and T2 relaxometry (Singhal et al., 2009). While an increase of brain water content in cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy is generally agreed on, it has to be clarified by further investigations if the patient develops an intra- or extracellular edema, or both (Shah et al., 2008; Poveda et al., 2010). Proton magnetic resonance spectra (MRS) of the brain in patients with liver cirrhosis and HE shows a characteristic alteration of the metabolite pattern – a decrease in the myoinositol and choline signal intensity combined with an increase in the glutamate/glutamine (Glx) signal intensity (Fig. 45.5). These alterations rise with increasing grade of HE and MR has been shown to be a sensitive means to represent metabolic alterations in these patients, with induced hyperammonemia leading to an immediate and significant alteration of the MR spectra (Balata et al., 2003). The MRS alterations have

Fig. 45.4. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain from a healthy subject on the left compared with a patient with cirrhosis on the right. Coronal slices show bilateral hyperintensities in the pallidum and substantia nigra in the patient (due to manganese deposition).



Fig. 45.5. Proton magnetic resonance spectra of the white matter in patients with liver cirrhosis but no hepatic encephalopathy) (HE) (top), minimal HE (center), and grade 1 HE (bottom) compared to a control spectrum.

also been studied for their diagnostic use but without satisfying results (K€ ostler, 1998; Poveda et al., 2010). Positron emission tomography (PET) has been applied for the study of some pathophysiologic aspects

of HE, such as cerebral ammonia metabolism. In 1991a, Lockwood et al. suggested a significantly increased blood–brain barrier permeability for ammonia in patients with liver cirrhosis and minimal HE compared to controls based on their findings in a 13 N-ammonia PET study. This assumption was well in line with experimental and clinical observations, and backed up the hypothesis that hyperammonemia and an increase of brain ammonia uptake were the main causes for the development of HE. Recently, their data have been contradicted by two further studies which included patients with different grades of liver disease – from mild fibrosis to cirrhosis – and different grades of HE compared to controls, and which did not find a significant difference of the blood–brain barrier permeability for ammonia between the groups (Keiding et al., 2006; Goldbecker et al., 2010). Nevertheless the metabolic flux of ammonia into glutamine was increased in the brain of cirrhotic patients compared to controls as their plasma ammonia levels were increased and in consequence also their brain ammonia levels. Ahl et al. (2004) showed significant regional differences in cerebral ammonia metabolism with an excess of ammonia supply to the basal ganglia and the cerebellum mainly due to differences in the regional cerebral blood flow (CBF). Cagnin et al. (2006) described an increased PK11195 binding in the basal ganglia, dorsolateral prefrontal regions, and anterior cingulate gyrus in patients with liver cirrhosis and minimal HE (Cagnin et al., 2006). PK11195 is a specific high-affinity ligand to the “peripheral-type” benzodiazepine receptors (PTBR) (recently renamed the 18 kDa translocator protein) which in the brain are localized especially in the outer mitochondrial membrane of astrocytes and activated microglia. PTBR are considered to play a role in the pathophysiology of HE via their role in the neurosteroid synthesis (Cagnin et al., 2006). Activation of PTBR results in increased synthesis of neurosteroids – especially allopregnanolone – a potent modulator of GABA-ergic neurotransmission, which enhances GABA-elicited chloride currents and positively modulates the binding of GABA and benzodiazepines to their respective sites on the GABA-A receptor complex (Ahboucha and Butterworth, 2007). In accordance with the clinical observation that HE especially affects the basal ganglia, the cerebellum and the “attention system,” Lockwood and coworkers were able to show by 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET that the glucose utilization is decreased in the cingulum and frontal and parieto-occipital cortex and increased in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and temporomesial structures in patients with HE compared to healthy controls and patients without HE (Lockwood et al., 1993, 2002). Glucose metabolism of the cingulate gyrus and

PORTOSYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY 669 cortical areas mentioned was significantly decreased swelling (Schliess et al., 2006; Norenberg et al., 2009). even in patients with minimal HE and was positively Astrocyte swelling is considered the key factor in correlated to their neuropsychological and motor the pathogenesis of HE as it has been shown to trigger performance (Lockwood et al., 2002; Giewekemeyer multiple alterations of astrocyte function and gene et al., 2007). expression in part through oxidative stress-dependent modifications of proteins and RNA. Ammonia as well as TNF-a, benzodiazepines, and hypo-osmotic swelling PATHOLOGY/PATHOPHYSIOLOGY were shown to induce RNA oxidation in cultured The pathogenesis of HE is far from being fully underastrocytes and brain slices and thereby to compromise stood, but there is a working hypothesis which is continsynaptic plasticity and glutamatergic neurotransmission uously adjusted to new findings, and which at present (G€org et al., 2008; Ha¨ussinger and Schliess, 2008). includes ammonia and systemic inflammation as the Recently, G€org et al. (2010) showed evidence for oxidakey players. Blood ammonia levels may be increased tive/nitrosative stress, protein tyrosine nitration, and about two- to threefold in patients with liver cirrhosis RNA oxidation also in postmortem cortical brain tissue compared to controls and brain–blood concentration from patients with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. ratios of ammonia increase from 2 in controls to 3–4 Ammonia has also been shown to induce mitochonin patients with chronic liver failure (for comparison: drial permeability transition (mPT), probably mediated the brain–blood ammonia ratio in patients with acute by oxidative stress. Induction of the mPT leads to a liver failure is 8) (Butterworth, 2002). In the brain, collapse of the mitochondrial inner membrane potential, ammonia is detoxified by astrocytes via the synthesis swelling of the mitochondrial matrix, defective oxiof glutamine. Accordingly proton MRS studies of the dative phosphorylation, cessation of ATP synthesis, brain in patients with liver cirrhosis and different grades and finally the generation of reactive oxygen species. of HE show an increase of the glutamate/glutamine Thus induction of the mPT is part of the vicious circle signal. It is hypothesized that the brain osmolyte of oxidative/nitrosative stress and astrocytic dysfuncmyoinositol is extruded from the astrocytes to avoid tion (Norenberg et al., 2009). astrocyte swelling in spite of increasing intracellular The characteristic neuropathologic feature of the glutamine levels and thus to maintain astrocyte function. brain in patients who died with hepatic coma is an Of note, astrocyte swelling may be induced not only by increase in the size and number of protoplasmatic astroammonia detoxification but also by other factors such as cytes, the so-called Alzheimer type II astrocytes (Adams inflammatory cytokines, hyponatremia, or benzodiazeand Foley, 1952). They are characterized by large, pines (Ha¨ussinger et al., 2000), and in fact HE is often chromatin-deficient nuclei with prominent nucleoli surprecipitated in patients with liver cirrhosis by rounded by a small rim of cytoplasm. The Alzheimer concomitant disorders such as electrolyte dysbalance, type II astrocytes were found in all parts of the cerebral sedation with benzodiazepines, or infection. The vulnercortex, the basal ganglia, thalamus, amygdala, midbrain, ability of the brain to these factors is postulated to pons, and cerebellum. The number of Alzheimer type II depend upon the extent of the myoinositol depletion. astrocytes within the pallidum is representative for the Low baseline myoinositol levels were observed to predisdegree of astrocytic changes in each individual case. pose for neuropsychological deterioration by an experiThe extent of Alzheimer type II astrocytosis is signifimental amino acid load (Shawcross et al., 2004a). cantly correlated with blood ammonia levels and severity Comparing the response of patients with liver cirrhosis of encephalopathy (Martin et al., 1987). Neurons appear to an oral amino acid challenge in the presence of a syshealthy in neuropathologic studies of the brain from temic inflammation response syndrome (SIRS) and patients with end stage chronic liver disease, except again after its solution, Shawcross et al. (2004b) were for those cases with “acquired hepatocerebral degeneraable to show that the presence of inflammation increases tion.” Here the brain shows a patchy, spongy degenerathe effect of ammonia on brain function. Unfortunately, tion especially in the deep layers of cerebral cortex and patients with liver cirrhosis carry an increased risk of subcortical white matter, particularly in the parietoinfection, since their neutrophils and macrophages have occipital cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Microa reduced phagocytosis capacity (Mookerjee et al., scopically these regions are characterized by a diffuse 2007). Thus the synergism between ammonia and increase in the size and number of protoplasmic astroinflammation effects can frequently be observed in cytes with glycogen inclusions and regional parenchymal these patients. degeneration with zones of pseudolaminar microcavitaThere is ample experimental evidence that astrocyte tion, together with shrunken, pyknotic nerve cells swelling induces the formation of reactive oxygen and and some swelling and fragmentation of the myelin nitrogen oxide species, including nitric oxide (NO), while (Victor et al., 1965; Plum and Hindfelt, 1976). on the other hand oxidative stress induces astrocyte Butterworth (2007) hints to the fact that neuronal cell

670 K. WEISSENBORN death in brain in liver failure is considerably less than in the colonic lumen due to environmental changes with would be predicted considering the numerous cell death promotion of the growth of nonurease producing bactemechanisms present in this condition, such as NMDA ria; (4) interference with the uptake of glutamine and receptor-mediated excitotoxicity, oxidative/nitrosative its metabolism into NH3 in the gut wall (Conn and Lieberthal, 1979). Lactulose therapy has been shown to stress, and the presence of proinflammatory cytokines. reduce plasma ammonia levels (Als-Nielsen et al., 2004; Therefore he hypothesizes that the extent of neuronal Poo et al., 2006), to improve cognitive function in patients damage in liver failure may be attenuated by compensawith minimal HE (Prasad et al., 2007), and to reduce intertory mechanisms including downregulation of NMDA stitial brain edema in cirrhotics with mild HE with correreceptors or the presence of neuroprotective steroids sponding improvement in neuropsychological test scores such as allopregnanolone. (Kale et al., 2006). Sharma et al. (2009) showed that lacOf note, histologic alterations of the brain are most tulose was effective in the secondary prevention of HE pronounced in those regions with high blood supply episodes. In practice, side-effects such as diarrhea, flatuand thus the highest ammonia load: the basal ganglia, lence, and abdominal pain reduce patients’ compliance the cerebellum, and the cortex. The above average effect with this therapy. on the basal ganglia can be explained by a synergism of Antibiotics directed at urease-producing bacteria ammonia and manganese. Rose and coworkers (1999a) have similar efficacy in HE to nonabsorbable disacchashowed that the manganese concentration in postmortem rides (Als-Nielsen et al., 2004). In the past, neomycin and brain of patients who died with HE is significantly metronidazole have been used. Currently rifaximin, a increased compared to controls and most evident in the nonabsorbed derivative of rifamycin, is recommended globus pallidus. Manganese is probably actively trans(Leevy and Phillips, 2007; Bass et al., 2010). It has been ported and deposited in the pallidum, thalamic nuclei, shown to be well tolerated, safe and efficacious in both and substantia nigra (Aschner et al., 2007). Manganese short- and long-term use. The most recent study anadeposition per se results in neuronal loss, Alzheimer type lyzed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled design the II astrocytosis, and alteration of dopaminergic neuroprotective effect of rifaximin against breakthrough epitransmission (Butterworth et al., 1995). Manganese has sodes of HE in patients with advanced liver disease, who also been shown to increase ammonia toxicity in astrocyte had suffered at least two episodes of HE  2 during the cultures (Jayakumar et al., 2004) and – like ammonia – to previous 6 months. The study drug was added to an induce the expression of the “peripheral-type” benzodiazongoing lactulose therapy in about 90% of the patients. epine receptor mentioned above. Rifaximin significantly reduced the risk of an epsiode of HE over a 6 month period (HR 0.42, 95% CI 0.28–0.64; MANAGEMENT p < 0.001) and also reduced the frequency of hospitalizaHE episodes are frequently provoked by nutritional protion due to HE by half (Bass et al., 2010). The rifaximin tein overload, gastrointestinal bleeds, infection, medicadose applied was 550 mg twice per day. tion (especially sedatives or diuretics), or constipation. A decrease of plasma ammonia levels can also be Therefore, identification and treatment of the precipitatachieved by the application of L-ornithine-L-aspartate ing factor should be the first step in its management. In (LOLA). Ornithine stimulates both the urea cycle and gluaddition, correction of electrolyte disturbances is essentamine synthesis. The major effect results from stimulatial. Considering the role of ammonia in the pathogenesis tion of glutamine synthesis in skeletal muscle (Rose et al., of HE, at present the main route of HE therapy aims at 1999b). A significant reduction of plasma ammonia levels the reduction of ammonia production and absorption. and improvement of clinical symptoms after intravenous Nonabsorbable disaccharides – lactulose and lactitol – application of 80–120 g LOLA was shown in cirrhotic are an established first-line therapy in HE. The daily dose patients with grade III–IV HE as long ago as 1972 of lactulose should be titrated to result in two to four soft, (Leonhardt and Bungert). With regard to lower grades acidic stools per day (30–60 g per day). In comatose of HE, data are contradictory (Kircheis et al., 1997; patients lactulose-containing enemas (250 mL lactulose Stauch et al., 1998; Poo et al., 2006). Nevertheless LOLA in 750 mL water) can be used instead of the oral prepara(three to six sachets daily in three divided doses) is recomtion (Uribe et al., 1987). Lactitol has been shown to be as mended in addition to or as an alternative to rifaximin if effective as lactulose (Morgan and Hawley, 1987). Lactuthere is not complete remission of encephalopathy within lose is considered to be effective by several mechanisms: 24 hours after lactulose treatment onset (Cash et al., 2010). (1) the cathartic effect; (2) acidification of the intestinal Studies on the use of branched-chain amino acids content resulting in a reduction of ammonia absorption (BCAA) for therapy of HE date back more than 30 years. and net movement from ammonia from the blood into A comprehensive Cochrane review (Als-Nielsen et al., the bowel; (3) reduced bacterial production of ammonia 2004) showed that compared to the control treatment,

PORTOSYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY BCAA significantly increased the number of patients improving from hepatic encephalopathy (59% versus 41%; RR 1.31; 95% confidence limits 1.04–1.66). Two recent studies of BCAA supplementation showed a significant positive effect compared to placebo with regard to mortality and the progression of liver disease (Marchesini et al., 2003; Muto et al., 2005). Hepatic myelopathy and acquired hepatocerebral degeneration do not respond to conventional HE therapy. Here immediate liver transplantation is recommended (Weissenborn et al., 2003).

CONCLUSIONS Hepatic encephalopathy is a frequent complication of end stage chronic liver disease indicating poor prognosis. Neuropathologic findings indicate that it is a glial disease that results in severe neuronal dysfunction. The characteristic extrapyramidal and cerebellar symptoms distinguish HE from metabolic encephalopathies due to other causes. Diagnosis has to be made with careful exclusion of other possible causes of brain dysfunction. Even mild degrees of HE should be treated, as they significantly impair quality of life and activities of daily living. Further efforts are needed to clarify the pathogenesis of HE, to identify new therapeutic targets, and to harmonize the diagnostic approach.

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Portosystemic encephalopathy.

Portosystemic or type C hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a frequent complication and an indicator of a worsening prognosis in patients with liver cirrho...
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