Pharmacological Research, Vol . 26, No. 3, /992



Giulio Bizzozero Laboratory of Platelet and Leukocyte Pharmacology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Consorzio "Mario Negri Sud", 66030 S . Maria Imbaro, Italy Received in final form 21 April 1992 KEY WORDS :

platelets, polymorphonuclear leucocytes, thrombosis .

INTRODUCTION Giulio Bizzozero in 1882 described thrombus generation as follows : "The blood platelets which are carried by the blood stream are arrested as soon as they reach the lesion of the arterial wall ; at first one observes two to six platelets ; very rapidly their number grows into hundreds . Usually, among these, a few white blood corpuscles are also arrested"[l] . This was probably the first observation of the simultaneous involvement of leucocytes and platelets in thrombus formation . Since then the presence of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) in haemostatic platelet plugs and arterial thrombi has been repeatedly observed by microscopy, but the general consensus was that these cells were only playing a passive role in thrombus formation, but were likely involved in the subsequent repair process . More recently, a number of studies has been performed looking for possible interactions between PMN and platelets to understand better, their possible importance in the pathogenesis of thrombosis . Results from in vitro studies under different experimental conditions indicated that the mutual modulation of platelet and PMN function was extremely complex also due to different methodological approaches . The broad range of effects of platelets on PMN function has been critically examined in this issue [2] . We shall focus our attention on the possible modulatory role of PMN on platelet function . When platelets are stimulated in the presence of PMN, both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on the platelets have been described, suggesting that different in vitro experimental systems may reflect different in vivo physiopathological situations . In our opinion, based on experimental and Correspondence to : Dr Chiara Cerletti . 1043-0618/92/070261-08/$08 .00/0

© 1992 The Italian Pharmacological Society

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epidemiological data discussed below, the PMN-platelet interaction favours thrombogenesis .

PLATELET INHIBITION INDUCED BY PMN In 1981 Villa et'al . [3] showed that supernatants of unstimulated PMN incubated at 37 ° C for 30 mins contained a platelet inhibitory activity which was compatible with thromboxane-synthase inhibition and/or thromboxane receptor antagonism . At that time very little was known about the inhibitory effect of PMN on platelet function [4] . More recently the inhibition of platelet activation by PMN has been further investigated . After Rimele et al . [5] described a "neutrophil-derived relaxing factor" with a pharmacological profile similar to that of endothelium-derived relaxing factor/nitric oxide (EDRF/NO), several in vitro studies have shown that unstimulated PMN could inhibit platelet activation through a NO-like activity [6-9] . Washed platelets were stimulated with threshold concentrations of specific agonists, in the absence or presence of PMN with a ratio of cell number within the physiological range . The inhibitory effect of PMN was generally overcome by increasing platelet agonist concentration, and was independent of PMN stimulation . The use of standard indicators of NO-like activity, such as the amplifier superoxide dismutase, the NO scavengers oxyhaemoglobin or methylene blue and the NO synthesis blocker Ng monomethyl-2-arginine methyl-ester has provided indirect evidence for platelet inhibition by PMN-derived NO . This interpretation is supported by the elevated levels of platelet cyclic GMP observed in the presence of PMN [6] . In addition to NO-mediated platelet inhibition, PMN may also control platelet reactivity via NO-independent mechanisms . In fact Zatta et al. [10] reported that a chemically stable compound besides the previously well characterized labile NO contributes to PMN-dependent platelet inhibition . In that study the inhibitory effect of PMN on platelet aggregation was also found using whole citrated blood . In agreement with these data, Schattner et al . [11] also observed PMN-mediated platelet inhibition through factor(s) other than arachidonic acid metabolite(s), oxygen radicals, proteases or NO . Furthermore, in an in vitro experimental system allowing to evaluate platelet activation and recruitment, releasates from combined suspensions of PMN and platelets demonstrated inhibition of platelet serotonin release and inhibition of platelet recruitment when thrombin and collagen were the agonists . The effects were not attributable to NO-like activity [12] . Platelet ADP removal by ADPase activities expressed by PMN should also be considered [10,12] . Finally, elastase, a PMNderived protease, has been shown to prevent thrombin-induced platelet activation through the cleavage of GP lb [13] . Altogether these data indicate that PMN may inhibit platelet activation by both NO-dependent and NO-independent mechanisms . In conclusion, independent on the mechanisms involved, PMN, under well defined methodological conditions, can limit platelet activation in vitro .

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PLATELET ACTIVATION INDUCED BY PMN Several PMN-derived products, such as myeloperoxidase, hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ) and superoxide anion (02), reportedly induce platelet activation [14,15] . Potentiation of epinephrine-induced aggregation by leucotrienes (C 4 , D4 and E 4 ) has been reported [16] . To our knowledge, these observations have not been repeated in other laboratories, therefore their relevance is questionable . Platelet activating factor (PAF), a lipid mediator produced by PMN, is endowed with platelet stimulating activity [17] . Whether PAF is actually released outside PMN is a matter of controversy [18,19] . This mediator, which seems to play a role in rabbit PMN-platelet cooperation [20,21], has not been clearly implicated in PMN-dependent platelet activation with human cells [22] . The involvement of serine proteinases in PMN-dependent platelet activation was first suggested in rabbits, by the observation that diisopropyl fluorophosphate, an inhibitor of proteinases, prevented PMN-dependent platelet activation [23] . A more direct role for proteinases was indicated by the observation that preincubation of platelets with chymotrypsin-like cationic proteins from human granulocytes resulted in enhanced platelet serotonin release initiated by thrombin or by immune complexes [24] . It was the work by Bykowska et al [25] that provided the first direct evidence that a neutral serine proteinase -chymotrypsin-like- purified from human neutrophils was able to stimulate platelet function . This pivotal observation by the Polish group was extended few years later by Chignard et al [26] : these authors described a potent neutrophil-derived platelet agonist, they provisionally called neutrophilin", which was able to induce platelet activation by involving platelet cytoplasmic Cap+ increase . In subsequent studies "neutrophilin" was identified as cathepsin G [27] and a specific receptor on platelet surface was described [28] . Cathepsin G provides a secondary activating signal to platelets after primary PMN activation with formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl-Phenylalanine (fMLP) [26,29], the activated fifth component of complement (c5a) [30], and most likely with leukotriene B 4 and PAF [31 ] . Moreover, priming of PMN with tumour necrosis factor (TNF), which enhanced cathepsin G release from fMLP-activated PMN, potentiated PMN-dependent platelet activation [32] . In all experiments with human PMN [26,27,29-32] cathepsin G was the essential mediator of PMN-induced platelet aggregation, serotonin release and TxA 2 production . Elastase, through the enzymatic cleavage of GPllla on platelet surface, induces the exposures of active fibrinogen receptors allowing platelet aggregation in the presence of fibrinogen [33] . This is not in contrast with the previously mentioned inhibition of platelet function by elastase [13], because in those experiments platelets were incubated with elastase in the absence of fibrinogen . All data on PMN-dependent platelet activation were obtained in the presence of cytochalasin B [26,27,29-32], which is necessary to allow the release of the content of azurophilic granules from PMN activated by chemotactic factors in suspension [34] . However, the release of the content of azurophilic granules from PMN in vitro cannot be considered an artifact due to cytochalasin B, as has been demonstrated after PMN adhesion to plastic surfaces [35] or during PMN


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adherence and migration on fibrinogen-coated surfaces (36, 37] or on subendothelial matrix [38] . It has also been demonstrated that PMN, in the absence of cytochalasin B, can release the azurophilic granule content when stimulated by fMLP after 5 min priming with PAF [39] . Although PMN-induced platelet activation through cathepsin G released from azurophilic granules has been so far only demonstrated in vitro, we believe that it may occur in vivo in conditions favouring thrombosis, in. some of which release of the content of azurophilic granules has been shown . In fact, leukocyte elastase release has been shown in the medium during blood coagulation [40], and in plasma from patients with leucaemia and septicoemia [41] ; al-antitrypsin-elastase complex increased in plasma from patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation [42] . Lately Nuijens et al, [43] have provided further evidence that activation and degranulation of neutrophils occurred in patients with sepsis, a condition in which presumably different agonists cooperate in inducing PMN activation . In this study al-antitrypsin complexes, an index of azurophilic granule content, were inversely related to platelet number . Increased elastase activity has also been shown in plasma from patients with myocardial infarction [44] indicating leucocyte activation and azurophilic granule release also in this disease . Although cathepsin G is most likely released together with elastase into the circulation in several pathological conditions, it does not necessarily induce platelet activation . Indeed, plasma antiproteinases are able immediately to block both elastase and cathepsin G activities [45] . However, it has been recently suggested that membrane-to-membrane contact in vitro between PMN and platelets could create a microenvironment in which cathepsin G, discharged from stimulated PMN on adherent platelets, is protected against different antiproteinases [29] . Cell-cell contact is therefore an important aspect of PMN-platelet interaction because it creates optimal conditions for cell-cell communication via soluble mediators . Platelets and PMN might interact through specific membrane proteins . Indeed activated platelets expose on their surface a protein contained in the membrane of the alpha granules, called P-selectin, previously known as "platelet adhesion dependent granule external membrane protein" (PADGEM) [46] or granule membrane protein (GMP-140) [47], that specifically interacts with a glycoprotein (CD 15) on the surface of PMN and monocytes [48] . Cloning of this protein has been recently reported [49] . A P-selectin independent mechanism of PMN-platelet adhesion has also been recently reported [50] . Adhesion between PMN and platelet membranes suggests that the maximal effect of mediators during cell-cell interaction can be achieved in a microenvironment limited by the intermembrane adhesion sites . However, the importance of a specific, receptor-mediated adhesion step for platelet-PMN functional interaction remains to be established .

CONCLUSIONS The in vitro experiments reviewed here demonstrate that according to specific experimental conditions, PMN can be demonstrated to inhibit or activate platelets .

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At present, this discipline is quite controversial . Several and not yet well characterized factors may be involved . These include EDRF/NO, ADPase activities and 15-hydroxy acids of the eicosanoids pathway such as the lipoxins . These may play a role in mediation of neutrophil-dependent platelet interactions . The inhibitory effect of PMN may coexist with a potent stimulatory effect when activated-PMN release the content of their azurophilic granules . Cathepsin G, a neutral serine proteinase, is the major mediator of this effect . While convincing data are already available, suggesting PMN-dependent platelet activation in viv'o in different animal experimental models [51-54], no data are available, to our knowledge, demonstrating PMN-dependent platelet inhibition in vivo . Despite the reported contrasting results on platelet/PMN interactions in vitro, a role of such a cell interaction in the pathogenesis of thrombosis is supported by several epidemiological studies : indeed, a positive correlation was found between the number of circulating leucocytes, especially PMN, and the development of ischaemic disease (see [55] for review) . More recently the Caerphilly and Speedwell study also indicated white blood cell count as an independent risk factor for ischaemic heart disease [56] . However, a cause-effect relationship between PMN number and vascular events has not yet been shown . Besides platelet activation, other mechanism(s) might explain the contribution of PMN to the development of vascular disease . One of these is endothelial cell injury, mediated by PMN-derived toxic oxygen radicals and/or proteolytic enzymes [57] . Cathepsin G and elastase, by modifying endothelial cell function .. might contribute to the development of a prothrombotic state of the endothelial cell : both enzymes may indeed suppress thrombin-induced prostacyclin production [58] and increase the activity of the fibrinolysis inhibitor PAI-1 [59] . Human PMN contains 0 .85 ± 0 .096 ug of cathepsin G and 1 .11 ± 0 .144 ug of elastase per 106 cells [60], a very effective weaponry for inducing platelet activation and affecting endothelial cell function, at least in vitro . Oxidants produced by activated PMN not only directly contribute to endothelial damage but may also damage the methionine-rich active site of al-proteinase inhibitor, thus reducing the protective potential against PMN-derived proteinases 1611 . In conclusion, when considering the effects of PMN on endothelial cells, in addition to the reported PMN-induced platelet activation via cathepsin G, PMNderived proteinases should be viewed as potential mediators in the pathogenesis of ischaemic disease .

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the National Research Council, Rome, Italy, (Convenzione CNR - Consorzio Mario Negri Sud) .

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Polymorphonuclear leucocyte-dependent modulation of platelet function: relevance to the pathogenesis of thrombosis.

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