Biol Neonate 1991;60:102-107

Plasma Methionine Enkephalin Levels in the Human Newborn at Birth Alma M. Martinez, James F. Padbnry, Elizabeth E. Burnell, Siang L. Thio Department o f Pediatrics. Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. UCLA School o f Medicine. Torrance. Calif.. USA

Key Words. Methionine enkephalin • Catecholamine

Introduction The opiate peptides (both enkephalins and endorphins) are postulated to have phys­ iologic effects in the newborn and perinatal period in ventilatory control and cardiovas­ cular responses to the stress of birth [1-3]. The enkephlins are found in the peripheral nervous system localized in sympathetic ganglia [4] and stored with catecholamines in adrenal medullary cells [5]. The enkepha­ lins are stored as low-molecular-weight pentapeptides (met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin) and as higher-molecular-weight forms. The larger forms include carboxy-extended

forms of met-enkephalin and preoenkephalin A [6]. In vitro studies show that all forms of enkephalins are cosecreted with cat­ echolamines in response to a variety of stim­ uli [6]. Previous assays of plasma met-enkepha­ lin have suffered from poor reproducibility and erratic recovery. We recently tested and validated a radioimmunoassay system for enkephalin pentapeptides and the high-mo­ lecular-weight forms of enkephalin in plas­ ma. These studies were designed to deter­ mine the plasma enkephalin peptide levels in a selected group of healthy term newborn infants.

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Abstract. Plasma met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (MET-ENKi) and catecholamine lev­ els were measured in umbilibal cord blood from 46 healthy newborn infants. Clinical data including Apgar scores, birth weight, gestational age, route of delivery, fetal heart tracings and arterial blood gas values were also obtained. Thirty-nine infants were delivered by the vaginal route. All but 1 infant delivered by cesarian section had undergone a trial of labor. Plasma MET-ENKi in the newborn infants was markedly greater than levels found in healthy adult volunteers; 360 ± 25 versus 25 ± 2 pg/ml, respectively. MET-ENKi levels were similar in umbilical arterial and umbilical venous blood, and in infants delivered vaginally or by cesarian section.

Plasma MET-ENKi Levels in the Human Newborn at Birth

Patient Selection and Study Protocol Institutional review board approval was obtained to collect umbilical cord blood from healthy, term infants born at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Um­ bilical cord blood was drawn from the placenta imme­ diately after cord clamping. Clinical data were ob­ tained from the mothers’ medical record and in­ cluded: Apgar scores, fetal heart rate tracings, birth weight, gestational age and route o f delivery. Forty-six infants had plasma met-cnkcphalin lev­ els measured from umbilical cord blood. Umbilical cord blood gases were also measured. Comparisons o f met-enkephalin levels from arterial versus venous ori­ gin were made in 18 cases to determine if there was an umbilical arterial-to-venous gradient. Arterial plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine were measured with met-enkephalin levels in 28 infants. Plasma metenkephalin levels were also determined in 11 healthy, nonpregnant adult volunteers for comparison with the newborn levels. The blood for met-enkephalin analysis was placed into chilled test tubes containing sodium citrate (0.5 mM . final concentration), Trasylol (500U /m l), and EDTA (3 m V/). Blood for catecholamine mea­ surement was placed into tubes containing reduced glutathione (3 m .l/) and ethyleneglycol-bis(P-aminoethyl ether)-N.N.N'N'-tetraacelic acid (4 rnM ). The samples were centrifuged immediately, and plasma was separated and frozen at - 7 0 ° C for later analy­ sis. Laboratory A nalysis Plasma for measurement of met-enkephalin was first extracted through polystyrene columns and then measured by radioimmunoassay using commercial antiserum (Immunonuclear, Stillwater. Minn.. USA). This antiserum cross-reacts 2.8% with leu-enkephalin. Our data therefore represents met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (MET-ENKi). Plasma for measure­ ment of the high-molecular-weight enkephalin pep­ tides (total MET-ENKi) first underwent sequential proteolytic digestion with trypsin and carboxypepti­ dase B as previously described [6], The plasma was then extracted and measured by radioimmunoassay as described above. The assay is sensitive to 2 pg. The inter- and intra-assay variabilities were 13 and 9%. respectively. Recovery of met-enkephalin using this assay was determined to be greater than 90% after

1,000. 500 or 200 pg/ml additions to unextracted plasma. To characterize the identity o f the plasma immunoreactivity, plasma was subjected to gel filtra­ tion using a Sephadex G-75 column (0.9 X 57 cm). The plasma immunoreactivity (MET-ENKi) coeluted precisely with met-enkephalin standard. Plasma first separated by gel filtration and then subjected to tryp­ sin and carboxypeptidase B demonstrated that sub­ strates of a molecular weight o f 16,000-90,000 yielded MET-ENKi following proteolytic degrada­ tion. Catecholamines were measured by a radioenzymatic assay sensitive to 1-2 pg o f norepinephrine and epinephrine as previously described [7], Data Analysis The data are presented as means and standard error o f the mean (SEM). Because catecholamine val­ ues are not normally distributed, the data were log transformed prior to statistical analysis and are pre­ sented as the geometric means and the SEM. Stu­ dent’s t test was used to compare met-enkephalin lev­ els between the different groups, p < 0.05 was consid­ ered statistically significant.

Results Forty-six infants, with a mean gestational age of 39 weeks and birth weight 3.3 kg were studied. As can be seen from table 1, this study was carried out on a group of healthy, vigorous infants. The mean arterial blood pH was 7.26, and the median Apgar scores were 8 at 1 min and 9 at 5 min. The arterial plasma catecholamine levels were elevated with a geometric mean norepinephrine level of 2,010 ± 613 pg/ml and an epinephrine level of 226 ± 68 pg/ml. Thirty-nine infants were delivered by the vaginal route. All but 1 infant delivered via cesarian section had un­ dergone a trial of labor. Indications for ce­ sarian section included cephalopelvic dis­ proportion (n = 3), breech presentation (n = 1) and suspicious fetal monitor tracing (n = 3). There were no statistically significant dif­

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Materials and Methods




Discussion This study was undertaken to determine the umbilical plasma levels of met-enkepha­ lin in healthy newborn infants. We found the mean levels of MET-ENKi to be signifi­ cantly elevated above those in adult volun­ teers. The levels of the large-molecularweight forms of enkephalin (total METENKi) were similar in the newborn when compared to adult levels. The plasma METENKi levels were also similar in umbilical

Table I. Patient characteristics Mean±SEM


pH (arterial)

7.26 ± 0.01


Apgar (1 min)1


4 -9

Apgar (5 min)1



Body weight, kg

3.3 ±0.1


Gestational age, weeks

39.1 ± 0.4


Norepinephrine, pg/ml

2,010 ± 613


Epinephrine, pg/ml

226 ±68


Route o f delivery Vaginal Cesarian section

39 7



arterial and venous blood. This finding sug­ gests no significant placental uptake or deg­ radation of either met-enkephalin or the high-molecular-weight peptide forms. We and others have shown that catechol­ amine levels are elevated in human umbili­ cal cord blood [7, 8]. We have previously shown a significant correlation between um­ bilical arterial catecholamines, umbilical ar­ terial O2 pressure, arterial pH and duration of labor [7]. Moreover, by multiple-regres­ sion analysis we demonstrated that umbili­ cal cord arterial pH was the most important determinant of catecholamine elevation at birth. Our present descriptive study docu­ ments peptide levels in a group of healthy newborn infants. As indicated by the Apgar scores and initial blood gases, these infants underwent minimal perinatal ‘stress’. In or­ der to describe any similar correlation be­ tween plasma met-enkephalin peptides and these traditional markers of perinatal stress, a group of ill or asphyxiated neonates would need to be studied.

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ferences in the arterial pH values, Apgar scores or gestational ages between infants delivered vaginally or via cesarian section. The plasma met-enkephalin levels in these infants are shown in figure 1. For com­ parison, plasma met-enkephalin levels of a group of adult volunteers are also shown in the figure. As can be seen, the MET-ENKi levels were significantly greater in the new­ born infants in comparison with the adult plasma levels, with newborn levels of 360 ± 25 versus adult levels of 25 ± 2 pg/ml. There was no statistical difference in the newborns’ total MET-ENKi levels (the high-molecularweight forms of the met-enkephalin peptide) when compared to the adult levels, 57 versus 70 ng/ml, respectively. A comparison of umbilical arterial plasma levels with umbilical venous levels of both MET-ENKi and total MET-ENKi from 18 infants is shown in figure 2. There were no differences in either MET-ENKi or total MET-ENKi when arterial and venous levels were compared. Plasma MET-ENKi and total MET-ENKi from infants born vaginally or by cesarian section were also similar with levels of 380 ± 30 versus 280 ± 60 pg/ml and 60 ± 10 versus 50 ± 10 ng/ml, respectively.


Fig. 1. Comparison of plasma met-enkephalin immunoreactivity in newborn umbilical cord blood ver­ sus adult venous levels. Values shown as means ± SEM. * p < 0.01 (Student's t test).

Fig. 2. Plasma met-enkephalin immunoreactivity in arterial versus venous umbilical cord blood. Values shown as means ± SEM.

Enkephalin peptides are found in brain­ stem nuclei involved in autonomic and car­ diovascular control [9], In the peripheral nervous system they are located in sympa­ thetic neurons and ganglia [4] and stored in large amounts with catecholamines in adre­ nal medullary cells [5]. They are stored as pentapeptides (met- and leu-enkephalin) and as larger forms, including carboxy-extended forms of met-enkephalin and the prohor­ mone, proenkephalin A. In vitro studies show that all forms of enkephalins are se­ creted with catecholamines in response to physiologic stimuli [6]. In the limited in vivo studies available, the nature of the enkepha­ lin peptide released appears to be dependent on the type of stimulus used to evoke a response. In dogs exposed to hypoglycemia, increased levels of the high-molecularweight peptides are described with no change noted in the pentapeptide levels [10]. In fetal sheep exposed to hypoxia, we have noted a significant elevation of the highmolecular-weight form of circulating met-

enkephalin associated with elevated plasma catecholamine levels with no change in the pentapeptide levels [11]. In the present study, we found significantly higher levels of plasma met-enkephalin at birth in neonates when compared to adults. It is unclear from the present data, or from previous in vivo studies, whether there is differential release of high- or low-molecular-weight forms of met-enkephalin peptides during periods of stress, whether there are major differences in the metabolism or plasma clearance rates of the different peptides and whether there are important species differences in responses. Another major class of opiate peptides are endorphins. Circulating plasma endor­ phins are known to be elevated in pregnancy and at delivery in humans and fetal sheep [12-15], Numerous clinical studies have also shown significantly elevated levels of circu­ lating P-endorphins in human neonates with hypoxia and perinatal asphyxia [16, 17]. The endogenous opiate peptides are pos­ tulated to have unique physiologic effects in

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Plasma MET-ENKi Levels in the Human Newborn at Birth



Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Perinatal Research Staff at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center including Christine Mori. RN. Sarah Alvarez. RN, and Artemcsa McCullough. RN. This work was supported in part by grants from the USPHS HD-22003. HD-18014 and MOI RR-00425.

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the newborn and perinatal period in cardio­ vascular and respiratory control mecha­ nisms. Both central and peripheral infusions of met-enkephalin in fetal sheep are shown to have significant effects on heart rate, blood pressure and fetal breathing move­ ments [3, 18]. These effects are eliminated by autonomic blockade and blunted by nal­ oxone. an opiate peptide antagonist. Nalox­ one has been shown to decrease the duration of apnea in asphyxiated newborn rabbits [19] as well as reverse the depression in res­ pirations, muscle tone and activity level [20] . Naloxone has also been shown to re­ duce the hypoventilation induced by hyp­ oxia in newborn infants [2], The physiologic significance of the ele­ vated levels of met-enkephalin at birth is unclear. Numerous investigators have sug­ gested that a variety of neuropeptides, in­ cluding the opiate peptides, neuropeptide Y, substance P. as well as adenosine and prosta­ glandins, are elevated at the time of birth and function as modulators of the sympatho­ adrenal system and affect respiratory, vascu­ lar and sleep states in the immature organism [9, 21-23], The opiate peptides inhibit in vitro norepinephrine release in sympathetic ganglia [24] as well as adrenal catecholamine release in response to cholinergic stimulation [25], We have shown that catecholamine re­ lease at birth is vital for successful postnatal adaptation [26]. We have also shown that opiate receptor blockade at birth signifi­ cantly augments catecholamine release and cardiovascular stability [27]. Whether the el­ evated met-enkephalin plasma levels at birth described herein are a response to the stress of labor and delivery or are necessary for the organism’s adaptation during the transition from fetal to extrauterine life is unclear and deserves further research.


Plasma MET-ENKJ Levels in the Human Newborn at Birth









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Alma M. Martinez. MD Department of Pediatrics Harbor-UCLA Medical Center UCLA School of Medicine 1000 West Carson Street. RB I Torrance. CA 90509 (USA)

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Plasma methionine enkephalin levels in the human newborn at birth.

Plasma met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (MET-ENKi) and catecholamine levels were measured in umbilibal cord blood from 46 healthy newborn infants. Clin...
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