British Journal of Anaesthesia 1990; 65: 79-93


It is this extensive endothelial contact that we now recognize as being the basis of one of the major non-respiratory functions of the lung—the ability to metabolize blood-borne substrates on their passage through the pulmonary circulation. This ability has been called the metabolic function, or the pharmacokinetic function, of lung [16], because it deals with what the lung does to the substrate rather than with the responses of the lung to substrate. Most of the substrates investigated are endogenous substances, with less atKEY WORDS Lung: metabolic function. Pharmacokinetics: lung.

tention paid to exogenous, xenobiotic, drug substrates, but it is already clear that pulmonary pharmacokinetics of drugs are quite different from those of endogenous substrates [21]. The first report of a metabolic transformation of an endogenous substrate in the pulmonary circulation was published in 1925 as the inactivation of a " serum vasoconstrictor substance " in the lung [129]. This substance, later identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), made impossible the perfusion of isolated kidneys with blood but, if the lungs were included in the circuit, such perfusion was feasible for several hours. It is salutary to note that, 55 years later, the same problems were reported with an isolated bloodperfused preparation of dog stomach, which were solved by the same manoeuvre [110]. Inactivation of the now characterized 5-HT on passage through the pulmonary circulation wasfirstshown by Gaddum and colleagues [55] and has been confirmed on numerous occasions in a variety of preparations [16, 62]. The major contribution to the modern development of this research area was that of Vane and his collaborators in the late 1960s. In a series of papers, metabolic activity towards a variety of substrates—biogenic amines, peptides and prostaglandins—was clearly demonstrated in the pulmonary circulation of animals in vivo, establishing the extent and specificity of this non-respiratory function [139]. Extension of this solid foundation by several groups of workers has been documented in a number of reviews [16, 58, 62, 81]. The results of this work are summarized in table I, which shows the metabolic properties of lung towards blood-borne substrates, perfused through the pulmonary circulation in normal lungs. It includes exogenous xenobiotic drug substrates, Y. S. BAKHLE, M.A., D.PHH.., Department of Pharmacology,

Hunterian Institute, Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.

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The major purpose of the circulation of the blood through the pulmonary vessels is undoubtedly to effect gas exchange. This seems to have been recognized in the 13th Century by one of the leading physicians in Cairo, Ibn-an-Nafis, who wrote "the blood...must pass along the pulmonary artery to the lungs to spread itself out there and mix with the air until the last drop be purified" (see [50]). Some four centuries later, Boyle restated this purpose: "the Ventilation of Blood in its passage thorow the Lungs; in which passage it is disburthened of Excrementitious Steams" [26] and Richard Lower added, "the blood takes in air in its course through the lungs and owes its bright colour entirely to the admixture of air" [88]. We now also know that, to achieve this exchange, the blood is spread out in a very thinfilmover the pulmonary capillary surface and is separated from air by a structure consisting of a thin alveolar epithelium, some basement membrane and another thin, vascular endothelium. The pulmonary vascular endothelium is continuous and offers a total surface area of about 70 m2. Thus the structure maximizing gas exchange between blood and air also maximizes contact between the blood and the largest endothelial cell surface in the body.


BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA TABLE I. Effect of passage through the pulmonary circulation on biological activity {results from the work of many authors, discussed tn greater detail m previous reviews [14, 16, 21, 58, 62,82])

Consequence of pulmonary transit Substrate


Biogenic amines Angiotensin I


Arachidonic acid

Adcnine derivatives Steroids Basic drugs


No change

5-HT Noradrenaline Phenylethylamine

Dopamine Adrenaline Tyramine Histamine Angiotensin II Oxytocin Vasopressin

Bradykinin Enkephalin Atrial natxiuretic pep tide Prostaglandins D,, E,and F M ATP, ADP, AMP Adenosine Progesterone Beclamethasone Fentanyl Iraipramine Chlorpromazine Lignocaine Propranolol

although these will be discussed separately from the endogenous substrates later in this review.

Prostacyclin (PGI,)

Morphine Isoprenaline

effects of vasoactive hormones by changes in their metabolic fate in the pulmonary circulation. Second, the respiratory function of the lungs brings the external environment (in terms of CHARACTERISTICS OF METABOLIC FUNCTION OF inspired air) into continuous and close contact LUNG with the cells of the alveolar capillaries and For the endogenous substrates, some general provides a means whereby external factors may features of their metabolic fate in the pulmonary alter internal biochemistry, with pharmacocirculation are crucial to the understanding of this dynamic consequences. pulmonary function. First, the pharmacokinetic The selectivity of the pharmacokinetic process function is metabolic—that is, a biochemical leads to the three results shown in table I: transformation is the basis of the pharmacokinetic activation, inactivation or no change. The process effect and these transformations occur in con- of activation entails the metabolic product being scious human subjects and within the physio- more biologically effective than the substrate logical range of concentrations [60, 128]. If ex- entering the pulmonary circulation and is best cessively great concentrations are used, selectivity exemplified by the conversion of the inactive of metabolism may be lost and sites and modes of decapeptide, angiotensin I (AI), to the highly metabolism disclosed, which are not relevant to potent octapeptide, All. A more frequently physiological concentrations of substrate. observed fate is inactivation and is most clearly Two other features arise from the structure of seen with 5-HT and with prostaglandin (PG) E2 the lungs. First, the entire cardiac output passes (PGE,) and PGF2M all of which suffer > 90 % through the pulmonary circulation and blood inactivation on a single transit of the pulmonary from the lungs passes very rapidly to the per- circulation. However, the third category in this iphery. Thus these metabolic operations are table—no change—is conceptually the most imperformed on the whole of the blood volume and portant because it demonstrates the selectivity of the products are distributed almost immediately these metabolic functions in lung. For instance, to the periphery, where their effects are mediated. the liver will inactivate PG and 5-HT entering via Hence the lung can control the pharmacodynamic the portal circulation, but it will not differentiate,

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Pep tides


PHARMACOKINETIC AND METABOLIC PROPERTIES OF LUNG as does the lung, between PGE2 and PGI 2 [14], or between noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine [146]. This selectivity of the lung's metabolic functions led Vane [139] to propose the idea of local and circulating hormones, the former, such as bradykinin, 5-HT and PGE,, being largely inactivated in the pulmonary circulation and, thus, not able to reach the systemic arterial beds and the latter, such as histamine, adrenaline and vasopressin, passing freely dirough the pulmonary circulation and able to circulate to the periphery. Sites of metabolism

Mechanisms of selective metabolism

Some of die selectivity of die metabolic functions of lung may derive from die properties peculiar to die alveolar capillary endodielium, but diere are at least two odier more clearly defined mechanisms of selectivity which depend on die subcellular localization of die metabolic system involved. First, some of die enzymes concerned are located on the outside of the endodielial cell

membrane (ecto-enzymes), widi free access to substrates in die extracellular or vascular space. For angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) diis location is more specific, with immunoreactive enzyme being found only on die luminal surface of die endodielium in situ [123]. The ectonucleotidases (AMPase, ADPase and ATPase) may not be so restricted. For all diese ectoenzymes, die selectivity of metabolism must reflect die selectivity of the enzyme itself. This is certainly true of ACE, which will not hydrolyse peptides widiout a free carboxy terminal [6]—thus C-terminal amides such as oxytocin and vasopressin pass freely dirough die pulmonary circulation [16]. The free passage of All also reflects die substrate specificity of ACE, which will not hydrolyse certain peptide links involving proline [6]. This characteristic has been utilized in die structure of bodi natural and syntiietic ACEinhibitors [5, 38, 104]. Recendy a different, nonenzymic type of peptide inactivation has been shown in lung for die atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). Labelled ANP was rapidly removed on a single transit dirough rabbit lungs, but it could dien be recovered by displacement widi nonlabelled peptide [137]. This unusual mode of inactivation is probably attributable to die presence of "silent" receptors (binding sites which do not lead to effects) for ANP in lung [101]. As yet, diis is die only example of avid pharmacokinetic binding for endogenous peptides in lung. The odier relevant enzymes are widiin die cell and are consequendy separated from dieir substrates in die blood by the cell membrane. The metabolism of diese substrates (5-HT, noradrenaline, PGE2, adenosine) comprises two distinct processes: uptake across die cell membrane and, subsequently, interaction widi die intracellular enzyme. For catecholamines, die uptake process is rate limiting and is die source of die observed specificity [16, 62, 82]. Pulmonary monoamine oxidase will metabolize noradrenaline, dopamine and adrenaline equally well in vitro, widi a Km in die range 300-400 umol litre"1 [17] whereas, in whole lung, only noradrenaline is metabolized widi a Km of about 1 umol litre"1 [62]. Uptake is not rate limiting widi PGE2 or PGFItO but die PG uptake system will not accept PGI, as a substrate, aldiough die intracellular enzyme prostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) hydrolyses PGI 2 faster than PGE, in vitro [14]. Here, again, it is die specificity of die uptake system diat determines die selectivity of die

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The lung is said to comprise 40 different types of cell. However, as far as metabolism is concerned, endothelial cells are the most important. For many years, these cells were not considered to be metabolically interesting or even particularly active, but they are now known to exhibit a number of metabolic properties relevant to vasomotor control [109, 123]. Endothelial cells cultured from a variety of sources (aorta, pulmonary artery, umbilical vein, etc.) can carry out most of the metabolic reactions associated with die pulmonary circulation, such as conversion of AI to All, inactivation of bradykinin, enkephalin and 5HT, and synthesis of PGI 2 [123]. However, there are differences between endothelial cells from different vascular beds and from different levels in the same vascular bed (arterial, microvascular and venous) [57], which could explain discrepancies between results from cultured cells and the vasculature in situ. For instance, cultured endothelium, from the pulmonary artery or other sources, will not inactivate PGEj [14], whereas diere is extensive inactivation in the pulmonary circulation in situ [14,53]. Furthermore, the processes of cell culture themselves can also modify die biochemistry of endothelial cells [1, 57]. Nevertheless, the metabolic functions of lung are frequently taken as expressions of the activities of the pulmonary endothelium.



metabolic process. This discrepancy between the enzymic content and the functions expressed in the organized tissue is frequently observed in lung and is also important in the pharmacokinetics of exogenous, xenobiotic drugs. The lung as an endocrine organ

and affect platelets (it also has potent anti-plateletaggregatory activity [3,75]) or be transferred downstream in the blood. Using blood-free perfusion media, nitric oxide can be "exported" from segments of coronary artery [67] and from perfused hearts [2, 84]. However there have been no reports of a similar export of nitric oxide or of EDRF activity from the large mass of endothelial cells in the pulmonary circulation, although isolated strips of pulmonary artery [34, 47] and isolated lungs [37] show signs of EDRF generation. There are at least two reasons why the export of EDRF/nitric oxide from lung may be unlikely in vivo. Both substances are rapidly oxidized by a variety of oxidizing agents, by the superoxide anion O2~ and by atmospheric oxygen [105]. The high concentration of oxygen in the lung and pulmonary blood may inactivate more of the nitric oxide formed than in peripheral vascular beds. Furthermore, haemoglobin is a potent inactivator of nitric oxide [105] and the amount of free haemoglobin normally present in blood would be enough to prevent nitric oxide being a circulating hormone. Thus although, in peripheral beds and perhaps even in the bronchial circulation, EDRF/nitric oxide could be an important determinant of vascular function, its significance in the pulmonary circulation remains to be established. One possibility is that hypoxic vasoconstriction could reflect a lack of vasodilator nitric oxide, but this seems to be unlikely in the light of recent results showing the potentiation of hypoxic vasoconstriction by inhibitors of the effects of EDRF [28, 93]. Of particular interest are the reports of the alteration of endotheliumdependent relaxation in vascular smooth muscle strips by halothane, enflurane and isoflurane [23, 97, 130], but the relevance of these results to responses in vivo is uncertain. The third, most recently described endothelial cell product is a 21-amino acid peptide, endothelin. This peptide is a potent vasoconstrictor [145] and bronchoconstrictor [138], released from cultured endothelium by other vasoconstrictors (noradrenaline, All) or by hypoxia or thrombin. Its release from strips of vascular tissue or perfused vascular beds has not yet been described, although it has been detected, by radioimmunoassay, in human plasma after myocardial infarction [95]. However, passage through the pulmonary circulation of isolated blood-free lungs reduced the activity of endothelin by about 50%,

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Apart from its pharmacokinetic modulation of circulating endogenous substrates, the lung also has the potential for a pseudo-endocrine function [20], by virtue of its central position in the circulation. The release of von Willebrand Factor and tissue plasminogen activator from pulmonary endothelium into the blood perfusing the lung could be considered an endocrine function [109]. The endocrine function will also reflect the overflow into the pulmonary circulation of a mediator formed by lung tissue for intrapulmonary purposes. Such overflow is more likely in pathological situations. For instance, the release of eicosanoids and histamine from lung during immunological challenge [14], and of eicosanoids in acute injury states (endotoxin, embolism) [29, 79, 92], into the systemic circulation, could add to the general cardiovascular derangements in these conditions. There are some newer candidates for "pulmonary vasoactive hormone" status. In the past few years, the endothelium has been identified as the source of three more vasoactive mediators: platelet activating factor (PAF), endotheliumderived relaxing factor (EDRF) and endothelin. The phospholipid, PAF, has a wide spectrum of mostly pro-inflammatory activities [27, 91], but is unrelated to the lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid, although its synthesis is also inhibited by steroids. The most important sources of PAF are leucocytes and platelets, but cultured endothelial cells will release PAF on stimulation with a number of inflammatory mediators [27]. It is not easy to differentiate between endotheliumderived PAF and that from other cells in whole lung, and consequently the contribution of endothelium to the effects of PAF generation in lung is difficult to assess. The vasodilator substance EDRF [54, 67, 140] has now been identified as nitric oxide [105]. This is formed by endothelial cells in culture or in situ by a number of stimuli such as histamine, bradykinin, ATP and acetylcholine. Although its vasodilator action in vivo depends on its diffusion abluminally to the underlying smooth muscle, nitric oxide can also be secreted into the lumen




If the metabolic functions of the lung are of physiological significance, then they should be susceptible to modulation by extrapulmonary, physiological factors. Age and hormones

Age-related structural changes in lung are particularly obvious around birth: the rapid increase in alveolar capillaries, following birth, is accompanied by the expected increases in ACE activity [114]. Perinatal changes in PGE2 metabolism, PG synthesis and monoamine oxidase (MAO) activities in lung have also been reported [14, 19]. The physiological significance of these changes has not yet been established; nevertheless, it seems that the pharmacokinetic function of lung towards endogenous substrates—like the pharmacokinetic capability towards drugs—is deficient in neonates and takes time to develop fully. By analogy with other metabolic functions, advanced age would also decrease those of the lung and evidence of this has been shown with propranolol in rat lung [77]. Although the lung is not usually considered a target organ for sex hormones, it contains

receptors for oestrogens, androgens and prolactin [20]. Furthermore, pulmonary metabolism of 5HT, phenylethylamine, arachidonate and PGE,, in rats, was affected by the oestrous cycle [10, 11, 14]. This susceptibility to physiological changes in concentrations of endogenous steroids suggests that pulmonary pharmacokinetics could also be altered by pharmacological changes in steroids, for instance with oral contraceptives. Hormonal deficiency, as represented by diabetes induced by streptozotocin, decreased ADP hydrolysis and PGI 2 synthesis in rat lung [12, 143], both changes decreasing the anti-platelet-aggregatory potential of the pulmonary vessels, although 5-HT clearance in this model was not affected [141]. These changes are compatible with those in the systemic circulation in diabetic subjects in whom increased platelet aggregation and vascular pathology are seen. Species

Species differences in many physiological functions are common and these differences are important in so far as animal tissues are used as models or analogues of human tissues. For instance, the metabolism of arachidonic acid via the cyclo-oxygenase pathway has, as its major products, PGI, and thromboxane (TxA,)—two potent agents with opposing biological activities. In guineapig lung, the balance is in favour of TxAs but, in lungs from many other species including rats and man, the balance is in favour of PGI 2 [14, 51], even during as potent a pathological stimulus as immunological challenge [125]. The inference from this must be that guineapig lung is not a good model of human lung when arachidonate metabolism is being studied. However, with a different substrate, ADP, a different conclusion is reached. In rat and hamster lungs, ADP was rapidly hydrolysed to AMP, and AMP itself was relatively resistant to further breakdown whereas, in guineapig and human lung, ADP was broken down to adenosine with very little AMP surviving [36]. Since adenosine is a potent anti-aggregatory substance, this species difference could be important in models of the anti-aggregatory mechanisms exhibited by the pulmonary circulation and possible mechanisms for their alteration. The susceptibility of each possible substrate to each possible physiological variation has not yet been assessed, but enough has been done to show that the metabolic functions of the pulmonary

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although other vasodilators such as PGIt and EDRF were released by endothelin from lung [46]. The pulmonary circulation has the potential to generate endothelin from its own endothelium, given an appropriate stimulus such as hypoxia, which is known to release vasoconstrictors from endothelium [121] or perhaps isoflurane, an endothelium-dependent contractor of rat aorta [130]. One of the major problems in this area is to make physiological sense out of the conflicting activities of the endothelial cell products, both for the underlying smooth muscle and for the blood cells in the lumen. Some part of an answer may involve a selective output by endothelial cells in different vascular beds, as already seems likely for PG synthesis [57]. In summary, under normal conditions, the pulmonary circulation provides a selective metabolic control in vivo over endogenous substrates in pulmonary arterial blood by virtue of the close contact with pulmonary endothelium endowed with selective metabolic processes. This control system can be disturbed by a number of factors, which will be discussed below.



circulation are indeed responsive to modulation by physiological, extrapulmonary factors. The nature of this response will vary from substrate to substrate, as would be expected from a physiological mechanism. PHARMACOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FACTORS

Drug effects

a variety of models. In the simplest, isolated lungs of rat or rabbit were perfused with saline solution equilibrated with the agent being investigated [39, 100]. In these lungs, 50% (v/v) nitrous oxide in oxygen, 0.5—2% halothane or enflurane and 1^4 MAC isoflurane all depressed noradrenaline, 5-HT and phenylethylamine metabolism. In other models, halothane and other halogenated hydrocarbons were delivered only in the ventilating gas [73] or both by ventilation and in the perfusate [142]. Halothane inhibited noradrenaline inactivation in vivo in dogs, but not the metabolism of PGE2 [14]. These results can be interpreted as showing a disruption, by the anaesthetic agent, of the cell membrane structures needed for uptake of the amines and so preventing their access to the intracellular metabolizing enzyme, MAO. Surprisingly, in view of the unanimity of the results from animals, clinical studies showed no difference in pulmonary removal of 5-HT in patients before, during and after general anaesthesia [43,60]. It is possible that this discrepancy reflects the concentrations of halothane used as, in the experimental studies, the inhibition was dose-related. However, interactions between inhalation anaesthetics and endogenous monoamines would be important pharmacological considerations in the practice of anaesthesia and more clinical studies are needed to confirm or refute this possibility. A more common, more complex and more toxic "drug" is tobacco smoke. The epithelial cells are probably the most involved in the link between lung cancer and the carcinogens in tobacco smoke and it is tempting to suggest that some modification of endothelial function by components of tobacco smoke is involved in the cardiovascular sequelae of smoking. Several experimental studies have been made of the acute effects of cigarette smoke as a component of the ventilating gases, and of the chronic effects after days of exposure. In rat and hamster isolated lungs, ventilation with cigarette smoke decreased metabolism of 5-HT [83] and PGES, in proportion to the tar content of the cigarette [14]. This is presumably an acute effect, as lungs from rats, exposed to smoke for up to 10 days but not ventilated acutely with smoke, did not show such changes [14]. Metabolism of arachidonate to prostanoids or to lipid was also affected by smoke ventilation of isolated lungs [14]. In man, an acute effect of cigarette smoking was a decrease in production of PGI t in smokers but not in non-smokers [99].

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The simplest pharmacological factors affecting the metabolism of endogenous substrates are drugs known to interfere with the enzymes or uptake systems involved. The metabolism of the monoamines, 5-HT and noradrenaline, was decreased by blockers of neuronal Uptake! and by inhibitors of MAO [16,17,62,82] in concentrations equivalent to those used to alter neuronal function in the CNS. Thus it is very likely that patients treated with tricyclic antidepressants or MAO-inhibitors for disorders of affect or mood will also have a decreased monoamine metabolism in their lungs. The ACE inhibitors now used widely in cardiovascular medicine were originally developed from work on the properties of lung ACE [4, 104]. Although the ACE on all cells will be inhibited, the effects on the lung enzyme must be a significant part of the overall action of these drugs. Inhibition of bradykinin inactivation (another consequence of ACE inhibition) is unlikely to contribute to the therapeutic effects of ACE inhibition, as there are other highly active bradykininases in plasma and tissues [7] to substitute for ACE as a means of inactivating bradykinin. Prostanoid synthesis in lung is as susceptible as in other tissues to inhibition by indomethacin and its congeners [14]. Clearance of PGES and PGF^ in the pulmonary circulation can be blocked effectively by a variety of drugs [14], but for most of them this activity is not relevant to their clinical effects. However, inhibition of PG clearance by indicator dyes (indocyanine green [8, 112]) and sulphasalazine [76] could contribute significantly in vivo. Anaesthetic agents are a particularly important group of drugs in terms of their potential to interfere with the metabolic function of the lung. I.v. agents have not been studied, but local anaesthetics such as bupivacaine [120] did not affect 5-HT uptake in rabbit isolated lung. The inhalation agents have received more attention in



Hypoxia was one of the first pathological factors to be investigated for its effects on the metabolic functions of lung. However, die marked vasoconstriction accompanying acute hypoxia intro-

duced a major haemodynamic component into the final result. Attempts to separate haemodynamic from biochemical effects have concluded that the decreased conversion of AI to All induced by acute hypoxia was attributable largely to haemodynamic changes [32, 131]—that is, changes in Fmax rather than in Km of ACE activity. Two other observations relate to the haemodynamic changes in acute hypoxia. Inhibition of prostanoid synthesis with indomethacin [14] or antagonism of the effects of EDRF with methylene blue or hydroquinone [28,93] all potentiated hypoxic vasoconstriction, implying an increased output of endogenous vasodilators in this condition. This possibility is supported by the increased output of vasodilator PGI 2 from cultured endothelium exposed to hypoxic incubation conditions [69], a situation in which haemodynamic effects cannot confuse the issue. Effect of lung injury. If the pharmacokinetic function of the lung is a normal physiological function, then in abnormal lung, these metabolic functions may also be abnormal and, where morphological modification of the endothelium occurs, such modification should be preceded by a biochemical change. This change should be detectable by measuring the metabolism of an endogenous substrate—that is, a "biochemical index" of lung injury. The hope of finding a reliable biochemical index has been a major purpose in studying the metabolic consequences of several well-established forms of lung injury. Cardiopulmonary bypass. The iatrogenic lung injury caused by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been minimized over the years, by improvements in technique. In 1972 Gillis and colleagues [61] found that removal of 5-HT and noradrenaline was decreased following CPB (duration 70-170 min, mean 109 min), but CPB of shorter duration (30-95 min, mean 60 min), as used in 1979, was without effect [60]. In a later series, longer durations (45-190 min, median 88 min) were still without effect on removal of 5-HT [43]. Another substrate affected by CPB was PGEu in patients undergoing coronary artery grafting [70] and, in dogs, showing a time-related decrease in metabolism [113]. These metabolic effects confirm that CPB is capable of causing lung injury and that the injury can be minimized by reducing the duration of CPB.

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A major problem in the analysis of abnormal metabolism lies in deciding whether it results from changes in quantity or in quality. In the pulmonary circulation, this can be translated into haemodynamic changes—that is, in flow rate, transit time and surface area available—and biochemical changes where the metabolic capacities of the cells have changed. The biochemical analysis using Michelis-Menten kinetics also presents problems, as most of the substrate concentrations likely to be present, even in pathological conditions, are considerably less than the Km of the corresponding enzyme or uptake system. Furthermore, many substrates are vasoactive and may alter blood flow during the process of their metabolism. A number of methods have been devised to minimize these problems. Low concentrations of substrate have been used, less than the values at which vasoactivity is obvious [33], in addition to synthetic, biologically inactive substrates [122, 134]. A modification of the indicator dilution method yields results independent of flow rate [117] and estimates of Fmax or Km for the biochemical processes can now be made. These methods have been fully described by their authors [44, 136] and they will not be discussed in further detail here. The methods give essentially the same results from equivalent conditions and, as a first approximation, Km is taken to represent the "quality", and Fmax, the "quantity" of the endothelial cells. The effects of flow were recognized in the early work of Fanburg and Glazier [52], who assayed the conversion of AI in dog lung. More recently, the decrease in ACE activity following increased alveolar pressures (10 mm Hg [133]) or produced by respiratory acidosis or alkalosis [134], and that after acute infusion of phorbol ester (PMA) [98] were all attributed to changes in flow or in perfused area. However, injury caused by PMA also affected the quality of the endothelium (Km) for ACE and for metabolism of 5-HT or AMP [89, 98]. Gross changes in perfused area as a result of embolism or occlusion of pulmonary vessels will also reduce lung metabolic function [59].




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Hyperoxia. Both chronic and acute exposure to decreased but, surprisingly, PGI 2 output was hyperoxic environments induce pulmonary vas- increased [79]. This result is compatible with cular injury in which the endothelium is a major others, suggesting that the beneficial effects of site of morphological and functional damage [41]. steroids in ARDS and ARDS models are not However, the morphological and respiratory necessarily related to an inhibition of PG synthesis changes take time to appear and an early bio- [35,68,90, 116]. chemical warning of impending structural or The metabolic function of lung in patients with functional damage has been sought. In a variety of confirmed ARDS has been assessed using 5-HT, experimental systems, hyperoxia decreases the PGE t and propranolol as test substrates. Although metabolic function of the lungs towards PGE2, uptake of both 5-HT and propranolol decreased, noradrenaline, 5-HT, bradykinin and AI, at times the decrease in 5-HT was better correlated with when the morphological signs of damage have not the severity of ARDS [96]. Two studies used appeared [14, 45, 59, 62]. In the terminal phase PGEj [40, 63], which is metabolized extensively (about 60-72 h for rats) both morphological and by lung (90% on a single pass). In one group, biochemical changes are present. It is clear that PGE t was given as a therapeutic agent to reduce membrane-associated functions such as the trans- platelet aggregation and to dilate the pulmonary port system for PGE2 and the ecto-enzyme ACE, circulation [40]. In both sets of patients, ARDS hydrolysing AI and bradykinin, were disrupted in caused a decrease in metabolism of PGE13 but not addition to intracellular enzymes such as PGDH. always with a correlation between severity of It is important to establish which substrate shows respiratory failure and metabolic deficiency. It is the earliest changes and thus could give the nevertheless interesting that one patient "at risk" earliest warning of irreversible damage. In one of ARDS showed decreased metabolism before study [135], several substrates were examined and clinical ARDS was present [40]. It is also PGE2 metabolism was the earliest to change; a encouraging that decreased PG metabolism in surprising finding, as PGE2 is not a substrate for ARDS was predicted from experimental work [9, endothelial cell metabolism [14]. 65]. More clinical studies are required to establish the feasibility of the procedures and, particularly, Endotoxin and the adult respiratory distress to extend their use to those at risk of ARDS, syndrome (ARDS). Many of the lung injury because it is in this group that a biochemical models seek to reproduce the high permeability "early warning" will have the greatest influence oedema associated with ARDS. Much of the lung on treatment and outcome. injury following septicaemia appears to derive from the margination and extravasation of actiOther forms of lung injury. Many models of lung vated leucocytes, known to generate oxygen- injury have been devised, some with effects derived free radicals. A common model of this primarily on endothelium (ANTU, early stages of form of injury uses endotoxin as the injurious monocrotaline and bleomycin toxicity and oxygen agent and has been used widely as an experimental radical generating systems [21, 58]) and others analogue of ARDS [29]. Endotoxin treatment did with early or major effects on the epithelium not affect lung uptake of adenosine [66], a known (paraquat, 0,5,5,-trimethyl phosphorodithioate substrate for endothelial cells, in contrast to (OSS-Me) [102, 127]). The results from these decreased uptake after ot-naphthylthiourea models show a good correlation between endo(ANTU), a selective endothelial cell "toxin" thelial damage and metabolic dysfunction for [15]. In rats, endotoxin caused relatively mild substrates metabolized by the endothelium. The injury, measured as lung oedema, but PG ca- metabolic changes usually preceded the endotabolism was markedly decreased [66]. This thelial cell damage assessed histologically or by damage was apparent soon (4 h) after the en- oedema. Selective injury to alveolar epithelium dotoxin was given and before the oedema was (paraquat and OSS-Me) spared the substrates detectable. The lung oedema and the metabolic metabolized by endothelium (5-HT, AI [127]), changes were both prevented by treatment with but decreased the uptake of putrescine associated methylprednisolone [78]. with these cells [102]. The mechanism of the beneficial effect of steroid in this model is unlikely to be via inhibition of PG synthesis, as prostanoid release was not


lung microsomes, but at 30% of the rate of metabolism by hepatic microsomes [25]. Other anaesthetic drugs such as pentobarbitone [85] or alphaxalone [103] are metabolized in lung, but too slowly to be of clinical significance. Characteristics of drug binding

The sites of drug binding in lung are not clearly defined. Part of the binding of neuronal Uptake! inhibitors (tricyclic antidepressants) must be to the endothelium, so that the monoamine uptake can be disrupted, and a part elsewhere, in competition with other basic drugs. Similarly, drugs like chlorphentermine must be bound partly to the epithelial cells where they can induce phospholipidosis [21, 30]. The pulmonary toxicity of the antiarrhythmic drug, amiodarone, which has some features in common with phospholipidosis [49], has been correlated with its extensive binding to lung [31]. Drug binding in lung does not appear to be particularly specific. The drugs most effectively bound to lung are amines with pKh > 8.0 and with high lipophilicity [21]. Although quaternary ammonium salts are highly basic, they have low lipophilicity and are not bound by lung [115], but the quaternary herbicide, paraquat, is an exception (see later). A correlation between p/Cm and lung binding was shown for local anaesthetics [115] and, in a group of P-adrenoceptor antagonists, the more lipophilic (propranolol and oxprenolol) were more extensively bound [74]. Among analgesics, the less lipid soluble, lower p/Ca morphine is hardly affected by passage through human lung (4% uptake), but more lipophilic drugs with higher pKn, such as pethidine and fentanyl, are extensively (65-75 %) taken up on first passage [119]. Alfentanil is less avidly taken up (56%) and both alfentanil and fentanyl are eluted from lung within 10 min after a drug bolus [132]. The lack of binding specificity can also be demonstrated by competition and hence displacement of bound drug by a different drug; imipramine and chlorpromazine or amphetamine [21], lignocaine and bupivacaine or nortriptyline [115]. Apart from isolated lungs and from animals in vivo, competitive displacement of drugs has also been demonstrated in man. The first pass lung uptake of an i.v. bolus of propranolol was 75 % but, in those already taking propranolol by mouth, uptake was reduced to about 35 % [56]. In anaesthetized patients, mepivacaine bound to lung

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There are two major differences in the fate of endogenous and exogenous (drug) substrates in lung. First, the majority of the exogenous substrates removed by passage through the pulmonary circulation are not metabolized, but are simply bound more or less reversibly to some component of lung tissue. The lack of metabolism is not the result of a lack of enzymic activity. Although lung contains less of the mixed function oxidases, demethylases, hydrolases, etc. required for drug metabolism than are present in the liver (per gram of tissue), it has enough to metabolize the drugs that are bound [21]. There must be, as for histamine or adrenaline, a lack of access to the necessary enzyme from the pulmonary circulation. This may be because the enzymes are located in the airways, for example in the Clara cells, and the binding sites are endothelial or close to the pulmonary vascular bed, but this point has not been directly investigated. The second major difference is represented by the airways. For endogenous substrates, entry into the lung via the airways is comparatively rare; aerosolized adrenaline would be one such example. However, exogenous substrates, especially inhalation anaesthetics, are more frequently administered via the airways and, in these instances, metabolism of the substrate is more likely. Isoprenaline absorbed from the airways was metabolized by lung, but it was not taken up from the pulmonary circulation [22, 64]. Beclamethasone given intratracheally to rat perfused lungs was about 50 % metabolized in 2 min when over 95 % of the steroid was still in the lung tissue [71]. However, another similarly used steroid, budesonide, did not show any metabolism in the same system [124]. Both these steroids did exhibit an affinity for lung tissue and were retained within the lung during the perfusion. The ideal bronchodilator or anti-asthmatic steroid should be either bound very strongly to lung tissue or metabolized very extensively within the lung, thus minimizing the possibility of extrapulmonary side effects. The ideal inhalation anaesthetic must pass freely between air and blood and here a minimum of metabolism and binding would be required. For methoxyflurane, the oxidative enzymes in lung are as effective as the hepatic enzymes in producing fluoride [24], but enflurane is not metabolized [25]. Halothane was metabolized by



Factors affecting drug binding

Modulation of drug binding has been studied in a number of conditions. Competition widi other blood-borne drugs has already been discussed, but a slightly different interaction is between an inhaled anaesthetic agent and bound drug. Surprisingly, propranolol binding in dog lung was increased during exposure to halodiane [108] and

lignocaine increased propranolol binding to rat lung [48]. It is possible that die membrane disturbance caused by anaesthetic agents also exposes additional binding sites for basic drugs. It would be useful to discover if the binding of other basic drugs to human lung in vivo were similarly affected by i.v., inhalation or local anaesdietic agents. Lung injury can affect drug binding. Reduction of die perfused vascular bed by vessel ligation, occlusion widi a balloon or embolism may cause a decrease in first pass uptake (removal) of propranolol [42, 94, 106], as does experimental atelectasis in dogs [42]. More direct insults to endothelium, such as shock lung in dogs [106] or damage from phorbol esters in rabbit lung [94], decreased propranolol binding. In humans, emphysema [107], postoperative atelectasis [43] and confirmed ARDS [96] all depressed the first pass uptake of propranolol. However, comparisons between 5-HT and propranolol as test substrates for lung injury led to the conclusion diat 5-HT was a more useful index of endodielial health [43, 94, 96]. Propranolol seems better able to detect total available surface area (perfused area) than the metabolic quality of the endothelium. Another exogenous amine that may be an index of available area is an iodobenzyl propane diamine (HIPDM). This amine was very strongly bound to isolated lung, but was open to competition by other basic drugs [126]. The compound can be readily labelled widi radioactive, y-emitting, iodine isotopes allowing non-invasive assay and, instead of measuring the uptake by lung, the efflux of bound amine has been monitored. The efflux was slow and biphasic, the two 7] values being measured in minutes and hours, respectively, and efflux from lungs of smokers was slower dian from nonsmokers' lungs [111]. This observation suggests that odier forms of lung injury may also show differences in HIPDM efflux, offering another possible substrate for the biochemical index. It is worth reiterating at this point that die location of drug binding in lung is not known and it will include a variable proportion of nonendothelial cells. Because of this uncertainty, it is unlikely that binding of propranolol (or that of any other drug amine) could measure endodielial cell integrity or quality as effectively as a more specific substrate such as 5-HT or AI. Neverdieless, binding of drugs by the lung can be an important factor in their overall pharmacokinetics

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was displaced by a bolus of lignocaine [80]. The avid first pass binding of fentanyl (82%) was decreased to 53% in patients already taking propranolol [118]. A more significant measure than uptake is survival—that is, what emerges in pulmonary venous blood. In die last case, fentanyl survival was increased from 18% to 47%, an almost three-fold increase in drug entering die systemic circulation. The existence of a pharmacokinetic buffer in the pulmonary circulation is bodi a benefit and a disadvantage. For instance, it would prevent a sudden increase in the venous concentration of a local anaesthetic agent being transmitted directly to the systemic circulation in the heart and CNS. Such increases might result from inadvertent i.v. injection or premature release of tourniquets during regional anaesthesia. On the other hand, die buffering capacity of lung makes it more difficult to estimate the i.v. dose required to achieve a certain antiarrhydimic effect as the binding sites in lung would remove much of the drug until they were saturated and, then, a comparatively small increase in dose would bring about a relatively large effect. For drugs with a less immediate effect, avid binding to lung will clearly affect die arterial blood concentrations after i.v. injection, converting a bolus into a short infusion as the bound drug slowly elutes from the lung, over several circulation times. It will also affect the overall pharmacokinetics if the lung is not in circuit when the drug is given, for example during CPB, and again when die lung is reintroduced at the end of die bypass. The competition between basic compounds for binding (drug metabolites can bind better dian their precursors [31]) creates die possibility of drug interactions analogous to die more familiar examples with drug binding to plasma proteins. The magnitude of these effects has already been demonstrated above for fentanyl [118] and such interactions may be more unrecognized dian nonexistent.


PHARMACOKINETIC AND METABOLIC PROPERTIES OF LUNG and could also give rise to significant interactions with other drugs or their metabolites. Paraquat and polyamine uptake


The metabolic and pharmacokinetic capacity of the lung is now a well-established, non-respiratory function. It operates on endogenous and exogenous substrates under physiological, pharmacological and pathological conditions. This

lung function impinges on almost every part of an anaesthetist's practice. Inhalation anaesthetics interact with the fate of endogenous substrates. Many of the drugs given i.v. are of the type bound avidly and interactively by lung. A predictive biochemical index for ARDS would save time, effort and lives. The major advances must come from studies with patients and for these the interest and involvement of the anaesthetist is essential. These studies will require a particular blend of respiratory physiology, cardiovascular pharmacology and clinical measurement—a mixture familiar to most anaesthetists. The relevance of experimental results to clinical practice is uncertain, but the inferences drawn are too strong to be disregarded. The only way forward is to test those inferences. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The support of the MRC and the Wellcome Trust for much of the work carried out in the author's laboratory is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. Ager A, Gordon JL, Moncada S, Trcvethick MA. Effect of isolation and culture on prostaglandin synthesis by porcine aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 1982; 110: 9-16. 2. Amezcua JL, Palmer RMJ, de Souza BM, Moncada S. Nitric oxide synthesized from L-arginine regulates vascular tone in the coronary circulation of the rabbit. British Journal of Pharmacology 1989; 97: 1119-1124. 3. Azuma H, Ishikawa M, Sekizaki S. Endothelium-dependent inhibition of platelet aggregation. British Journal of Pharmacology 1986; 88: 411—415. 4. Bakhle YS. Conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II by cell-free extracts of dog lung. Nature {London) 1968; 220: 919-921. 5. Bakhle YS. Inhibition of angiotensin I converting enzyme by venom peptides. British Journal of Pharmacology 1971; 43: 252-254. 6. Bakhle, YS. Converting enzyme in vitro; measurement and properties. In: Page IH, Bumpus RM, eds. Angiotensin;

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Work on the uptake of the exogenous substrate, paraquat, led to the identification of a new set of uptake systems for endogenous substrates. Paraquat uptake differs from the processes already considered in two important respects: the first pass uptake is very low, although longer term accumulation in lung is extensive and the site of accumulation and irreversible damage is the pulmonary epithelium [127]. Some of the most effective inhibitors of paraquat uptake are the endogenous polyamines, putrescine, spermine and spermidine, and it is now clear that the paraquat uptake system is identical to that of the polyamines [127]. The polyamines are taken up by the epithelial cells (Type I and Type II) rather than the endothelium [102, 144] and uptake is relatively slow; in rat perfused lungs, the single pass uptake of putrescine was about 0.3% at 0.5 umol litre"1, compared with 80 % for 5-HT or adenosine [13, 16, 144]. For this reason, polyamine and paraquat uptake are usually measured in slices of lung, in which better access to the alveolar epithelium is possible. The polyamine taken up is not metabolized for at least 60 min [127] and this lack of biotransformation is another difference between the fate of the polyamines and that of the monoamines in lung. Recently, another endogenous substrate, cystamine, has been found for this uptake [87]. This sulphur-containing diamine has a Km of the same order as that of putrescine, but on uptake it is metabolized to the sulphonic acid, taurine. Taurine itself is also taken up by epithelial cells and by macrophages [18, 86]. The physiological importance of these, primarily epithelial, uptake systems is not known, but polyamines may be necessary for repair of epithelial cells through their effect on cell growth [72]. Perhaps they are also involved in protecting the epithelium against oxidative injury from the oxygen in inspired air, as has been suggested for taurine [18, 86].







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Pharmacokinetic and metabolic properties of lung.

British Journal of Anaesthesia 1990; 65: 79-93 PHARMACOKINETIC AND METABOLIC PROPERTIES OF LUNG Y. S. BAKHLE It is this extensive endothelial contac...
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