Periodontal Repair in Dogs: Healing in Experimentally Created Chronic Periodontal Defects UlfM.E. Wikesjö, * Knut A. Selvig, *T Grenith Zimmerman, * and Rolf Nilvéus A

objectively evaluate surgical conditioning and biomaterials in

need exists for well-defined animal models to and a role for biochemical wound

principles possible promoting periodontal regeneration. To test an existing model for its usefulness in quantitative evaluation of periodontal wound healing, large supraalveolar periodontal defects were surgically created around the mandibular premolare (P2, P3, P4) in left or right jaw quadrants in 5 beagle dogs. The defects were exposed to the oral environment for 6 months and were then subjected to reconstructive flap surgery (chronic defects). Healing in these defects was compared to healing following reconstructive surgery in similar contralateral defects which had not been exposed to plaque and calculus (acute defects). The animals were sacrificed after a 4-week healing period and tissue blocks including teeth and surrounding structures were processed for histometric analysis. Mean defect height (± s.d.) for chronic and acute defects amounted to 4.6 ± 0.3 and 4.4 ± 0.4 mm, respectively. Mean connective tissue repair to the root surface in chronic defects amounted to 62% (range 49% to 74%) of the defect height. Mean connective tissue repair in the acute defects exceeded 94% of the defect height in 4 of the dogs, but amounted to only 48% in 1 dog. Regeneration of alveolar bone and cementum was limited under both experimental conditions. Root résorption was frequently encountered, whereas ankylosis was seen in only few teeth. This study indicates that healing may vary not only as a result of controlled experimental variables, but also due to differences in biological response between dogs or to fortuitous traumatic factors. The variability in healing in the chronic defects imposes limitations on the use of this defect model to study periodontal regeneration, especially when a small number of animals is used. J Periodontol 1991;


Key Words: Models, animals; odontal



healing; surgical flaps;

Despite considerable efforts, predictable and complete periodontal regeneration remains an unsolved problem in periodontal research. Thus, a need exists for continuous development and refinement of suitable animal models. Recent studies in periodontal wound healing have included a

model featuring surgically created and immediately treated large supraalveolar mandibular premolar defects in the dog.1-5 This model heals almost exclusively with connective tissue repair rather than epithelial adhesion to the defect

surface and within 4 weeks may include a modest formation of new cementum and alveolar bone, root résorption, and ankylosis.1 The model may be used to study the nature of the healing root surface-gingival flap interface as well as the effect of various root and wound treatments in enhancing formation of new cementum and alveolar bone and in "Lorna Linda University, Loma Linda, ca. +University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.

*National Dental Health Service, Kristianstad, Sweden.


regeneration; peri-

preventing healing aberrations such as root résorption and ankylosis. However, this model does not mimic clinical periodontal defects, which generally heal with a long junctional epithelium following flap surgery6 and thus cannot be used to study treatments designed to enhance connective tissue repair to the root surface. In earlier studies, we used small, chronic through-andthrough furcation defects in the mandibular premolare in the dog to study periodontal wound healing.7-12 These defects do not regenerate spontaneously but heal with epithelialization of the fornix of the furcation following flap surgery.7-9 An experimental treatment was considered successful only if the full circumference of the furcation defect healed with connective tissue repair. Further development of this model included more radical removal of tooth-supporting structures to create large circumferential furcation defects, still utilizing complete connective tissue repair in the furcation area as a criterion for

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Immediately following reconstructive surgery in the chronic defects, defects of matching size were surgically created in the contralateral quadrant and reconstructive surgery was performed. Average clinical height of these acute defects was 5.3 mm (range 4.3 to 6.3 mm). This examination was part of an institutionally approved protocol in periodontal wound healing.



Figure 1: Experimental design.

experimental success.13-15 Such analysis is useful in evaluating a biological potential of an experimental procedure but would not be sensitive enough for assessing quantitative differences between experimental conditions. Incomplete connective tissue repair in the furcation will presumably be reflected in adjacent buccal and lingual root

surfaces as well. Therefore, it appears to be of interest to evaluate that model for quantitative evaluation of treatments directed to enhance connective tissue repair to the root surface. Thus, this study was initiated to assess extent and variability of healing on the buccal and lingual surfaces in chronic supraalveolar periodontal defects in the dog following reconstructive flap surgery. Results were compared to healing in surgically created and immediately treated defects. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Animals, Surgical Procedures, Design



periodontal defects were surgically created in right jaw quadrants in 5 young adult male beagle


left and dogs 6 months apart and were then treated with reconstructive flap surgery (Fig. 1). This experimental design allows for intra-animal comparisons of healing in defects exposed to the oral environment for 6 months (chronic defects) and defects without this experience (acute defects). Chronic and acute defects were alternated between left and right jaw quadrants in subsequent dogs. The defects were created around the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mandibular premolare (P2, P3, and P4) under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia as earlier described.1 Mean height of the chronic defects, measured from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) to the reduced alveolar bone with a periodontal probe at time of creation, amounted to 5.2 mm (range 4.2 to 5.9 mm); the defects in P2 always being somewhat smaller than in P3 and P4. The mucoperiosteal flaps were then replaced and sutured immediately above the reduced alveolar bone to expose the surgically denuded root surface to plaque and calculus formation. Six months later the defects were subjected to reconstructive surgery. Clinical height of the chronic defects at that time point averaged 5.1 mm (range 4.1 to 6.2 mm).

Wound Management The root surfaces were instrumented with curets, chisels, and water-cooled flame-shaped finishing burs in an attempt to remove dental plaque and calculus (chronic defects) and the root cementum (chronic and acute defects). The defects were then rinsed with saline and the wounds closed by placing and suturing the flap margins 1 to 2 mm coronal to the cemento-enamel junction as previously described.1

care included a daily administered intramuscular broad spectrum antibiotic§ for 2 weeks, daily topical plaque control with a 2% Chlorhexidine solution11 for the duration of the study, and suture removal 1 week after surgery. The dogs were sacrificed 4 weeks following the reconstructive surgery by an intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital. Intraoral radiographs were taken of the experimental teeth at the time of sacrifice.


Histological Procedures

Histological processing and evaluation was performed as earlier described.1 Briefly, tissue blocks including teeth and surrounding tissues were removed at sacrifice and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Following décalcification in 5% formic acid, trimming, dehydration, and embedding in par-

thick, were cut in a buccomesio-distal extension the entire lingual plane throughout of the teeth. Every 14th section, approximately 100 µ apart, was stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The most centrally located stained section of the mesial and the distal root of each tooth was identified by the size of the pulp chamber and the root canal. This section and the 2 step serial sections on either side were used for histometric analysis. Thus, 5 subsequent step serial sections of the mid portion of both the mesial and the distal root were analyzed using a microscope connected to a computer aided manual data collection system.1 The following measurements were made for the buccal and lingual surfaces of each root: Defect Height: the distance between the apical extension of the root planing and the cemento-enamel junction. Junctional Epithelium: the distance from apical to the coronal extension of the junctional epithelium along the root surface. Connective Tissue Repair: the distance between the apaffin, serial sections, 7


§Combiotic, Pfizer Inc, New York, NY. "Hibitane, ICI Ltd., Macclesfield, Great Britain. 'Videoplan, Carl Zeiss Inc., Kontron, Eching bei München, Germany.


J Periodontol April 1991


ical extension of the root planing and the apical termination of the junctional epithelium. Cementimi Formation: the distance between the apical extension of the root planing and the coronal extension of a continuous layer of cementum or a cementum-like deposit the root surface. Bone Formation : the distance between the apical extension of the root planing and the coronal extension of newly formed alveolar bone along the root surface. Root Resorption : the combined linear heights of distinct résorption lacunae along the root surface. Ankylosis: the combined linear heights of ankylotic union of newly formed alveolar bone and the root surface. on

Analysis Surface, tooth, and dog Data

for each of the measurethe using 5 selected step serial sections. Differences between dog means for experimental conditions were analyzed using student's i-test for paired observations. Additionally, the frequency of teeth showing root résorption and ankylosis was calculated. Presence of these features in 1 or more of the 10 sections from each tooth resulted in a positive score for the tooth. means

ments were calculated


Clinical Observations

Healing progressed uneventfully leaving all teeth available for analysis. In teeth with chronic defects, gingival recession extended over part of the root surfaces leaving the furcation apertures open to inspection. By contrast, in teeth with acute defects the gingival margins maintained a position slightly coronal to the CEJ, in spite of limited regeneration of alveolar bone revealed by radiographie examination of the surgical sites at sacrifice (Fig. 2). Histometric Observations Histometric evaluation of the chronic and acute defects following 4 weeks of wound healing is shown in Tables 1 and 2 and Figures 3 and 4. Defect height for the chronic defects average 4.6 ± 0.3 mm. Junctional epithelium averaged 30% and connective tissue repair to the root surface averaged 62% (range 49% to 74%) of the defect height. Formation of new cementum and alveolar bone was limited and did not exceed 10% of the defect height. Root résorption was observed in all chronic defects. Ankylosis was observed in 3 specimens. Mean defect height for the acute defects was 4.4 ± 0.4 mm. Junctional epithelium occupied approximately 11% of the root surface. The remainder of the defect, except for 1% of gingival recession, exhibited connective tissue repair. Connective tissue repair to the root surface was significantly smaller in 1 dog (48%) compared to the 4 other dogs (94%, 99%, 100%, and 100%, respectively). Regeneration of alveolar bone and cementum was limited. Root

Figure 2: Representative radiographs of chronic and acute periodontal defects from I of the dogs 4 weeks after reconstructive periodontal surgery. Table 1: Periodontal Repair in Chronic and Acute Supraalveolar = 5 Periodontal Defects (Mean ± s.d. in ram, dogs) Chronic Defect height Junctional epithelium Connective tissue repair Cementum formation Bone formation Root résorption

4.6: 1.4: 2.8: 0.4: 0.2: 0.7:


0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4

0.3 0.4

0.0: 0.1


4.4: 0.5: 3.8: 0.1: 0.6: 0.9: 0.1:

0.4 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.1

Proportions of Teeth with Root Resorption and Ankylosis Following Reconstructive Surgery in Chronic and Acute Periodontal Defects in 5 Dogs Table 2:


résorption Ankylosis* *Ankylosis was

found in all



15/15 3/15

14/15 5/15


observed in all but 1 tooth. Ankylosis occurred in 5 specimens, 1 in each dog. When comparing experimental conditions, connective tissue repair to the root surface appeared less favorable in the chronic defects. However, statistically significant differences could not be found between acute and chronic defects for this or any other examined parameter. Only when the dog exhibiting reduced connective tissue repair in the acute defects was excluded from statistical testing did



Volume 62 Number 4



Previously, a varying extent of connective tissue repair has been reported in acute surgical defects.1_5,16-20 In the model presently described, connective tissue repair surface.

may range from 85% to 100% of the defect height.1^ Indeed, some variation between animals has been observed. A few dogs may show an unusual healing response.1 In the present study, 1 dog significantly deviated from the overall healing pattern in the acute defects. The reason for this is not clear. Failing connective tissue repair may be a reflection of a normal individual variation in wound healing. More likely, however, this may be a result of inadvertent trauma to the wound during early healing, resulting in wound rupture and subsequent formation of a long junctional epithelium. This notion is supported by the fact that healing varied between P2, P3, and P4 and that healing in the chronic defects progressed as expected. Excessive tension on the wound margin is a risk factor particularly in the P2 region due to the insertion of the buccal frenum. It can be argued that the aberrant dog should be exited from the study; however, for the sake of statistical analysis of the chronic model, the complete data were included. Healing in the chronic defects included gingival reces-




Figure 3: Histometric results expressed in percent (%) of the defect height in chronic and acute supraalveolar periodontal defects.









Figure 4: Mean connective tissue repair to the root surface in percent {%) of the defect height for P2, P3, and P4 separately in the 5 dogs. differences in connective tissue repair between chronic and acute defects reach statistical sigificance (P < 0.05). DISCUSSION This study evaluated healing following reconstructive therapy of surgically created supraalveolar periodontal defects with or without long-term exposure to simulated Periodontitis conditions. The striking observation in the acute defects was the almost complete connective tissue repair to the root


long junctional epithelium and, consequently,


smaller amount of connective tissue repair. All other conditions being equal, one may assume that acquired properties of the root surface due to exposure to periodontitissimulating conditions may have influenced the outcome of healing. Bacterial cells in the dentinal tubules and presence of endotoxins have been demonstrated in roots exposed to periodontal disease.21-25 Presence of residual antigenic material at the root surface at wound closure may possibly trigger an increased recruitment of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and, later, macrophages during the early healing phase with subsequent release of excess proteolytic enzyme, which may impair healing. However, the relative influence of this factor on the outcome of periodontal repair is unclear. Connective tissue repair in this study included on the average 62% of a root surface, which, at least in part, had been exposed to dental plaque. In another recent study, connective tissue repair was demonstrated over large portions of root surfaces which had been intentionally contaminated with saliva including bacterial cells at wound closure.3 However, the impact of root surface properties on periodontal wound healing should not be ruled out. Previous studies have demonstrated failing connective tissue repair to root surfaces treated with stannous fluoride,26 heparin,2'4 and fibronectin,27 whereas almost complete connective tissue repair has been shown repeatedly following root surface treatment with citric acid9-15'18,19'27-30 or

tetracycline.27-31 Variations in

healing response between animals or sites regular experience in experimental research. In chronic periodontal lesions in canines and in non-human primates, healing following regenerative procedures may vary from complete epithelialization to almost complete connective tissue repair to the root surface.32-38 Some difference in is


J Periodontol




healing potential may be ascribed to species and site selecSpecies uniqueness in metabolic rate, site-specific anatomy, and function may play a significant role. Another critical aspect for periodontal would healing is the quality and quantity of flap tissue and the surgical design of the reconstructive procedure. Recession of the gingiva may have reduced the amount of soft tissue available for flap covertion.

age. This may limit the extension of wound closure or produce undesired tension on the flap-root surface interface if complete defect coverage is attempted. Placing surgical incisions as distant from the defect as possible may be critical. The limited regeneration generally seen following reconstructive surgery in the interproximal defect, where the incisions usually are placed directly over the lesion, may substantiate this assumption.36-38 On this basis it appears that the observed differences in connective tissue repair in acute and chronic defects arose from properties of the gingival flap rather than the instrumented root surface. A problem inherent in the chronic large supraalveolar defect is the amount of variability in connective tissue repair following a control treatment as replaced flap surgery. In this study, connective tissue repair amounted to 2.8 ± 0.5 mm, which gives a coefficient of variation of 18%. This amount of variability would make it relatively difficult to recognize differences between experimental and control treatments using this model in an experimental design. An alternate way of viewing the problem is to calculate confidence interval estimates for the population. Variability in connective tissue repair at the 95% confidence interval for the standard deviation in chronic defects would be 0.42 to 2.03 mm, which at the upper limit could mean connective tissue repair from close to no repair to total repair in chronic defects rendering flap surgery without additional treatment. To standardize defect height with minimum variability seems essential in this model, since it is not known whether connective tissue repair to the root surface is independent of defect height which appears to be true in the acute defect model.1 Taking these limitations into consideration, the chronic defect model may be used to evaluate biochemical wound conditioning and biomaterials designed to enhance connective tissue repair to the root surface. The potential of these agents to promote cementum formation and regeneration of alveolar bone may also be evaluated. However, it should be noted that it is unlikely that treatments resulting in less than complete connective tissue repair may be tested fairly unless a larger number of animals is used.

Acknowledgments Special thanks are due to Julie Cranfill for secretarial assistance; Norman Medina, MSPH for data management; Elwyn Spaulding and Richard Tinker for illustrations; and

Emily Daniel and Jim Smith for histotechnical preparation.


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Send reprint requests to Dr. Ulf M.E. Wikesjö, School of Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92350. Accepted for publication October 30, 1990.


Periodontal repair in dogs: healing in experimentally created chronic periodontal defects.

A need exists for well-defined animal models to objectively evaluate surgical principles and a possible role for biochemical wound conditioning and bi...
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